57 Educators providing Love courses in Nottingham

Red Robin Dog Training

red robin dog training



Based on the Nottinghamshire/Derbyshire border, Red Robin Dog Training offers force-free one-to-one training and behaviour solutions in NG16 and surrounding areas. My training ethos is based around positively reinforcing desired behaviours without the use of aversive methods, behaviour modification using the most up to scientific research into how dogs learn, and making training fun via the use of concept training and games. I have found play to be one of the most effective ways to improve the dog-human relationship, increase confidence and to create positive association for anxious or fearful dogs. I work with all breeds, from miniature Mexican Hairless and Chihuahuas to Boerboels and Bull Terriers. Puppies from 8 weeks and rescued street dogs from abroad, and I love them all. I am fully insured and qualified and my training is always ongoing to ensure I stay up-to-date. If you are looking for basic training for your puppy or adult dog, or find yourself struggling with any behavioural issues your dog may have such as jumping up, pulling on the lead, poor recall, lead reactivity towards other dogs, people, traffic or any other triggers, noise sensitivity, any anxiety-based behaviours, hyperactivity, separation distress, resource guarding or anything else, please get in touch. I offer force-free one-to-one puppy training, basic training for adult dogs, behavioural consultations and multi-session training packages. Following the pandemic, I continue to offer video consultations as an option for those who are shielding or may just prefer this to a face-to-face session.

By Our Hands We Make Our Way

by our hands we make our way


Freckingham Street

Making anything right now is a radical act in defiance of fear: making something however simple seeming – baking bread, making the bed; making art or a garden; a stiff drink or your mind up. It’s time to get creative and figure out how to keep our fingers busy, hearts full and souls satisfied. Time to roll sleeves up and get those hands dirty (as long as you wash ’em before and afterwards!) Finding ways to continue connections and sustain friendship feels so important, we’re glad that you’re a part of our community. Whatever comes next we have to make it together. Even if we can’t be with you here there are things that we’d like to share. There are tools at the workshop waiting for hands to use them. We’ll be glad to see shavehorses, benchhooks, chopping blocks, mallets and whittling tools loaned out to good homes, keeping folk crafting. We were so lucky to recieve a lot of wood before the doors closed, we’d love to see it go out to people who can use it. Let us know if you’d like a delivery of fresh green cherry, birch, whitebeam or oak. There are books in the library that could keep you busy learning something new over the next weeks and months. We’re working online too, hosting a shared space to chip away at whatever you feel like. Making a place to talk, weep, dance, laugh while we carve something beautiful together. Fridays are a good time to try, if someone is in the studio then you are virtually welcome to sit and have a cuppa, what’s on your mind?