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Traumatic Birth Recovery

traumatic birth recovery


If you've had a traumatic birth or have symptoms of PTSD because of a difficult birth experience, we explain birth trauma, its symptoms & treatment.I am Alexandra Heath, Clinical Hypnotherapist (DipHyp since 2010, NCH registered), birth doula, founder of this website and creator of the book and training resources listed on this website. I believe that the parenting life stage is fraught with trauma, change and transition. As such it naturally is a time when emotional and mental wellbeing is often tested, strained and vulnerable. P1020162.jpg How we feel during pregnancy about transitioning into motherhood, how we birth and how we are cared for afterwards can all have seismic and long term effects on how we feel and how we parent. Problems with trauma symptoms, anxiety and depression are unsurprisingly common for parents navigating the choppy waters of fertility, pregnancy, birth, post natal recovery and the first year. I love supporting parents so that they can navigate these challenges and to go on and thrive with their families. I have worked with 100s of parents to lift the heavy feelings that can remain after a difficult or traumatic birth, or perinatal experience. This therapeutic process has proved so effective for parents that I have trained over 350 birth professionals in these skills since 2016. You can find a list of those practitioners here. I have practices in West London and also treat people via Zoom. Please click here to email and book a free consultation.

Blossom Therapies

blossom therapies



Jade is the owner of Blossom Therapies, a holistic practice offering several healing modalities: Counselling, Hypnotherapy, Reiki / Intuitive energy healing, and Light Language (like sound healing but with her voice and hands as the instrument, the multi-dimensional channelled sounds going directly where needed in your body and soul). Everything offered was discovered in her personal journey of growth and transformation, and is shared with others in order to help them on their journey. Jade has also worked in the NHS for over 10 years, currently part-time as a staff counsellor, using her knowledge and experience to combine the best from both of these worlds - clinical and spiritual - to deliver the optimum outcome for each client. She offers tailored packages of care for individuals and also runs regular wellbeing workshops for groups using a mixture of education, self-reflection through journaling and reiki infused hypnotherapy and guided meditations. Her goal is to help people blossom into their happier healthier selves, to feel empowered, recognising the lessons in their life and turn them into blessings. To consciously connect to their inner light and resources, which then gifts the world around us as it shines brighter. Part of her overall mission is to help the world raise its vibration, to be full of love, unity and peace. A world where you can be more calm, more confident in yourself and more consciously connected to your loved ones and the Universe.