229 Educators providing Other courses near Dodworth

Wntai Services

wntai services


Wntai Services Ltd offer a range of services to both Educational settings and other organisations. DATA PROTECTION SUPPORT Independent Data Protection Officer (DPO) Service (outsourced) Inform and advise your organisation and its employees on the requirements of the GDPR. Monitor your organisation’s compliance with the GDPR. Cooperate with the data protection authority, and act as the designated point of contact for the supervisory authority. Data reviews and audits Effective and comprehensive Data Protection compliance audits/reviews, invaluable for organisations in assessing their current state of data protection compliance. Data Protection (GDPR) Training Helping to explain what everyone’s responsibilities are under data protection law. SAFEGUARDING SERVICES Safeguarding Training, update and refreshers courses Time efficient, cost effective, face to face training for any number of staff. Safeguarding Training for Governors & Trustees Providing a complete guide for governors safeguarding responsibilities. Managing Allegations Training Flexible and engaging training for Headteachers and Governors. Designated Safeguarding Lead Training Supporting staff undertaking the DSL role, efficient and cost-effective way to attain knowledge necessary for this specialist role. GOVERNANCE SERVICES Governance Clerking Services Providing a professional clerking service and comprehensive advice and guidance for school governing bodies. CURRICULUM & TIMETABLE SUPPORT Timetable construction and curriculum support

St Wilfrid's Catholic Primary School

st wilfrid's catholic primary school


We process personal data to provide public services. Personal data is information about living identifiable individuals. It can be a name, address, contact details, photograph, sound recording; it can be details of someone’s behaviour, lifestyle, physical or mental health needs; it can be a unique number, such as a vehicle registration plate, National Insurance number, etc. We decide what personal data we need and how to use it, so we are a Data Controller and registered as such on the Information Commissioner’s Register of Data Controllers. When we collect personal data, we are required to make sure you are clear what data we need and why, what we intend to do with it, what your individual rights are, and who you can contact for enquiries or concerns about the use of your personal data. This is called a privacy notice and we can do this verbally or in writing. This page is our general privacy notice and we have included specific privacy notices below for the services that process large amounts of personal data, for example council tax, planning, parking, elections, licensing, housing, etc. Why we collect and use personal data We collect and use personal information to: provide, plan and manage our services carry out our regulatory, licensing and enforcement roles carry out any other tasks which we have to do by law make and take payments and grants and spot fraud listen to your ideas about our services tell you about our services evaluate and improve services We might collect your personal data directly from yourself, from someone acting on your behalf, or from another third party. We might collect this data in person, over the telephone, in writing, or captured as an image, audio or film recording. We can only use your personal data if we have a lawful basis for doing so. The lawful basis will be recorded on the Council’s Record of Processing Activity and, where appropriate, on relevant service area privacy notices. If we rely on consent to process your data, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. To withdraw consent, either contact the Service that you provided the consent to or contact the information management team. Sharing your information We share personal data internally within the council and also with external third parties so we can carry out our work. Internal sharing might include checking your eligibility for a service (eg free school meals) or keeping accurate records, whereas external sharing might be to ensure you receive the right service (eg social care support). Who we share information with depends on the service we are providing and your circumstances, but may include: healthcare, social and welfare organisations and professionals providers of goods and services financial organisations, including debt collection, tracing and credit referencing agencies elected members local and central government ombudsman and regulatory authorities professional advisors and consultants police forces, other law enforcement and prosecuting authorities voluntary and charitable organisations Disclosure and Barring Service Courts and Tribunals utilities providers When personal data is shared, only the minimum amount is shared and relevant contracts and / or agreements will be in place. Fraud prevention and detection We are required by law to protect the use of public funds and for this reason we share information with internal services and other bodies responsible for auditing or administering of public funds to detect and prevent fraud. This sharing includes, but is not exclusive to the Council’s external auditor, Department for Work and Pensions, other local authorities, HM Revenue and Customs, the Police, credit reference agencies. We also share personal data with the Cabinet Office for the National Fraud Initiative. This is a national data matching exercise, which takes electronic data from the private and public sectors to identify potential fraudulent claims and payments. The Cabinet Office stipulates the data that they need and subsequently provides us with details of the cases where the matching indicates an inconsistency or potential for fraud, so that we can investigate further. This data matching is carried out under the Local Audit and Accountability Act (part 6, Schedule 9) and does not rely on your consent. How long we keep information for This varies depending on the type of information, as well as the legal requirements and reason we are keeping the information. In some instances the law sets the length of time information has to be kept. We also have retention and disposal schedules which give details about how long we need to keep different types of information. Your data rights You have the following rights in regard to your personal information, to: access copies of any records we hold about you have any information we hold about you corrected have any information we hold about you deleted or destroyed restrict how information we hold about you can be used or shared object to information about you being held have any information we hold about you transferred to a third party challenge decisions relating to you made using automated decision making and profiling (currently we have no services that use automated decision making or profiling for decision making) Please note there may be times that we cannot fulfil these rights fully because of legal reasons, for example we cannot delete your data if we still need it. If you want to exercise any of the above rights, please make a subject access request. Make a subject access request Who to contact about the way your personal data is handled If you have any queries, concerns or complaints about the way we process your personal data, including the way we handle information requests, you can contact our Customer Services or the Data Protection Officer. If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are not processing your personal data in accordance with the law you have the right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Maturidi College

