3453 Educators providing Love courses delivered Online

Cathy Connan

cathy connan


After about 20 years working in PR and communications, I began a long process of change. It started when I joined Samaritans as a listening volunteer and began a BSc in Psychology. After completing an MSc in Integrative Psychotherapy and a Diploma in Supervision it has culminated in my working in private practice as an integrative psychotherapist and supervisor in private practice. I am lucky. I truly love my work and am privileged that people share their vulnerabilities with me as they heal emotional and psychological wounds. I work from a warm and welcoming space in my garden. My garden room is surrounded by mature trees. One of the things I love about being there is listening to the breeze, and even the wind, blowing through the leaves. The sound is soothing. I slow down when I hear it and often find myself looking up to see the tops of the trees. Giving something back has always been important to me. I have volunteered in all sorts of roles, including on the door of The Gate Theatre in Noting Hill and making ‘Complan Cocktails’ for oncology patients. I left Samaritans after about six years and now work as a supervisor with Cruse, a charity supporting bereaved people. I created Space for You because I recognise that whatever our story, whatever the pressures and stresses we face, we all need a space to be. A space where we can express ourselves and be heard, where we are noticed buy not judged. Space for You personal development workshops offer exactly that. I am a member of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) and the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP).

Xaverian College

xaverian college


Jesus Christ taught that God is at the centre of our lives and that the love of truth and concern for the needs of others must be fundamental to our way of living. Inspired by Jesus Christ and by the missionary zeal of their founder, Theodore James Ryken, the Xaverian Brothers are dedicated to the creation of schools and colleges as communities in which these truths are the guiding principles and in which the spiritual, moral and intellectual talents of their students are nurtured. A Xaverian college must provide opportunities for growth in the knowledge and practice of the Roman Catholic religion through prayer, worship, study and service to others in and beyond the college community. The obligation to help students to develop all their talents calls for a commitment on our part to good teaching, dedicated pastoral care and a readiness to relate to students both inside and outside the classroom. Through this commitment, the students will experience and respond to the good will and concern of their teachers. The cause of justice is an essential theme in the message of Christianity. In a Xaverian college, staff and students will be conscious of the demands of social justice in local, national and international issues and will seek to discover ways in which they can most appropriately respond as individuals and as a community. Our students are living in a secular society where persuasive forces influence them away from a spiritual view of life. In the same spirit of faith and hope which inspired our founder, we wish to commend to our students a way of life which is rooted in the love of God and our neighbour.