3451 Educators providing Love courses delivered Online

Darleen Klug

darleen klug


Darleen is an Empowerment Coach, with qualifications in Professional Life Coaching and Hypnosis, as well as years of experience as a safe space facilitator. She is also constantly focusing on broadening her knowledge in many different areas. Making her incredibly resourceful when working with clients. She was born in Germany but raised in Portugal for most of her childhood. At 18 years of age, she took a leap and moved to the UK in the hope to find purpose as she had always felt out of place. At the time, she didn't know where she was headed or what for, all she knew was that her intuition was telling her to jump... Seven years have passed since the day she set foot in England. Since then, she has moved 7 times and explored many different career paths. It has been a roller coaster, but one worth going on. Darleen always felt drawn to spirituality but was afraid of being seen as crazy. So one of her first spiritual eye-openers was a book called The Celestine Prophecy, by James Redfield. From then on, small and big encounters have shaped her beliefs and shown her that she was not alone on this journey. When she attended her first Women's Circle in 2019 (held by Ella Grace Denton), all the judgment, competition and fear she had felt towards and from other women in her life was replaced by love, respect and compassion. It made her feel so abundant and helped her realise that we are all one and that we do not have to go on this journey by ourselves. The moment she arrived home that day, she knew it was something she would love to facilitate for others, as she always wanted to help people. After months of avoiding her intuition (as we are conditioned to do) she finally gave in, looked past the fear of judgment and began to hold space for others. She also began to coach people, as well as share all the knowledge that life has given her via Instagram. Now she has fully committed to her calling, aiming to help her soul clients in every way possible.

Harris Westminster Sixth Form

harris westminster sixth form


Welcome to Harris Westminster Sixth Form. We are one of the highest-performing sixth forms in the UK and it is my enormous privilege to lead it as Head of School. I have worked at Harris Westminster since 2015 and this is truly a special school, with the most fantastic students and the most engaging and inspirational staff. My educational background is a little different to most of our students; I grew up in the United States while attending boarding school in Worcestershire, but I then went on to study Economics at UCL and have been based in London ever since. My own school journey is what drives my desire to work with students like ours. I teach maths and love maths- but didn't read it at university (it wasn't the cool option...!) It is our job as sixth form staff to help make sure our students make the best decisions for themselves around what they love, through sharing as much information we can and being sounding boards for their ambitions. At the heart of our school is the belief that, given the right opportunities, students from any background can succeed at the highest levels, both at university or apprenticeships and in their future careers. Our academic successes are clear, both in terms of outstanding A-Level results and post-18 destinations, and we are particularly proud of the achievement of those students from less advantaged backgrounds. While academics are important and are the key to opening doors to universities or apprenticeships, it is the enormous breadth of other opportunities available to Harris Westminster students that really set them up for success in life, and sets us apart from other sixth forms. We encourage students to explore the hinterland of their subjects by attending academic societies, reading widely, competing in essay competitions, and responding wisely. We encourage students to explore their own personal hinterland by choosing diverse cultural perspectives courses, attending one of our big-6 societies where they can discuss real-life issues and events, joining clubs just because they sound interesting, choosing unusual sport options, taking part in house events, or by taking on one of the many leadership opportunities available.

Alliance Francaise De Londres

alliance francaise de londres


The Alliance Française de Londres is an educational charity dedicated to teaching the French language. Our native French teachers are fully qualified and committed to providing a high standard of tuition that takes you through a structured syllabus from beginner to fluent. In 1987 the Alliance moved to its permanent home at 1 Dorset Square, NW1, where we have air-conditioned classrooms and a library, all equipped with interactive white boards. The Alliance Française de Londres gives you a truly authentic French experience, the next best thing to actually going to a French-speaking country. We are all here because we want to be. We love teaching and we love London and the great variety of people living or working here or just passing through. We are committed and enthusiastic sharers of French language and culture and we welcome everyone. As an apolitical and non-denominational organisation the AllianceFrançaise de Londres was a pioneer in multicultural teaching. We are truly broad-based and inclusive. The Alliance Française de Londres has a long and distinguished history. Our roots go back to 1884 and the London Alliance Française took over rallying the network during the second World War when the Paris Alliance was closed down. For a glimpse of our history retrouvée see AFL down the years. Our building housed a sectionm of SOE during the second world war and some scenes in this film Les Anglais dans la Résistance with Jean-Louis Crémieux-Brilhac were shot at 1 Dorset Square (and it was in what is now our classroom 01 that he was handed his revolver and cyanide capsule). There is no better summary of where we come from than « Nous avons, une fois pour toutes, tiré cette conclusion que c’est par de libres rapports spirituels et moraux, établis entre nous-mêmes et les autres, que notre influence culturelle peut s’étendre à l’avantage de tous et qu’inversement peut s’accroître ce que nous valons. Organiser ces rapports, telle fut la raison de naître, telle est la raison de vivre, telle sera la raison de poursuivre de l’Alliance française. » Charles de Gaulle (from his speech in Algiers on 30th October 1943 for the 60th anniversary of the Alliance Française movement)

