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The Chat Shop

the chat shop



The Chat Shop story started in 2011. That may not seem like an especially long time ago, but trust us, ten years is a very long time in live chat history. Before we were incorporated, hardly any businesses used live chat, and fewer still seemed to recognise its revenue-generating potential. The more we looked into why this was, we saw that few people really understood the value that chat could bring to their business, and chat was a real challenge to get right. 2011 Small beginnings The Chat Shop was founded by two people who knew they could provide a solution. They sensed that live chat might represent an unexplored opportunity to reach out and connect with customers. Could smart onsite conversation be the key to engaging wavering visitors and converting them into qualified leads? 2012 Officially incorporated By June 2012, The Chat Shop was officially incorporated. The Chat Shop began life with a £5K investment and a strong belief in the untapped potential of conversational marketing, before conversational marketing was really a thing. Despite our shoestring funding, we won our first client at the end of 2012 and worked 18-hour days (on chat!) until we could afford to hire a client team. 2013 We hired our first team After more clients joined, we were relieved to be in a position to hire a team. The founders’ experience of being on chat helped identify exactly the team we needed. They had to be native-English speaking and natural at engaging with prospective customers through chat. 2016 Our focus on innovation grew The chat technology we were using had always been good, but we knew that in order for us to truly take conversation up a level we needed a team of developers. This kicked off our long-standing history of enhancing our clients, customers, and agents' experience with market-leading technology. 2017 The Chat Shop Inc was born Due to increasing demand for our solutions from North America, we officially incorporated our US business, The Chat Shop Inc. This enabled us to grow our US team and client base, building our strong presence on both sides of the pond. 2018 First acquisition The Chat Shop had partnered with Jeff Wilson and the team over at Ortho Engagement a few years prior, successfully delivering chat for over 100 Orthodontists in America, Canada, and Australia. When the opportunity arose, it made sense for The Chat Shop to take over ownership of the business as our very first acquisition. 2020 The big plan We took a step back and really thought about what had driven our, and our clients' success to date. This led to a whole new approach to our solutions - still very much human-led, and tech-enabled, with further investment into our strategy, people, and technology. 2021 ... and beyond Ten years and millions of chats later, our youthful instincts have been vindicated. Conversational marketing and onsite chat are now well-established as brilliantly effective ways to drive customer engagement and boost conversion rates.

Community Futures Trust CIC

community futures trust cic

Community Futures Trust CIC is able to offer you training and support on a host of topics (see below) plus bespoke courses to meet particular requirements. We can also run Away Days, SWOT sessions, Organisation Health Checks, undertake development work, community research and meet many other needs of Voluntary Organisations, including: Community Research including design and development of qualitative and quantitative tools, analysis and report writing. Project Development for voluntary and statutory organisations, using effective action planning and project management methods to move projects forwards with the support of key stakeholders. Strategic Planning for voluntary and statutory organisations, using needs, organisational health and SWOT analysis methods. Problem Solving, helping organisations identify effective solutions to problems large and small using a needs-focused approach. Networking for organisations to make appropriate links and develop partnership agreements to deliver improved services. Design of leaflets, letterheads, posters, websites and other marketing methods. Information and Communications Technology, getting the most from hardware, software and the internet, particularly in improving efficiency, monitoring and evaluation. People Management, delivering effective supervision and appraisal for employees and volunteers and non-managerial and profession supervision for workers. Managing change, helping organisations successfully implement changes in structure, procedure, government or focus. Fundraising. Probably our most sought after offering with support on bidding for grants, events, developing donor bases, legacies, sponsorship and social enterprise. We have particular expertise, and success, in applying to Lottery funders. Training, including: Recruitment & Selection; Supervision & Appraisal (of staff and volunteers); Working with Groups; Team Building Skills; Decision Making Skills; Time Management; Action Planning and Target Setting; Business Planning; Managing Change; Activity Planning - a structured approach; Fundraising from Grant makers; Fundraising from Events; Communication & Motivation Skills; Mentoring Skills; Researching Needs; Presentation Skills; Effective Evaluation and Monitoring; Problem Solving; Recording and Reporting; Basic Sales and Marketing; Responding to Bullying; Responding to Eating Disorders; Responding to Substance Misuse; Dealing with Discrimination; Faith and Cultural Awareness; Developing Inter-faith Work; Youth Participation; Community Engagement/Involvement; Recruitment of Trustees; Effective Governance; Chairing Meetings; Developing Policy and Procedures; Dignity at Work

