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Play Academy

play academy


Hi there! I’m Karen Holmes, manager and owner of Play Academy. In the Summer of 2019, my life took a huge, exciting turn when I took on this wonderful club. Up until then, I had spent 20 years as a very happy & successful Primary School teacher. During my time as a teacher, I had the pleasure of working with many, many children across the primary age range. I also trained as a student mentor and worked alongside trainee teachers supporting & developing practice. In addition to this I was also responsible for the PSHE curriculum across the whole school, an area I am still massively passionate about. Whilst building my career as an educator, I was also bringing up my two gorgeous sons Toby & Zach. Because I was juggling being a mum with being a teacher, I fully understand the desire parents have for quality wrap around care for children; it’s something my husband and I accessed for our two lovely boys during their primary years. As my career progressed and opportunities were being put in front of me, I paused for a bit and realised that teaching was no longer for me. I was spending less and less time doing the things that had steered me into teaching in the first place; planning, creating & facilitating new and fun quality experiences for children. I wanted to get back to just having ‘fun’ with little people, blowing bubbles, building dens, playing boards games, enjoying the outdoors and most of all…….laughing! To allow children a comfortable, home from home space to practise being good citizens, develop key life skills and master the art of a two way conversation.

Beds Su

beds su


When you join the University of Bedfordshire, you don't just join the university - you also become a member of Bedfordshire Students' Union (Beds SU)! Beds SU is led by four elected student officers - two Co-President and two Co-Vice Presidents - who are elected annually by University of Bedfordshire students to lead the Students' Union. We are here to help every student at the University of Bedfordshire get the most out of their university experience. We campaign on issues that you care about, as well as provide lots of opportunities for you to meet new people, develop your skills, campaign for change and try something new. Beds SU has offices in both Luton and Bedford where you will also find venues and a whole host of weekly events for students. For more information on how Beds SU operates, including more information about the Officers, please see the Beds SU Membership Pack. If you would like more information about any of our clubs, societies, events or activities, please get in touch. National Union of Students (NUS) Affiliated As affiliate members of the National Union of Students (NUS) we are part of a network of over 600 students' unions that come together to offer the collective and democratic representation of over 7 million students across the UK. Working with NUS, provides our members with a stronger national voice on matters that impact them as students. From supporting local campaigning to lobbying the government directly, NUS provide a wealth of support with students' interests at the heart of its approach. You can find out more about NUS and their current campaigns at www.nus.org.uk

Newport Girls' High School Academy

newport girls' high school academy


From the Headteacher, Michael Scott May I extend a warm welcome to our website. Newport Girls’ High School offers an all-round education with considerable strengths both inside and beyond the classroom. We support students academically to achieve their potential, whilst also developing resilience and promoting emotional wellbeing. As a relatively small school, there is a real family-feel to NGHS and our house system affords students the chance to meet peers in other year groups and to participate in healthy competition in a wide range of disciplines. There is an extra-curricular activity to suit all tastes at NGHS and staff work exceptionally hard to provide these opportunities for our students. We also organise a number of key open events during the academic year and welcome visitors to see all that NGHS has to offer. Our curriculum is academically rigorous with all students studying two modern languages in KS3 and separate sciences at GCSE. Some students also study Further Maths as an additional equivalent GCSE. At A-level we offer a full range of subjects to enable progression to university, apprenticeship or employment. Significant support with UCAS applications is available to all. Our pastoral team, comprising both teaching Heads of Year, SENDCO and non-teaching support staff ensure that our students’ individual needs are met and we work closely with families and primary schools to ensure a smooth transfer from Year 6. Newport Girls’ High School was visited by Ofsted in October 2019 for a section 8 inspection. We are delighted to have retained our outstanding status as a result of this visit under the revised Ofsted framework.

