3453 Educators providing Love courses delivered Online

Ey Matters

ey matters


Why EY Matters? My love affair with the Early Years sector began back in 2011 when I started working with Laura Henry, and through my work with her I started to connect with other Early Years Professionals. During 2013, I supported Laura with her vision of creating an organisation for the Trainers and Consultants of the sector, by organising the first meetings, the first survey and collating the results. Out of this vision NEyTCO was born. Launched in 2014 at the House of Commons, NEYTCO - National Early Years Trainers and Consultants - brought together experts in the sector to offer mutual support for trainers and consultants and a one-stop-shop for early years settings, local authorities, schools and others. In 2017, at the invitation of the CEO, Catriona Nason, I started working closely with NEyTCO, looking at the member experience, finding ways to improve the membership offering and also promoting the members and the organisation, but sadly in the current climate, NEyTCO was unable to survive and closed in October 2018. After receiving the devastating news that NEyTCO was unable to continue trading, I thought long and hard about what this would mean for the sector and then came up with the idea that the new Twitter Chat (#EYMatters) I had introduced a few weeks earlier in September could perhaps be utilised in some way to support Early Years Professionals to continue connecting, communicating and collaborating. With this in mind, I formed a new company EY Matters Ltd with the sole purpose of providing the platform to support the sense of community that has been building over the past few months between the NEyTCO Members and other individuals, companies and areas within the sector. I should stress, this is a separate venture from my main business, Virtual Support UK Ltd, where I still provide support and administration services to the sector on a Pay-per-Minute basis!

Tarporley High School And Sixth Form College

tarporley high school and sixth form college


I wish you a warm welcome to Tarporley High School and Sixth Form College. Tarporley High is an outstanding 11-18 academy school at the heart of a rural Cheshire community that extends between Chester to the west and Nantwich to the east. Our school vision is “Aspire, Learn, Achieve”. Our aim is to provide the very best learning and personal development opportunities for every young person in the communities that we serve. Our teaching and support staff are highly qualified, very skilled, and together share the strongest dedication to ensuring that all our students are safe, wholeheartedly enjoy their learning, and achieve to their full potential. My priority as Headteacher is for every student to enjoy excellent teaching and pastoral support, to be valued and respected as an individual, and to play a full and active part in school life. The day-to-day atmosphere of our school is warm, friendly, orderly and purposeful. We are keen for all our students to develop as confident, responsible and considerate individuals who excel and make a lasting contribution within and beyond their school life. We are extremely proud of their outstanding achievements in all walks of life. Our partnership with parents and carers is very important to us, and we will work closely with you throughout your child’s time with us to nurture their aspirations, their learning and their achievement. I hope that our website will inform you, inspire you and give you a taste of the very special qualities of our school. Prospective students and their families are very welcome to come and see us in action during the school day. We are committed to supporting all our students maximise their huge potential, both academically and personally during their time at Tarporley High School and Sixth Form College; creating memories that will be carried with them throughout their lives. Our enthusiastic teachers share a love of teaching and learning.

Dudwell School

dudwell school


Caroline Waldegrave is the founding Principal, former Managing Director and co-owner of Leiths School of Food and Wine, one of the most prestigious and respected cookery schools in the country. After 33 years’ involvement, Caroline retired and became a non-executive director on the board of Leith’s in 2009. She was also Chairman of the Guild of Food Writers for several years, and a former member of the Health Education Authority. Caroline was awarded an OBE in 2000 for services to the UK catering industry. Her passion and enthusiasm for teaching and love of food have continued to be the fundamental drivers of Caroline’s work. Since stepping back from day-to-day involvement in Leith’s School, Caroline has focused on imparting her wealth of cookery knowledge at Dudwell School, on the site of the beautiful Waldegrave family home, Dudwell Field Farm. In addition, she owns the Barley Mow pub in London's Marylebone with three of her four children, as well as being a director of the family organic dairy farm. Caroline is also in demand for media appearances, and has been seen on various TV and radio programmes, including Chef School, Masterchef and Tricks of the Trade. In what spare time she does have, Caroline enjoys playing bridge and tennis, and attending the theatre. Publishing Caroline is the author or co-author of a range of cookery books. These include the Leith’s Cookery Bible, Cookery Course and Cookery School books (co-written with Prue Leith), Leith’s Easy Dinner Parties (co-written with Puff Fairclough and Janey Orr), Leith’s Fish Bible (co-written with CJ Jackson), The Healthy Gourmet, and the Low Fat Gourmet. Many of the recipes you will cook on the Dudwell courses will be taken from the Leith’s Bible, but you will also benefit from a copy of the Dudwell cookery book which you will take home at the end of the course, or which is available to buy separately here.

