3453 Educators providing Love courses delivered Online

London Suzuki Group(the)

london suzuki group(the)


The London Suzuki Group ( LSG ) was founded in 1972 and was the first group in the United Kingdom to teach music by the Suzuki Method. With 60 qualified teachers and over 600 children currently receiving tuition, the LSG runs individual and group classes, orchestral and chamber music courses, workshops and an annual residential summer course at Bryanston School in Dorset. The group offers instruction in violin, viola, cello, piano, flute, recorder and voice. Public and private concerts are regularly organised at venues throughout London and elsewhere, providing much more than the opportunity to learn an instrument. Children and parents form lasting friendships. Parents and teachers are able to share experience and ideas. Music, and the love of music, becomes a natural part of the life of the whole family. Talent is not a prerequisite The Suzuki approach stimulates and develops musical abilities inherent in all children. Despite its sustained record of success exemplified in the many distinctions won by LSG students in music examinations, competitions and scholarships to major schools and conservatoires, the LSG’s overriding achievement is the provision of joy through music making, and the enrichment of the lives of the families involved in the learning process. You can find out more about the Suzuki Method through our website. If you are interested in finding a Suzuki teacher If you are interested in finding a Suzuki teacher, please have a look at our Teacher Profile page. Group class, in addition to individual instruction, gives children the opportunity to learn from one another.Visit our Group Class page for more information. You must sign up for individual lessons before joining a group, and your lesson teacher will be able to help you with this. In most cases, your teacher will ask you to observe classes and register as a member of LSG before you begin lessons. Your teacher will be able to answer any questions you may have about becoming a member. Registration and direct debit forms are available on our website under membership. Please contact us if you have any questions about joining the LSG. We hope to see you at one of our many LSG concerts, courses, or group classes in the near future.

Belfast YMCA Limited

belfast ymca limited


Belfast YMCA has been serving and supporting the people of Belfast since 1850. We are the Belfast association of a global movement of YMCAs. We are physically based in the Stranmillis area of South Belfast but we serve all the people of Belfast. We are guided by our Christian ethos and a desire to serve our community and respond to the changing needs of the people in our city. FullSizeRender.jpg We are committed to: Promoting the Christian faith Providing educational opportunities for all people (and particularly young people) Promoting healthy living (including mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing) Promoting community engagement and citizenship, for young people, their families and other adults for the purpose of family support, community relations and active citizenship Assisting in the relief of hardship or distress (social, physical, emotional, spiritual or economic circumstances.) 20180628_144714.jpg What do we do? In order to achieve our objectives, we carry out the following activities: Faith Development – enabling those who come to faith in Jesus Christ to grow in their relationship with Him and to the church. We host a church on our premises. Our Christian faith underpins all other aspects of our work and encourages us to work inclusively, with care and love and with particular focus on vulnerable groups, including young people. Youth Development – providing training, information and support to young people. Annually, our youth team engage with around 900 young people across a suite of projects. We deliver schools-based Good Relations training, an internet safety project, sixth form enrichment training, and shared education. Our centre based projects include the Duke of Edinburgh Award/Gaisce – The President's Award, volunteer training, the NI National Citizen Service project and Youth in Government. Family Support – providing childcare, after school programmes and holiday clubs. Health & Fitness – providing facilities for sport and fitness for a healthy lifestyle. Community Engagement – promoting reconciliation through responding to the hurts and issues facing people in a divided community which is emerging from conflict. Social Enterprise – developing initiatives which meet our charitable objectives through providing a viable service to the community. All income generated is invested back into our charitable projects.

