3453 Educators providing Love courses delivered Online

Dotty dog training

dotty dog training

Do you long to have a relaxing walk, meet with friends and have your dog by your side? But you end up feeling deflated, anxious and feel like you're letting your best friend down? Hi I am Alex and I help dogs and their hard working owners to live in harmony with one another. It all started with Captain... I started my journey with a big and bouncy rescue Golden Retriever called Captain in 1993. Captain was a bundle of fun, but always getting into mischief! He drove my poor Dad up the wall with his antics! My funniest memory with him (but not so funny for my Dad) was when my Dad was doing the undesirable task of digging out the dog waste toilet that hadn't worked properly. He popped upstairs for a few minutes, but whilst he was out of sight Captain decided to do some excavating of his own and dug in the pile of poo! When my dad came back Captain, ran in the house covered in poo, covering the house and then greeted my dad excitedly covering him as well! We took him to training classes, but they said he was too naughty to stay and called him “the fog," so we were politely asked to leave. I knew he was such a clever boy, with so much potential, I just needed to find the best way of training him so he could keep himself out of trouble and begin focusing and listening to me. My enthusiasm was ignited, I read every book I could find on the subject, and signed myself up to loads of courses. He loved to learn, and together we trained and laughed and found our way! My career began... I was working as a veterinary nurse at the time, but dog training and behaviour was my real passion and in 2001 I followed my dream, by getting a job as a guide dog mobility specialist at guide dogs. Working for guide dogs has given me a real solid foundation into the world of dog training, and I continue to work for them now, and absolutely love my job. However it wasn’t until my anxious and reactive dog came into my life that I could gain a real understanding of the loneliness and struggles that us anxious/reactive dog owners go through. Building on my knowledge (qualifications) and understanding I continued to delve deeper into the underlying emotions that my dog was going through, so I could help him navigate life in a human world. Dotty dogs begins... I realised that there were so many other owners out there going through the same challenges I have been through, and that I could reach out and help them to gain a good understanding of their dogs behaviour, with empathy and real understanding, so Dotty Dogs was born! If you are reading this and are in need of some support, please reach out to me and get in touch. I will listen with empathy and understanding, and talk in a language you can understand. I will give you honest and reliable advice and work with you to get the best possible outcome for your dog. Behaviour change takes time, but I will help you and your dog through a clear program giving realistic goals and non judgmental support. To find out more please look through my services and book a free discovery call I look forward to meeting you!

The Friends Of St. Michael's School, Busembatia, Uganda

the friends of st. michael's school, busembatia, uganda

North Newnton

Friends of St. Michael’s was registered with the Charity Commission in 2009. Fiona, a Trustee, had a wonderful time at St. Michael’s in her Gap Year in 2002. She returned to the school every year and started the building of the library. Other visits followed by members of her family and friends - all being moved by the love and friendship they received, and the drive and desire to do something to help. logo It was decided that the best way to give a clear focus to the efforts to support the school, both in practical ways on the ground and to help with fundraising, was to form a charity. Bishop Willigers Secondary School is next door to St. Michael’s. To encourage transition from primary to secondary and help support the parents it was felt necessary to encompass Bishop Willigers SS and the immediate community into our charitable aims. The charity is education and welfare-focused - to advance the education and welfare of the 600+ children at St. Michael's, the building and development of Bishop Willigers Secondary (300 pupils) and to help the immediate community - the village of Namunyumya. As a small charity with no overheads, such as salaries or rent, we are able to ensure that all donations go to where they are needed. At least 2 of the trustees travel out separately on an annual basis to oversee the various projects, sleeping at St. Michael's and getting involved with the life of the school and community. How We Work We are a small “kitchen table” UK registered charity. By this we mean we have no premises, only our own homes, and no equipment except that which we use in our everyday lives. Our trustees all volunteer their time and experience. At least 2 of the trustees travel to Namunyumya to oversee the projects every year and all donations are used in support of our Charitable Objectives. We feel strongly that all money given to the charity goes to help the schools and and the village of Namunyumya. We work closely with St Michael’s and the other village schools, staff, parents and school managements and the village of Namunyumya to ensure that all money and gifts are being spent wisely and on projects that are sustainable. Communication with the schools and community takes place frequently. In this way our support can be focused, relevant and up to date.