The Welsh School Of Homoeopathy

the welsh school of homoeopathy

he Welsh School of Homeopathy was founded in 1995. The School is recognised by the Society of Homeopaths. It is located in the centre of Carmarthen, by the castle grounds. The building comprises of two teaching rooms, a clinic room, a library and computer room, kitchen and toilet facilities, plus a shop front and waiting area. There are plenty of nearby bed and breakfast facilities and a nearby car park, plus many eating places to choose from! Carmarthen itself is easily accessible by train and by car from the M4 motorway. Testimonials: “I love the Welsh School. It beats with a fine and beautiful heart. Bill and Linda are dedicated to both the art and science of homeopathy as well as the vital and sometimes challenging processes of becoming a healer. Their commitment to student centred learning is deeply refreshing and rewarded by both committed and enthusiastic students and graduates.” MIRANDA CASTRO (Author & Teacher) “Teaching at the Welsh school is always a delight. The ethos of the school is inspiring to everyone who comes into contact with it and inspires the students to a deep understanding and love of homeopathy.” PETER FRASER (Author/Co-director Vancover Homeopathic Academy) “I teach in many different schools in the UK and abroad and the quality of the teachers and students in the Welsh School is bettered by none. It is led and nurtured by a committed team with the complementary skills of Linda Gwillim and Bill Rumble. In a day’s teaching a teacher soon realises by the class interaction the quality of the students’ homeopathic understanding. It is obvious that the traditional principles of homeopathic philosophy, a sound materia medica and hard work are integral to the Welsh School’s curriculum. However, the remedies are not taught dryly but are seen as part of the dynamic process of nature from which they derive. Nature and man’s relationship with it in all ways, including myth, are central to a deep understanding of remedies and this School seems to embrace this more than any other, with active involvement in symbolism and legend. This is important for homeopathic understanding but also for personal development and a deeper understanding of the universal connection we share.

Nicola at Company of Nature

nicola at company of nature

Welcome! Company of Nature supports wellbeing and sustainability through nature connection. It offers forest bathing walks and nature-based activities in the beautiful woodlands and natural areas of Bedfordshire. Company of Nature also offers events, advice, training and packages to support organisations’ work in wellbeing and environmental engagement through nature. It was set up by Nicola Scholfield who has a background in ecology and sustainability and is a qualified forest therapy guide. my story I’ve felt a deep connection with the natural world for as long as I remember. I grew up in rural Bedfordshire and have fond childhood memories of roaming the countryside and visiting beautiful natural places. My love of the wilds led to a degree in ecology and later a masters degree in leadership & sustainability. I’ve enjoyed sharing my love and understanding of nature in many ways since then. I spent many years in the business and charity sectors delivering projects and campaigns to engage people in environmental issues. During this time I experienced first hand the crucial role that nature can play in supporting our mental health and wellbeing. I also developed an understanding of how connecting with nature not only helps our wellbeing but also encourages us to value and care more for nature. I have trained as a Forest Therapy Guide through Nature & Therapy UK, and guide shinrin yoku (forest bathing) and natural mindfulness walks. I also deliver nature-based activities for groups and families in Bedfordshire for The Wildlife Trust. I’m excited by the potential of nature connectedness to support not only our wellbeing, but to encourage the positive actions we need to restore the natural world. I set up Company of Nature to help us restore our relationship with the natural world – to benefit both people and planet. I believe that at the heart of our own wellbeing is a thriving and nourishing planet. We live in the company of nature; we are part of nature and it is part of us. Today I live and work in and around the beautiful Greensand Country of Bedfordshire, and feel very much at home among its heaths and woodlands.

Jane Woods Coaching

jane woods coaching

Empowering individuals and teams to thrive, navigate the ups and downs in life and reach their potential both personally and professionally is a real privilege and a passion. Resilience, confidence, collaboration, trust and emotional wellbeing (meaning purpose, strengths and values) are the areas in which I’m most interested. My enthusiasm for coaching evolved through my 35 years of sales and management, mostly within pharmaceutical sales with Pfizer Oncology and an early career in recruitment. From sales performance coaching in 2018 I progressed to personal development coaching and at the start of the COVID 19 pandemic I started coaching via the NHS leadership academy and private sector. It was at this time that I also trained to be a cancer coach with Cancer Support UK. Whether facilitating team and leadership development days or 1:1 coaching I bring energy, fun and creativity to virtual and face to face interactions. As an ILM5 coach and facilitator my approach is empathetic, encouraging, inspiring and strengths and solution focused, drawing on a variety of coaching models and leadership practices including Appreciative Inquiry and Brene Brown’s Dare to Lead. I am an accredited Conversations Worth Having practitioner, an ILM wellbeing coach, a cognitive behavioural therapy practitioner, a mental health first aider and Mental Health Swims host. I also provide cancer coaching and support for Cancer Support UK, Youth Cancer Trust and ALK Positive and EGFR positive UK. Inspired by my love of the outdoors, and a Nature as Co-Facilitator programme, I like to weave the natural world into our conversations where possible. My top Gallop Strengths are Ideation, Strategic, Focus, Achiever & Competition. Simply put, I love bringing people together to define the challenge, establish the best of what has been before and explore what is possible in the future. “Everything we need is within” is my coaching philosophy. What can we learn from nature about resourcing ourselves and adapting to life’s ups and downs? Identifying my clients’ purpose, meaning, signature strengths and values is part of this process. Adapting to change can be uncomfortable and, like trees, this can be when we grow the most. When we create the right conditions, we can blossom.

