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Tariki Trust

tariki trust

Tariki Trust is a community of people who believe that our actions matter and our impact on others has consequences at many levels. Our spiritual and moral values are something which we live out, and that need to permeate all we do. They are not simply ideas or practices to be addressed in limited time slots during a busy day. Tariki Trust offers courses, training and retreats which centre on our shared interest in our living systems. These include training and events linked to ecotherapy, psychology, psychotherapy, environmentalism, spiritual care and other forms of engaged Buddhism. A UK registered Buddhist charity, Tariki Trust was founded in 2011 and has become an umbrella for a wide range of activities in these inter-related fields. Our non-sectarian outlook welcomes people from many backgrounds, some of whom are Buddhist, but many of whom are not, to share in building a vision of a more wholesome world, based on values of compassion, mutual support and care for our position as part of a greater system. Tariki Trust is a community of people who are interested in learning, ideas, creativity and social responsibility. We believe in practising through concern for others and engagement with life in all its forms. The name Tariki means 'other-power' in Japanese. Other-power is a fundamental concept in Pureland Buddhism and expresses our commitment to a collective, collaborative approach. It is also the basis for Other-Centred Approach, the model of psychotherapy which underpins many Tariki courses and events. The Other-Centred model is flexible, suggesting an attitude of engagement and encounter rather than of introspection and rigidity, and leading us to embrace many fields of involvement and cultural activities as well as the narrowly therapeutic. Many of Tariki Trust’s activities were run by an earlier organisation, established in 1996, and its course programmes have a history going back over several decades. Tariki Trust itself was established in 2011 in order to offer a dedicated space for these programmes and at this time the Ten Directions training programme in ecotherapy was also established. Tariki Trust is a UK Registered Charity Number 1149658. It has a board of trustees who oversee its work and ensure good practice. Tariki Trust does not have any salaried staff, but, rather, has teaching staff and others working on a sessional or occasional basis. This means that much of Tariki’s work in supporting courses and activities is done on a voluntary, dana basis. As a charity, Tariki Trust is subject to the jurisdiction of the UK Charity Commission and has a number of policies and guidelines in place for good practice. These can be viewed on our old website.




Little Yoga Studio aims to empower children and adults, in mind and body, through a fun, creative and inspiring approach to yoga. My children’s classes focus on exploring a child’s natural flexibility. Improving their own strength and poise, while helping them nurture a strong sense of self and awareness of others. The journey isn’t dissimilar with my adult classes. With each class, we work on bringing inner harmony through movement, breath and meditation. Uniting the body, mind and spirit to awaken our true Self. My teaching journey began shortly after the birth of my daughter. Having practiced yoga for 10 years, I found motherhood gave me a new perspective. Wanting to deepen my practice, I found myself taking to the mat in between my classes. And as I moved through poses or paused in meditation, I noticed her watching with curiosity. Before long she was on my mat, copying the poses and demanding more ‘mummy yoga.’ Soon she had her own mat (in her favourite colour, purple, of course) and we were practicing yoga together daily. Really I have her to thank for setting me on this path. As watching her little character flourish in our practices together has inspired me to share this with both little and bigger minds alike. My 200-hr training with Avani Yoga Academy and Yoga Bananas means I am now honoured to share the ancient practice of yoga in an authentic and heartfelt way to adults, children and families alike. Of course yoga is a lifelong journey that is forever evolving. I am honoured to continue my own discovery with a 50-hour Yoga Nidra Immersion with Avani Yoga Academy and Naomi Absalom’s 6-month Liberate mentorship, among others.