3736 Educators providing Opportunities courses delivered Live Online

LSE Online

lse online



LSE Online makes our world-leading teaching and research accessible to a global audience. We provide a comprehensive portfolio of online programmes to equip you and your organisation with the knowledge and skills to advance in an ever-changing world. LSE Online builds on our 125 year tradition of exploring the interconnected, multidisciplinary nature of our world that shapes society and business globally. We provide you with the insights and skills to think critically and independently. To make the connections, see the greater picture. To shape the future by understanding today. By joining LSE Online, you join a global community of excellence. A borderless network, rich in shared experience, diverse culture, and knowledge. And you begin a journey. A commitment to your own learning. Whatever stage you are in your life and career. Wherever you are in the world. Since our inception in 1895, LSE has been a pioneer in providing courses for professional development. Our founding commitment is to understand the causes of things for the betterment of society. Never has this been a more important goal than in these times of unparalleled change. LSE Online is a continuum of accessible learning, career development and transformation for individuals and organisations. It shares the pursuit of intellectual excellence, spirit of enquiry and exploration of interconnectedness that make learning at LSE unique. LSE Online is insightful. Our programmes seek to unearth the causes of things; to explore problems through the lens of world-class research; to equip our learners with the analytical capacities to think critically, creatively, and independently. LSE Online is interconnected. Our programmes are enriched with the tradition of multi-disciplinary enquiry; an understanding of the interconnectedness of our world; and our capacity to help learners broaden their perspective to sharpen their focus. LSE Online is global. Our programmes are borderless learning experiences that welcome learners into a global community. A community that spans more than 150 countries, built on shared curiosity and interchange of culture and knowledge. A network of possibilities open to learners wherever they are in the world. LSE Online is for life. Our programmes intersect with every stage in learners’ lives and careers. Once you embark on your journey with us, you open to the door to lifelong opportunities to nurture your curiosity, enhance your skills and drive your career. To keep on advancing personally and professionally.

EIFA International School London

eifa international school london

About EIFA EIFA’s philosophy EIFA is an independent, international, secular school providing an English-French bilingual education. EIFA takes a child-centred approach to learning and encourages the linguistic diversity of its students – developing responsible global citizens, and promoting multicultural understanding through study in at least two languages. EIFA is the only school in the UK to teach all core subjects in English and French – from day nursery to year 13. Most parents would agree it is vital that our children grow up with an openness to, and a deep acceptance of different cultures. This must start with language. It is language that frames our lives and by being bilingual we gain an insight into other cultures. Language skills are also a powerful springboard when it comes to gaining admission into the most challenging universities and workplaces. At EIFA we foster open-minded and flexible citizens of the world who will find themselves at home in more than one culture, communicate in more than one language, understand the views of others and how these are shaped and mix with people of a variety of backgrounds and cultures. We encourage students to reflect on and accept responsibility for their own learning by presenting opportunities for inter-disciplinary research projects where they explore subjects of interest, employing critical thinking skills to select, analyse and evaluate different sources of information in order to offer solutions to the issues raised in class discussions. We equip each student with the requisite tools to achieve their potential by pursuing an internationally accredited education. We provide internationally recognised programmes in the iGCSE and the IB Diploma which encourage learners to acquire social skills as well as academic skills, and foster a desire to promote peace and understanding in our world. History EIFA was founded by Sabine Dehon, a teacher with more than 30 years of teaching experience, and Isabelle Faulkner, an international lawyer. They met in 2007 in London, when Isabelle was looking for a bilingual independent school and they started to talk about a vision for a rather different kind of offering. The vision was of a bilingual school, but one that would creatively combine the rigorous academic approach of the French curriculum with the breadth and excitement of the English one. Thus was EIFA born.

Education And Employers Taskforce

education and employers taskforce



Education and Employers is a UK based charity launched in 2009 which aims to“provide young people with the inspiration, motivation, knowledge, skills and opportunities they need to help them achieve their potential”. The charity believes that every young person in our country, wherever they live, whatever their parents or carers’ circumstances, should have the opportunity to meet a diverse range of volunteers and hear first-hand about jobs and the world of work. To help make this happen the charity works with state schools, employers, the national bodies that represent them and a wide range of other partners including the government and third sector organisations. Its flagship service, Inspiring the Future, uses innovative online match-making technology to connect schools and colleges across the country with tens of thousands of volunteers working in different sectors – for free. These volunteers, from a huge range of jobs – from app designers to zoologists, and at all levels – from apprentices to CEOs, have signed up to share their knowledge, experience and enthusiasm about their jobs with young people. The charity’s research has shown that meeting people from the world of work helps to broaden young people’s horizons, raise their aspirations and increase motivation to learn which leads to improvements in attainment. It also helps tackle the ingrained stereotypical views children often have about the jobs people do based on their gender, ethnicity or socio-economic background. People can volunteer from an hour a year in a local primary (Primary Futures) or secondary school to chat informally, either in person or virtually, about their job and career route, take part in career speed networking sessions, give young people careers insights, mock interviews or feedback on CVs. There is also the opportunity to link up with schools for workplace visits, job shadowing, and mentoring. Tens of thousands of volunteers have enabled over two million interactions between volunteers and young people to date. Inspiring Governance launched in 2016 and is funded by the Department for Education. The free matching service connects highly skilled volunteers who wish to become governors or trustees with state schools across England, helping to increase the diversity of governing boards and raise school standards. Education and Employers also undertakes research into the effectiveness of employer engagement in education. It aims to bring together academics, researchers, policymakers and practitioners from around the world to consider what interventions have most impact.