Crossover Basketball Association

crossover basketball association


Regd. Charity No. 1190741 xoball exists to promote amateur basketball as a means to meeting the needs of individuals, enhancing their lives using education and physical training to consequently improve the communities that they live in. It was seen that basketball could do this for a number of reasons; these are illustrated in an All Party Parliamentary Group report into basketball in 2014, which states that “…there is no more efficient sporting vehicle than basketball to improve outcomes for individuals and communities…”. (link) xoball realises that building competitive basketball teams, and consequently trying to win games, is something that will encourage some of the new joiners to remain in the sport, and provide part of the base on which we grow the game, wherever we operate. However, xoball recognises that today’s society is increasingly complex. People’s liberties and development can be compromised by anxiety, isolation or the sheer amount of choices available to them. These can often be exacerbated by pressures such as social media, or the time and financial limitations on those who traditionally provided guidance. Coordinated, sustainable group activities are an effective tool to help individuals to cope with the demands of modern life. Therefore: continued participation will always take priority over winning matches. xoball takes pride in it’s values. The association will remain: transparent – make details of our activities available to our members, wherever it is not unreasonable to do so; dynamic – change our processes and structure if it will proportionately benefit the purposes of the association; outward looking – be highly hospitable to all those involved in the sport, and further our objectives by actively developing opportunities that become apparent, wherever and whenever that may be.

Samuel Whitbread Academy

samuel whitbread academy


We offer an exceptional academic and extracurricular experience at Samuel Whitbread Academy in an outstanding learning environment where students are expected to work hard and achieve their best. In our last Ofsted inspection, we were judged as ‘Good’ with many outstanding features and over the next three years we have set ourselves the target of being Outstanding! Our GCSE results are amongst the best in the local authority. We offer a well-balanced curriculum with plenty of choice to prepare our students for the next stage in their lives. Most of our students continue on to the Sixth Form, which is one of the largest and highest performing in the area - providing students with a huge range of courses designed to match the expectations of universities and employers. Our pastoral care is exceptional and we have dedicated pastoral support teams for each year group. The academy is also broken down into five houses, named after people who have made a distinctive contribution to our community. These provide the framework for the multitude of different competitions, celebrations and charity events that bring our school community together during the year. Extracurricular opportunity is a vital part of our ethos and we expect all of our students to get involved in at least one club or activity. There are a huge number of opportunities ranging from highly competitive sports teams to spectacular drama and musical performances. We enjoy showing visitors around the school so please take the opportunity to come and see us during the school day, so you can see the school in action and we can answer any questions you may have. We look forward to seeing you.

Xaverian College

xaverian college


Jesus Christ taught that God is at the centre of our lives and that the love of truth and concern for the needs of others must be fundamental to our way of living. Inspired by Jesus Christ and by the missionary zeal of their founder, Theodore James Ryken, the Xaverian Brothers are dedicated to the creation of schools and colleges as communities in which these truths are the guiding principles and in which the spiritual, moral and intellectual talents of their students are nurtured. A Xaverian college must provide opportunities for growth in the knowledge and practice of the Roman Catholic religion through prayer, worship, study and service to others in and beyond the college community. The obligation to help students to develop all their talents calls for a commitment on our part to good teaching, dedicated pastoral care and a readiness to relate to students both inside and outside the classroom. Through this commitment, the students will experience and respond to the good will and concern of their teachers. The cause of justice is an essential theme in the message of Christianity. In a Xaverian college, staff and students will be conscious of the demands of social justice in local, national and international issues and will seek to discover ways in which they can most appropriately respond as individuals and as a community. Our students are living in a secular society where persuasive forces influence them away from a spiritual view of life. In the same spirit of faith and hope which inspired our founder, we wish to commend to our students a way of life which is rooted in the love of God and our neighbour.

Tollbar Academy

tollbar academy


Toll Bar continues to be one of the highest performing schools in the country. In November 2013, Ofsted, once again, rated Waltham Toll Bar Academy as outstanding, and in all categories. Inspectors said, 'excellent leadership combined with extremely skilled and dedicated teaching have ensured that the school's high performance has been sustained'. We are extremely proud of the success of our students and proud of the staff who are dedicated to achieving the highest level of support, teaching and resources in an outstanding environment. This success is underpinned by the support of parents and carers who work hard with the Academy and their children to achieve the highest possible standards. The education system is one of constant change. To maintain our high standards and expectations we regularly review our curriculum, staffing and resources in response to local and national developments. What does not change, however, and will not change, is our well-established ethos here at Toll Bar - hard work, good behaviour, examination success, responsibility, uniform, homework and consideration for others, delivered through an entrepreneurial and business-like approach to all we do. We also continue to be determined that each of our students will be given every opportunity to acquire and extend the basic skills so necessary for the world of work and higher education. Please take time to visit every corner of the website to get an idea of the tremendous opportunities that can now be offered to all who join 'Team Toll Bar'. If you would like to find out more, call the Academy any time (on 01472 500 505) and come and see for yourself what Toll Bar stands for.