Dance Concepts (Lichfield) - Ballroom and Latin

dance concepts (lichfield) - ballroom and latin


Dance Concepts started in 2011, Through our time as dancers, we have seen many dance schools and dancers of all levels that love to dance for many different reasons. Since the start of Strictly Come Dancing, ballroom and Latin American has become very popular and the number of people wanting to dance today is huge. At the same time, dance fitness has crazed the country with Zumba. We feel that now is a great time for dance and through our experience can enable everyone no matter how young or old, coordinated or uncoordinated to exoerience and have the opportunity to dance. UK fitness has deteriorated over the last decade for many different reasons, so the sideline benefit to dance and fitness with Dance Concepts is that by making fitness reasonable and regular we can do our bit to help the UK get fit again. Our Vision. Britain started the tradition of Ballroom and Latin American Dancing with all the Champions up to the late 1990’s being born and trained in England. Today, British dancing has slightly lost it’s advance over the rest of the World, with very few truly British couples achieving the great heights in the dance world today. We have been very fortunate and worked hard to represent England all over the world and achieving the highest standards of dance. We want to pass this on to our couples and understand that the dancing world is hugely expensive, so if we can help the younger generation acheive the top of the dance world, we will! Dancing in Pink Fashion Photo Dance Concepts Enjoy the Dance Experience... Join us at Dance Concepts for a variety of dance experiences from social classes to high level competitive dancing. Our aim is to create an entertaining environment for you to learn, what ever your age or ability everyone can learn to dance, it’s about finding the right key. Our team of highly qualified and experienced dancers have the ability to enhance your dance to any level and achieve your maximum, whether you dance for fun, fitness or freedom..

Employability Solutions

employability solutions


Employability Solutions is a registered Independent School offering an alternative secondary education for young people who thrive in a smaller, more nurturing setting than mainstream schools. At ES we believe one size does not fit all. Our curriculum is underpinned by a desire to enable all students to develop their personal, social, academic and employability skills to a level which enables them to lead meaningful, independent and happy lives. All our education programmes are flexible, individually tailored and give young people the opportunity to explore a range of vocational pathways which sets them up for their future. We want to inspire a generation of happy, healthy, employable young people with equal access to opportunities in education as well as at home, work, in their community and in life. What we do We transform young lives and build resilient communities through unique education and employability programmes that are individually developed to meet the needs of each and every student we care for. We do this by offering accredited training, personal guidance, support and access to a wider curriculum of enrichment activities as well as robust safeguarding measures to ensure we have a generation of happy, healthy, resilient young people. In the last few years, and in partnership with other local entrepreneurs we have successfully launched vibrant, sustainable enterprise hubs managed by our students for the benefit of our community. See ‘Projects’ for more information. Why we do it We are fiercely passionate about what we do and committed to creating safer, vibrant communities and pathways out of poverty. We love and care for the young people of our community, and feel it’s our duty to nurture and support them when they face significant barriers to learning and work. Many of our students have gone on to apprenticeships, employment and even university after accessing an education that was the right ‘fit’ for them. Giving back… Every penny of our profits is reinvested in the interest of improving our student’s health and wellbeing. We provide our students with healthy nutritious meals, travel costs, enrichment activities and PHSE support. Throughout it all we strive to enrich our community with the services and skills our students learn along the way. We generate local jobs for local people.

Sale Grammar School

sale grammar school


I am extremely proud to be the Headteacher of Sale Grammar School and thank you for taking the time to visit our website. At Sale Grammar School we pride ourselves on providing an excellent educational experience for all our young people so that they can leave our school equipped to lead both happy and successful lives. We have the highest aspirations for everyone and work together to achieve these, acting in a way that demonstrates our collective values at all times. We have a strong tradition of academic success and also provide extensive opportunities for our students to engage in activities outside of the classroom, be these in music, sport, leadership or one of the many other extra-curricular clubs on offer, enabling our students to realise their potential in many different ways. Sale Grammar School is a happy and vibrant place to be. Our visitors always remark upon the warmth within the school and the excellent relationships that are evident between staff and students. Our teachers are passionate about their subject and have a strong desire to instil in our students a lifelong love of learning, and as a result, they become creative and confident individuals, well prepared for the future. Our outstanding pastoral offer has the right balance of both care and support, thus creating an environment in which students feel safe and secure, and as a result, they are able to thrive. An emphasis on a strong personal and social development offer enables our students to gain a better understanding of themselves and others and to understand the importance of making a positive contribution to both their local community and society as a whole. Everyone is part of a team at Sale Grammar School and we place great emphasis on working and living together as a genuine community where each individual is equally valued and respected. I do encourage you to visit us in the very near future so that you too can experience what makes Sale Grammar School such a wonderful place to be a part of. With my very best wishes Rebecca Smith




