2272 Educators providing Meditation courses delivered Online

The Flo Coach

the flo coach


Hi, I'm Claire aka The Flo Coach. I'm on a mission to help as many people as possible to experience the sweet spot of flow more often in their working day. My signature course 'FLO COACH YOUR WORK' has been created for you, when you want and need a shake up in your working life. When you're ready to upgrade your week and would like to feel happier, have more purpose and fulfillment.  I will be publishing new courses soon, including: * Flo Coach Your Thoughts - Clean up your mental saboteurs * Flo Coach Your Emotions - Self-regulation and stress management * Flo Coach Your Vision - Get crystal clear on where you want to be in your working life * Flo Coach Your Flow - Create more flow and deep focus at work * Flo Coach Your Action - Make powerful, aligned work goals My courses have a common theme and that is to build more Eudaimonic happiness and purpose into your intertwined work and life. They are based in positive psychology and research to help you flow more easily towards what you really love and how you'd like to work. I mainly work with women who are self-employed or aspiring to be. I offer a coaching circle Beyond The Crossroads [https://www.theflocoach.com/beyond-the-crossroads/] or 1 to 1 coaching [https://www.theflocoach.com/one-to-one-coaching/] for women who want to shake up their work or business and want to take or are thinking of taking their life in a new direction.  I have a formula that works by exploring:  * Where you are now * Gain clarity on where you want to be * Clean up your thoughts that want to bring you down, such as your inner critic * Understand stress mechanisms and give you self-regulation tools to support your journey  * Check in with your energy and the people you surround yourself with * Guide you into making powerful goals that align with your vision, thoughts, energy and emotions I have a monthly subscription service called The Flo Club [https://www.theflocoach.com/the-flo-club/]. This is designed for people who are self-employed and gives you tools to stop paddling upstream in your business and to find the downstream flow to your authentic self and business. I am a coach, mentor, breath worker, yoga teacher, meditation teacher, workshop leader, body therapist, creativity explorer and positive psychology advocate. I have been self-employed for over 20 years and have experienced many ups and downs of running your own show and being all things to all people. I've also worked in corporate settings, such as Hewlett Packard, as a wellbeing consultant. If you want to check out my qualifications, please go to my LinkedIn profile.

The Self-compassion Community

the self-compassion community


I'm a former board level executive director who rose quickly ... and became burnt out, young. I am also a former voice artist - something which served me well when a life-changing injury occurred in 2006. I suffered a ‘hip replacement gone wrong’ which left me with major arterial internal bleeding and genuinely fighting for my life ... physically of course, and subsequently mentally too as the months of physical recovery and pain rolled into many years. I went from being a high-achieving, fast-paced, super capable person, to someone who needed to learn to walk again. That took its toll. And years of pain and effort. Cultivating self-compassion and mindfulness helped me find a way through. Sounds trite almost doesn't it? But it's powerfully, powerfully true. Catherine Kell Meaningful and adaptable teaching I have studied hard to do the work I do, to get all the necessary qualifications and registrations (more on those below). Yet what exams and qualifications alone can't give someone is the heart to do the work. That 'in the veins' pulse to help improve the life of another. And I believe my journey gives me the authenticity to bring compassion-based approaches meaningfully and wholeheartedly to others. I embody what I teach, and I bring kindness, sincerity, warmth, and of course compassion to every interaction. I'm friendly and lively too! I bring an adaptable pace and tone depending on the environment. I'm passionate about bringing the skills of self-compassion and mindfulness into people's lives to help them make transformations, build their resources and step into their full expression and power from a place of self-acceptance and inner strength. It's a privilege to witness the unfolding of all aspects of their good health. Qualifications and Education Catherine has had a personal mindfulness and meditation practice since 2006. She is a qualified and authorised Trained Teacher of the evidence-based and empirically-supported Mindful Self-Compassion programmes and trained through the globally renowned Center for Mindful Self-Compassion in their intensive MSC programme developed by self-compassion pioneers Kristin Neff PhD and Christopher Germer PhD. She is trauma-sensitive in all her work, undertaking ongoing CPD in the trauma field. She has an MA Degree with Honours and as well as her training as a Mindfulness Teacher she holds a Professional Certification in Clinical and Therapeutic Mindfulness for applied use in 1-to-1 session work. Additionally, Catherine is an alumni of Compassion Cultivation Training with the Compassion Institute, a scientifically-backed and evidence-based training programme developed at Stanford University, as well as various compassion, mindfulness, meditation and lovingkindness professional development programs with Tara Brach and Sharon Salzberg, both global leaders in compassion and mindfulness. Catherine is also a Trained Teacher with the Mindfulness in Schools Project, and has passionately brought her skillset to scores of teenagers and school staff as a teacher of kindfulness, gratitude practices and the MiSP evidence-based 10-week mindfulness curriculum developed specifically for pupils and staff in schools. Catherine is a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist (Dip.Cl.Hyp (Distinction), Cl.NLP, CNHC Reg., SICH HPD, MNCH(Reg.) and Paediatric Clinical Hypnotherapist (Dip.Hyp Paediatrics (Distinction). In her past work with children, Catherine had a particular interest in anxiety, panic attacks and sleep, helping children and adolescents from the age of around 7 to 18. Today, working with adults, Catherine uses hypnosis in a coaching capacity rather than a clinical one in order to help those working with her to cultivate self-compassion, boost life-satisfaction, uplevel and truly thrive. Previously, Catherine provided in-depth parenting support and empowerment services for whole families either in office from a local health centre, or via home visits. Catherine led specialist therapeutic support and learning sessions for mothers based around cultivating mindful self-compassion and strengthening the parent-child connection in parenting. Catherine is a Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator, holds a Diploma In Positive Parenting and is a graduate of the 'Parenting by Connection Professionals Programme' with Hand in Hand Parenting. Catherine draws all her rich experience into every interaction. She is passionate about guiding people in developing the capacity to be with themselves in the kindest and most supportive way. Self-compassion can truly transform lives. Catherine is an accomplished speaker and provider of workshops and talks. She has contributed as a mindfulness and self-compassion expert to many podcasts and a number of mental health books.