Reach Out Sw

reach out sw


When I was employed by our sister company Reach Alternative Education, we were moved daily by seeing our families clearly needing support and guidance with various situations and circumstances. Although we were able to do this to a point our social consciousness knew that this was not enough. This troubled us greatly, so we set about researching what was missing from our local communities and how we could bridge that gap. We realised we could create a response to address the imbalance that would add to the already vital services out there; whilst making sure that what we offered was completely accessible particularly for our families who never quite met thresholds with statutory or specialist services elsewhere. After much careful consideration Reach Out (SW) CiC was born as a not for profit community interest company. We hadn’t of course anticipated all things Covid-19 so our pilot and launch are commencing slightly later than scheduled as we do our utmost to accommodate best practice in line with ever-changing guidelines from the government. We are very fortunate to have complete support from Reach Alternative Education along with our directors and Advisory Group. We believe we have a format that is responsive to the ever-changing need of environments. We endeavour to supply practical support, guidance and enterprising opportunities to our local families that chose to access it. We launch our pilot in late September 2020 with the aim of obtaining enough grant support and donations to make the provision available to fully launch our Not for Profit Community Interest Company in late March 2021.

Develop Us

develop us


The Develop Us team is passionate about developing the skills of individuals within Wales. We believe in equality and aim to provide equal opportunities through supporting individuals with additional learning needs and complex behaviours by offering assessment, tuition and support in various settings. We offer a range of services including: Educational Courses Courses for family members aimed at raising their awareness of additional learning needs and developing appropriate skills to be able to support their relative with additional learning needs; Courses for practitioners working with service users, such as health and social care sector practitioners. This will develop their understanding of additional learning needs as part of their job role; Training will be provided to any organisation and support group that is willing to offer an inclusive environment for people with additional learning needs. Click here to find out more about our range of courses Consultancy This service is aimed at supporting organisations, including employers and services working with people with ALN, by designing training materials and reviewing in house training programmes, services and environments to ensure that they accommodate individual needs; The Develop Us team is also qualified to provide development training for staff at schools and colleges. Click here to find out more about our consultancy service Assessments, Teaching and Mentoring Offering a wide range of assessments which investigate specific learning difficulties, highlighting an individual’s strengths and weaknesses; Providing specialist tuition and mentoring support enabling individuals with additional learning needs to achieve their full potential. Click here to find out more about the specialist assessments, teaching and mentoring services we offer Get in touch to find out more.




Educasia started in 2008 as a replication of the successful program The Curriculum Project. Our Vision The Curriculum Department of Thabyay works for a future with: A society offering relevant and equal educational opportunities for all Active citizens with appropriate knowledge and skills to participate in the peaceful development of their communities and society Educasia’s Mission Educasia supports the development of post-secondary and adult education initiatives in Myanmar. Its focus is on non-formal groups working for positive social change and development. Thabyay’s Curriculum Department prepares and distributes contest-appropriate curricular materials and teacher training. It focuses on preparing adult learners from marginalized communities in Myanmar for effective participation in developing their communities, and for further education. The Curriculum Department currently operates two programs: Educasia works to support the development of non-government post-secondary and adult education initiatives in Myanmar. Educasia’s objectives include: Enabling students in post-secondary and adult education to develop the skills and knowledge required to participate effectively in the development of their communities, and pursue meaningful further education. Building the capacity of teachers in low-resource post-secondary and adult education to develop student-centered teaching skills and create active analytical learning environments. Supporting post-secondary and adult education programs, in both formal and informal settings, to develop and implement effective context-appropriate curricula and syllabi which prepare learners to participate effectively in the development of their communities, and pursue meaningful further education. The Curriculum Project’s objectives are broadly similar to Educasia, except that the program works with Myanmar populations (refugees, exiles, and migrants) based along Myanmar’s borders.