Lottie has been practicing yoga for over 15 years and teaching for 10 years. She is a 500 hour registered teacher, holds the Yoga Campus Teacher Training Diploma and is accredited with the British Wheel of Yoga. Lottie has trained with some world-renowned teachers and and her classes draw upon the various styles she has been taught including Vinyasa Flow, Ashtanga, Iyengar and Sivananda. She teaches Yin Yoga and Flow Yoga for mixed abilities and beginners classes with sequences that can be modified to make them more/less challenging depending on the student’s level. She includes asanas (poses) for strength and flexibility with a focus on alignment, pranayama (breathing) exercises to calm the mind, meditation to cultivate inner awareness and relaxation to allow the body and mind to rest and rejuvenate. Lottie enjoys bringing her yoga practice to the local community and she believes that yoga is for everyone. Her classes will leave you feeling energised yet calmer. A regular yoga practice ensures a healthy mind and body. What brought me to Yoga and why I do it? I was looking to improve my flexibility and to aid relaxation. Like many people I wondered what to expect at my first class, but I was hooked from the beginning and came away feeling calmer and more energised, ready to take on life. It brought me an hour of calm in my day. I was eager to learn the asanas (poses) and their Sanskrit names (classic language of ancient India), the breathing exercises and always savoured resting in Corpse pose (Savasana) at the end of class. I then decided to explore yoga in more depth, learn about the philosophy and anatomy and to teach yoga to others, so I enrolled on the Diploma course with Yogacampus where I was taught by some truly inspiring yoga teachers including Lisa Sanfilippo, Jo Manuel, Katrina Repka, Liz Lark, Aadil Palkhivala, Doug Keller and Dr. Ruth Gilmore. For me yoga gives me energy and focus, makes me smile, and keeps me grounded in everyday life. Even when it is challenging I love it and it makes me seek out more. Every day I arrive on my mat I have a new experience and that is great!

Radio Tutor

radio tutor


This site will help you to pass your UK Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced Amateur Radio exams, through the help of online learning and realistic mock tests. Even better, the whole site is completely free to use. Have a look at the following courses we offer, and if you get stuck take a look at our FAQ or get in touch with the team. Site Feedback We'd love to hear any feedback your have for this site. To do so, just fill out this online form. Latest Updates from RadioTutor Accounts System We've rolled out our new accounts system, which will let you create an account on RadioTutor which is used to keep a record of your test results. This will allow you to track your progress over time. Creating a user account is not compulsary, and you can continue to use the site as normal without logging in. What do we do with your data? Take a look at our privacy policy. Peter Barnes MØSWN Questions with Images I'm pleased to announce that image based quetsions are now fixed. Wheras before there was no image for these questions, now there should be an easy to read vector image for these questions. Check out our foundation and intermediate quizzes if you'd like to see these new images. Peter Barnes MØSWN New Courses Hello all, we have started to write brand new courses for RadioTutor! At first we will be focusing on the Foundation licence, followed by Intermediate and then Advanced. Hopefully over the coming months you should see lots of content filling up the courses, including videos and quizzes. Until then, we are providing links to resources provided by other organisations Peter Barnes MØSWN New Site Welcome to RadioTutor, a new site to help you study for your UK Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced exams. This website has been made possible by the authors of hamtests.co.uk, who generously provided their pool of questions for use on this site. We are currently still actively developing this site, so please be patient as changes and updates roll out. Please feel free to get in touch with the team if you have any suggestions or comments about RadioTutor Peter Barnes MØSWN

