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Levitate Meditation & Wellbeing Studio

levitate meditation & wellbeing studio



1 in 6 of us is experiencing a mental health challenge right now. We think humanity can do better. Modern life can at times leave every one of us stretched very thin or near breaking point. If you are anxious, depressed or stressed, we are here to help you change that. No one should have to do it alone — we know firsthand how very hard it is to help yourself. But if you’ve tried all the obvious things (like healthy diet, good sleep hygiene, journalling, therapy and exercise), real change might involve trying something you haven’t tried before. If the thought of that is exhausting, our founder Ryan’s story might just inspire you to start: Ryan Nell on stage at Wilderness Festival leading a mass meditation Ryan Nell Founder of Levitate. I spent the first half of my life trying to hide my anxiety from everyone. Although I was outwardly successful, with lots going for me, I was really unhappy and didn’t know why. I didn’t want my friends, family or colleagues to worry, but hiding it took huge energy. Inwardly, I was constantly exhausted because my mind would never stop running. Unsurprisingly, my twenties and thirties were beset by frequent crises, bad dreams and doomed relationships. Not talking to anyone about it, left me feeling really lonely and isolated. I was yearning to feel whole again. I tried many an escape — travelling, quitting jobs, changing partners, and probably drinking too much — but I learnt the hard way that running away only led to more anxiety, worry and struggle. Then, almost by chance, I found meditation. A friend told me about a retreat, and, though I was skeptical, I must have also been rather desperate, because I signed up and went. And over the course of one weekend, I fell in love with the practice. Back in London, and back at work, I found that the meditation apps were great but I couldn’t stick to them and I didn’t want to be on my phone. There always seemed to be something more important to do. But I found that practising in a room with a brilliant teacher and fellow students brought mindfulness to life. It’s not an exaggeration to say that meditating in a group transformed me. I wanted it to be easier for other folk to benefit without so much agonising soul searching along the way. And without the dogma or religious trappings that had been so off-putting to my younger cynical self at the start. I couldn’t find a place like that, so I felt compelled to build it myself, to start Levitate and share the joy with people just like you.

Broom Swim School

broom swim school



Broom Swim School is a privately run family business, based in the gardens of The Grange and is run by Sallie and Alice Walters. The team at Broom always maintain the best standards of teaching and cleanliness, with organised, efficient and professional staff. Broom also has the warmest water locally, set at a balmy 31.5°C. The story of Broom Swim School starts in 1975 when Sallie’s parents, David and Gillian Burden, moved to The Grange and discovered, within it’s overgrown garden, an ornamental Victorian fish pond, complete with pondweed, fish and frogs! Having fished out all the occupants, the pond was converted into an outdoor family swimming pool. In 1986 Sallie returned from London and its office jobs to start up her own business. Having always been a very keen swimmer, competing for the Avon Neptunes in Stratford, Worcester City and various school clubs. Sallie took her ASA Preliminary Teachers Certificate at Crystal Palace, and spent the summer teaching locals, relatives and other unsuspecting people to swim in the family’s outdoor pool. The old wood sheds were converted into changing rooms, and ever eager punters had to race across the lawn, towel in hand, to plunge into the relatively warm water. Once Sallie was fully qualified as an ASA Level 2 Teacher and RLSS Lifeguard, the pool was enclosed within a wooden, log cabin style building. The official opening day was on Saturday 2nd April 1988, when more than 250 people tramped around the pool house and garden, and more importantly, booked lessons and sessions in the pool. In 2009 Sallie’s eldest daughter, Alice, started to work at the Swim School part-time as a fully qualified lifeguard. A keen and competitive swimmer herself, she swam at competition level for Stratford Sharks and school, and then qualified as an ASA Level Two Swimming Teacher. Alice’s love of sports led her to study Sport & Social Sciences at the University of Bath, and after a stint working in London for the 2012 Olympic Organising Committee, she found herself being drawn back to Warwickshire life. Alice now works full-time at the Swim School teaching and running the office with Sallie; and has become the third generation involved in the family business, alongside Sallie’s brother Angus Burden who is our Head of Maintenance. In November 2017, Broom Swim School was honoured and thrilled to be awarded “Swim School Of The Year” at the National Swim England Awards held at Birmingham University. The award means the world to us and our team, and we have dedicated this to the late David and Gillian Burden, without whom there would be no swimming in the garden at Broom.

HD Beauty & Business Academy

hd beauty & business academy


I thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself; My Name is Hannah and I am the face behind the academy.  I come from a normal hard working family orientated family. I have dyslexia, dyspraxia, and irlen syndrome (learning difficulties) & undiagnosed ASD/ADHD. I finished school with 5C's 5D's and a E - I failed maths and English and I was told I'd never accomplish anything. I am a mum & career, I have to two happy, healthy, very chalk and cheese, strong-minded boys who both have they're own challenges but I wouldn't change it for the world I am a salon owner - HD Beauty and Aesthetics I've been in the industry now for nearly 8 years working my way though the industry, paying for my first course and working to pay for my next and so on. I started with body waxing 8 years ago and I'm still learning and adding to my knowledge.  I started in the back room of a local hairdressers & opened my own salon 5 years ago, recently moving to even bigger premises! I LOVE my job! I love making people feel good about themselves again, giving them confidence in their body. I am a business mentor - I have a passion for teaching and mentoring others coming into the beauty and aesthetics industry whether it's own salon goals or working within a salon, everyone needs support and guidance. It's a daunting and bitchy industry to be in and you should never feel like your alone. I support clients in various ways to smash their business and goals and help them achieve anything they want on a 1-1 bases!  I am a beauty training academy owner - pulling my passion for teaching and lashing together to offer the opportunity to others to build their very own career in the beauty industry. Beauty has changed mine and my families life. It's given me the flexibility to work around my kids, watch them grow up and attend the important events while feeling like I have something for me and bring in my own money. I have alot more exciting things planned with this - I can not wait to share it!  This is me! I have so much planned for each of my businesses , working everyday to achieve my goals.  The most important thing I have learnt is to never give up.. don't let your past shadow your future.  You can achieve ANYTHING you want and I love supporting others to do the same.