3453 Educators providing Love courses delivered Online

Artbrush Online School

artbrush online school


My work invites meditation upon nature and its relationship with colour, light and movement. As I draw or paint, I gradually unravel the underlying qualities of balance and harmony within my subject matter. What interests me most is observing the formation of line and pattern: from the blades of grasses to a bird’s feather; from the shifting of clouds to the beat of my heart; from the maps of stars in heaven to the trunk of an old oak tree. I continuously strive to reveal beauty and elegance within the natural rhythm of life and look to my art as a place of well-being, empowerment and inner peace. The materials I love to use are water-based pigments, powders, and Japanese black ink. These are natural and organic and are deeply connected to earth and nature. They afford a rich palette of hues and allow for both extreme precision and flow of movement. I am captivated by the way they blend together and create a whole that is more than its' individual parts. Occasionally, I also add hints of gold and silver, as these reflect light differently at each hour of the day, changing the glow of the work from within. Japanese Ink Painting Instructor & Artist, Talia Lehavi - Standing with a brush in front of Notes on Pine collection in Mallorca Studio My work is an attempt to find and enjoy a moment in time. The materials I use embrace that moment, echoing their mark on the paper or canvas, and becoming eternal for a short while. I am keen to explore images that can stand the test of time, that would still be of fascination in years to come, and yet are potent in the here in now. I hope that others understand my work with their hearts and emotions; that they are touched and moved by it, and that it evokes a sense of balance, hope, and joy.

Progress Jiu Jitsu

progress jiu jitsu

Westbrook Park

We started Progress in the Summer of 2012. The brand started in Manchester, England. We take great pride in being from Manchester and the city's culture and history influences a lot of our designs. James Tighe (a then blue belt) started the brand with his close friends and family, all of whom a decade later are still part of the company. We all shared one thing in common, an unbelievable passion for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. We fell in love with the sport and our dream was to one day quit our jobs and work on the brand full time, being involved with the Jiu Jitsu community, to help it grow as much as we could. This dream became our goal. The brand name perfectly represented how we felt about the sport, and us as people. It's all about the Progress you make. We put less emphasis on winning at all costs, and more on improvement. We genuinely want our customers and fans to be the best they can possibly be, on and off the mats, and the essence of our brand is to try our best to make that happen, through our products, our content, our athletes, our projects and everything else we do. We will help you achieve your goals. ''Without struggle, there can be no Progress'' Fast forward to January 2021, we finally achieved our goal and launched the brand full time. We quit our jobs and committed to a warehouse lease. We have not looked back since, and have our amazing customers to thank for giving us the best job in the world. As a brand our promise is to repay your faith in us by providing the best customer experience you could dream of, and supplying the community with legendary Jiu Jitsu gear. We pride ourselves on adding more value to the Jiu Jitsu community than we take out. Our mission is to grow our sport by sharing our passion for the Jiu Jitsu lifestyle, making the World a better place through the movement of Jiu Jitsu.

Focus On Your Core

focus on your core

I help you focus on your core to bring out your best self, one goal at a time. Only you have the power to change and focus on what you really want! I serve as your sounding board to get you started and get moving! I coach and advise professionals, businesses and young people to help them map and identify their priorities. Struggling to get started? I help you think strategically and support you in getting in the direction you want to be – your goals, your career, your brand. Have a look at our programs and let’s have a private chat to see if this is right for you. You are in total control. This is your life. But you got to bring your whole self if you want positive change. For owner/manager businesses, start-ups and young entrepreneurs, I help you with your business’ brand identity and strategic communications, whether you are at the startup phase or growing your business with a team. I have been doing this for 14 years. Leadership buy-in is important for whatever change you are thinking, so start chatting over a cup of tea or lunch. I also love working with university students and young people. I am passionate about supporting them through self-discovery, confidence and career mapping. So many young people need direction. I also partner with universities and organisations to help deliver online career coaching support to guide students throughout the school term. I am passionate about arts in health and its impact on our wellbeing. I thoroughly enjoy working with professionals in the creative industry. I am also an artist and my work is focused on health and wellbeing and influences of life in the Caribbean. Try something new and be inspired to improve, take action and take care of you. Thanks so much for visiting and I am excited to join you on your journey! Let’s do this!

