840 Educators providing Marketing courses in London

Staff Training Solutions

staff training solutions

86-90 Paul Street London

Staff Training Solutions UK (STS) was established to make it as easy, affordable and enjoyable as possible to access world-class educational resources for the benefit of your business. We are your trusted partner and leading UK provider of innovate, high-quality and up-to-date knowledge on the most critical subjects and specialism. Better staff training means greater employee engagement, improved staff satisfaction and retention, better customer service and enhanced overall performance. STS UK is proud to offer all of this for a fraction of the cost of traditional classroom training. We can help ensure that every member of your staff is empowered with the confidence and capability to carry out their responsibilities. Our exclusive training courses help equip staff with the key knowledge and skills that will enable them to; Contribute to the progress of your overall business and raise service standards; Provide appropriate and reliable services to your clients and customers, boosting the overall image of your business. As a team of dedicated experts with decades of experience in online learning, we know how to both produce, tailor and deliver staff training solutions to suit all learning styles. Our primary goal is to help you help yourself, by providing your employees with the knowledge, resources and confidence to reach their full potential. STS UK is committed to creating an engaging, enjoyable e-learning experience, backed by the most up-to-date materials and ongoing tutor support from start to finish. Whether studying for entry-level certificates or advanced vocational diplomas, we can help bring out the inner-potential of every member of your workforce. It’s what we do - it’s what we’ve always done.

E Clinic

e clinic


Every year as we approach the year end, I like to take stock of where we are and write a letter to clients. This is in part to thank you for your much valued business, but also to tell you how things are going here at e-clinic and let you know a little of what we have planned for the coming year. I hope you’ve all had a good 2015 and are looking forward to taking some time out over the festive period. The feedback we’re getting from clients is that the market in most sectors has improved this year and that whilst there is some way to go, things are certainly easier than they have been in the last few years. 2015 has been a good year for e-clinic, with healthy increases in both revenue and profit. Indeed, it’s fair to say that our company is in the strongest position it has ever been. I tell you this as hopefully it gives you reassurance that, having been around for a long time already, we intend to be around for a very long time to come, and that can only happen if our business is stable and profitable. Most of the increased revenue has, of course, gone back into improving the business, rather than into my guitar collection! Our team has almost doubled in size over the last year, which has enabled me to focus much more on development than in previous years. It has also enabled us to reduce support response times significantly. Our performance is independently monitored by ZenDesk and currently we sit in the world’s top 4% of software companies who use ZenDesk in terms of support team performance. I think this is something we can be very proud of and I know many of you have taken the time to comment on the quality of service you receive from Robin and his team. They have worked very hard this year and I am, as always, very much indebted to them. The development team has continued to work away behind the scenes on ideas for the next version of e-clinic. We recently completed the work on Healthcode integration for insurance invoicing, along with a full integration with Xero Accounts. Currently Dillip is looking at ways to better implement email marketing from within e-clinic, including the reporting of outcomes such as emails opened and clicked through directly within the patient record. Hannah is doing some very exciting stuff with web and Facebook and Joe is beavering away on some interface improvements to bring us more in line with current trends and to improve our mobile options. The growing sales and marketing team also continues to improve client communications and we have a number of plans in this regard for next year, particularly in terms of improving our web site for mobile users. I’ll be spending a little more time than usual at home with my family (and my guitars) over Christmas, but for those of you who have to work over the holidays, we will be providing support during business hours as we always do (more details lower down). I’d like to finish by thanking you all for your business over the past year. I hope you all have a wonderful time over Christmas and the New Year and return refreshed and excited for what will hopefully be an excellent year for us all in 2016.

SAE Media Group

sae media group


We are very pleased to announce that effective today (3rd May 2022) we have re-branded to SAE Media Group. Our new brand, post-transition, will continue to deliver value to all our customers through gathering senior market leaders from across the globe at our industry leading conferences. The rebrand marks an exciting new chapter for the business and we are delighted to be aligning our brand and organisational focus with the rest of the SAE Media Group. About SAE Media Group: SAE Media Group (SMG), an subsidiary of SAE International, reports the latest technology breakthroughs and design innovations to a global audience of nearly 1,000,000 engineers, researchers, and business managers. SMG provides critical information these professionals need to develop new and improved products and services. SAE Media Group is comprised of two synergistic organisations: SMG Conferences, based in London, produces over 60 high-level networking events worldwide, concentrating on the Aerospace, Defense, Pharmaceutical, and Medical industries. These events bring together senior government and industry executives/program managers to share knowledge and collaborate on key technology topics including military space, unmanned and autonomous systems, microbiology, biosensors, and much more. SMG’s flagship event, Global MilSatCom, is the world’s premier conference for the military satellite communications market. SMG Media, headquartered in New York City, offers a diverse multimedia network of engineering magazines, e-newsletters, web sites, webcasts, special reports, and custom marketing services. Primary areas of focus include the Aerospace/Defense, Automotive, Commercial Vehicle, Electronics, and Medical sectors, with extensive coverage of cross-industry technologies including batteries/energy storage, sensors, photonics and imaging, advanced manufacturing, robotics, and motion control.

