524 Educators providing Love courses in London

St Michael's Catholic Grammar School

st michael's catholic grammar school


Thank you for visiting our website and I hope you find the information you require here, although to get a true impression of the many strengths and outstanding features of St. Michael’s Catholic Grammar School – you will have to visit us at one of our open days! St. Michael’s is a very special place, it is first and foremost a Catholic school; the ethos implanted here by the Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus who founded this school. The trustees, governors and staff remain committed to enabling our students become the person God intended them to be; supporting them to make sense of this complex world and to seek out their unique purpose in life. St Michael’s is a place of spiritual formation – we recognise that Jesus has taught us that we should “love one another as he loved us” – and this gives a focus to the pastoral support we offer our young people. St. Michael’s is also a place of intellectual exploration and achievement. This school is extraordinarily successful – this has been recognised by Ofsted on numerous occasions and every year our students achieve outstanding A Level and GCSE results. Whilst the results are impressive – the true value of these results is what our students are able to do with them. For our students, their A Level grades enable them to open doors to the most prestigious universities and courses. This school exists to enable its young people to move on to the next stage of life’s journey, equipped with the qualifications which will lead them to success, but also the skills and attitudes which will enrich their life and enable them to take up positions of influence in our society – and so change it for the better. If you visit us, the first thing you will notice is the calm atmosphere around the school site and especially in the classrooms. We have very considerate and hardworking students as well as highly capable and caring teachers. In all schools, the success of any child depends upon the partnership between parents, teachers and child – and at St. Michael’s there is not just a partnership – but an active and effective commitment to what is being achieved for our young people.

Wellfield Education

wellfield education


The key to success in education and the workplace is to be surrounded by inspiring and competent people who can give you the tools you need to reach their level, as well as the resources to do so. Our aim is first of all to ensure that the children know and understand what they need from the curriculum to pass their SATS, GCSEs and A-levels in order to satisfy the requirements of the education system. Yet more importantly to we seek to braoden their minds – to get them to want to learn and love learning by putting them in an environment with highly educated, motivated and intelligent teachers who have been successful in education and the workplace. Teaching staff include a mixture of highly qualified teachers, graduate students and other professionals who are keen to encourage children from all, and especially disadvantaged, backgrounds in to their professions such as engineering, the sciences, law and writing. We take those who are not professional teachers intentionally because many children would not otherwise be exposed to such high level professionals in their day to day lives, and these motivated, successful people have a wealth of specialist knowledge not taught in schools. We hope the children will be inspired by these people. Examples of what we have done outside of the curriculum include training children for the Maths Challenge which can eventually lead on to the Maths Olympiad and introducing some very basic ideas from number theory. One of our teachers was a philosophy graduate and tried teaching basic propositional logic and reasoning skills. Just before the last term ended, we started a program of reading classic English literature in the oldest classes and initiated a debating club. We also have an ambitious program in development to organize work experience and internships at big city firms, engineering companies and civil service institutions to show children what they can achieve if they put their minds to it. Finally, we want members of the community involved. They might teach, or act as classroom assistants or offer work experience or supervise behaviour – anything that gets parents involved with their children's education.

Kingsbury High School

kingsbury high school


Welcome to our school website. Kingsbury High School is a fantastic community with a commitment to learning and achievement but also a mission to develop youngsters to become successful members of society. I hope you enjoy reading about all the exciting things happening at our school and see our students acting in the ‘Kingsbury Way’. We aim to provide clear relevant information for all, please let us know if there is anything missing or contact us if you want to know more. Kingsbury High School has many strengths and a long history of success. There is a keen understanding of the importance of values and a sense of tradition, encapsulated by the School motto, spectemur agendo. It dates back to the founding of our predecessor school, the Kingsbury County, in the 1920s, and it is Latin for, “let us be judged by our actions”. As Headteacher I seek to lead the school with this at the heart and ask students to respect themselves, others and the environment. Our students gain excellent examination results in both GCSE and across the Sixth Form. In our most recent inspection Ofsted again rated the school as “good”. Equally, the school is very proud of the way it has achieved these outcomes and the rounded education it offers to its students. We recognise our place in the community and are a key part of the partnership, Kingsbury Schools Together with our local primary schools and the Village (special) School. A great school is a combination of different things. We are equally proud of the many opportunities we provide for our students beyond the curriculum and how we develop students as individuals ready for adult life. Our aim is to develop in all of our students the love of learning, intellectual curiosity, skills and qualities of character needed to become successful, happy and engaged members of society. Our key values are: Integrity; Respect; Responsibility; Resilience; and Aspiration. Through these, we aim to combine both academic success and the development of the broader aspects of each student’s character. I hope that whatever the reason you have chosen to look at our website, as a member of the school community, a prospective parent, student or member of staff, or are simply taking an interest from afar, you find what you are looking for.