East Leake Academy

east leake academy


It is with great pride and pleasure that I introduce you to East Leake Academy (ELA). At ELA we believe passionately that every young person should have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, so they can foster a true love for learning allowing them to reach their full potential. We also believe that students should develop into strong role models who can contribute positively as outstanding citizens within the wider community. We also strive towards creating a culture of respect and consideration for others at ELA, so that students develop a strong moral compass. Everything that we do at the academy is underpinned by our core values – we empower, we respect, we care – which are firmly central to our academy’s ethos. We deliver on our beliefs through providing a robust curriculum and high-quality teaching and learning focused around developing knowledge and skills, as well as creating opportunities for students to explore learning deeply through developing debate, problem solving, critical evaluation and communication skills. Alongside this our excellent pastoral programme is designed to allow further development of leadership, organisation, resilience, initiative and communication skills in readiness for future lives beyond school. We empower We respect We care The academy as a result has a strong track record of academic success at both GCSE and A Level, and consistently outperforms national averages in a wide range of performance measures. Life at ELA however is about much more than strong academic performance. Year after year, our students never cease to amaze us with their passion to go above and beyond in a wide variety of disciplines such as English, sport, drama, music, enterprise, science, technology and maths, to name but a few. Our personalised approach and rich curricular and extracurricular offer make ELA a very special and positive place to learn. We really hope you choose to come on this journey with us and look forward to welcoming you to ELA.

The Hemming Bird

the hemming bird


Leamington Spa

My passion for sewing started at an early age when making matching outfits for mother and daughter was the done thing! The sewing machine we used was temperamental but despite this I was hooked! On visits to my grandparents I would also watch my granny hand sewing little bags with zips or altering her clothes. The possibilities of this new hobby seemed endless. You could also save a fortune and I was so pleased with my creations… What I loved about sewing and still do, is being able to make something that is exactly what I want and it is well-finished enough so it looks as though I have bought it. It certainly doesn’t have to be expensive either, in fact the thriftier the better! Over the years I have been on various courses and workshops to learn more about sewing (and in particular more recently about soft furnishings) and I even got myself a job for a year in the Fabric Department at Liberty in London which was really rather special! I eventually became a teacher myself (English as a Foreign Language) which I loved; I now know how I would want to be taught and how not to teach! For the past six years or so I have been making soft furnishings in the room at the bottom of the garden, firstly for family, then friends and then others, all with the ultimate aim of setting up sewing workshops. And so my dream job is now a reality: all my experience has come together so I can teach people my passion for fabrics, colour, sewing and soft furnishings. The satisfaction I get and can give my students is immense; now I am giving people the skills and the confidence to make beautiful cushions for their home or for their friends; teaching them how to calculate and cut for beautifully hand-finished curtains and blinds… and all in the fabric they love! These sewing workshops are the making-time for you and your home – so what will you come and learn?

SensualSpa Beauty Training

sensualspa beauty training


A franchise of beauty salons in the UK offering original facial beauty treatments, semi-permanent make-up, aesthetic medicine procedures, and care products.A world that revolves around your beauty SensualSpa is the natural result of years of gathering experience in the cosmetology field and participating in courses and symposia and undergoing training. Our clients enjoy a holistic approach to their skin, an intimate atmosphere, and professional post-treatment care. MY NAME IS Sandra Bujnowska I am the founder of the SensualSpa Institute of Beauty salon franchise and the owner of the first SensualSpa in Sheffield, which is still operating. I have worked as a beauty expert, cosmetologist and linergist for 13 years. My story starts in Poland, where I opened my first beauty salon. From the very beginning, my services stood out on the market thanks to the use of modern beauty devices and professional equipment. Additionally, I worked with the best dermatologist and aesthetic medicine doctors. After several years of running a business in Poland, I moved to the UK and opened my own beauty clinic here. Now, eight years later, SensualSpa Institute of Beauty is one of the UK’s most recognisable beauty brands and beauty salons. Today, inspired by my first beauty studio in Sheffield, new SensualSpa salons are being created, with thousands of regular and satisfied customers. WE WORK ONLY WITH The best experts on skin health Only experienced professionals who love what they do work in SensualSpa Institute of Beauty salons. They constantly learn and hone their skills by participating in courses, symposia, and industry conferences. As such, you can be sure that you will receive professional help and support during the treatments and comprehensive post-treatment care, regardless of the SensualSpa salon you choose to visit. WE STAY UP TO DATE WITH Beauty trends We constantly update our offer and analyse what is currently popular among customers. We follow trends in facial treatments, aesthetic medicine procedures, and the world of semi-permanent make-up.