Property SQ2

property sq2

BEST PRACTICE TRAINING IN THE PROPERTY INDUSTRY   Property SQ2 Limited is a leading provider of online education and training courses related to the property business.  We are registered with the CPD service and proud members of the Property Educators Accreditation Scheme. Between us we have 25 years experience in Property Investment and the Property Industry, and over 20 years experience training people in skills and techniques for best practice in the industry via a combination of face to face, live online, on demand and 1-2-1 training events. TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE From building a retirement pot, to replacing your current income. Property is the vehicle to create financial freedom, choice and security Drawing on over 30 years of property and business experience with over 20 years of training, coaching and mentoring people in property investment strategies,  Our training courses and 1-2-1 coaching and mentoring solutions are here to help you succeed in the property business. Whatever your goal, whatever your background, whatever your experience. Whether you want to... * Build a safe and sustainable portfolio to bolster your retirement pot * Create a passive income to generate job-leaving level profits * Learn how to add value and recycle your precious savings through multiple property deals * Need a way into the property industry without a big deposit we can help. ARDEN HANLEY                                                                          Arden Hanley is a property investor, business owner, consultant and trainer. Having experience across multiple property investment strategies and related businesses such as lettings management, sourcing and property consultancy. A landlord and business owner for 20 years, trainer, mentor and coach to the property industry for 12 years, member of the Property Educators Accreditation scheme and a CPD trainer, Arden has not only extensive experience in the industry, but also a track record of using that experience to train others to achieve their property goals. Buy To Let & Social Housing  With previous buy-to-let experience in Australia, Arden was immediately drawn to this as a primary strategy. Today, Arden has an extensive buy to let portfolio in the UK that he has built in Northampton, Nottingham and Hull. He has a range of houses for family lets, rented to both working tenants and within the social housing sector, and flats serving the young professional market. Arden says, “I think buy to let is the foundation of any successful property portfolio and this part of my portfolio was what allowed me to first achieve financial freedom. I think every investor needs to learn the fundamentals of buy to let, even if they ultimately choose to focus on other strategies within their portfolio because there are so many simple but important lessons to learn around being a good landlord and managing tenants effectively that you get from understanding this core strategy.”  HMO & Rent To Rent                         HMO was a natural progression from initial Buy to Let purchases to “increase my cash flow and take advantage of market conditions in my target area at that time being Nottingham.” With an extensive HMO portfolio, his preference are a larger number of smaller HMOs i.e. 4-6 tenants rather than a smaller number of large HMOs, although he has experience of both. How can an investor make this strategy work for them? “I believe HMO provides an excellent income stream and if done correctly can be a very stable income stream as well. I think the key to a successful HMO is setting it up correctly from the outset to make it as attractive and user friendly for tenants, and identify potential cost centres or savings before tenants go in and empowering my lettings agents to put together the right tenant mix to create a harmonious environment.”  Distressed Property & Adding Value  Every property that Arden has purchased has been distressed to some degree, as he says “I believe this is the one true route to make money out of property.” He has applied the lessons he has learnt on smaller projects as he has moved on to larger more complex investment properties. It’s also given him the opportunity to work with distressed sellers which he regards as a core skill in a property investor’s arsenal. As Arden says, “With a distressed seller, you are a solution provider trying to create a win/win situation where you can offer a route for the seller to sell the property that removes their financial burden, while at the same time offering an opportunity for you as an investor to make a fair profit.”  Commercial to Residential & Development                         As his confidence has grown, so has Arden’s willingness to commit to more complicated projects and he has successfully adopted commercial to residential conversions as a strategy since 2013 primarily working with either disused retail or office space which is in abundance in the UK. It’s not hard to see the appeal, as Arden says, “I find that there is a huge opportunity for value uplift in this strategy as the closer you get to effectively a shell, the more opportunities you have to make money.’                     Portfolios                    There are a number of options for approaching the acquisition of a portfolio, whether it’s title splitting a block of flats, via a freehold/leasehold strategy, organising a share buyout of a property company, or structuring a staggered sale to maximise buyer and seller value and tax savings. Arden has experience dealing with the simple acquisition of a portfolio to the complex and sometimes challenging world of dealing with portfolios in trouble, direct to owners, via agents, liquidators or administrators.                     Complimentary businesses and deal structuring  Having an interest in a lettings agency, experience running a sourcing business/property consultancy for 7 years and working with multiple business partners has taught Arden the value of building business clusters to support each other and working with business partners and private investors to make business happen. ‘Property deals can come together from your own resources, time and effort, but as your ambitions grow and the opportunities get bigger, it’s important to think about how private finance and joint ventures can create profit for you and your partners. I’d rather have a cut of something than the whole of nothing.’  Mentorship & Training               For Arden, it’s an honour to be invited to mentor to share his knowledge with others which provides enormous, personal satisfaction. Even though he’s not naturally outgoing, Arden admits that “As a self-confessed property geek, if you ask me questions about property, I’m happy to talk for days.” He encourages his mentees to “Soak up as much as you can from people who have done it before and been successful. Soak up the knowledge for sure, but also the motivation and mindset.” He concludes, “I don't think there is any better way to start in property than to work side by side with someone who has been where you are starting from and has proved how to make it work.”  CHRIS CORMACK Chris Cormack is a property investor and business owner with a vast experience working with people to develop their property investments and business growth. Helping people to succeed has been a large part of his business focus over the last 16 years as a mentor, trainer and coach. His understanding of the industry through building his own portfolio across a range of strategies enables him to work with clients around their goals so they achieve whichever outcome they are looking for. Chris is recognised within the property industry and is member of the Property Educators Accreditation scheme and is CPD certified. From a standing start in November 2004 Chris built his property business across various strategies within the property industry. Property had a great appeal for 5 reasons: 1. Being his own boss  2. Recurring monthly income  3. Large lump sums of income 4. Long term capital growth 5. Opportunity to help others benefit from the same reasons 1-4. BUY TO LET & SOCIAL HOUSING  Chris believes "Buy To Lets are the foundation to any successful property portfolio because it's the quickest way to generate income while you learn the initial fundamentals of the business. Demand is high across the country for BTL which other strategies don't necessarily have. Within our portfolio we have a wide mix of tenants including families, couples, singles as well as fixed term guaranteed social housing contracts." Understanding the industry and our responsibilities is paramount and gives us the necessary grounding to progress income across other strategies. A number of his properties have been used as serviced accommodation through a commercial contract. These have resulted in guaranteed income, ensuring a hands off pain free outcome. HMO  Chris continues "For larger income, having HMOs brings considerable changes to your monthly bank account which was our natural progression. A major learning moving into HMOs was all the necessary fire requirements and additional management needs. These of course add costs which are not present with your BTL's. Having this knowledge prior to committing to this strategy is important along with a deep understanding of who will be your tenant market. Generally this is less flexibility so more targeted research initially is imperative to achieve your successful outcome. ADDING VALUE & FLIPS Lump sums of income is an area Chris has targeted when buying properties, modernising them and selling them. A key component to achieve these returns is looking to see where true value can be added, increasing value is paramount here. His view on this is that while it generates substantial income it also gives the opportunity to allow faster growth within his portfolio. Having addition capital to invest gives a wider deal choice and opportunities to structure deals. "Having greater tools while in front of a motivated seller allows you the facility to be more creative especially if you can offer a solution to their current situation." STRUCTURING SOLUTIONS  Over the years he has been able to structure deals which has helped the seller which in turn helped him dramatically reduce initial capital to acquire the property. "The key is to focusing on them, the seller and come to a win, win scenario." Achieving this has added numerous properties to the portfolio.  With a deal seeing what is really there gives Chris an edge. Where most people see a single outcome in a deal Chris likes to look for multiple outcomes across strategies. As his experience has developed the confidence has taken him into larger projects which can deliver multiple opportunities. Understanding the finance and tax implication can give additional advantages. Having bought a portfolio with land created multiple flip opportunities which resulted in the land cost him nothing, free land. Having free land gave him further choices around planning. Sell with planning or build out and sell with a decision based on whichever gives the greater return for time/money invested. MENTORSHIP, COACHING AND TRAINING Chris has been mentoring property investors since 2007. He himself had the benefit of a mentor and fully understands how it accelerates your portfolio growth, "money well spent" and that's from a Scotsman....! "It was a privilege to be asked and was something I had wanted to do, so I enthusiastically jumped at the chance." Being able to pass on market experience, as well as working with people to develop the best strategy for them is extremely rewarding. Sometimes it's the smallest thing that creates the biggest impact and it does not matter if you are new or have some experience in property, accessing another person's experience is a springboard to a new set of outcomes, for the better. 