maturidi college


Our Method of Delivery (Online Distance Learning) Online Live Learning via Zoom and Distance Learning (Recordings) Dedicated Learning Management System (Learning Portal) with Lessons via Zoom accessible via windows / mac computer, mobile phone (android and iPhone) and tablets (android and iPad). All Examinations completed online. Opportunity to meetup at Events, Q&A, Retreats and more. All modules / qualifications subject to completing and passing the examination come with certification and isnaad (Authentic certificate going through the teacher to the author of the text) Our teachers are mentored through the program under the tutelage of Shaykh Atabek. Teachers / scholars are encouraged to focus on research and teaching new optional and specialist modules each year advancing and progressing that area of study. We also have a strong ethos in scholars of the future to advance the knowledge and therefore the Shaykh may choose senior students who have qualified to teach. After completing 3 years / 3 levels and after qualifying there is no stop you may continue with Maturidi and study the specialist fields and either provide support or carry out your own research project with the guidance of Shaykh Atabek and other scholars. Our Islamic Scholarship program is highly flexible, allowing students to study modules at their own pace. We have an advisory timeframe of 3 years for completion. Examinations are held on a bi-annual basis for the modules already completed. We have a strong ethics in which we believe that the basic / foundation knowledge in each field should read everyone and therefore Shaykh Atabek has decided there will be no cost for these level 1 FREE - Basic / Foundation knowledge for modules. Continuous development - There is no end to learning, research and seeking knowledge. During our research if we believe, we need to go back to a text and further review and teach it with new principles we will do without hesitation.

The University of Huddersfield

the university of huddersfield


Whatever you aim to do in life, it pays to get a good education. And with high standards of teaching and learning and excellent facilities that's exactly what our students can expect from the University of Huddersfield. Based right in the town centre and at the heart of the local community, we help thousands of people, from school leavers to those returning to education after a gap, achieve their goals each year. Why do nearly 20,000 students choose to study at Huddersfield? Excellence The University of Huddersfield is a growing centre of research and excellence and we always push the boundaries of knowledge. The University of Huddersfield achieved a Gold Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF) award in June 2017. This award expired in June 2021 and the scheme is currently being revised. We look forward to being reassessed when the awards are re-opened in 2023. We won the first Global Teaching Excellence Award recognising the University’s commitment to world-class teaching and its success in developing students as independent learners and critical thinkers (Higher Education Academy, 2017). Triple proof of teaching excellence; our staff rank in the top three in England for the proportion who hold doctorates, who have higher degrees, and hold teaching qualifications (HESA 2022). So, you’ll learn from some of the best, helping you to be the best. We are joint first in the country for National Teaching Fellowships, which mark the UK’s best lecturers in Higher Education, winning a total of 20 since 2008 (2022 data). We've world-leading applied research groups in biomedical sciences, engineering and physical sciences, social sciences and arts and humanities. The University of Huddersfield became the Times Higher Education University of the Year in November 2013. Judges highlighted the University’s outstanding record for student satisfaction and employability with the University placed in the top ten in the country in both categories. We asked our staff and students why they thought the University of Huddersfield won the University of the Year award. Here's what they said. Employment We have an impressive record for graduate employment, with 96.5% of our undergraduate and 96.6% of postgraduate students in work or further study within fifteen months after graduating (HESA Graduate Outcomes 2019/20, UK domiciled, other activities excluded). The University places a great deal of importance on industry experience and therefore 100% of our undergraduate students have the opportunity to undertake professional work experience during their studies. Enjoyable Since 2008, £156 million has been spent on campus development making sure our students have access to some of the best facilities in the country. Our campus also has a vibrant social scene and we have a very active Students’ Union with more than 110 clubs and societies. Enterprising The University is growing its reputation as a leader in the field of enterprise. In 2012 the University was awarded the prestigious Times Higher Education Entrepreneurial University of the Year and followed this up in 2013 and 2022 when it was awarded a Queen’s Awards for Enterprise: International Trade. Professor Liz Towns-Andrews, 3M Professor of Innovation, also received an individual Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion. Then in 2019 our Vice-Chancellor, Professor Bob Cryan, won the Examiner Business Person of the Year award. We have helped a number of graduates to set up their own successful businesses and have a fantastic Enterprise Team who are here to help students get their business ideas off the ground. The Enterprise Hub, housed in the 3M Buckley Innovation Centre, is a great hub for students who wish to set up their own business and provides a great opportunity to network with other students and local businesses.

