462 Educators providing Life Coaching courses

Pure Serenity

pure serenity


I'm in my local gym, setting up my weights for body pump and a "strange lady" approaches??? Right out of the blue she says "I've been watching you", "I've seen you working hard and I'm looking for ladies to join a ladies crew to row 3000 miles across the Atlantic ocean!". Can I ask you a question???....... Have you ever been approached with a proposal like this? Do you know what is involved in rowing the Atlantic Ocean? Fortunately, a few years earlier, my son returned home one day and announced he was rowing the Atlantic ocean - What????????? I quickly started to get as much information together to understand what was involved so I could support him as much as possible despite knowing the risks (eek!!). Unfortunately, my son's challenge did not happen as planned however, had he not brought the challenge to my attention and had I not researched it, I would not have had the foggiest idea about what was involved in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge (TWAC) and thought this lady was "crazy"!! Strangely enough, I was really excited that this "strange lady" had approached "me"! "I want to break the Guinness world record for the oldest crew of ladies ever to row and ocean" she said. "Wouldn't that be just amazing" I thought to myself?!?!? Now...being 53years old, very near to being able to take flexi retirement, I was frequently asked about when I was retiring like I was well past my sell by date!!! What is it about ladies of a certain age that people seem to think we are "passed it!" After a little thought (not much) I was in! I hadn't got a clue how we were going to raise a minimum of £100,000 plus charity funds to complete the challenge, I couldn't row, I despised the rowing machine in the gym, I disliked deep water because I like to see what's below the surface of the water (thank you very much), plus so many more reasons for not accepting the challenge! "If not you, then who? If not now, then when?" To cut a long story short - you can see from the picture - we did it!!! The details for the trip are being saved for a book, after all everyone has a book within them! What's the point of me sharing this story? Not a lot really?!? I'm a very ordinary person (Mum, Wife, Midwife, Life Coach and Ocean Rower!) who had the privilege of doing something really unusual. I cannot put into words how incredible the experience was. I follow the annual TWAC and am there with the crews in spirit, knowing how exhilarating and frightening it can be out there in a small ocean rowing boat on that amazing ocean. I believe ordinary people can achieve incredible things if they want it and if they really believe in themselves hence, my passion for life coaching. I want to help women achieve those things they only dream of, I want to help women believe in themselves and their body, to gain confidence and empower them to lead a fulfilled life. I want to help women be the best version of themselves and influence their children and their children's children. We only have one life - lets live it!

iStudy UK

istudy uk

We understand more than anyone how important it is for you to get the right qualifications at the right time. We also understand that when you have a lot to do, you might not always have the time free to go to a place of study. That is why we created this site, so you can take all the time you need to learn more about your chosen topics as well as be able to do the whole thing from home. We believe in empowering people by offering them opportunities to expand and extend their knowledge and skill set as well as giving them the support they need to achieve great things. With thousands of courses available and a team who will do just about anything to help you, it is safe to say that you will not find a better course provider on the internet and so we would love to work with you to make sure that you get the best experience and best results out of your education. WHAT WE DO Here at iStudy we provide a range of online training courses for those who want to gain new skills, and qualifications and update their knowledge. iStudy training courses are delivered entirely online through our sophisticated student learning portal. The student learning portal is an online learning management system that allows students to study for their courses online. This innovative technology means there is no need to attend any classes or take time off work to study. Professionally accredited courses All our courses are delivered in partnership with nationally recognised awarding bodies so be assured that what you learn with us matters when it comes to achieving your career goals. Study that suits you You do not have to give up your job or your life to get a new qualification, you can learn anytime, anywhere.

selena lovett

selena lovett

Selena's spiritual journey has taken her to many different places and through many experiences which have led to her being able to offer different spiritual modalities. She offers spiritual readings using tarot cards offering insight and guidance, mediumship readings to bring healing messages from your loved ones and focuses on leading healing courses to enable others to experience the magic of healing. Through her own healing journey she discovered that so many issues and imbalances began in the sacred area of the womb where she has spent time exploring and healing. After this incredible transformational journey where she gathered information on how to heal the divine feminine she now shares her unique formula for healing using Sacred Symbols, Angel and Reiki energy to heal ancestral lineage, releasing past traumatic experiences and issues that block people from connecting to their true being. If you feel called to begin your healing journey you can arrange a treatment with Selena. If you would like to really step into your power - start a life-changing healing course with Selena guiding you through an 11-week program through different healing modalities, the chakra system and sacred symbols. Selenas' courses are accredited by the IPHM. Selena is a Reiki Master, Energy Healer trained in Quantum Healing, Hands of Light, Chakra Balancing & Cleansing, T:I:M:E - Angel Healing, Pendulum, Chios, Karuna Reiki, Shamballa Reiki and has studied Chinese Medicine, Hypnotherapy, EFT, CBT, NPL, Mindfulness & Life Coaching. If you feel you are in need of some peace and balance in your life - please contact her to arrange a healing session Have a look at the services offered, readings and healings can be custom-made to suit and fulfil your need. You are not alone - reach out and begin healing. Selena was blessed with the gift of connecting with her spirit guides and loves having the opportunity to guide people through difficult situations and give insights into their life. Her focus is to empower people on their journey and to help heal and move any blocks that hinder their path. Selena is the author of the book Steps to Enlightenment and the Tarot Deck - The Journey to Enlightenment and co created The Art of Compassion Oracle Deck. When giving a Psychic reading; Selena will tune into your aura to gain insight and information about your life and your future to enable her to give you insight and guidance about certain issues in your life and to empower you with knowledge of how best to move forward and achieving your goals. A psychic reading can help you gain clarity in your current situation, when faced with decisions for your future or when you want to get a better understanding of the big picture. Whatever your issue, romance, career, or soul purpose - contact to organise a convenient time to connect online and talk about what you need, guidance through a psychic reading will be able to help understand what you are going through and what we can do to improve your situation. Learn Tarot to empower yourself!! In these classes, from Beginner to Pro. you will learn all about tarot and how to use it to guide yourself and give insightful readings for others, healing yourself along this journey with Tarot and then being able to use it as a tool to add to your business or to set up a new business as a Psychic Tarot Reader. Selena has produced a Tarot Masterclass taught at the Watkins Wisdom Academy. ¨Watkins has been an authority in the Mind Body Spirit field for over a century. Our teachers are all professionals in their field and each course is unique to their teaching styles. So you know that you are learning from the best!¨