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Mann Family School of Kung Fu (Ip Man Wing Chun)

mann family school of kung fu (ip man wing chun)



Being a teacher of Wing Chun is a big responsibility and one I am proud to have. I feel it's important you know a little about my family and my background, as we all have our own stories to share, and it explains the reason I started training and still train today. 8 years old I started training with my dad. My Father was a complicated man, he was in the army for 28 years during which time he was involved in many conflicts ranging from Ireland to the gulf. Starting as a rifle man in 3 RGJ Royal Green Jackets, he joined at 15 years old by lieing to the recruitment office and geting away with it. He quickly moved through the ranks and became an SAS soldier, British Army boxing champion and left the army as a captain and intelligence officer. My Father also helped train Andy McNab who later became famous for an SAS operation called Bravo Two Zero where he was captured behind enemy lines. The chief of general staff (CGS) and commander of the British Army's land forces Sir Richard Dannatt attended my Fathers funeral and he was cremated with full military honours and regiment bugalair, I was very proud as you can imagine. My dad, having an interest in boxing was also attracted to all types of martial arts. At the beginning of some time in Borneo he told me he met someone after seeing them training Qigong just outside a town on the edge of the jungle. I don't know much about this other than what I remember my dad telling me but I know the person he trained with was old not young and very powerful, but I don't know what his lineage was. After training Iron Shirt Qigong during his time in Borneo it had an impact on his life that changed him forever and his outlook on Kung Fu and Qigong. By the time I started training with my dad he held instructor qualifications in karate, boxing, judo and western sword fighting (fencing) but also was training and a teacher of Tai Chi and Qigong because of his influence in Borneo and continued development there after in these skills, in fact he stopped training all other skills to focus on Tai Chi and Qigong for the rest of his life as this had the biggest effect on him and most benefit in his opinion. After this time and because of the high skill level he had developed through his training he was also invited and asked to become a coach for the British Bob-sledge Team. Under his guidance they won bronze in the 1998 winter Olympics training traditional methods along side modern methods to develop more power and speed when getting the bob-sledge off the track. Despite all of this and many other opportunities to become well known due to his past he kept himself to himself. He was actually a very thoughtful and quiet man who generally liked his own company and to be by himself if not with family. Until I left school I would train with him most mornings. Sometimes boxing, sometimes Kung Fu and 18 Qigong exercises as well as just talking strategy or just about life in general and how the arts connect to this. He used to always say to me that I was a second generation of our family to study martial arts and this was very important to him. He would say, like him, I must keep up training and studying my whole life so these skills can be passed down my family and every generation would get better and achieve more. This is one of the reasons I' ve worked towards achieving this, besides my love for this art form. When i left school i started to follow in my dads foot steps and became a out door instructor and fencing sword instructor, i moved to the island of white to teach full time, however it wasn't till i came home before also joining the army i came across Wing Chun Kung Fu for the first time.

Big Soul Network

big soul network

The Big Soul Network is a different kind of business network. It's a light hearted welcoming MAGIC SPACE for purpose led change makers, entrepreneurial light workers, and heart centred business owners who value kindness, friendship, genuine connection and collaboration more than competition and cut throat business practices.   I'm Kim Macleod, the founder of this community and I have a mission to create a kinder more gentle world where we can all rise together. To do this I am bringing together elements of spirituality, positive psychology, personal development, joy, entrepreneurship and good business practices to encourage and support you to be the best version of yourself. Together we can all create the life and business that our souls call us to.  Running a business is the biggest learning experience many of us ever have. We all need business friends who "get us", people we can be honest with, people to reach out to and ask for help. As a business owner (of two different businesses for 18 years) I know the power of a strong network. My business friends have been a source of inspiration, wisdom and encouragement through all the ups and downs.  I have grown my clients through referrals from business friends more than any other marketing route. But I also know that many people, struggle with finding a business network that suits them.  At Big Soul Network we bring the "woo woo" and the business world together - you can expect discussions about universal energy, intuition, visualisation and soul journeys alongside sales, marketing and business plans. Business is an inside job, so we are opening up ways to share wisdom, go deep, connect with each other and raise our vibration. We have membership options to support you and host online and in person networking events, mastermind groups, mini business retreat days and one to one mentoring.  Local in-person event locations will increase as the network expands and new facilitators and event leaders are in place. This is the place for you if you want to: * connect you with other like minded people  * tune into your own soul purpose * access opportunities for personal development and spiritual growth * love your business and be rewarded well for your work * find opportunities to collaborate and grow your business * encourage and share kindness * flow with the universal energy of abundance. 

