3451 Educators providing Love courses delivered Online

Jackie Thomson HypnoWellbeing

jackie thomson hypnowellbeing


I’ve always been fascinated by people. In fact, I love people and the fact that we are all so different. And I love conversation. We live in a world which is ever-changing. We have to adapt and some of us find that easier than others. And I'm no exception to that. I’ve spent a good deal of my life finding out what makes people tick, and I didn’t even realise it was happening. And that’s how I came to discover my passion – helping people to change the way they see themselves and the world around them. To learn to love themselves again. To believe in themselves. To overcome stress or emotional pain, whatever the cause. And to begin enjoy life again. Just as I have. My own experiences and extensive training have helped me grow, and I know I will never stop growing and evolving. I still study, attend workshops and training to enhance my knowledge and skills. Although, of course, certificates are no indication of anyone's life experience, wisdom or compassion. When I'm not studying, I love travelling and have had many wonderful experiences. I love anything to do with the theatre, music and dance. I grew up in a theatrical world. I played clarinet, performed on stage from a very young age and have directed musicals. Now, I just love to watch. What's next? Watch this space! MY STORY We all have a story, whether it’s just a few chapters or an enormous long novel. I have my story too, and I’ve used it to change my life and completely turn it around. I'd been interested in spirituality and the mind-body connection for as long as I can remember, and a huge life change gave me opportunity to re-examine the way I lived my life. I really believe that we can change our lives by changing the way we see ourselves and what’s happening around us – our thoughts create our reality. If we let go of negative patterns and limiting beliefs, we can change our thoughts and change our lives. After living through and learning from the many challenges in my own life, I recognised the potential for helping others to embrace positive change into their lives as well. I still apply my training in my own life. Recovering from abuse, self-loathing, failed relationships, lack of confidence and many other things that troubled my past has changed my life completely, just as it can change yours. It doesn’t change what’s happened, you can’t change the past, but you can enjoy your life now and create a better future. I know from personal experience how powerful this can be. I can help you to see what’s holding you back, offering you support and guidance as you go forward and take control of your life. I can’t do the work for you, but I will support you all the way, for as long as you need. Wouldn’t that be great? Loving the life you live and living a life you love? I do, and so can you!

dreya Glass

dreya glass


Was born in Africa and lived in Lagos until her 9th birthday when her family moved back to the UK and more specifically Cornwall. Moving to Cornwall at such a key age shaped her passions and future in so many ways. Having always been in swimming pools and the sea in Africa the love of water intensified on the beautiful beaches and in the crashing Atlantic surf of the Cornish Coastline. The sea and its different moods have always been in her life. Being a keen surfer in her teens her love of playing in and with the elements became all encompassing when she discovered the thrill of kitesurfing. A pioneer in the early days of the sport she set up one of the first schools in the UK, and competed on the world circuit with her highest ranking being 3rd in the world. She also enjoyed other kiting challenges and set a world record by kitesurfing from Cornwall to Ireland ( under her maiden name Wharry), She discovered Glass by accident, through her landlady whilst studying at Falmouth art college, falling instantly in love with the look and the process of working with glass she decided to specialise in Architectural Stained Glass at Swansea. Though not actively working with glass during her sporting career, the fascination never left. Now retired from competition, glass is back as the focus of her passion. “Its colour, its reflections and translucent quality instantly captured my heart. To me it has a similar quality to water. It is enigmatic you can look at it, or through it. It is there and not there and can create a potent visual effect, either opulent or subtle. I love the challenge of designing for different buildings, interiors and people, whether a large architectural piece or an intensely personal small piece. “ Dreya

Liz Doyle - Positive Change Coach

liz doyle - positive change coach


Are you thinking of working with me? If so, I have a few questions for you: Do you think you are good enough? Or do you compare yourself to others? Maybe you feel you have to keep proving yourself so that you are good enough? Or are you always looking for other people’s approval? I can help you clear out those old stories and wounds from your past to get a real sense of self-worth and self-love. I will help you to have more fulfilling relationships with everyone and everything in your life including your beliefs around success, your health and appearance and abundance in general. I run highly successful 6 online Love Yourself private 1:1 coaching sessions. This work was developed from the teachings of Louise L. Hay, internationally renowned teacher and best-selling author, a pioneer in personal development. The 6 session course works at a very deep level. The positive changes that women see can’t be done alone nor with just reading her books. Each session will last approximately 90 minutes to 2 hours to give you plenty of time to explore and express your thoughts and feelings. These 6 sessions will help you: Become aware of negative thoughts and how you can change them Discover family patterns and how they affect your life and choices Unlock a new future by learning to love yourself and others Continue your journey of self-discovery and unconditional self-love which will not only change your life but those around you There is also growth work material which accompanies this package to help you process what has been covered at each session and to help the work go deeper. I would be honoured if you choose to work with me and I promise, the work can change your life. Get in contact to find out more.