Maren Weege Yoga & Massage

maren weege yoga & massage


TEACHING: A teacher to me is on the one hand an enabler, someone who assists skilfully in the learning of another without claiming to be anything more than a facilitator. I aim at empowering students to own their experience and process and find their inner teacher. On the other hand, a teacher is someone who through practice, experience and study reached a level of knowledge and understanding which when it is shared enriches someone else's experience. I enjoy sharing what I've learned and keep studying a variety of subjects, practising with my teachers and learning from my students. A central dimension of my teaching is space holding. Holding space is like externalising mindfulness into 3D: creating a space of presence, awareness, trust, clarity, empathy, curiosity, and non-judgment for a person or a group. YOGA: I believe in the power of a yoga practice because - both as practitioner and teacher - I have experienced and witnessed significant shifts in inner as well as outer state and the experience of being alive. Firstly, it is a system that is based on ethical principles. It offers multidimensional practices ranging from movement and postures to concentration, relaxation and meditation all of which promote awareness, healing and training of our physical body, our breathing, our energetic body, our senses, and our mind. There is something for everyone. To connect to ourselves, we need to spend some time with, get to know and begin to accept, respect and love ourselves for who we are. My intention is to teach in a mindful way putting awareness first. The main teaching focus are breath- and heart-centred practices with accompanying movement and postures - yoga from the inside out. There are various studies that prove the positive effects of conscious breathing on psychological and physiological healing and a calmer state of mind. The techniques become tools that serve your personal journey and enrich your life. A yoga class also offers the opportunity to connect with and support each other without words or touch but through sound and breathing. THE FEMALE BODY: Since my first pregnancy yoga teacher training, I have gone on a journey of discovery around topics specifically relevant to the female body experience. It is a fascinating, beautiful and sometimes intense field of work. The intensity comes from the fact that the changes pre- and postnatally on a physiological, mental-emotional, practical and spiritual level can be incredibly challenging yet the mainstream message is to 'just get on with it' and 'to get your body back'. My intention is to bring women together, to hold space for their experience and offer useful practices for their special state of health. To deepen my knowledge around birth and to be able to offer more support for women and supporting men, I took a doula training in 2016. The more I learned, studied and experienced in this field, I realised that there is a lack of awareness around the importance of a healthy pelvic floor for general wellbeing alongside with shame and lack of opportunity to talk about issues like incontinence, prolapse and pain. I am passionate about doing my bit to change this by offering pelvic floor workshops for women. Another reality in a female body is a menstrual cycle and menopause. There is beautiful wisdom to be had when these female life and monthly cycles are embraced. Living as if we didn't have a cycle leads to ongoing underlying stress and a plenitude of health issues. In the era of the #metoo campaign, it is more evident than ever that there is a lot of trauma in women's bodies and hearts. I hold women's circles and half day retreats based in yoga which are a safe place to be and share.

