90 Educators providing Mosaic courses




Ongoing - Mixed Media Mosaic Courses, PlayShops, Spring and Summer Schools. Welcome!  Come and have fun exploring the joy and wonder of our innate creative gifts through the process of making mixed media mosaics together.  My intention is to support and encourage you in exploring your true creative potentiality through the wonderful process of making mosaics 'Peace by Piece' Sharing the deeply restorative process of gently reawakening creativity through brokenness.   I look forward to welcoming you. Thank you for your interest. Emma's Background Feeling deep appreciation for my early life, growing up in a super abundant garden, bursting with wondrous flowers and bountiful blossoms. Learning from a young age how to meet with nature in her fullness of spirit. Family life was coloured with complexity, tragedy and challenge.  I found great solace within the wholeness of garden space, which heightened my awareness of our deeply interconnected, cyclical nature. Our bohemian home was full of floral interiors, antiques, un-conventional ornaments and myriad curiosities.  Many of which continue to inspire and adorn my mosaic art today. In my early twenties I began exploring the process of making sculptural ceramics for many years at a local art school.  During that time I was invited to join a weekend course making mosaics.   I loved the idea of working in instant colour and form. I meandered with mosaic process and fell in love! I later became artist in residence at a local historical house and spiritual centre, which offered courses, retreats and B&B.  People visited from all over the country and around the world, which enabled me to meet and explore with many colourful seekers.  My studio was the ground floor of a small 17th Century listed cottage in the grounds of the center. The cottage looked out onto a wonderful walled garden, which I helped to care for, harvesting inspiration for my art.  Inspiration I appreciate the beauty and generosity of our natural world.  Offering an authentic, curative ground of endless wonderment and creativity.  My garden is a great source of delight and inspiration.  Teeming with every colour and tone, heartening aromas and kindred vibrations.  I’m passionate about vintage china.  I love how it offers endless possibility of pattern, hue, myriad tender tones and expressive textures.  Inspiring a deep sense of memory and creative potentiality within.  The fragments have a fine body and reliable quality, which allows for clean, strong cuts. I find this material very pleasing to create with. The whole process of making mosaics is a miraculous quest of gathering together diverse materials, from house clearances to charity & curiosity shops, enabling an endless enchanted flow of abundant potentiality and great fun!  I’m always in deepest appreciation for unique donated gifts of broken antiques, vintage wonders, figurines, vases and re-claimed stained glass.  Technique My studio is abounding with many colour-coded palettes, brimming with vintage china treasures, enabling me to be in spontaneous mosaic flow with ease of application. I spend quiet time, musing with mosaic movement.  Creating space for day dreaming, wondering and glimpsing potentiality. I appreciate my precious tools.  Various hand cutters and nippers of many shapes and sizes.  Remarkable, reliable, dear old friends. As I begin making mosaics I often just sit and start loosely nipping and cutting.  Feeling into and aligning myself with little sparks of inspiration.  Gently shaping each piece, miracles begin transpiring through mosaic metamorphosis. I use various cement-based adhesives and PVA glues for fixing the fragments to the different surfaces.   I often use natural pigments to colour the final grout application, which creates depth and helps to unify the whole piece. Goal My intention is to encourage harmony to emerge from diverse and discarded materials. Sharing the deeply restorative process of gently reawakening creativity through brokenness.  ‘Peace by Piece’ facilitating harmony & beauty.   Sharing the joy and wonder of our innate creativity through making memorable mosaics - 'Peace by Piece' Ongoing mixed media mosaic courses, playshops , Spring and Summer schools. Thank you for your interest. In kindness and blessing, Emma

Old Bank Studios

old bank studios



Beverley and Nigel Caleno own, run and are fully immersed in all aspects of Old Bank Studios life. We bought the Old Bank in Harwich in 2011. Having brought up and educated a family in Colchester, we were looking for a change of lifestyle and an opportunity to build on Bev’s Interior and Soft Furnishing business. Falling in love with this magnificent building and the unspoilt, faded charm of Harwich town, where beautiful architecture sits alongside maritime industry and stunning estuary views…….. we took the plunge. Bev very quickly opened her Textile Studio and it soon became clear that demand for her workshops and courses was going from strength to strength. Encouraged by this success, the decision was made to start inviting tutors from outside to deliver workshops; we were going to need more space! And so began a full restoration of the main banking hall; with it’s high ceiling, perfect light and ample space, our new Art Studio was created. As time went on a kitchen was installed in the former bank vault. Since our first Art Workshop in June 2013, we have successfully run hundreds of one day events and longer courses, attracting many of the country’s leading artists and tutors to work with us. Our reputation has spread far and wide and we regularly welcome students from the four corners of the UK, as well as further afield. On a personal level we both continue to explore and develop our own creativity and hold an annual exhibition of our work. Bev is firmly established as a Textile Artist and more recently a painter in Watercolour, whilst Nigel works in in many media, but is gaining a reputation as a Plein Air Oil Painter. We look forward to welcoming you to the Old Bank Studios very soon.


rosewindows stained glass


Rosewindows is the Stained Glass Entreprise owned by Rosa Ferris, located at the heart of the English glass industry in the West Midlands. You are welcome to visit. To be sure that the studio is open, it is wise to contact her in advance. ROSEWINDOWS offers several services. Click on the golden buttons below to find out about them. Rosa’s art transforms traditional concepts of stained glass and engages you in stories of life and faith, of love and losses, of trauma and overcoming’ Rosa's domestic work of Restoration and Commemorative windows adds to a household’s sense of beauty and wonder and the process of the making is part of that (see ‘Restoration & commissions’) With Rosa's classes she creates a safe space for new experiences, where people can breathe out from every-day stress, develop their confidence & creativity and feel invigorated. And Rosa's tailored Workshops offer a wide range of possibilities for all kinds of groups and people, such as healing, recovery and empowerment as well as quality-time-experiences for families and friends for all kind of occasions and celebrations. "I aim to create an oasis of art and creativity, filled with precious treasures that sparkle and shine, radiating magical splashes of colour and light; A meeting place of peace and beauty, where you stand still and wonder, where your senses are nourished and your soul is touched. At the same time the ROSEWINDOWS Studio is a vibrant workshop, brimming with glass-activities for the wider community"