Kanga Studio Nairobi

kanga studio nairobi


Situated in the heart of Nairobi, Kanga Studio is a nurturing and safe space where you can connect with yourself through the practice of authentic yoga, meditation, yogic philosophy and other healing activities, amongst like-minded people and with high-end teachers and therapists. We have an holistic approach including: yoga practice, nature therapy, ayurveda, massage and sound healing. At Kanga studio, you can practice yoga with the guidance of experienced teachers, and join a community of people interested in conscious living. You can enjoy a cup of tea at the lush gardens, connect with nature as you grow in your yoga practice in a safe, warm and healing space. We look forward to having you join us, as the community continues to grow and we are happy to support your journey and see you achieve your wellness goals. Kanga Studio welcomes people of all abilities, ages, faiths and perspectives. Within the beautiful space at Kanga Studio, you will find Liforme mats, blocks, belts, bolsters, cushions and blankets, available for all members and participants. Kanga Studio Nairobi comprises of a large studio space, beautiful gardens and therapy rooms. There are two bathrooms on site, one shower and storage available for your valuables during workshops, classes and therapies if you wish. BOOKINGS To book classes and workshops, please see see the timetable page and book directly via our online booking system. If you are a current student at Kanga Studio, you may book via Whatsapp or text message (Sherline 0759956291). For treatments and therapies, please call us directly or email to make your booking via reception-nbo@kangastudio.co. All therapy descriptions can be found on the therapies page. All sessions at Kanga Studio must be pre-booked. ARRIVING AT KANGA STUDIO NAIROBI Please ensure you arrive at least 10 minutes before the scheduled session to allow time to settle down, and in case you have any questions beforehand for the teacher, you will get them answered. There is plenty of parking available at Kanga Studio within the compound and on the grass outside the gate. Kanga Studio provides yoga mats and props. You are also welcome to bring your own with you. There is a bathroom and toilet on site, and storage available for your belongings during your session. We welcome you to relax at the studio after your session with us. Complimentary herbal tea and water is provided, and a library of books to read.

Vanessa Potter

vanessa potter


Thanks for finding me here. I’m a self-experimenting author, speaker and wellness advocate, but it wasn’t always that way… On October 1st 2012 I sat in a hospital waiting room staring at a white notice board. When I’d arrived, the letters had been visible, but over time they’d started to fade. Punctuation marks dissolved, as if wiped off by a zealous cleaner. Every blink washed away more of my sight. Within 72 hours I was blind and paralysis had snaked up my body, leaving numbness in its wake. Losing two of my senses was terrifying and I didn’t know if I’d see my children again. For a while I lost connection with the outer world and my future was uncertain. Slowly my visual system rebooted, but the world didn’t look like it should. Grey wispy shapes swirled and eerie lines jiggled on the horizon. None of it made any sense. Over time I listened to the more subtle cues my body transmitted and learnt new ways to adapt. Months later when I started to feel, rather than see, the colour red and when blue objects fizzed and spat like a lit sparkler, my curiosity was ignited. I set out on a mission to better understand the incredible resilience and healing power of my mind. It was a journey that led to collaborations with scientists, my first book, Patient H69: The Story of my Second Sight, a TEDx talk and then a second book, Finding My Right Mind: One Woman’s Experiment to put Meditation to the Test. Nature played a huge part in my year-long recovery, so in 2021 I co-founded ParkBathe, a citizen science, green health initiative in collaboration with Derby University. The project encourages people who are wellness sceptics to experience a 1-hour version of forest bathing in urban parks and is funded by the National Lottery. Forest bathing is simply walking mindfully in nature while absorbing the woodland atmosphere via the senses. As the project is part of a research study, walkers are invited to wear heartrate (HRV) monitors which record their stress levels before and after each session. This provides each person with an individualised measure of the wellbeing benefits. Get the whole story and listen to interviews with walkers, scientists and nature guides on the ParkBathe podcast. I am partially sighted and live in London, UK, with husband and two children.