I Enable You

i enable you

Are you tired of struggling with something getting in the way of you enjoying life or your career? Do you feel stuck? Feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Then it’s time to be you with a happier head on! You want to get rid of anxiety or a phobia that has been blocking you You want to feel more comfortable and confident with public speaking You know there’s got to be more job or career satisfaction than this You want to do yourself proud in an interview You want to stop self-sabotage and feeling like an imposter You are tired of feeling rubbish at work because… (fill in the blanks!) To Be You At Your Very Best You need your mind in the best place to help you thrive and do things differently which means…. Overcoming limiting beliefs and other blocks that cause anxiety Getting clear on a direction for your career Building on your strengths and using them in better ways Finding ways of being more resilient to handle life’s bumps Improving your mental fitness & wellbeing That’s Where I Can Help Lynne Wilkins, Cognitive Hypnotherapist Hi I’m Lynne I can help you find your way forward with more confidence, self-belief and in much better mental shape so you can make the most of your potential and the opportunities you have. I draw upon over 25 years of helping people who don’t want to settle for less any more. I combine evidence based Cognitive Hypnotherapy to re-programme unhelpful conditioning with career and mental resilience coaching to support your steps forward. I see clients in London EC1 near to Barbican and Old Street as well as in Stevenage and Online. What Would You Like Help With? I want to be free of a block - find out about help to get rid of anxiety and phobias I want to be more confident and present myself better - find out more about support to improve your public speaking I need help with my career direction - find out more about career coaching I want to do better interviews - find out more about interview coaching I want to stop self-sabotage and manage my mind better - find out about mental fitness coaching I would love more resilience to handle challenges I’m facing - find out more about therapy, coaching & workshops to support resilience & wellbeing I want a more confident birth experience - find out more about hypnobirthing Start your change now with a free initial consultation on the phone. You can tell me what's been bothering you and we can discuss how Cognitive Hypnotherapy and/or Coaching can help you unlock your potential and be you with a happier head on. You can take the next step now. Give me a call to find out more if you’re looking to meet a hypnotherapist or coach in London EC1, Stevenage SG1 in Hertfordshire or Online. Disclaimer - please note results can vary from person to person Contact Lynne For an initial phone consultation call 07887 992979 or you can book a time in my diary here - click the date and time you want and follow the prompts to complete What Clients Say “After dealing with years of anxiety, I went to see Lynne to see if she could help. I was almost too nervous to attend the first session, but Lynne made me feel comfortable and relaxed in her presence. The sessions have been incredible in helping me overcome my anxiety. I almost feel like a different person. The advice, techniques and support she provided were the key to greatly helping me overcome the issue. Her patience, empathy and kindness made the sessions pleasant, and I would definitely recommend her” – Undergraduate, Herts READ ALL TESTIMONIALS Latest Blog Win at Interviews by Using Your Mind Better Mar 4, 2022 Win at Interviews by Using Your Mind Better

Ever-evolving Training

ever-evolving training


Ever Evolving, Inc.About Ever Evolving Steve Palmer founded Ever Evolving in February 2016 A Note From Our Founder I started Ever Evolving to help business leaders embrace disruption, because ready or not, change is coming. A recent study by our peers at Accenture stated how 93% of Executives “know their industry will be disrupted at some point in the next five years, only 20 percent feel they’re highly prepared to address it.” Which is backed up by Innosight, and their findings about the decreasing corporate lifespan. In fact, their findings show that “about half of S&P 500 companies will be replaced over the next ten years.” That’s frightening! It’s frightening because if it’s happening to the S&P 500, then we are all vulnerable. It’s frightening to think, not only about the effects that industry disruption could have on your career, but the cumulative effects on the careers of your colleagues. It’s frightening to think about the downstream effects it has on your families and loved ones. So I set out to do something about it. In today’s ever-evolving (pun intended) market place, business leaders are challenged to constantly make smart investment decisions in new products and service offerings. After all, the only way to avoid disruption is to innovate out of it. Unfortunately, based on results from a survey conducted by our friends at McKinsey & Company, only 6% of Executives are “satisfied with [their company’s] innovation performance.” Luckily for you, we have a better way. To avoid being disrupted, to not be in that half of the companies that gets replaced, you need to innovate. You need to innovate repeatably. And you need to innovate perpetually. You need a pipeline of new ideas that are ready to replace any outdated products and business practices. You need to communicate the need for new ideas and reward those who submit valuable ones. You need a framework so people know how to develop them. You need innovation governance to make sure you’re investing your time and resources wisely. We at Ever Evolving can help with that. We have developed a framework. We call it the InnoSpecting Framework. And we use that framework as a guideline, tailoring it through our regular engagements with our customers to fit the needs of their specific organizations. Our framework is built on a rock-solid foundation that we call the 4 Pillars of Continuous Innovation. And is governed through regular meetings we call Innovation Pulses. To help you quickly and accurately get through our framework, we provide you with a set of custom tools and templates. These tools will not only help you identify new innovation ideas, but to also manage those ideas so you aren’t wasting money needlessly on ideas that don’t provide value. All in all, these tools and templates will be your answer to addressing six biggest challenges to corporate innovation. But we also recognize that this isn’t a simple journey. We recognize that changing how you operate is challenging. Which is why we also provide a community of peers. We call it the InnoSpection Community. We have designed this community to provide the support you need for this journey. It’s a community of experts and like-minded companies to help you through your innovation transformation. And no matter what size your organization is, we have packages designed to fit your needs. And we’ve built all of this with a focus on YOU. With a focus on YOUR NEEDS. To make sure you are NOT one of the 94% of executives unsatisfied with your innovation performance. To make sure you are NOT one of those companies being replaced. Like I said, we have a better way. Reach out and allow me to share it with you. Connect with Me Connect with me, as I’d love to learn about your organization and talk about where we can collaborate.

