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Rewilders Ltd.

rewilders ltd.



Rewilders was born out of a love for people, and a passion for helping to make the world a better place. After university, I embarked on a marketing and management career that gave me the opportunity to work at amazing companies like Marks & Spencer, Mars Chocolate and Wheyhey!. There I learnt that businesses are fundamentally about people, and that the time and effort you invest into bringing out the best in those people, can be the biggest factor in determining your success. My career also taught me that businesses are not just there to make money. Businesses with a vision, with a greater purpose for existing than simply generating profit can be extremely powerful vehicles for change, and these are the companies people want to work for. We all want to make a difference, to feel that our work is doing good, and to go home at the end of the day knowing that we’ve had a positive impact. So when I decided to leave my ‘good, sensible career’ behind, and start running my own business, I new these were the kind of companies I wanted to help - those who were intentional about doing good. So I went and did additional training in coaching and NLP at the Coaching Academy, and then started Rewilders - a coaching and consultancy business bringing business and professional development support to the leaders and teams of purpose-led organisations. My mission is a simple one… to help you bring your best to work that makes a difference, so that good companies win, and the world becomes a better place.

Elaine Henderson Ceramics

elaine henderson ceramics



After a career of teaching music in Scottish schools, I took up pottery at night classes and became hooked enough to complete a B.A . Hons in Ceramics at the iconic Glasgow School of Art. It was here that I made many connections with wonderful potters the world over, and received a brilliant education in this magical material. I aim to show my delight in ceramic form , texture and colour with great attention to detail and concern for the practical use of functional pieces. I also love to experiment with the expressive and imaginative possibilities of glaze in purely abstract work. From 2007 -2019 my husband and I lived in Stromness, in the Northern Isles of Orkney. Here we were drawn by an amazing landscape, constant reminders of its Neolithic past, and by its unique cultural and natural heritage. Grounded in agriculture and fishery, submitting to the limitations of island life and the often very challenging weather, there is a discipline in living here which corresponds to working with clay- one cannot control everything but must work with what is given. In 2019 we moved south to the Scottish Borders to be closer to family. From being surrounded by sea, we are now in the most landlocked area of Scotland and surrounded by trees! If you are interested in buying my work, want to commission a special piece, or are interested in lessons, please use my Contacts page. Studio visits can be made by appointment and I also teach individuals and small groups, so whether you are local or a visitor, perhaps we will meet one way or another!