163 Educators providing Meditation courses in Rickmansworth


alfa leadership & wellbeing

DR RANA AL-FALAKI BDS, MFDS, MCD, MRD, CPC, ELI-MP, ACC As the founder of THE ULTIMATE ACHIEVEMENT FORMULA - EXPERIENCED THROUGH A NAIL-IT EVENT [https://nail-it.uk/]- I am passionate about making an impact with everyone I meet every single day and helping them enjoy life - both professionally and personally.  What's the point otherwise!? I have an exceptional team of professionals who together bring a wealth of expertise and create the strength that is NAIL-IT As a leader in my field of health for over 20 years, a multi-award winning business owner, a certified professional coach and energy leadership master practitioner, an international speaker and trainer, researcher, visiting professor, editorial board member, peer reviewer of several journals, AND a #1 international best-selling author and expert writer on empowerment, being happy, stress management, behaviour change, leadership and work-life balance, I have a wealth of life and professional experience and expertise to help you on your quest to be an optimal performer. OUR PHILOSOPHY Drawing on personal experiences and past struggles, but having perfected how to reach a state of flow where everything happens - laser focus, high productivity, financial wealth, powerful leadership, loving relationships, high energy, motivation, feeling at ease, in peace, joyful and present - I help my clients do the same, be that through coaching, speaking or training. Mental, emotional, physical, financial, social, professional and spiritual health are all key. We aim to get you to a state of flow in all areas!

Louise Crockart

louise crockart


For over 2 decades I’ve been supporting my clients in their health and wellbeing through various forms of massage and healing. I offer effective treatments in my clinic and stimulating education in the classroom. Leaving my past life as a graphic designer, I went back to college and studied Aromatherapy. Fast forward many years and experiences, I have gone on to train in Abdominal Therapy, Reflexology, Reiki, Indian Head Massage, Thai Yoga Massage and On-Site Acupressure Chair Massage (Amma Massage). Constantly striving to improve my skills has lead me to various exotic places, from the Thai jungle, rainforests of Central America, throughout North America, and then the rolling hills in Surrey, UK. I first learned about Abdominal Therapy in 2004, after a chance meeting with Dr. Rosita Arvigo, whilst on holiday in Belize, Central America. This inspired me to seek Abdominal Therapy when I returned home to the UK. Driven by personal health issues, I received regular treatments which supported and reframed my attitude to my own pelvic health. Abdominal Therapy not only transformed my health, but also my outlook on life. Years later, and after working with hundreds of clients, I now teach Abdominal Therapy, running workshops at personal and professional level, both in person and online specialising in the art of gaining and maintaining abdominal health. I run Abdominal workshops for those who seek a deeper understanding and healing from digestive or pelvic issues, and train professional therapists in the art of Abdominal Therapy within The Abdominal Therapy Collective. I was a graphic designer for 15 years, immersed in the discipline of explaining concepts, products and events in a way that was easy to understand and visually striking, I bring these qualities to my teaching, always seeking simple and effective ways to explain healing concepts and methods to my students. I have created a beautiful haven for healing and learning in my home in leafy Twickenham, South West London, UK. Offering treatments at the top of my home in my cocoon-like therapy room, and a fun and engaging workshop space at the bottom, in my kitchen and garden studio. My passion for pelvic health education draws me near and far, for those seeking personal healing or professional growth alike. I’d love to chat with you if you'd like to host a workshop for your community or attend one that’s already listed. Click below and I’ll get back to you soon.

The Institute Of Psychosynthesis

the institute of psychosynthesis



The Institute of Psychosynthesis has trained Counsellors, Psychotherapists and Coaches for almost 50 years within a unique psychospiritual Psychosynthesis framework and within the context of Serving Humanity in Transition, as we stand before great change. We have been validated since 1996 by our partner Middlesex University for our MA programmes. The pandemic caused us and many others to re-think how to deliver our training, to be creative in delivering what we know worked as an in person training, in a new and equally captivating and evocative way online. Our experience during the pandemic was key to the creation of our new Distance learning validation for our MA Programmes in Psychosynthesis Psychology as well as in Psychosynthesis Leadership and Organisational Coaching. And there is no requirement for an undergraduate degree to join our MA programmes as we assess suitability on life experience and an ability to self-reflect. Join us for one of our free open events where we will start with a short meditation and give an overview of Psychosynthesis within the context of our training and talk about the professional pathways we offer. SERVING HUMANITY IN TRANSITION “An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.” Martin Luther King, Jr. The Institute of Psychosynthesis is a psychospiritual training and self-development centre in North London that offers a wide range of training in psychosynthesis to enable our graduates to make a significant difference in their worlds.