Renegade Theatre Community Interest Company

renegade theatre community interest company


Renegade Theatre was founded in 2018 by Natasha Langridge as an umbrella to create and produce plays for, with and about her local community in North Kensington. Renegade's first project was In Memory of Leaves written and performed by Natasha; an uncompromising monologue that explores what happens to communities when they are moved from their homes. It is personal and bracing; a love note to neighbours and a revolutionary call to the world. In Memory of Leaves was first performed as a site specific piece outdoors on The Wornington Green Estate as part of the inTRANSIT Festival before moving to the Teatro Keiros (Rome). Natasha performed the piece as part of Portobello Live in 2018 and, with Arts Council funding, took it on a three week tour of London canals across Kensington/Camden/Hackney on the Fordham Gallery Barge. Renegade Theatre's current projects include The Wornington Word: A People's History of The Wornington Green Estate W10. The project will record and archive the history of the estates residents from the 1960's up to recent times with oral histories, photos and a documentary that will eventually be archived in Kensington Central and North Kensington Libraries as well as being entered into the 2020 Portobello Film Festival. The project will ultimately facilitate the residents in coming together, for the last time, to create a documented history of their lives on the estate before it is demolished and regenerated into the new Portobello Square development. Renegade Theatre runs a free Saturday drama club for local children, led by Natasha Langridge and Hannah Hutch who has performed at The National Theatre, Shakespeare’s Globe, The Old Vic and the BBC. The classes use a mix of drama and physical theatre games with techniques to promote fun, confidence and creativity. Over time we have created three plays, a Carnival Song, three films, a series of short films - the Golden Gifts Project - funded by the Kensington and Chelsea Foundation and The Story Stall, an onsite performance about the history of Golborne Market. You can view all of our creations by checking out the Latest Videos section below. Enjoy! Currently we are working on a series of films and plays with the children about North Kensington called Golborne Gifts, funded by the Kensington and Chelsea Foundation.

Louise Crockart

louise crockart


For over 2 decades I’ve been supporting my clients in their health and wellbeing through various forms of massage and healing. I offer effective treatments in my clinic and stimulating education in the classroom. Leaving my past life as a graphic designer, I went back to college and studied Aromatherapy. Fast forward many years and experiences, I have gone on to train in Abdominal Therapy, Reflexology, Reiki, Indian Head Massage, Thai Yoga Massage and On-Site Acupressure Chair Massage (Amma Massage). Constantly striving to improve my skills has lead me to various exotic places, from the Thai jungle, rainforests of Central America, throughout North America, and then the rolling hills in Surrey, UK. I first learned about Abdominal Therapy in 2004, after a chance meeting with Dr. Rosita Arvigo, whilst on holiday in Belize, Central America. This inspired me to seek Abdominal Therapy when I returned home to the UK. Driven by personal health issues, I received regular treatments which supported and reframed my attitude to my own pelvic health. Abdominal Therapy not only transformed my health, but also my outlook on life. Years later, and after working with hundreds of clients, I now teach Abdominal Therapy, running workshops at personal and professional level, both in person and online specialising in the art of gaining and maintaining abdominal health. I run Abdominal workshops for those who seek a deeper understanding and healing from digestive or pelvic issues, and train professional therapists in the art of Abdominal Therapy within The Abdominal Therapy Collective. I was a graphic designer for 15 years, immersed in the discipline of explaining concepts, products and events in a way that was easy to understand and visually striking, I bring these qualities to my teaching, always seeking simple and effective ways to explain healing concepts and methods to my students. I have created a beautiful haven for healing and learning in my home in leafy Twickenham, South West London, UK. Offering treatments at the top of my home in my cocoon-like therapy room, and a fun and engaging workshop space at the bottom, in my kitchen and garden studio. My passion for pelvic health education draws me near and far, for those seeking personal healing or professional growth alike. I’d love to chat with you if you'd like to host a workshop for your community or attend one that’s already listed. Click below and I’ll get back to you soon.