Freeman College

freeman college


Freeman College is located in the Sterling Works in the heart of Sheffield. The Sterling Works was previously occupied by CW Fletcher and Sons who manufactured silver cutlery, tableware and trophies. The area surrounding Freeman College has transformed from industrial factories into education and research buildings, including Sheffield Hallam University. Freeman College extends through the city to Butcher Works, which is next door and houses the Academy of Makers and Fusion Café, and High Riggs, biodynamic gardens and woodlands, located in the greenbelt surrounding Sheffield. Curriculum Sheffield has been famous for cutlery manufacturing since the 1800’s and therefore Freeman College has a strong metal curriculum, and the signature craft is silver spoon forging. Using traditional methods, students learn to hand forge spoons, forks and knives using copper at first and once they have developed the skills, they have the opportunity to work with silver. In addition to forging, students can participate in a wide and varied range of other craft activities including; Whittletang, Textiles, Copper Spinning, Pewter work, Jewellery, Iron Age Forge, and Green Woodwork. Connecting to the Land High Riggs is a 9 acre biodynamic market garden where students can grow and harvest healthy vegetables to use in the residential homes, cafes and canteens. In addition, a very successful community veg box scheme is run out of High Riggs, and students help with harvesting and preparing the vegetables and ensuring the boxes are ready for collection by the community. There are also chickens on the site and students help with collecting eggs and feeding and caring for the animals year round. High Riggs provides an opportunity for students to come out of the city centre and work on the land, experiencing the weather and the seasons. Through the seasons and the associated festivals, students develop a sense of rhythm and time and a deeper understanding of the natural world around them.

Employability Solutions

employability solutions


Employability Solutions is a registered Independent School offering an alternative secondary education for young people who thrive in a smaller, more nurturing setting than mainstream schools. At ES we believe one size does not fit all. Our curriculum is underpinned by a desire to enable all students to develop their personal, social, academic and employability skills to a level which enables them to lead meaningful, independent and happy lives. All our education programmes are flexible, individually tailored and give young people the opportunity to explore a range of vocational pathways which sets them up for their future. We want to inspire a generation of happy, healthy, employable young people with equal access to opportunities in education as well as at home, work, in their community and in life. What we do We transform young lives and build resilient communities through unique education and employability programmes that are individually developed to meet the needs of each and every student we care for. We do this by offering accredited training, personal guidance, support and access to a wider curriculum of enrichment activities as well as robust safeguarding measures to ensure we have a generation of happy, healthy, resilient young people. In the last few years, and in partnership with other local entrepreneurs we have successfully launched vibrant, sustainable enterprise hubs managed by our students for the benefit of our community. See ‘Projects’ for more information. Why we do it We are fiercely passionate about what we do and committed to creating safer, vibrant communities and pathways out of poverty. We love and care for the young people of our community, and feel it’s our duty to nurture and support them when they face significant barriers to learning and work. Many of our students have gone on to apprenticeships, employment and even university after accessing an education that was the right ‘fit’ for them. Giving back… Every penny of our profits is reinvested in the interest of improving our student’s health and wellbeing. We provide our students with healthy nutritious meals, travel costs, enrichment activities and PHSE support. Throughout it all we strive to enrich our community with the services and skills our students learn along the way. We generate local jobs for local people.