2884 Educators providing Makeup courses delivered Online

Liz Doyle - Positive Change Coach

liz doyle - positive change coach


Are you thinking of working with me? If so, I have a few questions for you: Do you think you are good enough? Or do you compare yourself to others? Maybe you feel you have to keep proving yourself so that you are good enough? Or are you always looking for other people’s approval? I can help you clear out those old stories and wounds from your past to get a real sense of self-worth and self-love. I will help you to have more fulfilling relationships with everyone and everything in your life including your beliefs around success, your health and appearance and abundance in general. I run highly successful 6 online Love Yourself private 1:1 coaching sessions. This work was developed from the teachings of Louise L. Hay, internationally renowned teacher and best-selling author, a pioneer in personal development. The 6 session course works at a very deep level. The positive changes that women see can’t be done alone nor with just reading her books. Each session will last approximately 90 minutes to 2 hours to give you plenty of time to explore and express your thoughts and feelings. These 6 sessions will help you: Become aware of negative thoughts and how you can change them Discover family patterns and how they affect your life and choices Unlock a new future by learning to love yourself and others Continue your journey of self-discovery and unconditional self-love which will not only change your life but those around you There is also growth work material which accompanies this package to help you process what has been covered at each session and to help the work go deeper. I would be honoured if you choose to work with me and I promise, the work can change your life. Get in contact to find out more.

Pak Academy of Laser Dentistry

pak academy of laser dentistry

Lasers have been used in dentistry for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes for more than 30 years, and are an indispensable instrument in any modern dental surgery. The use of lasers enables new treatment methods to be employed and lasers can meaningfully supplement more traditional therapies. The use of lasers is associated with minimal contact, reduced vibration and pain, as well as a reduction in bleeding, leading to a more comfortable overall experience for the patient and a cleaner, meticulous technique for the dental practitioner. Lasers are highly versatile tools that can be successfully used in a wide range of applications in the treatment of mucous membranes, hard tooth structures and bones. Additionally, the specific properties of lasers allow the development of radically new treatments and surgical techniques, and improvements in treatment success rates have been observed when lasers are applied. Modern facilities and increased customer satisfaction help ensure the long-term financial success of any dental practice and, for these reasons, one should not miss the opportunity to expand and improve your range of treatments. The course will focus on the advancement of professional knowledge and skills in the field of laser dentistry. Our aim will be to enable dental practitioners to safely practice laser dentistry in their daily routine. The participants will achieve the certificate of course completion with globally accepted internationally accredited CPD hours recognizes worldwide as certified Laser Dentist and nationally accredited CME hours from PALD.