6185 Educators providing Lifestyle courses

Taylor Physiques

taylor physiques


We all know science application in sports has advanced massively over the last decade, yet bodybuilding seems reluctant to catch on to the latest advancements. Examining the market it seems to be the same old information passed from trainer to client since the 70’s. Anything new seems to be dismissed without a second thought whilst a trainer’s body is referenced as knowledge not taken into account genetics or pharmaceutical enhancement. The opposite can also be true with too many arm chair scientists blindly following a study but not adjusting it to suit the individual’s needs. So with a gap in the market I have decided to combine practical experience with the latest in scientific research and using specificity for the individual I keep what produces the most efficient results. This style of coaching allows people to get to the very best result efficiently with less fatigue in less time thus saving money. History Highlights Gold in Deadlift and silver in open at the BPU (WPC affilate) British national championships 2017 A world record holder in Deadlift (Sub master) and National (open) at the WPC/BPU Class A lifter with 439 wilks score Invited to be part of Team GB in the euro and world championships Proven track history on placing clients in respected events from NPC to UKDFBA (WNBF). Professional coach since 2014 Aragon and Hollywood Approved coach since 2014 MyOatmeal Transformation winner 2014 Studied Advanced Leisure and Recreation 2002

Life at No.27

life at no.27


Life at No.27 was formed in 2019, built with passion at its core and designed to change lives. We understand that high levels of anxiety and a lack of confidence brought on by difficult or confusing experiences can be one of the highest hurdles to overcome. This can then begin a devastating spiral that can affect a person’s life potential on many levels. The director, Annabelle Padwick has a wide variety of skills, experience and qualifications relating to therapeutic approaches to working with those struggling with anxiety, low confidence and special educational needs. Ethos and approach We are committed to providing a safe, inspiring and nurturing environment that can meet the needs of young people who are struggling in a mainstream setting and adults in day to day life. We are focused on identifying individuals whose anxiety and lack in confidence can mean they are so often overlooked. We aim to empower people through a variety of practical, outdoor and creative activities that not only teach valuable and transferable skills, but that also have a meaningful and therapeutic value. We will foster relationships based on compassion and understand any behaviour is a form of communication of difficult thoughts and feelings. Through this we can begin to help a person have a deeper insight of themselves, which will develop and encourage emotional and social growth, whilst increasing self-awareness. We will have a culture firmly rooted in the therapeutic approach in order to provide reflection, space for growth and support for the people accessing the service, their families and our growing team. Meeting the need The organisation is a social enterprise which aims to meet a very real and growing need. Sadly, mental health struggles are rising in children and adults year on year. The current education system alongside the NHS has been and will be under a great deal of pressure, with limited resources to meet the needs of people who have complex needs and anxiety struggles. Often, these individuals slip through the net or end up disengaged from school and their wider network, which can have a devastating effect on their lives.