Trinity Catholic College

trinity catholic college


It is an honour and a privilege to lead Trinity Catholic College. As a headteacher it is my responsibility to ensure that your children get the very best education and that is why I lead our school through the eyes of a parent. My philosophy is clear; if it is not good enough for my own daughter then it is not good enough for yours. Therefore, I ensure that the high expectations I have for my own child are realised in every decision I make here at Trinity Catholic College. At Trinity we are unashamedly ambitious for our pupils, staff and whole community. Our unique 11-18 school is vibrant and forward thinking, meeting the changing needs of the young people and their families in the modern age. We are proud of our rich heritage and the tradition of academic excellence combined with outstanding pastoral care. Trinity Catholic College is the only 11-18 Catholic provision in Middlesbrough and we are privileged and committed to educating your son or daughter for seven years. Trinity Catholic College provides the best start in life, enabling students to confidently meet the challenges of the wider world. Here, academic excellence is achieved in surroundings where relationships are based on care, trust and respect. We welcome students from across Middlesbrough building a Catholic community that has, at its heart, prayer and service to others. Our Catholic foundation and ethos is central to all that we do, supported by the work of our lively Chaplaincy Team. Our mission is simple yet powerful; we follow Jesus, build our family and, in turn, fulfil our potential. At Trinity, a special value is placed on love and forgiveness, which encourages relationships based on trust, kindness, self-respect and care for those in need. At Trinity we are relentlessly ambitious for our pupils. That is why we offer a rich curriculum both in and outside the classroom. We ensure that our staff are highly qualified, driven and experts in their field with a passion for bringing the curriculum alive each and every lesson so that both pupils and staff can craft extraordinary work.

Workshop 15

workshop 15

My name is Jonah Hughes. I made my first blade (straight razor) when I was around 16 years old. I was fascinated by it by just kept it as a hobby. I completed a degree in mechatronics engineering whilst keeping tinkering on the side. After I graduated, I decided to pursue my calling and see where it would take me. This is where I have ended up, so please join part of my journey, one custom made product at a time.  High Quality, Ethically Sourced Materials  Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed  Honest Prices  Multi-skilled craftsman MY STORY I have been making and tinkering since 16 y.o Workshop 15 started out as a small garage workshop at 15 Holland Avenue. This is where I grew up. The garage was around about 10m^2, as well as holding the boiler plus storage for miscellaneous homeware. The first knife I made was using a hole in the ground and a hairdryer to heat up some coals so that I could blacksmith an old file. After this I was hooked. I made small knives as procrastination for exams, and was soon progressing to kitchen knives. A while passed of doing much the same whilst at university, until I decided to leave my masters year to pursue this, and I haven’t looked back. The workshop has moved to a larger location at my grandparents house, and I now call myself a full time craftsman The Logo As soon as I was of age, I got my first tattoo in a relatively concealed place. It is in an ancient script called Elder Futhark as I wanted the meaning of it to be just for me. I decided that this language would perfect for the logo – spelling out WS.15 for Workshop 15 My Vision My version of success isn’t to have lots of money, or a nice house or car. This is reflected in my work, which I do purely from passion and love of the craft. For this reason, I am able to do projects that others may find not profitable enough or too challenging, because I am living for my work rather than working to live.

Dudley Sixth

dudley sixth


See why learning is about more than exams and textbooks. Dudley Sixth doesn’t believe in spoon-feeding learners with information or teaching them merely to pass examinations. Of course exam success is vital to your onward career at university or work, but so is the ability to think for yourself, to question norms and to explore the ideas that grab your interest. Thought-provoking discussions – rather than textbooks and lectures – can help to inspire a lifelong love of learning in us all. At Dudley Sixth we aim to nurture generations of inquiring minds. To help you thrive in your studies, we have created an environment that is happy, warm and supportive. We will celebrate your successes and encourage you to be the best you can possibly be. Feel respected and nurtured in a place that is welcoming to all. When you choose Dudley Sixth, you’re here because you want to be, not because you have to be. Our teaching staff are delighted about that and will naturally reward your maturity by treating you as an adult. In return, we expect you to take responsibility for your learning, behaviour and attendance – and to show respect for the education you and your fellow learners are being offered by attending every lesson on time. Dudley Sixth issues essential textbooks on extended loan to all learners but you will be expected to provide your own stationery. Naturally, teachers will expect you to be properly equipped for every lesson and to have done your homework! All learners will be assessed at end of first year for satisfactory academic progress and conduct before being enrolled on to the second year.