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TCD Research Development Office - RDO

tcd research development office - rdo



Research is an essential part of what we do in Trinity. We are driven by a passion for research and scholarship. Our research has a fundamental influence on our teaching. Research, along with teaching, forms our identity. Research is one of the factors that makes Trinity the leading university in Ireland and a university of international standing. The research we do here in Trinity is diverse and rich. We take pride in being research active across all three of our faculties - Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences; Engineering, Maths & Science; and Health Sciences. The Trinity Campaign is built around the theme Inspiring Generations, a theme that is very apt for research as our work looks to understand the past as well as build the future. Our Research Charter provides a context for how we work. The Charter is the result of a highly consultative process that engaged people from different disciplines and divisions across Trinity. The Charter is our public commitment to the values that underpin our research. We also warmly embrace the principles set out in the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment. One of the seven principles in our Charter is ‘Standing Up for Research’. This is especially important in today’s world. We need to ensure that the neutral voice of the expert researcher is taken seriously, that research continues to be resourced, and that research continues to matter. To that end, #researchMATTERS is our research magazine and our way of sharing some of the many research stories that are part of work and life in Trinity. Our vision is to engage in research with the quality, intensity, depth, diversity, and openness that leads to fundamental breakthroughs, new understandings, key insights, and that can make translational and transformative advances.

Edinburgh Rays Baseball Club

edinburgh rays baseball club


We are a newly formed Edinburgh baseball community club open to all over-16s and adults who are interested in the sport. You can join us regardless of gender or your level of experience in baseball. Our practice sessions are free and atmosphere always welcoming. Winter training is NOW on Sundays. Please get in touch if you are interested in joining us. Players are the most important people in the sport. Playing for the team, and for the team to win, is the most fundamental part of the game. But not winning at any cost. Fair play and respect for all others in the game are also fundamentally important. Players should be aware of their obligations towards training and the game. A player should: ⚾ Make every effort to develop their own sporting abilities, in terms of skill, technique, tactics and stamina. ⚾ Set a positive example for others, particularly younger players and supporters. ⚾ Avoid all forms of gamesmanship and timewasting. ⚾ Know, respect and abide by the laws of the game and competition rules. ⚾ Accept success and failure, victory and defeat, equally. ⚾ Treat other members of the club and opponents with due respect at all times, irrespective of the result of the game, safeguard the physical fitness, avoid violence and rough play, and help injured teammates or opponents. ⚾ Show respect towards match officials, team officials (including opposition team officials) and supporters. ⚾ Abide by the instructions of their coach and team officials, provided they do not contradict the spirit of this code. ⚾ Give maximum effort and strive for the best possible performance during a game, even if his team is in a position where the desired result has already been achieved. ⚾ Be aware of their obligations to their own team and make every effort consistent with fair play, sportsmanship and the laws of the game to help his own team win. ⚾ Not use inappropriate language. ⚾ Resist any temptation to take banned substances or use banned techniques. ⚾ Refrain from using any discriminatory language of any kind. Edinburgh Rays Baseball Club have a zero-tolerance policy toward discrimination on the grounds of race, skin colour, nationality, sexuality, gender and disability.