Passion Driven

passion driven

You are constantly creating your life, we all are. We create our lives out of the things to which we give our attention, and you attract into your life more of what you put attention on. If your attention is on the things you don’t have, all the problems in your life, all the bad things that are happening to you, then you are creating more of that. If you want more problems, more challenges, more unhappiness, then give attention to those things. If you want to find your purpose and live a passion driven life, then give your attention to the things that create those feelings. ideal_career When you discover your deepest passions, you connect with the essence of who you are. The key to success in life is to live aligned with your passions and your personal destiny will unfold naturally and effortlessly. When that happens, life becomes an expanding field of joy, happiness, and fulfillment, along with all the same inconveniences, challenges, obstacles, and discomforts everyone experiences. The difference is, on the path of a passion driven life, those things just don’t have much significance. Finding The Key to Success in Life Out of fear, people focus on what they don’t want. They’re afraid they won’t have enough money or they’ll get sick or there will be a disaster. One of our favorite sayings is, “Fear is vividly imagining exactly what you don’t want to happen, happening.” Focusing on what you don’t want is a habit. Whenever you notice that you are focusing on something in a negative way, just say “cancel” and replace that thought with something you choose to create. This is the key to success in life and living life with passion. Living Life With Passion: Find Your Purpose Let’s try it right now. Close your eyes and imagine something you fear could happen to you. As soon as it appears say, “cancel” and shift your attention to the opposite. Isn’t that just as likely? You can shift your life just that easily. Because of neural pathways, these fearful thoughts may continue to come up for a while. Just keep canceling those thoughts and replacing them with their opposites. With a little time new neural pathways will be created and your experience will change. What will you put your attention on now? What will the best and most amazing experience of your life look like? By now, we hope you understand that you have the power to craft that experience. You are creating your life and your world in every moment. Want to see how powerful you are? Look at your life. Creating a Passion Driven Life It’s not action that creates the desired result (even though it may appear that way). It is your intention directed through the process of attention that creates the result. You can see this is true because in almost every case the way in which a result happens is different from the plan of action created for achieving that result. Your life today is the result of the predominant thoughts you have held up until now. If you want your life to change, change your mind. It doesn’t have to take a long time to do so and live a passion driven life. Are You Fulfilling Your Life’s Purpose? Living life with passion has the power to transform your life into one full of love, happiness and meaning. Find your purpose and discover how you can use your passion for inspiring and empowering others to become an entrepreneur who ACTUALLY makes a difference in the world around you! Click here to learn more about joining the Passion Test family and living a fulfilled passionate life. Thank you for reading this article about the key to success in life and living a passion driven life.