XML Summer School Ltd

xml summer school ltd

The XML Summer School is a unique event for everyone using, designing, or implementing solutions using XML and related technologies, held in Oxford, UK. The week-long event is made up of courses which range from the basics of XML to advanced topics in linked data, web design, and publishing. Faculty tutors include practitioners and academics who are at the forefront of XML and related technologies. How is the teaching structured? Each course comprises a series of small-group classes, with plenty of time for questions and discussion. Some courses also feature a hands-on component, where you’ll have the opportunity to try out the techniques you have learned, and receive feedback and support on your work. There are also panel discussions, and informal learning opportunities over meals and evening activities. What prior knowledge do I need? That depends. The Hands-on Introduction to XML course is intended for anyone who needs to work with XML and wants to learn the basics. The other courses all assume at least this basic level of knowledge, so if you’re a beginner, you’ll need to take the Hands-on Introduction before moving on to the more advanced training. The exception to this is Trends and Transients, which features lectures by guest speakers about a variety of topics on the cutting edge of XML-related technologies. If you’re unsure about the suitability of any of our courses for your specific needs, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to advise you! If you’ve been to the Summer School before, but you aren’t sure which course to take next, check the learning paths page for some ideas. What about accommodation and meals? Accommodation, meals, and social events are included in the fee. The venue is St Edmund Hall, one of the most historic sites at the University of Oxford, dating back to the 12th century. All the faculty and delegates stay in college and take part in the social events, so there’s lots of opportunity to discuss questions that arise after the classes. The XML Summer School Flickr group has photos of the college as well as sessions and events. Or you can search for the hashtags we’ve used in the past (#xmlssxx, where #xmlsummerschoolxx, where xx is the two-digit year).

Bury Art Museum

bury art museum


For more information on visiting us or vacancies, head to the Your Visit or Opportunities pages. Explore the topics below to find out more about Bury Art Museum. Delve into the history of the original collection and discover how our collecting practices have changed since the late 1800's, or find out about building features that visitors sometimes miss. If outdoors is more for you - why not get some insight into the Irwell Sculpture Trail or the newly installed Victoria Wood memorial statue? Our Vision Bury Art Museum's key values and aims for the future. Bury Art Museum: Building Find out via the links below more about why Bury Art Museum was built, who the architects were and parts of the building sometimes visitors miss. Why we are here Construction and Opening Hidden Building Features Thomas Wrigley and Colonel Walker Two local men integral to the founding of Bury Art Museum. Bury Art Museum: Collections The links below delve into the Permanent Collection at Bury Art Museum, from the original Wrigley gift to present day collecting practice. There is also information about our extensive Pilkington's Pots collection and the Text Art Archive. The Original Wrigley Collection 20th Century Collecting 21st Century Collecting Museum Collections Bury's Pilkington's Pots Text Art Archive Irwell Sculpture Trail and Bury Sculpture Centre An introduction to the trail and its link to Bury's Sculpture Centre. Victoria Wood Memorial Statue Information about the statue that stands in Library Gardens, Silver Street. Surrounding area Learn about the original Art Gallery site and how the area around the building has changed since the late 1800s. Partnerships Learn about Bury Art Museum's international and national partnerships as well as loans and more local collaborators. Exhibitions and Donation Information Donating Objects to Bury Art Museum Unsolicited Exhibition Proposals Back to Bury Art Museum home page. Featured Images Thumbnail and Image 1: Accepted design for the Art Gallery and Library Published in the Bury Guardian 29th April 1899 Image courtesy of Bury Archives Image 2: The Random Shot Sir Edwin Landseer Original Wrigley Collection, Bury Art Museum Image 3: untitled sculpture Auke de Vries Burrs Country Park, Irwell Sculpture Trail Image courtesy of Stephen Walton Image 4: Bury Art Museum's Turner on loan to Caumont Centre d'Art Aix en Provence, France Image courtesy of Susan Lord