Middlesex School Of Complementary Medicine

middlesex school of complementary medicine



Over 10000 professional therapists have trained at the Middlesex School of Complementary Medicine, attaining ITEC Diplomas and Post-Graduate qualifications accredited by various professional associations, such as, IPTI (Independent Professional Therapists International), CThA (Complementary Therapists Association), FHT (Federation of Holistic Therapists) and APNT (Association of Physical and Natural Therapists). We aim to offer the most comprehensive professional training in complementary medicine available today. MSCM enjoys an excellent reputation for the highest standards of tuition from highly qualified and experienced tutors, supportive and caring learning environment, reasonable fees and good pass rates which, together with a comprehensive curriculum and an emphasis on learning through fun, fulfil all the requirements for a successful, interesting & rewarding career. Where are we? The Middlesex School of Complementary Medicine is based in Northwest London training takes place at 2 locations; Mount Vernon Hospital, Northwood and our own premises in West Harrow. All venues are close to M25 and have easy access to tubes, buses and trains. See details of our venues. What do you get when you train with MSCM? Longevity Founded in 1992, we have decades of experience as a school and our tutors each have a great deal of invidual experience in the industry in their various therapies! We know how to support your success. Experienced and highly qualified tutors We train and hire the best in the business. All of our tutors are busy practising therapists with a passion for their subject, a desire to pass on knowledge and a supportive and caring teaching style. You can rely on their advice about working in the real world of complementary medicine. We love what we do, and our goal is to inspire our students to love learning and to love our profession. Excellent tuition Interactive and varied teaching methods to suit everyone. Most of our staff are graduates of the school and like their tutors before them carry forward the strong MSCM lineage. Most importantly, our instructors are trained not just to provide answers, but to listen and provide individual feedback and clear explanation of concepts and techniques. They provide a safe and inviting classroom environment where you learn in a fun and enjoyable manner. In-depth learning opportunities with a good mix of theory and practical Using both practical and theoretical learning means that every type of learner will benefit, whether you are more hands on or learn better through listening to, and writing and reading what you are meant to. Using practical learning allows you to get hands on experience and learn the tools of the trade. It can allow you to feel confident and competent in the skills and techniques you will need when qualified to do your job effectively. Theory can help you understand why practicals are carried out in a certain way so that you can understand what you are doing yourself and explain to others. Theory on its own will not teach you all the skills you need, neither will practical. To master almost any field, you will need to do both. Guided Learning and Home Study To succeed in learning it is important that you spend time at home reading and digesting the theory as well as practising the techniques learnt in class. Our guided home study suggestions have been designed to steer you in the right direction, to keep your studying focussed and relevant. We never set homework for the sake of it. Each one is carefully designed to facilitate deeper learner and consolidation of relevant content. It enable us to offer continued support away from the classroom. Part-time weekend courses Very few people have the luxury of opting for full time courses. All our courses are part-time and our weekend courses are ideal for people with busy lives. Part-time weekday courses also available Ideal for therapists, shift workers, self-employed, part-timers and those not working Monday to Friday. Flexible Learning Modular structure and careful timetabling of our courses allows you to work at your own pace. We understand how difficult it is for many to commit to lengthy courses and have taken this into account by building as much flexibility into our course programme as possible. Reasonable Fees Interest-free Instalment payment plan available upon request. The cost of our training is among the most reasonable in the country. Plus, we help to make your education affordable by offering an Easy Payment Plan. Call us to discuss - we are always accommodating as we understand the diffilculties many face financially. Professional Qualifications ITEC diplomas are recognised in over 33 countries worldwide. ITEC qualifications are accredited by OFQUAL on behalf of the Department for Education and Skills in the UK, and also comply with the National Occupational Standards. ITEC Diploma qualifications are highly regarded by prospective employers who understand an ITEC qualification means excellence in both theoretical knowledge and practical expertise. Professional Membership Graduates of MSCM are eligible to join the most widely recognised Professional Associations in the UK. Guidance is offered to new therapists of the options available. Validated Courses MSCM courses are widely accepted throughout the industry. There are many professional bodies who recognise our courses, such as CThA (Complementary Therapists Association), IPTI (Independent Professional Therapists International), APNT (Association of Physical and Natural Therapies) amongst others. Extensive choice of Professional Courses MSCM have always offered a wide range of therapies for you to choose from. Massage and Reflexology are hugely popular as are Indian Head Massage and Aromatheraspy. Many therapists end up being multi-disciplinary after time. Wide Spectrum of Post-Graduate Courses and Workshops MSCM offer one of the most comprehensive selections of cpd courses and workshops for which Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points available. We are fully commited to offering opportunities for further learning for therapists. Exceptionally High Results We have outstanding statistics - 99% first time pass rate and many Credits and Distinctions. We are so proud of our students and their amazing achievements. These results have stood the test of time since our foundation in 1992. Proven Track Record Over 10000 therapists trained to the highest standards of excellence. Therapists from all over the UK and further afield have trained with us and continue to return for further learning. We have a huge family of wonderful therapists all making such a difference to the world. Excellent levels of student satisfaction Some of the feedback we receive is really humbling. Everything we do is done from the heart - we pride ourselves on our nurturing and support throughout the learning process.It is wonderful to receive words of appreciation from so many. Outstanding reputation within the industry MSCM graduates are known for professionalism and exceptional standards. We have been training therapists for such a long time and our name is known in the wider world. Our wonderful therapists represent us in the field and do us proud. All ages/all backgrounds catered for: • training opportunities for complete beginners • no prior knowledge needed • exam preparation • supportive assistance prior to examinations Comprehensive notes Each tutor produces handouts accompanying each teaching session. We try to be paperless whenever possible as part of our Environmental Policy. Some handouts are emailed as pdf's. Any handouts needed in class, such a s workbooks, are printed and made available. Supportive both during and after training We are friendly, caring and approachable. Being a small, independent school of complementary therapies gives us many advantages. We have time and energy to dedicate to each individual student. We do everything we can to help you develop each student to their full potential. We understand this can be a personally transforming process, and we provide support and encouragement for the personal changes that many people go through. We are committed to the personal and professional excellence of each of our students. The views of our students matter As an MSCM student you will have easy access to the School Principal and Course Co-ordinator and are encouraged to feedback – we also listen! Great Locations MSCM operates from 3 training centres in Northwest London which are easily reached by car and public transport. All 3 locations are well served by London Underground on either the Metropolitan Line or Picadilly. Paid parking is available at two of our sites and free parking is available in nearby side streets at all of our sites.