69 Educators providing Love courses in Bristol

Shipshape Boatbuilding

shipshape boatbuilding



I'm a wooden boatbuilder, who specialises in building lightweight, skin-on-frame boats and runs kayak & canoe-building courses. Designing and making simple, beautiful and usable boats gives me huge satisfaction. At school and university I always had access to workshops. I grew up kayaking in Devon, then much further afield (Nepal, British Columbia, The Alps...). They were the things I enjoyed the most. But after graduating with an MA from the Royal College of Art, I didn’t set foot in a workshop for over a decade. I worked in a digital world, designing good experiences for people on the web. I set up my own company and taught design at university. At weekends and in the evenings, I did up a couple of VW vans, and worked on our family home. When a friend died from cancer I knew life was too short, and I had to get back in the workshop and on the water. Looking to weave together a life-long love of kayaking, design and craftsmanship, I moved to Lyme Regis and enrolled to train at The Boat Building Academy. When I returned to Bristol in 2015, the Underfall Yard had just re-opened some of their historic workshops with Lottery Funding and I took on a unit. It’s now a place to make boats that I can be proud of, that people use and that will last. It’s a satisfying reward when I help people build a boat and they say “I made that!” Whether you build a boat, or I build it for you, it would be my pleasure to help you climb aboard your very own Shipshape boat.

Soccer Shooters

soccer shooters


Some football coaching is all about creating world class players. Other clubs are about having a bit of fun on a Saturday morning. Soccer Shooters is different. We combine top quality coaching with a relaxed and inclusive environment, enabling children of all backgrounds and abilities to sharpen their football skills while also learning life skills that will serve them well, no matter what they want to do in the future. We aim to create a culture where kids love to play the game. Where they look forward to practices and games because they know they will have fun, they’ll be given the opportunity to be the best they can be, and to understand and appreciate the benefits of teamwork while contributing to the wider community. The joy of playing a sport can last a lifetime and we want to contribute to that joy and help as many children as possible to find it. In doing so, we also want to give parents, friends and wider family the sense of pride they will get from having enabled their children to achieve this. Our Mission To enable every parent to provide their children with the opportunity to develop and grow through sport, we call it ‘Growing up through football’. Our aim is to raise the bar in inclusive youth coaching which will ensure all children have access to first class appropriate Football coaching. Our Vision A world of confident children who have grown up through the game of football. We aim to create a culture where kids love to play the game. They look forward to practices and games as times when they will have fun, be given opportunity to be the best they can be, understand and appreciate the benefits of team work, while contributing to the wider community.

Sandra Webber Coaching

sandra webber coaching


Why work with me? Simply put, I help people identify their goals and guide them through the steps required to make changes necessary and achieve the unbelievable. I have done this for myself, for my many clients, and this is what I will do for you, too. I have a wealth of over 30 years experience across a variety of industries, as well as a highly recognised level of formal certification for coaching. Through three decades of this work, I have learnt to truly empower my clients to live the life they dream of. Not only will you achieve your goals, we will accelerate the speed at which you do so. I will create an individually tailored package just for you. By designing a programme to suit your unique characteristics, we pave the way for the best outcome possible. I will help grow your confidence in bringing your ideas to life, both in your personal and professional lives. My pragmatic support and high energy encouragement will help you on your journey. Why will we make such a great team, I hear you say? For one simple reason: I am passionate about personal development and growth. More than that, it is my life! Both personally and professionally. This passion is instilled in my clients, all of whom experience and witness the countless benefits and lifestyle changes resulting from my work with them. If you aren’t growing you are going backwards and falling behind! That isn’t something I want for myself, nor for you, which is where my passion for learning and advancement comes from. Life is about growth, not perfection. If you want to grow, you must learn to step outside your comfort zone. I am committed to help you do that. I will help you achieve what you once believed was unattainable. Why not give me a call for a quick chat? I would love to hear from you and embark on