Life And Soul Purpose by Beata Dzwigol

life and soul purpose by beata dzwigol


I am Beata Dzwigol, an Inter-Dimensional Therapist, Intuitive Spiritual Coach and Healer, New Earth Goddess Heart Temple Founder, AKASHICdance Founder, DANCEmandala Facilitator, Gong and Reiki Master Teacher, Holistic Therapist. I am a member of Akashic Records Consultants International, LLC and Spiritual Workers Association. I can help you to care of body, mind and spirit. While reading your aura I can tune in to contact your Spiritual Guides and I can introduce you in a healing process on many levels. You Spiritual Guides will lead me so I can help you heal negative emotions and patterns, remove blockages, heal traumas and cut off cords from current and previous lives. We can also work to heal your inner child and understand your self-sabotage. I will guide you through the process of your transformation. I will take you on a journey during which you will have a chance to forgive and let go of whatever is necessary, so that you could spread your wings and shine your inner light – the light of unconditional love. I am not asking you to believe in anything I might say either here or during the session. If it doesn’t resonate with you, then just let it go. However, sometimes what is said, although it does not resonate with you at the time, can make sense later, lie a seed that is planted and which may in due course grow and blossom. A remainder for you and a remainder for me: I AM NOT A LIFEGUARD; I AM A LIGHT HOUSE guiding you on your own journey. You take full responsibility for integrating your experience into your own life. You can go as deep as you wish, the choice is yours to make. I am here for you; to guide and help you, to radiate out your beauty and happiness, to re-find joy and live a fulfilled life.

Susy Dance Fitness

susy dance fitness

After working as a Self-Employed Performing Arts Teacher and Pound Pro alongside my 9-5 job, I finally took the plunge to be fully Self-Employed in September 2018. I grew up enjoying Performing Arts; from the age of about 3 I took dance classes, and when I was 7, I joined Spotlight Performing Arts School as a pupil - I am now the Manager of the Saltburn School! From then on, I performed in as many community based shows as possible with Spotlight PA, and other groups too! This led me to study my Level 3 in Musical Theatre full-time at Middlesbrough College, and then my BA (Hons) Dance at Teesside University. I discovered my passion for teaching whilst at university - completing my work placement at Redcar Academy (now Outwood Academy, Redcar), where I also completed my teaching placement for my PGCE:TLLS. My love of teaching Fitness classes came after I finally found joy in Group Exercise! I had joined a gym whilst at university and didn't really enjoy it that much - but liked the results I was getting. Unfortunately this gym didn't offer much in the way of Group Exercise classes, which is what I found more motivation in, rather than just wandering around the gym floor between cardio/weights... My husband and I were then gifted a 14 day membership at another gym which offered far more, and we signed up for a full year's membership - where I discovered that I could fit the gym into my schedule and made myself accountable by booking into Group Ex classes to make sure I kept going!! Fast forward 2 years and I took my Pound Pro (Instructor) Training and planned to leave my full time job to pursue the Self Employed life. That's the very condensed version - for more snippets into my life you can follow me on my social medias! Susy x

Selling Without Sleaze

selling without sleaze

I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away… And you’re probably wondering: “If you’re doing so well with this, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”… So there has to be a “catch”… And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month. This isn't one of them. There's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try or anything even remotely like that. I'm literally giving you this entire book, for $27, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value. My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come. But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind: This Won’t Last Long In most cases, I take a loss when selling the book at this price. It costs me just over $80.00 in advertising expense to sell one book. So why would I do that? Simple. I'm making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed with what I'm giving you today, and you'll want to do more business with me in the future. I'm betting that you'll enjoy the book so much, you'll call and ask to take additional classes or trainings from me. Pretty straightforward. Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer. You're Also Getting An Advanced 90-Minute Training, Free During this training, I'll walk you through exactly what's working to get clients right now. And there's no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the book. Plus I’m also including these 6 amazing bonuses valued at $389 Oh. And in case you're wondering ... Yes. Of course there's a money-back guarantee. In fact, I think it's ...




Whiteboardmaths.com is dedicated to providing the busy teacher with high quality PowerPoint ® mathematics resources for use with electronic whiteboards/screens/laptops. This resource is vast and contains over 1 GB of presentations, approximately 800 presentations/Activities (including the GCSE Boosters), 10 000 slides and 100's of built-in worksheets. These visually appealing and stimulating mathematics resources will significantly enhance the teaching and learning experience in the classroom. Many of the files contain stunning visual effects with extensive use of animations and sound throughout. Children and teachers love them. Watch motivation levels rise and exam grades soar!! · Visually appealing and stimulating material · Quickly engages and motivates students · Extensive use of animation that makes even the most difficult concepts become clear · Reduces teacher workload significantly · Makes teaching and learning more enjoyable · Accelerates progress across all ability ranges · VLE licences facilitate personalised learning as students are empowered to re-play lessons/revise for GCSE's from home*. *A free PowerPoint Viewer can be downloaded at www.microsoft.com/downloads. Once there choose "More Popular Downloads" and from the list select the Microsoft PowerPoint ® 2007 viewer. This powerful resource has won strong aclaim from teachers the world over (See Home Page "Views from the Front") It provides extensive coverage of the mathematics curriculum as currently taught in UK primary schools, secondary schools and colleges. A key focus is to reduce teacher workload and as such, many of the presentations have been targeted at those "awkward to teach topics" that require a lot of preparation on the part of the teacher. The material is easily editable and is suitable for mathematics teachers from across the globe regardless of the artificial frameworks imposed by governments. From Tromso in the North to Auckland in the South, from San Diego in the West to Bangkok in the East and in many countries in between, this resource (full CD) is employed in classrooms and more importantly, is enjoyed in classrooms by teachers and their students the world over.