URUBU - Ecstatic Dance, Wellbeing & Embodiment

urubu - ecstatic dance, wellbeing & embodiment


London's original Ecstatic Dance events since 2009!Seth Newman: As the founder of the URUBU School of Transformational Arts, he integrates the roots of Humanistic therapies, Bioenergetics & Body Psychotherapy, Transpersonal Psychology and Tantra in creative and life-transforming workshops, retreats and trainings. As a coach, Seth is dedicated to helping people calm, empower and rejuvenate their busy minds and bodies to achieve the best versions of themselves. Seth brings a wealth of experience holding heart-centered spaces. His in-depth studies, trainings, personal experiences of many therapeutic modalities such as Humanistic & Body Psychotherapy, the Human Potential Movement, 5 Rhythms, Active meditations and the teaching of the Indian Mystic Osho who he grew up with in India in the 1970s, infuse his approach to living a creative, holistic & embodied life and sharing his unique offerings with others. Seth has been facilitating regular workshops for many years. As a musician, Seth is very passionate about rhythm & drumming, has an MA in Community Music from Goldsmith College, worked as a world music percussion teacher in East London schools for almost 20 years, created URUBU collective back in 2009 as a Live Music Ecstatic Dance experience with Afro-Brazilian drummers & musicians and started his journey as an avid DJ with a love for Afro-Beat, Cuban and Brazilian music and created an Ecstatic Dance scene in London and the UK. Seth has a life-long passion for 5 Rhythms and other movement and Ecstatic Dance practices.

Manchester Montessori House

manchester montessori house


Manchester Montessori House is the first bilingual English- French kindergarten in Manchester, in the United Kingdom for children ages 3 to 6. Initially it had started as a Montessori group for Home Educating families in Greater Manchester in 2008. There was, and still is, a big demand for alternative education and Montessori is one of these options. Montessori methodology, well known worldwide, does offer holistic approach and supports all areas of children’s development. It places the child in the centre, where he/she can develop his/her full potential through carefully and purposefully offered ‘hands on’ activities. The highly qualify staff ( with a lot of teaching experiences), implement valuable principals of Montessori philosophy while educating young children in their formative years of grow. The staff aims are to provide Prepared Environment that enables children to express their full potential over the most important and crucial first six years of life, but also later on. Teachers are ‘to offer the child an environment rich in motives for activity, in which he/she can choose what he/she will take and use. In this choice he/she is free from any teacher’s control, or indeed from adult control in general’ (Montessori, 2007, p. 186). Children who attend to our setting are carefully observed and ‘scaffold’ by the experienced practitioners on the way to ‘Normalisation’ as Dr Montessori called this process and cited it as “the most important single result of our whole work” (Montessori, The Absorbent Mind, 1949). Children natural phenomena, potential and internal energy horme, – ‘this universal force is not physical, but is the force of life itself in the process of evolution’ (Polk Lillard, 1972, p.42), are directed on the most natural way of holistic development. All the little learners are treated with the respect, are given attention they deserve, are being looked after as a unique individuals. Peers in our setting are given opportunity to grow in consistency and harmony which helps them to progress in all areas of grow ‘to follow the child, adapting himself to the child’s rhythm and the psychological needs of his growth’ (Polk Lillard, 1972, p.39). It is important for us that children grow in calm, safe and beautiful environment and are learning to be creators of the world around them. They acquire how to develop self-discipline, motivation and love of work as a natural response to their internal needs. Educational materials in our kindergarten are purchased from the licensed manufacturers of Montessori materials and are the same, which are taught in all over the world. The furniture are comfortable and accessible for children. All the apparatus are made of wood or natural resources and comply with high safety requirements. We focus on each child individually to help him/ her evolve the curiosity to the nature and to the surrounding world. We promote individuals who grow free, are independent, be self-motivated and confident. They are empathic and tolerant, can recognize their own feelings but also, which is very important, can respond to the needs of others. We give children the opportunity to develop according to their respective capabilities and to easily adapt themselves in multicultural societies. The Montessori system of education provides an environment rich in activities for every area of learning. Montessori called her schools “Casa dei Bambini” or “the children’s home”. In their home from home the children find room full of mysteries, challenges and discoveries. Our Montessori approach is holistic and aims to develop the whole child when they have the greatest capacity to learn. Follow by Montessori we aim to: help children become confident, compassionate, happy, calm, purposeful, free and independent, empower them and be creative. Awaken children’s interest in all subjects and to encourage in them a love of learning. Give children an understanding of the world and respect for all they find in it. The Montessori Method is a dynamic and complete approach to the enrichment of young children and as such represents the very best that a parent can give during these formative years. ‘The child is in a continual state of growth and metamorphosis, where as the adult has reached the norm of the species’ (E.M. Standing, 1984, p. 106).