dbb coaching

dbb coaching

Rediscover your strengths and find the fulfilment and freedom you deserve Life is busy. You have a busy career and a lack of passion has crept in to your daily routine or you just don't feel fulfilled in what you are doing. It may be impacting your wellbeing, your work performance and your relationships and you are feeling stuck? Many of us are at crossroads in our career or emotional life? We can feel lost, unsure, ambivalent, or unhappy at times and burnt out with our job. As a Fulfilment Coach, I can help you understand and rediscover your strengths so you can find the career you want and the life of fulfilment you want to lead & deserve. I will help you find what you want to do and how to achieve it successfully. I believe that all of us have the strength not just to survive, but to truly thrive in our career and life overall . ABOUT ME Hi. I'm David, personal & professional qualified coach - here to help you find meaning, fulfilment and freedom in your life and career! I love helping individuals find their goals and then go and achieve them so that they grow in their career and find fulfilment. We have one life. Happiness and fulfilment are all about aligning the three facets in your life - self, relationships and work. I worked as a sales leader in corporate, tech and startup sales for 20 years and was very successful! Then through a mixture of wanting to be a better husband, Dad and friend; then losing 2 jobs in 15 months in a global pandemic, I rediscovered my strengths - a passionate curiosity and ability in helping people. Coaching can be tranformative and can enable us to live the life we really want. We can absolutely be happy and have the life we want! If you are ready to grow and go on that journey, then I can help you find the fulfilment and happiness for which you strive for in life and work. Here's how: ℹ️We DELIVER tailored 1:1 coaching packages that are focused on your unique challenges Through proven techniques and tools we HELP you go from surviving mode to thriving in your life and career by helping you discover your strengths and working with you to achieve the goals you need to reach to lead a fulfilled and happy life. We SUPPORT you throughout the program so you are in control of the changes you want to make ⬇️ Interested in learning about how we help? ⬇️ Email me on: david@dbbcoaching.com or BOOK TIME IN MY DIARY FOR A FREE CONSULTATION - https://calendly.com/dbbcoaching/intro Get in Touch Book a free consultation THE MENU TO MAKE CHANGES IN YOUR LIFE Get back that feeling of fulfilment THE STARTER 60 minute 1:1 starter session to focus on you and one specific problem you are currently feeling - be it in your life or career. Using proven coaching techniques, we will explore the issue and together work on a plan so you leave feeling revitalised with some clear actions to move forward Studying at Home Image by Denys Nevozhai THE MAIN COURSE A 3-month opportunity to transform how you feel about yourself and make the changes to rediscover YOU. Invest in yourself and transform your life so you get your passion back for life and find the fulfilment and freedom you desire, be it at home or for your career. What's included: - 6 x 60 min 1:1 coaching sessions that works around your busy schedule - We will identify the areas of your life and career where you want to see improvement - Address those limiting beliefs and understand why you feel the way you do - Discover your strengths and align those to your career - Unlimited support via Whatsapp / Email and phone during the 3 months