Ajanta Vihara Institute of Spiritual Sciences

ajanta vihara institute of spiritual sciences


At Ajanta Vihara Institute of Spiritual Sciences, we believe every individual deserves to experience peace, joy, harmony, abundance and love in every aspect of their lives. We also know what prevents us from moving forward on the path towards abundance; these are experiences long-held, habitual behaviours and dominant-negative thought patterns. These patterns must be identified and healed. These habits must be transformed and replaced with new, more self-supportive and self-honouring ways of being. Our therapies, courses and workshops are highly experiential and designed to transform you at the core of your being. It is our intention that every participant will have an experience that allows them to remember the truth of who they are in order to be more peaceful, joy-filled and loving in the midst of any situation or circumstance they encounter in their lives . Ajanta-Vihara’s team of energy mentors use their combined years of study, practice and experience in the fields of behavioural therapy, psychology, hypnotherapy, energy therapy and their diverse life experience to guide individuals through compassionate conversations and powerful, transformational exercises. Our mentors undergo rigorous training under the AVISS Faculty Development program with a focus on continuous self development, knowledge and skill building; this ensures they are able to cultivate a holistic approach to our practices while providing practical information and tools to use once the engagement ends. What individuals experience, hear and learn creates a solid foundation and gives the inspiration they may seek to improve their careers, relationships, sense of purpose and, most important, their sense of personal power. We offer classes and workshops facilitated by founder director Ms. Jyoti and the faculty of the Institute. Our therapies, courses , workshops, energy camps, personal coaching sessions and the happiness collective series are designed to support individuals in having a deeper experience of themselves in order to understand their life’s experiences through elevated human consciousness. We invite you to explore one of our signature programs for an experience that is sure to change your mind, heart and life forever.




We started in 2009, and we’ve been on an epic journey ever since. From our beginnings where we were solely focused on children’s football coaching to delivering our first ‘100% Active’ session in 2017, we’ve tried to stay true to our core beliefs. These are that all children should have the opportunity to develop through a variety of exciting activities that engage both body and brain, inspiring them to have a happy and healthy lifestyle. From the outset our focus has always been on children and their enjoyment of being active, learning new skills, improving their confidence and developing friendships. When we started in 2009 were running sessions for approximatley 40 children a month; this has now increased to almost 2000 children a month. We genuinely love being part of the children’s development and over the years we have had some amazing stories to tell. We find it fascinating to observe how individual children are in their handling of situations and how they get their characters across when integrating with new groups of children, even at the age of 18 months old. It is this kind of reward that keeps us focused on our goals, but we have a big challenge! Children of today are growing up in a world where they can lose hours during a day, day after day, week after week through being on electronic devices, during which time they have no interaction with other people. We have to acknowledge that we are living in a technology encompassing world now, but our vision is to create a balance between technology and being active. We want to offer variety and engagement through the sessions we offer to ensure children don’t lose the vital skills which will help them as they develop in life… things such as social skills, the ability to converse, the ability to handle situations, to adapt to changing environments, earn respect, be part of a team and how to win and lose.

Sholfins Swim School

sholfins swim school


Sholfins Swim School CIC is a not-for-profit company born from a passion and love for swimming. We are extremely passionate about our community. Our aim is to try and remove as many barriers as possible, preventing our community of Redditch from learning to swim. The team at Sholfins recognise that due to the pandemic there has been a huge impact on children having access to water in their early years. A number of primary/middle schools have also been unable to provide this life skill to their pupils prior to the pandemic for several different reasons, therefore, falling short of the national curriculum requirements, through no fault of their own. Swimming and water safety has been a statutory element of the national curriculum for physical education in England since 1994. This means that every 11-year-old child should leave primary/middle school with the skills to keep themselves safe. Swimming lessons provide all children with vital skills to help with survival and this is no different for children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). By 2025, over 780,000 children with SEND will be in the education system. However, inequalities in the ability of schools and teachers to offer high quality opportunities for them to participate in PE, School Sport or Physical Activity still exist, with disabled young people twice as likely to be physically inactive as non-disabled people. The focus on the new revised Ofsted inspection framework is also an area of consideration for schools to bare in mind. At Sholfins we believe everyone should have the opportunity to learn to swim. All of our instructors are Level 2, Swim England qualified and have RLSS Lifeguard, First Aid and Safeguarding Qualifications. The team are passionate about teaching and ensure that each child is given the support and encouragement to become water confident no matter what age. We are registered with Swim England and follow the learn to swim programme and the School Swimming and Water Safety charter.