Soul Food Sisters

soul food sisters


We’re a group of migrant women based in East Glasgow and together we’re creating a vibrant, female-led collective based around our favourite thing: food! By swapping recipes, ideas and skills, we’re making women’s lives brighter. Our not-for-profit organisation brings together women from all over the world, ending social isolation and empowering them to develop their talents- in the kitchen and beyond. 1. WE ARE A SOCIAL ENTERPRISE When we say ‘not-for-profit’, we mean just that! We believe that making a difference to people’s lives is more important than making money. Soul Food Sisters’ role is to empower migrant women in the local community to start their own businesses, encourage their abilities and increase confidence. That’s much more valuable than a fistful of tenners. 2. IT’S A LEARNING CURVE Sharing skills is a big deal for us. We are paid a flat rate and we all work together, which can mean anything from peeling bags of spuds to attending high-flying business meetings. By learning from each other, we can become stronger and more powerful together. 3. WE ARE ALL WOMEN We are built on the idea of sisterhood, so Soul Food Sisters is a women-only workers co-op, open to females from diverse backgrounds who love to cook. (Sorry, guys!). But if you’re female and you’d like to join our collective, get in contact as we would love to hear from you. If you work with us for a while, you could be offered membership to the co-operative. 4. EVERYTHING WE GET, WE PUT BACK IN Soul Food Sisters have an appetite for making great food, but when it comes to business, we’re not greedy. Any surplus cash after paying wages goes straight back into the collective. Also our assets are locked, so in the unlikely event we go bankrupt, nobody will be allowed to go home with the soup urns or chopping boards! 5. WE ARE A DEMOCRACY All the women in the Soul Food Sisters collective get a fair share and a listening ear. We make all our decisions by consensus, which isn’t always the quickest way, or the easiest. But consensus means that everyone is treated with respect and that we genuinely make decisions as a unified group. Every single one of us has equal ownership. 6. WE ARE ETHICAL To us, having a clear conscience is just as important as having a clean kitchen. We source ethical ingredients wherever possible and support other co-ops, making sure to buy our food locally. Of course, sometimes there are ingredients - like rice paper, for example - that we have to go further afield to find! But ethically sourced food is our utmost priority. 7. WE BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF FOOD We believe that food has the power to bring people together. By harnessing the spirit of Glasgow and it’s culturally diverse and fascinating communities, we provide food that celebrates diversity and for people of all cultures to enjoy together. 8. WE ARE SMART LADIES FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE At the moment, Soul Food Sisters is made up of eight women from 5 different continents. From Malaysia and Cuba to Poland and Thailand, we are a culturally mixed group, with many skills to share. And our talents extend further than just the kitchen. Together our cooks can do anything, whether it’s teaching German, making wine, designing buildings or driving trains! 9.THE HIDDEN GARDENS HAVE HELPED US GROW We would not be here without the help of the Hidden Gardens, at Tramway. This is the place where we met and cooked together for the first time, and we are grateful for their continued support. 10. AND FINALLY…WE MAKE GREAT FOOD Our food is what makes us tick. It’s who we all are, what we grew up with, what brings us together. We believe that our food is a reflection of our individual personalities and family traditions. And we’d like to share it with everyone!

Jacob Morrison Guitar, Ukulele & Banjo Tuition

jacob morrison guitar, ukulele & banjo tuition


I teach guitar, ukulele and banjo lessons in Stroud, Gloucestershire, and specialise in the following styles: * folk/acoustic/singer-songwriter * country/bluegrass * pop/rock/indie * Western swing * blues/R&B/jazz basics I can help if you want to learn new techniques, want to learn a specific style or technique, are stuck in a rut with your playing or just want to have fun playing and learning! I’m currently taking on beginner, improver, intermediate & advanced players aged 12 to adult. Everyone has different challenges and interests, so I always tailor lessons to your individual needs. I like to focus on learning through playing music that you love (songs, instrumentals, improvisation, etc.), while helping you feel a sense of progress and growth. > Thank you for your patience & thoughtful guidance over the last year. I’ve > loved every minute of our lessons and the musical tricks, tools & knowledge > you’ve shared. > > – Toby T  CONTACT JACOB [https://jacobmorrison.me/contact/] I bring all my skills of playing live and in the studio at the highest level. I have over 18 years experience of teaching all kinds of students in many styles (see my “Testimonials [https://jacobmorrison.me/testimonials/]” for more feedback from students). I’m  DBS checked and have public liability insurance. > From the very first lesson he puts you at ease with his friendly and easy > going nature; each lesson has been fun as well as being informative and it’s > easy to look back and see clear progress. > > – Samantha Kenyon (guitar teacher in training) CONTACT JACOB [https://jacobmorrison.me/contact/] LESSON PRICES * £40 for an hour lesson * £33 for 45 minutes * £25 for 30 minutes (recommended for children only) > I’ve been learning guitar with Jacob for the last year and a half or so and > have found him engaging, encouraging and endlessly patient! > > When I go back to songs we started with, it is inspiring how much he has > taught me, and how far I have come. > >  – John Leigh CONTACT JACOB [https://jacobmorrison.me/contact/] TEACHING LOCATION I teach from my home studio in Brimscombe, Stroud (in Gloucestershire). It has everything we need for your lesson! I’m also available for online lessons via Zoom (or Facetime, Google, etc.). > Thank you so much for being an amazing teacher and also helping me with my > DofE! You have made me feel much more confident in singing and much better at > guitar! […] I have really enjoyed our lessons! > > – Holly Ewing, age 15 CONTACT JACOB [https://jacobmorrison.me/contact/]