Mr Andrews Online

mr andrews online


In 2012, David Andrews, alongside colleague Chris Williams formed Mr Andrews Online with a vision to deliver better learning experiences for children using mobile technology. The journey began, as Year 6 teachers, sharing ideas and approaches to global audiences on the award wining blog ‘Mr Andrews Online‘. The blog influenced classroom practice both here in the UK and around the world and went on to win an award at the UK Blog Awards 2014 for its ‘Impact in Education’. In 2016 they won an award for a module run in partnership with Hull Children’s University. Since 2012 David and Chris have worked alongside hundreds of schools, teachers and delivered classroom experience days for children (4-11 year olds) up and down the country. They were lucky enough to be invited to present work in the US on two occasions. In 2014 they began working alongside the National Association of Headteachers to deliver courses. Interestingly, David and Chris had articles published in the Guardian and sold the publications ‘Rapid Progress for Boys’ Writing (Girls’ Too) and ‘Programming Made Easy’ to countries across the world whilst writing articles for various education magazines and publications. In 2017, David was contacted by Lee Wilson, the Executive Principal (Outwood Primaries) as their current ICT scheme of work wasn’t working for them, had become stale and didn’t allow the teachers to exploit cross-curricular opportunities. When asked by Lee “To write a scheme to wow the children and be aspirational” the Mr Andrews Online Creative Computing Curriculum was born. Since this time, David Andrews has been working with a leading Multi Academy Trust as Director of Curriculum. This has led to the development of a World Class Creative Curriculum as well as continuing to innovate in the world of Ed Tech and drive Mr Andrews Online forward. Chris Williams continues to consult with Mr Andrews Online alongside driving the world class product – Chatta, which works on the fundamental approach that oracy unlocks literacy. Find out more at https://chattalearning.com/ In 2021, Mr Andrews Online recruited Chris Marshall as Head of Development and Education Consultant. As a former primary school leader, teacher and experienced user and developer of MAO, he is currently responsible managing the MAO team and the continuous improvement of the curriculum.

Forest Schooling Uk

forest schooling uk


BushKraft Forest School CIC (Community Interest Company) is a NON profit organisation working with people of all ages and abilities. We also work with and in partnership with other organisations including schools, social care and charities. A CIC is usually formed from people with a passion to want to try and alleviate problems that have identified in there local area or area of expertise. BushKraft is no different and wants to tackle the social issues, build confidence in everyone and improve peoples opportunities and situations. One of our skills is keeping families together and promoting well being, positive communication, positiveness and bonding as a unit rather than individuals. Most companies are formed to make money for the directors and share holders. A CIC is formed to help the community around its existence. When you pay a Community Interest Company you are helping others by us putting our profits back into the community. A CIC has to do this like a charity and is regulated with rules from the government and HMRC. Traditional forest school is not by far a new concept. Outdoor leaning and its benefits have been around since 19th century. One of many outdoor educators was Baden Powel who in 1907 formed the scouting organisation which has grown massively into what it is today. Traditional forest school is child led. This does not mean we just let them run wild and boss us around, but we do not set a specific curriculum. We facilitate their learning at a speed and style that suits the individual. Our high ratio's of adult to child allows children to learn and explore the woodland and nature around them. Our mission is to get children outside into nature enjoying themselves, playing with other children. Over the years technology is so advanced, (games consoles get "virtual" reality and mobile phones are really mini computers.) Children are spending less time outdoors especially in the winter months. Although we are not against technology we strongly believe in a child's right to play, explore, take risks, and be part of the natural world around them. Forest school is based more on the process of learning than it is on the content. This means instead of planning each session to the nearest minute, children can go off as things take their interest. More often than not as Forest leaders our planned sessions end up completely unplanned as the children explore nature.

Progress Tutors Education

progress tutors education


Alternative & Careers Education“Hello and welcome to Progress Education. I have the privilege of heading up two incredible organisations – Progress Schools and Progress Careers – who work in very different ways, but with the very same objective and under one umbrella – Progress Education. At Progress Schools, we currently have thirteen independent secondary schools, located throughout England, who support local authorities and mainstream schools to work with young people who require an alternative approach to their education. Many students have diagnosed/undiagnosed SEND/SEMH and have likely experienced the trauma of a permanent exclusion from at least one mainstream school. Through our incredible workforce of teachers, engagement mentors, welfare officers and alike, we ensure a truly rounded curriculum that is delivered in a nurturing and supportive way, enable us to identify the potential and ambitions of our young people and work with them to support them to access those opportunities when they leave us at the end of year 11. In 2019, The Timpson Review of School Exclusions identified that more than half of young people who access alternative provision (AP) or PRU (Pupil Referral Unit) type settings become NEET (not in education, employment or training) when they leave school. Every year since our inception in 2016, we have supported more than 80% of our students progress into a positive destination when they leave us after year 11. This has also supported us to achieve consecutive ‘good’ judgements in every one of our Ofsted inspections. At Progress Careers (formerly CareersInc), we currently work with more than 60 secondary schools and academies, including multi academy trusts, to provide an exception careers guidance service. Our team of Level 6 and Level 7 qualified independent careers advisers, work with the students across each of these schools to provide that personalised guidance that they require to enable them to make the choices that recognise their potential and raise their ambitions. We work with schools and academies to support the full integration of Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) throughout their curriculum, enabling a whole school approach to be implemented. Across both organisations, under the one umbrella of Progress Education, our mission remains the same – we raise the ambitions and aspirations of our young people supporting them to achieve their full potential.”