International People's College

international people's college


IPC is a traditionally Danish Folk High School, but compared to other Folk High Schools in Denmark we focus on the world and everything at the school happens in English language. Students come from around 30 different countries and we feel safe to say that you meet the world at International People’s College. Take a look at our Summer Courses Experience Denmark and learn Danish or English language. We also have a song course – Den danske sangskat (in Danish) READ MORE What is a Folk High School? A Folk High School is a special type of school with a focus on personal and educational development. There are no fixed curriculums and no grades are given. You decide what kind of subjects and classes you want, and you are taught by teachers who love what they do. A term at a Folk High School often gives students new energy in pursuing their further carriers, since they are more clear about what they want in life. More than that students often get friends for life. READ MORE Calendar READ MORE Classes The most part of the classes at International People’s College has a global focus – meaning that you learn about the world some way or the other by taking part in the class. We have regional classes, international studies, and a lot of different classes in relation with our core values at the school. More than that we offer creative classes, sports classes, and different classes of interest. We offer nearly 40 different subjects and classes which you can pick and choose from. View the alphabetical list here. VIEW LIST What is a Danish Folk High School? A Folk High School is a non-formal residential school offering learning opportunities in different subject. Most students are between 18 – 24 years old and the length of a typical stay is 4 – 6 months. In Denmark we have a long Folk High School tradition – the first school was founded in 1844. What is an international Folk High School? More and more international students attend the Danish Folk High Schools, but what classifies an international Folk High School is that the school has more international than Danish students and that everything at the school happens in English language. International People’s College is the only international ‘general’ Folk High School in Denmark.

The Bump Class

the bump class


Doing the Bump Class is the start of a relationship and for that reason we prefer to have a conversation with you on the phone rather than online. That said, we are often out of the office, teaching classes so if you think that you’d like to hear more about the Eight Week Antenatal Course please to submit your details here and one of the Bump Class Team will give you a ring to discuss which of our courses best suits your needs. You are of course, more than welcome to go ahead and book any classes that you wish to online but also feel free to contact us for a chat at any time as we’d love to hear from you. Submitting this form does not oblige you to sign up and since discretion is paramount to us, your details will be kept secure and not shared with third parties. We never have and never would share your details with any third parties. Furthermore, we would never use the details you give us to send you unsolicited emails. The only emails you’ll get from us contain important information about your Bump Classes while you are on the course. Dr Chiara Hunt is a GP based in Sloane Street, Knightsbridge. She has worked on the labour wards at St Mary’s hospital, Paddington and Chelsea and Westminster hospital, as well as in paediatrics. She looks after many young families in the central London area and maintains a keen special interest in paediatrics and women’s health. She is the mother of two young children and lives in Notting Hill. Marina hosts the Eight Week Antenatal Course in South Kensington. She supports and gets to know the participants over eight weeks, supporting the professionals and providing the practical advice and skills honed as a mother. She has two children, Ludo and Iona, and in spite of tragedy, (her son Willem was stillborn in 2014) she has become motherhood’s biggest advocate. As well as teaching Bump Classes, she writes regularly for various publications including The Telegraph, The Times, Baby London and Nurture Magazine about pregnancy and motherhood. She lives with her husband, the TV presenter Ben Fogle in Notting Hill. A former Bump Class girl herself, she knows first hand the benefits of such a comprehensive course, as she says it prepared her for birth, motherhood and everything in-between! Having formed strong friendships with her own Bump Class, she emphasizes the importance of the participants getting to know one another as a strong support group




Imagine you are driving into work, knowingly 5 minutes late and scheduled to meet with an important client. You feel pressed for time, but are optimistic that you can still make the appointment on time. Then you hit road works and you can see the time slipping away, now your are 12 minutes late, 15 minutes late, 18 minutes late. You start to feel hot as the second click by. Just as you get past the roadwork’s you end up stuck behind a car going 20 miles under the speed limit and it’s making you even later than you already are. You are now 25 minutes late and you can’t get past the car that’s holding you up. How do you see yourself reacting to this? Would you be angrily beeping your horn? Yelling or gesticulating? Would you be distraught, shaking the steering wheel and crying “Why me? Why now?” Would you be crying and pleading for the car in front to just get out of the way? I ask this because our day to day life will always have stressful and unpredicted issues pop up and it’s how we respond to them that reflects what kind of stagnant and trapped emotions we are storing. Was your response angry? Frustrated? Hopeless? Disgusted? Disproportionate? If so, then you may be ripe for an emotional detox. So many of us repress our emotions or get stuck in a repetitive cycle. When we are hurt by someone or something it often appears easiest to ignore it and suppress it deep within or to get angry. Anger is a strong emotion that makes us feel in control and powerful so it’s hard to move away from anger to the other more vulnerable emotions like grief. It also takes little to no work at all to draw out your anger but to forgive, to experience and release, that can often be a painful or uncomfortable experience that takes lots of work to achieve. An emotional detox allows you to rid yourself of toxic, stuck, stagnant emotional patterns, barriers and stored traumas. By removing the negative baggage based in fear, anger, sadness, disgust, envy, and indignation you create room to add more joy, love, trust, anticipation, inner calm and kindness. Releasing negative emotions allows you to experience bliss and to become a more open, free and joyful person that exudes and attracts positivity. I encourage you to let go of negativities and to stop your past defining or weighing you down through the power of emotional detox.