London Examinations Board

london examinations board

Waltham Cross

London Examinations Board only promotes superior internationally recognized courses. We are primarily a distance learning provider, but recognize that not everyone is comfortable with distance learning. Therefore LEB has approved select colleges and institutions in certain jurisdictions to offer student support and, if preferred, face to face classroom learning in addition to LEB’s online delivery platform. These colleges and institutions become LEB Approved Learning Centres. Quality assurance visits and training on the London Examinations Board learning platform are carried out by us before formal centre approval is given. Annual reviews are also undertaken to ensure processes, procedures and quality assurance are maintained. LEB Approved Learning Centres will usually provide additional tutoring will provide administrative and other support to the learners. Learners will have full access to our online learning platform. You will therefore be able to enjoy the benefits of our online learning platform which is truly interactive and harnesses the power of social networking to make learning fun, collaborative and engaging. It is a perfectly safe and secure network for learners to interact and learn from tutors and from each other. If there is no LEB Approved Learning Centre near you, please contact us. We are always looking for new partner colleges and institutions so that we can offer you more learning mode choices. LONDON EXAMINATIONS BOARD PROGRAMMES ACCREDITED BY UNIVERSITY PARTNERS London Examination Board has partnered with various universities in the UK, Australia, USA and Europe who have accredited some of our degree programmes. These Universities recognise our academic programmes by allocating them credits against their own undergraduate and/or postgraduate degrees. These Universities therefore only require LEB graduates to top-up their LEB awards rather than undertake the Universities whole programme. This reduces the cost to the students and allows us to help students more.