Pop Up Play Village in and around Cleethorpes

pop up play village in and around cleethorpes

Our aim is to provide a safe and inviting space in which children and their parents can unleash their creativity and let their imaginations go wild. Pop Up Play village is made up of role play areas. We’d call these sets or scenes if we worked in the glamorous worlds of TV or theatre – but sadly we don’t! We have a hospital, vets, baby nursery, supermarket, café, construction site, library, baby play area, art studio and outdoor explorer zone. Each one filled with high quality toys, props and dressing up kits – specially sourced and impeccably clean. What Makes Us Different? We’re often asked whether we’re a playgroup or a drop in toddler play session. Yes, we have toys to play with, things to dress up in and caffeine on tap but our village is about much more than that… Our play sessions have been specially designed by an expert in early years education to help children learn and develop through play. Each of our areas provides them with the tools to develop socially and learn more about themselves, their peers and the world we live in. And whilst this is about education and development, our key priority is having fun. That means fun for everyone. There are no adult wallflowers here. Parents and carers are welcomed into our village and actively encouraged to lose their inhibitions and play together with their children in a way that’s often just not possible at home. And whilst we love our village and all the characters who live in it, we realise it’s good to shake things up a bit from time to time. That’s why we often invite guests to play – dinosaurs, pirates, mermaids, unicorns and dragons – to name a few. We also mark events and the seasons as we pass through the year. Laying The Foundations It was back in 2007 when I started teaching my first ever class that the first foundations of the Play Village were laid. Watching the children in my reception class acting out real-life scenarios in the role play corner, I realised the true value of learning through play. I’d always worked hard to create engaging and realistic areas in which the children could let their imaginations run free. I absolutely loved teaching and gained six fantastic years of experience before having my first child. When my son was 2, I found at weekends it was really hard to find fun, exciting places to take him. It was on one cold, dreary Sunday afternoon in February that the idea of running pop up role play events came into my head along with the name Pop Up Play Village! I thought about it for many months after this vision and it wasn’t until after my daughter was born in June 2016 that I decided it was time to go for it by opening up the world of mobile role play to children and their parents in my local area. Of course, Pop Up Play Village didn’t pop up overnight and as with any build, a great deal of research and testing came before. I wanted every element of the village to be the best it could possibly be and so sourcing the right toys and props took time. Safety, durability and play-ability were key and thankfully, as well as many years of teaching experience behind me, I had two excellent testers in the shape of my children – who were inspiration and guinea pig in equal measure! The doors finally opened on Pop Up Play Village in 2017 and we’re proud to say we’ve undergone huge expansion since. We’re now popping up all over Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire and Oxfordshire. We run sessions for families and schools, entertain children at weddings and events and host their birthday parties. We’ve already been accredited by the Approved Franchise Association and also have the support of two major high street banks – Lloyds and NatWest. But we’re not sitting back. We’ve got ambitious plans and there’s plenty more to be done if we are to bring the Pop Up Play Village experience to many more families across the country and beyond.

Laura Batten - Hello Baby Brighton

laura batten - hello baby brighton

My name is Laura Batten (she/her); I'm mum to Joshua (11) and Martha (5), wife to Leigh and I'm the founder of Hello Baby Brighton. We live in the Preston Park area of Brighton and have done for the last fourteen years. Being beside the sea is such a privilege. There's something about being right on the edge of the land - the sense of freedom, the waves and even the pesky seagulls add character! My pregnancy in 2010 with Joshua was very straightforward and complication-free. I absolutely loved being pregnant and felt carefree and marvelled at my growing bump. My labour, however, was a rollercoaster of stops and starts, and I felt out of control and I didn’t know how to help myself. It ended in the birthing pool - which is what I'd wanted - but looking back (knowing what I know now) I was getting in my own way. I wasn't letting my body do what it needed to do and without realising, contributed to my labour stalling. But in those final two hours in the pool with the most incredible midwife, I felt invincible. I knew immediately that I wanted to do this for other women. I'd never even heard of Hypnobirthing back then, so I originally thought about re-training as a midwife. Since then, sadly, I've experienced the pain of three consecutive miscarriages, and I deeply empathise if you've been through this trauma of any type of loss. How I was treated through one particular journey really cemented my passion of becoming a care-giver who can meaningfully change someone's experience of birth in a positive way. I’d had so much pregnancy and birth trauma and anxiety before I came to Hypnobirthing and I wanted to change that for myself, and for others. In 2017 I gave birth to my daughter, at home in the birthing pool, using Hypnobirthing techniques while my son slept upstairs! It was such a calm and empowering experience and I put it entirely down to my practice during pregnancy, and the mindfulness I used. I can't quite communicate in words how it feels to be able to teach women and couples to be completely empowered and have a birth they feel great about afterwards. So many don't think it's possible; they've had a bad experience before or heard horror stories; generally conditioned through the media and society that birth is painful and long; scared to believe that they're capable of a positive experience of birth. Hello Baby Brighton was founded with a passion to not only work with couples to help change their experience of birth, but also with the goal of continuity of care - something which is quite rare these days. From the moment you say ‘hello baby’ (however you have come to be pregnant or intended parents) to the moment you're holding your baby for the first time, it is the most wonderful and crazy journey of very mixed emotions. My Group and Private Mindful Birth Courses give you the tools you'll need to stay calm and focused, throughout pregnancy and during the birth of your baby and my online monthly Pregnancy Relaxation classes will help you feel grounded and looked after. And of course if you choose me to work alongside you as your Doula, we will have many opportunities together in your pregnancy to prepare you physically and emotionally. I trained in Hypnobirthing back in 2016 and have supported hundreds of couples since. I now teach the Mindful Birth Group course - an incredible 1st-4th-trimester package, which is rooted in mindfulness (and hypnobirthing techniques) but gives you so much more. You can read about them here. I would absolutely love to come alongside you in your pregnancy or new parenthood in one of my courses, classes or services. I feel so strongly about the right antenatal education and the magic of a Doula, that even if you don't choose me, please do choose fantastic pregnancy and birth support - it always, always makes a difference, whatever type of birth you have.