Artbrush Online School

artbrush online school


My work invites meditation upon nature and its relationship with colour, light and movement. As I draw or paint, I gradually unravel the underlying qualities of balance and harmony within my subject matter. What interests me most is observing the formation of line and pattern: from the blades of grasses to a bird’s feather; from the shifting of clouds to the beat of my heart; from the maps of stars in heaven to the trunk of an old oak tree. I continuously strive to reveal beauty and elegance within the natural rhythm of life and look to my art as a place of well-being, empowerment and inner peace. The materials I love to use are water-based pigments, powders, and Japanese black ink. These are natural and organic and are deeply connected to earth and nature. They afford a rich palette of hues and allow for both extreme precision and flow of movement. I am captivated by the way they blend together and create a whole that is more than its' individual parts. Occasionally, I also add hints of gold and silver, as these reflect light differently at each hour of the day, changing the glow of the work from within. Japanese Ink Painting Instructor & Artist, Talia Lehavi - Standing with a brush in front of Notes on Pine collection in Mallorca Studio My work is an attempt to find and enjoy a moment in time. The materials I use embrace that moment, echoing their mark on the paper or canvas, and becoming eternal for a short while. I am keen to explore images that can stand the test of time, that would still be of fascination in years to come, and yet are potent in the here in now. I hope that others understand my work with their hearts and emotions; that they are touched and moved by it, and that it evokes a sense of balance, hope, and joy.




Lottie has been practicing yoga for over 15 years and teaching for 10 years. She is a 500 hour registered teacher, holds the Yoga Campus Teacher Training Diploma and is accredited with the British Wheel of Yoga. Lottie has trained with some world-renowned teachers and and her classes draw upon the various styles she has been taught including Vinyasa Flow, Ashtanga, Iyengar and Sivananda. She teaches Yin Yoga and Flow Yoga for mixed abilities and beginners classes with sequences that can be modified to make them more/less challenging depending on the student’s level. She includes asanas (poses) for strength and flexibility with a focus on alignment, pranayama (breathing) exercises to calm the mind, meditation to cultivate inner awareness and relaxation to allow the body and mind to rest and rejuvenate. Lottie enjoys bringing her yoga practice to the local community and she believes that yoga is for everyone. Her classes will leave you feeling energised yet calmer. A regular yoga practice ensures a healthy mind and body. What brought me to Yoga and why I do it? I was looking to improve my flexibility and to aid relaxation. Like many people I wondered what to expect at my first class, but I was hooked from the beginning and came away feeling calmer and more energised, ready to take on life. It brought me an hour of calm in my day. I was eager to learn the asanas (poses) and their Sanskrit names (classic language of ancient India), the breathing exercises and always savoured resting in Corpse pose (Savasana) at the end of class. I then decided to explore yoga in more depth, learn about the philosophy and anatomy and to teach yoga to others, so I enrolled on the Diploma course with Yogacampus where I was taught by some truly inspiring yoga teachers including Lisa Sanfilippo, Jo Manuel, Katrina Repka, Liz Lark, Aadil Palkhivala, Doug Keller and Dr. Ruth Gilmore. For me yoga gives me energy and focus, makes me smile, and keeps me grounded in everyday life. Even when it is challenging I love it and it makes me seek out more. Every day I arrive on my mat I have a new experience and that is great!

Wise Studies

wise studies


Wise Studies was founded in 2014 by Ryan Spielman and Spencer Barron. Our mission is to make available in-depth audio learning courses focusing on the texts and teachings of the world’s great contemplative traditions. We work with leading scholars, practitioners and experts in their field to produce quality education for serious students of contemplative study. We aim to produce courses that are engaging and informative with authentic, well-researched scholarship supporting the topics we present. We are not only the founders of Wise Studies we are consumers, as well! One of the reasons we are producing these courses is for our own study. We are passionate about deepening our knowledge of the traditions that have brought so much wisdom and joy into our lives. We consider it an ongoing lifelong process. It is our hope to disseminate these courses to a broad audience and bridge the gap between the academic world and general public. It is important for us to maintain the rigorous standards that scholars have for their research, yet, we also want to make this research available and digestible for non-academics. Our authors have done an amazing job of producing in-depth material that is clear, comprehensible and engaging. img_4469 Ryan Spielman I have been a Yoga and meditation teacher since 1995. From a young age the spiritual journey has been the driving force of my life. Wise Studies is the natural progression of my passionate interest, deepening my understanding of the traditions that have brought so much happiness and peace into my life. In addition to my offerings as a Yoga teacher I also lead groups and facilitate workshops dedicated to personal growth and awakening in London and around the world. I host the Lonely Guru podcast dialoging with prominent figures in the world of yoga. I also write and perform spiritual comedy songs that I’m sure Wise Studies customers will enjoy. www.ryantrue.com. Spencer Barron I loved Religious Education, History and English at school. I began an intensive search for personal liberation quickly discovering a spiritual teaching that had its roots in Hindu mysticism. I met Ryan while participating in a practice with truth & authenticity at its core underpinned by the wisdom traditions we were both passionate about. Establishing and facilitating this relational practice in London and throughout the world I have expanded my interests and understanding. The creation and development of Wise Studies is a natural continuation along this path. In addition to my work with Wise Studies I spend a lot of my time in the community working with disadvantaged adults and children with learning disabilities. Share This Story, Choose Your Platform!