Art Experiences

art experiences


When an established and acclaimed artist of this calibre launches a new business you just know that the concept will be creative and excitingly different’. Although launched in 2018 Art Experiences is formed with an exceptionally solid base, a wealth of experience and a unique knowledge of the art world. Artist Minna George is the brainchild behind the new and innovative experience website ‘Art Experiences’, the first professional organisation within the arts to showcase some of the finest artists currently practising internationally and offering an exclusive opportunity for enthusiastic individuals to select from a range of bespoke experience packages. Art Experiences has come to the attention of some significant names in the industry with the headquarters of Phillips Fine Art Auctioneers in Mayfair the location for the highly anticipated launch with a spectacular guest list of notable artists and industry professionals. The mission? A sole vision to provide and make accessible the very best and most unique art experiences across the globe, for the discerning art lover or enthusiastic novice. To quote another well known member of the arts press ‘Art Experiences looks well set to transform the gift experience industry with an enviable offering of exclusive and previously ‘money can’t buy’ art based experiences from many of the most active artists of today” As a former gallery owner, notable artist and consultant to the art market, Minna plays an active role in the running of the business with the support of her marketing professional husband Stephen and their enthusiastic team. So whether you are making a purchase for yourself or selecting a unique gift for a special someone, you can have the confidence in knowing that every artist has been hand selected; no generic content and no group workshops.

Impact Festival

impact festival


It started when I began to learn more about the conditions for egg production and I realised that free-range wasn’t the wonderful happy situation that I thought it to be. The standards for labelling products as free-range are not as high as the marketing would suggest. (I am of course speaking in general terms and I know that this won’t apply to all farms, but it appears to apply to the majority). As a vegetarian at that time I’d already thought that I was quite ethically aware with what I bought, and it dawned on me that there must be many other people buying and supporting products that they also think are ethically sound, and that these people too may be interested to know more. Passion for performing arts! As a professional dancer, this prompted me to come up with an idea for a show to raise awareness on global issues and ethical living - not just animal welfare, but also climate change and human rights. However I realised that if the audience are inspired to make ethical changes or learn more, simply watching a show would not give them the tools to do that. Hence the creation of Impact – awesome events and activities to inspire change, with incredible live performances, the tools needed to live ethically and fun ways to implement everyday ethical living even for the busiest of lives! Don’t be put off by the heavy topics we’re dealing with, our events are fun and uplifting, with a vision of making positive changes. I’m not claiming to be perfect, nor am I trying to preach. I’m still learning too. I just know our planet is wonderful, as is the human race and all life that shares Earth with us.

Accord Consult

accord consult


WHAT WE DO! We are not a franchisor who demands you to deposit thousands before training you to run a location of their business. It is important to remember that not every business should be franchised. Not every business is successful, nor is every business person. We empower you to own your company, trademarks, and products. We train you to evaluate and understand the role and responsibilities that you will be undertaking as a business owner. As a consultant and trainer we will be taking what works and what has worked in care business and formalizing these systems and procedures so that they may be taught to and implemented by your own business. As such, our services will include: Start Up of New Business or Reinvigorate Exisiting Business: Our start up service is designed for organisations or individuals looking for a new start up for domicilliary care or supported accomodation. Our primary responsibilities to reinvigorate exisiting business will relate to establishing a marketing foundation focused on promoting your brand, legally protecting your trademarks and establishing quality standards for your products and/or services. You will be required to establish and maintain performance standards respecting the guidance and standards set by regulatory body to deliver quality of care. Leadership: Don't ever forget that you can be your own boss. It's up to you to set examples of the type of working environment and mentality you want in your staff and business. How it gets steered is up to you. Brand Building: Your brand is what makes you stand out. Employee Training: We have training sessions for management to take back ownership. Our full package courses, can be an invaluable help. Providing On-going Support: Support includes technical and day-to-day operating advice. Part of our responsibility helps to oversee the entire operations of your network.