Institute of Revenues Rating and Valuation

institute of revenues rating and valuation


In January 1882, the rate collectors of Holborn invited their Metropolitan colleagues to a meeting to discuss the effect a projected reorganisation of London local government might have on their jobs and prospects. Some eighty officers attended and at a further meeting on the 25th February it was decided to form, with effect from the 1st April 1882, the Metropolitan Rate Collectors Association. As membership grew, the title was subsequently changed to the Association of Rate Collectors and Assistant Overseers in 1911. Changes in legislation resulted in a further change in title and in 1927, the Incorporated Association of Rating and Valuation Officers was established. The association was more commonly known as the Rating & Valuation Association (RVA) and no further change to the title was made until January 1990 when, with the impending introduction of Community Charge and National Non-Domestic Rate, we became known as the Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation (IRRV). A key aim of the Institute is to support its members’ professional and personal development and the sharing of best practice. We keep our members informed of current issues through our magazines, publications and a comprehensive website. Our conferences and meetings offer opportunities for networking with other professionals from the UK and overseas whilst the Forum Service continues to attract new organisations each year; the current membership now exceeding 200. We seek to influence the course of legislative and professional matters through dialogue with government bodies and other professional organisations and through commissioning and conducting original research. This is led by the Institute’s three Faculty Boards; Local Taxation and Revenues, Benefits and Valuation. The Institute has a membership of over 2,400 and offers a range of qualifications covering its professional fields. It is a nationally approved awarding body for its vocational and examination-based qualifications. Each year, in excess of 300 students sit our examinations and vocational assessments. Successful students join the thousands of IRRV qualified professionals currently working in both the public and private sector within the fields of revenues, benefits and valuation. IRRV qualifications and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) scheme are designed to meet the needs of members at every stage of their careers. A thriving network of Associations is one of the IRRV’s main strengths. Our Associations organise programmes of professional and social activities that take place regionally and provide the opportunity for all members to become more involved in the work of the Institute.

Chadwick Consulting & Training

chadwick consulting & training



Chadwick Consulting, Inc. is a strategic business development, marketing and sales training organization committed to improving business outcomes for the graphic communications industry. Client-based research services assist in identifying prospects, determining revenue development opportunities, compiling background information for customer development, creating appointments and self-promotion materials, and developing responses for RFQ’s and RFP’s. Chadwick Consulting, Inc. represents over thirty years of professional experience in account development and strategic marketing management in business-to-business environments. Sid Chadwick has worked as a marketing field consultant in graphic communications markets for over twelve years, and has been a contributing columnist to various graphic communications publications, including Printing Impressions, IPA Bulletin, American Printer, Graphic Arts Monthly, Georgia Printer, and Printing Industries of America Print Management Series. Sid Chadwick Our mission is to improve company and individual performance in the graphic communications industry through business development resulting from research, strategy development, education and training, and publishing. The staff of Chadwick Consulting is experienced in customer and prospect research, sales team training, identification and development of company differentiation, team building, continuous productivity improvement, and supervisory development in the graphic communications industry. This can be particularly useful when corporate performance, culture, and interdepartmental communications are in need of improved direction, and/or renewal. Chadwick Consulting contributes professional articles for publication on a monthly basis, facilitates peer groups, and conducts equipment justification studies from a strategic perspective. We also conduct employee surveys for employee and supervisor performance development. In effect, we work to increase clients’ options, and focus – for improving bottom line performance. As a general observation, many clients elect to work with us in varying roles after initial assignments. Chadwick Consulting is also part of GATF’s Solutions On-Site Consulting Team, and regularly works with industry associations as a speaker, for education and training programs. Sid’s Educational Background: 1966 – 1969 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (emphasis in Marketing & Psychology) (4 year degree in 3 years) 1971 – 1973 MSBA at University of NC at Greensboro (Two-year curriculum – night program – Wrote best comprehensive exam in graduating class) 1991 – 1994 Post-Graduate Ph.D Studies in Human and Organizational Development at The Fielding Institute 2019 – 2020 Adjunct Professor at the University of Houston; Wrote Case Study curriculum that has become a required course – 8-10 classes per year, with an excellent Full-time local Professor.