Begin2sports Group Academy

begin2sports group academy


Begin2Sports was founded by sports coaching scientist and Commonwealth athlete Addy Mumunie. Born in Nigeria, sports came into her life through the necessity of running to school and back every day. However, it grew into her first love, achieving a regional level by the age of 12-13 and going on to represent Nigeria at Commonwealth/National level. Raising her family in Southwest London, sport and particularly athletics, were the bedrock of her life, raising her three daughters to also include sports into their life. One enjoys recreational sports, and the other two daughters compete as professional athletes at National and International level for England and GB. Coach Addy trained in Sport Coaching Science at St Mary’s University Twickenham. She went on to set up this community interest group (Begin2Sports) in 2017, with the goal to support people from disadvantaged backgrounds through sport and the 7 fundamental key principles of athletics. Coach Addy’s motivation for this project, came from her own humble beginnings. Challenged by Dyslexia, a misunderstood condition in the 1970’s, studying was very difficult. It was an unsupported experience and consequently personal progress was severely inhibited. It was then that she realised that taking part in sports, offered her the freedom, confidence, self-esteem, and self-expression that she needed to help overcome these challenges. Inspiring others to discover the benefits of sport in their lives was the spark that inspired Begin2Sports. At the heart of the group’s purpose is increasing sports participation in the community. We aim to provide individuals at a higher risk of sports deprivation in the London borough of Wandsworth, access to low-cost physical activity & fitness services. Uniquely, we also offer a blended physical and cognitive programme, known as Dysletics and GymLetics, designed specifically for those living with Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. WHO WE ARE We are a community focused organisation, that provide sports-based coaching built on values of OPENNESS, EMPOWERMENT, AND NUTURING. We aim to create a safe space for EVERYONE of any ability to experience new and exciting physical activities and sports. Our primary audience are children however we also have adult-based programmes as well as we aim to be as inclusive as possible. We speak simply. We present information clearly to our participants making sure that they take away the key information needed. Less is more. We explain sports terminology in a language everyone can understand, focusing on the physical benefits. We are always Warm, Welcoming and Encouraging! We make contacting Begin2Sports easy and convenient.

The Henrietta Barnett School

the henrietta barnett school


The Henrietta Barnett School (HBS) is a non-denominational grammar school for girls aged 11-18. We became an Academy in April 2012. Founded in 1911 and situated in the peaceful surroundings of the Hampstead Garden Suburb, the school is a charming Lutyens-designed Grade II* Listed Building. HBS is a warm, friendly and vibrant community that prides itself on happy and productive relationships. We are consistently one of the top state schools in the country and have an exemplary local and national reputation for academic excellence. Dame Henrietta Barnett strongly believed in the power of education to shape people’s lives and founded the School to provide educational opportunities of the highest quality for its students. She built the School on the principle that education should be open to girls from different backgrounds to study and learn together and from each other. This principle is alive and well at HBS. We provide a broad education that is ambitious, varied and stimulating. Academic excellence and a wide range of extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities are offered in an open, caring and supportive environment, enabling each individual to thrive and achieve her potential. We are committed to developing the whole person, encouraging students to explore their interests in a wide variety of ways and promoting curiosity of mind, independence of spirit and a love of learning. In a culture of respect for others but without the need for bells or lists of imposed rules, HBS students are driven by self-motivation, self-discipline and a common purpose, a thirst for learning and a strong sense of pride in belonging to the diverse, inclusive, high-performing, friendly and supportive school community. They leave HBS full of integrity and ambition, ready and equipped to make a positive contribution to society, with the world at their fingertips. This website will enable you to discover more about the School, but none of this replaces an experience of the School itself. Over recent years we have completed ambitious refurbishment and new build projects, including the complete refurbishment of the Queen Mary Science Wing involving the replacement of 6 outdated labs with 8 contemporary ones and the opening of two new state-of-the-art buildings that house a new Music and Drama School and an Art and Design & Technology Centre, with a Mac Suite and Cafe. Our most recent development is the extension and refurbishment of our Library, which is now an inspirational space, fit for purpose and loved by all.