Sophro By Nature

sophro by nature

I'm a mum of two, and a certified Relaxation & Sophrology Therapist based in Kings Heath and Stirchley in Birmingham, UK -consulting online and in-person, in French and English, for stress & anxiety management, pregnancy and birth preparation, children, sleep issues, mindset coaching and self-development, and life transitions and challenges. ‍ My Approach ‍ Sophro by Nature was born from my passion for People and Nature, and my desire to promote a healthier and deeper connection between our body and mind, and the world around us. Sophro comes from the Greek "Sos" and "Phren" meaning awareness/balance of the Body-mind connection, and "by Nature" refers to the fact that this connection/awareness is natural - but with life's busyness we tend to forget about it. It also refers to my passion for bringing therapy to the outdoors. ‍ I use relaxation therapy along a holistic therapeutic method - called sophrology - that combines classic relaxation techniques with mindset coaching, and which blends the best of Western science (hypnotherapy, positive & behavioural psychology, relaxation techniques, guided imagery, counselling skills) and Eastern traditions (mindfulness, yoga, breathing, visualisation, meditation) to balance the body-mind connection and provide a more serene approach to life challenges. (see FAQ for more info on Sophrology). ‍ All the techniques I use are advocated for by the NHS on their website and have been shown to be effective by research studies - my own background is grounded in science with a (honour) MSc in Environmental Studies and Ecotourism from Edinburgh Napier University. I've also spent over 400 hours in training and supervised therapy for two years in a state-accredited school in France to become a Relaxation and Sophrology Therapist :) ‍ About Me After I became a mum for the first time in the US, I was looking for a new way of being a working mother. When we moved to Luxembourg, I set up a project coming from my heart: working with children and families. This led me to create my own Professional Training Center in Language Development and Nature Education in Luxembourg. Thanks to this experience, I've worked with people of all ages, walks of life, cultures and nationalities - parents and babies, young children with special needs, mums and dads to be, grandparents, language therapists, and early-years educators. ‍ Working with parents and children also naturally led me to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle, general well-being, and stress management. This is what started my life-long mission, and prompted me to train as a Relaxation and Sophrology Therapist: to provide support and ways to alleviate stress-related issues that I witnessed - much too often - in people's daily lives. My own experience living and working in various countries with different cultures expanded my cultural and diversity sensitivity - this is why I chose to specialise in children, families, and especially expatriates/immigrants and Third Culture Kids. What I love most about my work is the flexible and therapeutic nature of the methods I use; one day I can prepare a pregnant mum for birth and dealing with pain and fear, the day after I can help a child deal with stress and anxiety, the next day I can help a client improve sleep issues, and the following day I can provide emotional and pain relief to someone going through chemotherapy... It is never boring and always feels so rewarding! As a holistic practitioner, I enjoy taking into account all aspect of your life(style), so that I can provide tools and techniques to empower but also lead to another way of being yourself - a happier and healthier self :) I've always be a Nature lover (I was a Climbing Instructor and trained in Primitive Skills and Nature Education too), and I combine this important value of mine with relaxation and sophrology when I design sessions for my clients, as I firmly believe that the natural world - our world - is a great source of appeasement. In my spare time, I enjoy running, gardening, spending time in Nature, photography, reading, crafting with my kids, and experimenting with fermented food.