Haven of Peace Light School

haven of peace light school


As a therapist and Diploma Therapy Teacher, you are invited to come into an atmosphere of light, love and soft music to forget your troubles, to heal your body, mind and spirit. Talk your troubles away or just relax and rejuvenate. I practice and run Diploma Therapy Courses in Northamptonshire, Milton Keynes, Market Harborough, Daventry, Rushden and surrounding areas - accredited by The Complementary Medical Association and backed by Balens Insurance, under the name Haven Peace Of Light School. I am a intuitive therapist and teacher who restores the balance and well-being to the body on a physical, emotional, mental and psychological level and I do this with Complementary therapy. As a teacher I have a deep understanding of energy and the workings of the body and am pleased to pass on to my students. Therapy will mend the present and past traumas by accessing the areas that the hurts are held and if not cleared will manifest in dis-ease in the physical body. The treatment will be in a secure and private setting in an atmosphere of light and love to allow you to release and heal with guided understanding of the situation and move forward to repair and heal with confidence and peace. It is important to keep the body in total balance to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is also important to enjoy a relaxing period and wallow in the treatment of your choice. I am fully qualified and insured in Crystal Therapy, Auricular Ear Candling, Indian Head Massage, Facial Rejuvenation Massage, Stone Therapy Massage, Swedish Remedial Massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage, Therapeutic Point Massage, Acupressure and Meridian Therapy, Radiance Facials, Crystal Rujuvenation Facial Massage, Counselling, Clinical Hypnotherapy. A Usui Reiki Master and teacher. Karuna Reiki Master and Teacher, Certificate in Education City & Guilds 7302. I am qualified to teach Diploma Therapy Courses which are approved and accredited by The Complementary Medical Association and backed by Balens Professional Insurance. I teach Usui and Karuna Reiki level I to Master. I mentor for self-empowerment to enable you to change your beliefs on yourself to gain strength and confidence to help you reach your goals.

Jon Torrens

jon torrens

By reducing stress and fear, I make giving talks enjoyable. I teach confident communication.   I work with many different companies (Microsoft, Foster+ Partners, Redgate, Raspberry Pi, Creative Assembly) and I think they enjoy my training so much because:  1. I’m an introvert. 2. I make it fun.  Training/learning/development can be a chore; I believe it shouldn’t ever be that way. My background: I was a low-scorer academically. I studied art and design, then graphic design, got a job as a video game level designer, fell in love with performing stand-up comedy, became a full-time stand-up, didn’t become a star so gave it up, went back to games and started a family. While working at Sony Cambridge I saw a really bad presentation and realised that all the writing and performance skills I’d learnt as a stand-up needed to put to good use: transforming everyone into confident speakers. Too many people have suffered watching boring speakers, delivering dreadful material. I decided things needed to change.  I set up my own coaching business, and after much hard work I have flourished, having found my place in the world. I relate to tech people – who are typically introverted – because I have had a similar experience. I connect because I have a ton of stand-up skills and… well, I like people. I really enjoy immediately getting them past the first simple barrier: their perception of their own communication skill level. It’s simple to get past that and then build on that foundation.

Alumno Consulting

alumno consulting

North Shields

The first question we are often asked, after 'What's your name again?' or 'How do you spell that?', is 'What does it mean?', we wanted a word to demonstrate our point of focus, the delegate. Alumno in Spanish means pupil or student. It is in its Latin translation that we find the reason for choosing Alumno as it means to nurture, nourish, educate and train.   For us that is what training is, not lecturing people and hoping 10% of it sticks, but nurturing and finding the best method of encouraging people to absorb new information and truly learn. For most people that means fun, interactive, engaging education. That's something every training provider tells you they deliver but, sadly, very few do. With over 25 years of experience, running sessions from 1-2-1 to an amphitheatre of over 500 we pride ourselves on getting better much feedback than any of our competitors and much better knowledge retention and application rates after the course. We tailor every session to the client's specific needs, most firms will say that and then churn out the same 'cookie cutter' course as before. If you want cheap, ineffective training then there are lots of companies out there. A recent study found that 12% of people who attended training would apply what they had learned to their job, that means 88% of all training is a waste of time and money! If you want to discuss your training needs with a team that really care and deliver 120% of your expectation every time, we would love to have a chat.