4096 Educators providing Marketing courses delivered Online

Edinburgh Alexander Training School

edinburgh alexander training school



If you undertake the full course you will be trained in all aspects needed to become a competent, confident, thoughtful and considerate Alexander teacher, and you will gain a life-transforming professional qualification. Whichever course you choose, we want to provide the best Alexander training possible – enabling you to deepen your Alexander understanding and skills to enrich your life and find greater resilience, poise and joy. You are likely to enjoy some profound mind-body (physical, mental and emotional) changes during the training as you begin to embody Alexander principles and skills. You will benefit from working in a small group setting with a highly skilled training team and a low student-to-trainer ratio (usually around 3-to-1 and never more than than 5-to-1). At EATS our ethos is: Wordle describing EATS culture Supportive: creating an encouraging and affirmative environment for learning through collaborative exploration Enquiring: discussion and critical thinking an essential core of the training, facilitated through the course structure Comprehensive: covering all aspects needed to produce a successful Alexander teacher additional to the core Alexander hands-on skills and understanding – including different learning and teaching styles; setting up a business and marketing skills Fun: exploratory and playful approach to teaching and learning Empowering: within a solid teaching framework, students are encouraged to develop their own understanding, styles and approaches Transformative and life enhancing: ask any Alexander teacher about their training and they’ll tell you what a huge positive impact it has had on their life Collaborative: based on feminist principles of inclusivity, mutual respect and collective, as well as personal, responsibility Diverse and inclusive: EATS thrives on a diversity of individual perspectives and contributions to the collective learning space. We seek an inclusive approach, welcoming students and teachers from different backgrounds and life experiences, encompassing (but not limited to) race, class, gender identity, sexuality, age, mental and physical health, pregnancy and carer role Wide ranging and rich: many different teaching styles and perspectives come from a diverse training team that includes senior visiting teachers from throughout the UK Outward looking: engaging with other disciplines where relevant, for example, neuroscience, myofascial integration, biomechanics, other mindful movement-based practices, and trauma therapies Principle and evidence based: teaching based on the fundamental principles of the Alexander Technique supported by the available research, as well as anatomy and physiology Openness and inquisitiveness: non-mainstream ideas and influences will be explored wherever this can contribute to understanding Rigorous: robust, standardised assessment method for certification. On an ongoing basis, students will be required to actively engage and commit to their own development (on a practical level this includes projects being completed and any missed time made up) Professional: In addition to ‘learning by osmosis’ from the professional culture of the course, there will be specific training around codes of conduct, CNHC, running a practice etc. Students are encouraged to think widely about what they can contribute during and after the training – to STAT and to the wider profession of Alexander teaching Continuous and Ongoing: graduates are encouraged to continue to visit the school on a regular basis to gain experience as a teacher until they feel sufficiently established. A mentoring system provides each graduate with an experienced teacher who they can call on for ongoing advice and support.

Action For Community Development

action for community development

Action for Community Development (AfCD) is a community-based organisation assisting socially excluded members of the community such as ethnic minorities, refugees and asylum seekers and unemployed people in general. We give impartial, reliable and professional training, information, career advice and guidance. Our Background: AfCD was established to respond to reports that Refugees and people from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities feel alienated from sources of advice, advocacy, training and statutory agencies provisions. There remain challenges to improve engagement and increased social inclusion. National statistics suggest that issues of inequality persist between different communities in British society and in many societies. AfCD was set out to reduce these barriers, bringing about socio-economic justice and promote equal opportunities for the benefit of the wider community. We manage a resource centre in South London which offers comprehensive services to our beneficiaries. These are in the form of advice, information, casework, advocacy, counselling and training. Our team of dedicated staff and volunteers reaches out to our beneficiaries who recently migrated to the United Kingdom and those already settled in the UK on a low income, disadvantaged or deprived. We support the transition from dependency to sustainable living. Our team consists of people with vast experience who have passion and enthusiasm for their work. We also work with partners organisations and agencies to pool together expertise, maximise available resources to support our beneficiaries towards their goal of resettlement, skills acquisition, education and gainful employment. Objectives: To provide training, information, career advice and guidance to Refugees, migrants and other disadvantaged members of the society. To promote empowerment, self-advocacy and build the capacity of Black, Asian and Ethnic Minorities (BAME) and other disadvantage members of the society to the benefit of the wider community. To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, resource assistance and coordination with other community-based organisations. To carry out research and publications on issues of socio-economic development and human rights. To set up projects as well as collaborate with existing indigenous Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in the developing world whose works are geared toward the development of civil society and the reduction of poverty. Mission: AfCD was founded with the mission to promote community building and social transformation in diverse and under-resourced communities. We do this through specific and measurable approaches designed to enhance the capacity of individuals. We support disadvantaged members of the community by helping them define their own path to bring about social change. Social transformation and community development can only occur in a society free from all form of prejudices, deprivation and is culturally dynamic. We work with our networking partners in providing information, advice and guidance to individuals to meet their needs. We also provide training, resources and community engagement in our effort to develop responsible and active citizens.

Benjamin Tree

benjamin tree

Hi, my name’s Benjamin. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me and my work. I have been actively engaged in the field of health and wellbeing for over 20 years. In my teens, I was attuned to Reiki, and since then I have worked with various therapeutic modalities including; Nutrition, Massage, Reflexology, Yoga, Chi Gong, Meditation, Shamanic Healing, Theta Healing, Sekhem, Breathwork, Embodiment, and Coaching. I combine my experience and understanding of all these modalities in my present work. My initiation into the depths of life began as a teenager being alongside my mum whilst she journeyed with a chronic illness that eventually took her life. This was a powerful time and it was my wake-up call to the realities of life and death. Since then supporting awakening, healing, and transformation for myself and others has become my life’s mission. I have been very fortunate to travel the world and train in a diverse range of modalities with inspiring teachers. My offerings are a synthesis of all I‘ve learned and the practices that have empowered me. I know everyone has their own unique set of challenges and gifts and my passion is to support people to find the ways that best support them by connecting with their own deep inner knowing and combining the best of ancient and modern wisdom. I received my Reiki Level one initiation when I was 19 years old, which opened up my energy pathways and enhanced my awareness of healing energies as well as my practice of Yoga & Chi Gong that I’d been doing for many years. In my early 20’s I traveled to India, Canada, USA, and Mexico where I studied Ayurvedic Massage and Shamanic healing techniques. I also met and was inspired by many wise beings including his holiness the Dali Lama at his temple in Dharamsala. In 2005, when I was 25, I qualified as a Rebirthing Breathworker after training with Leonard Orr, the founder, in the USA. I then continued my studies and travels in Europe, Russia, and Turkey until eventually settling back in the UK in 2012. In 2013 trained with Ya’Acov and Susannah Darling Khan, the founders of The School of Movement Medicine. I qualified as a Movement Medicine Teacher and Facilitator in 2019. During this time I also trained as a Steiner teacher and outdoor educator as I have a deep calling to serve young people and their connection with nature. In 2020 I joined together my work with Rebirthing Breathwork and Movement Medicine to create the modality that I now work with called Embodied Breathwork. At the heart of my work, is a trust in the power of these intentional healing practices of breathwork and movement, to re-connect us to our true nature; to bring alive the light of our beings, and wake us up to live our full potential and bring our gifts to the world.