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Caludon Castle School

caludon castle school



We are fortunate to have superb facilities here at Caludon which provide modern and professional learning spaces and resources for every subject. In addition to this, we use digital technology smartly, investing in the creative and transformative potential of the use of IPads and interactive platforms. We know that during the course of our students’ time here at Caludon they will inevitably face personal as well as academic challenges. Our pastoral teams are dedicated to supporting our young people so that they feel safe and happy at school, form good friendships and understand and embody our values of respect, kindness and inclusion. We enjoy the diversity of our school community and, whilst we encourage a pride in being a part of the Caludon Castle School, we also encourage a celebration of what makes us unique and individual. A student’s time at Caludon should be defined by more than attending their lessons. Our students will belong to a House (Devonish, Maddison or Smith) and participate in house competitions and celebrations; they can join clubs and societies to pursue their interests beyond the classroom and they will be encouraged to invest in their leadership skills through our student leadership pathways. Caludon Castle School is fortunate to be part of a successful multi-academy trust with a strong leadership culture for both staff and students. As well as attracting and developing excellent professionals, our school community also has much to share as we collaborate with partner schools realising opportunities to continually learn and grow. Our students will benefit from this outward looking approach through which our own future leaders will no doubt emerge!

Tolhurst Organic

tolhurst organic



Tolhurst Organic lies just outside the village of Whitchurch-on-Thames in south Oxfordshire. Nestled between the Chilterns and the river Thames, the farm is situated in the picturesque Hardwick Estate, with 17 acres in two fields and 2 acres in the 500 year old walled garden. Iain Tolhurst, along with his business partner Lin, have held the organic symbol for over 30 years, thus making Tolhurst Organic one of the longest running organic vegetable farms in England. The farm doesn’t only hold the “Soil Association” symbol but was the first to attain the “Stockfree Organic” symbol in 2004, and has had no grazing animals and no animal inputs to any part of the farm for the last 10 years. In may 2014 we registered as a Community Interest Company limited by guarantee. This shows that our activities benefit the community, and it offers more opportunities for business development. We supply in-season organic vegetables and fruit delivered to your neighbourhood weekly, via a Neighbourhood Rep’ scheme. Almost all vegetables are harvested the day of delivery to guarantee their freshness. The bags will vary from week to week according to the season and availability of produce. You cannot choose the contents of your bag – if we were to pack to individual requirements it would double the cost, so this approach keeps our box scheme affordable and accessible to all. The delivery round covers Reading, Pangbourne, Wallingford and Oxford areas, every Thursday. Our produce is dropped off to points run by Neighbourhood Reps. Your orders are placed with the Rep, and produce is collected from him/her. As well as helping to keep prices down, this way of delivery minimises food miles to almost zero. If you are in Whitchurch-on-Thames or Pangbourne, we can deliver to your door. To allow some flexibility with contents, we have a list of Extras available, so that you may order extra items, such as quantities of potatoes, carrots, onions, salad packs and less usual things such as organic flowers. We pride ourselves on being able to grow as many of the vegetables as possible ourselves and can in an average year manage to produce at least 85% of the value on our own land. We believe that food should be as local as possible, and try as far as possible only to buy from other organic farms in the area. We are founder members of Thames Organic Growers, a group formed to encourage the production of local food for local people, so where possible we trade within our group members.




Here at Communicate-ed we are passionate about seeing people developed to their true potential. To that end, we provide practical, value-for money, relevant training for education professionals involved in the area of Special Needs We have a range of courses which cover a variety of roles at Secondary School and Further Education level. These include a brief overview for general staff, training for Teaching Assistants acting as Readers and Scribes, Invigilators overseeing exams, SENCos and Examination Officers organising support during the exam period, as well as Access Arrangements Assessors and Educational Psychologists assessing students. Our training for Language Modifiers is run jointly with the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors and offers accreditation for successful delegates. Our other courses include input on a wide variety of subjects related to the support of students with special educational needs including Dyslexia, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Dyscalculia and Behavioural Difficulties. We offer training for Access Arrangements Assessors including courses recognised by the SpLD Assessment Standards Committee for core CPD when updating SpLD Assessment Practising Certificates. We are also passionate about raising funds for charitable projects which support educational opportunities, particularly for those caught in poverty in the UK and overseas. To date we have been able to donate over £865,000 to a variety of causes.




I am a Shaman Alchemist based in Hampshire. I believe that when you listen to your inner guidance and follow your soul's purpose, even though it may be the hardest thing you have to go through at the time, doors do open, opportunities do arise and you are always looked after by the Universe in every way and even beyond that which we know as our 'reality' - as long as you trust in the process... That's the key 'trust' that you are supported by the Universe. I am seeing so many people who have 'fragmented' souls, losing a small part of themselves each time they go through a trauma. Some have unknowingly carried over traumas from past lives and some are not fully here as they are sharing a parallel life simultaneously which if not in balance can drain their energy reservoir... Hmmmm, yeah it's pretty out there! I tap into my past life soul wisdom to bring in alchemical changes - to balance vibrational energies. I know that it is my calling to support others with their spiritual development. I hold shamanic alchemy sessions [https://www.love2meditate.com/privatetreatments.html], workshops [https://www.love2meditate.com/groupsessions.html], courses [https://www.love2meditate.com/courses.html], retreats  [https://www.love2meditate.com/retreats.html]and I have now created an online support system in the form of a magazine - Alchemical Voice [https://www.love2meditate.com/alchemical-voice-magazines.html]. it is a pathway of virtual support for those who don't have anyone else to talk to about their experiences. Digital copies are absolutely free! Furthermore, the Universe has guided me into creating online meditations [https://www.love2meditate.com/meditations.html] which are shamanically infused and include my healing shamanic drumming. These meditations have helped to heal myself as I work on writing them for others. Once completed they are tested by a Kinesiologist to ensure there is powerful transformational vibrations embedded in each one. They are all tested using the Levels of Consciousness (read my blog to know more about LoC [https://www.love2meditate.com/blog/levels-of-consciousness-explained]). Always striving to be the best I can, I will continue my sacred work, expand my knowledge and use the tools I have, to show you how you can help yourself. Be grateful for the past, be grateful for the present and confidently (with power) walk into your future knowing that the Universe has your back. You just need to believe, trust and love yourself. You do need to put in some work too :)

Winchmore School

winchmore school


At Winchmore School, we are very proud of our students and their achievements. As Headteacher of Winchmore School I am very proud to lead a school that has and will continue to develop a tradition of high standards of academic achievement alongside outstanding provision for the development of young people through the arts, travel, sport, care guidance and support. We have a commitment to help our students develop into responsible young people, who can make a contribution to society. Reflects this commitment on the overall development of young people in our care. We know that interesting and challenging lessons, combined with a culture where academic success is valued and respected by all members of the school community will ensure that students remain focussed on their learning. Our success in achieving such a culture in a safe learning environment, and the opportunities we give our students to develop beyond the curriculum have undoubtedly contributed to the high academic standards and popularity of Winchmore School. Winchmore School is a community school and as such we are working hard to further develop our links within the local community through work with business, local primary school, parents and our neighbours amongst others. We are proud of being a truly comprehensive school where students of all abilities are able to achieve success as we also celebrate the diversity of our students and respect the heritage, religion and culture of all our students and staff. The success of Winchmore School makes it heavily oversubscribed. Parents and students feel secure in their choice of Winchmore School both at secondary transfer and 6th Form level. If you decide that Winchmore School provides the type of learning environment which will suit your child, and you are fortunate to be offered a place, we hope your association with us will be a long and happy one.