143 Educators providing Lecturer courses delivered Online

Inclusion In He

inclusion in he

I’ve worked for more than 30 years delivering and managing services in the public sector to support disabled people. In 1997 I moved into higher education becoming the manager of the disability service at the University of the West of England in Bristol. After UWE, I was the manager of an educational development project in Manchester before two roles in national coordination teams. As part of the National Disability Team I oversaw £2.1m of HEFCE funding across 23 projects in a range of HEIs in England. The projects were funded to set up disability provision from scratch within small specialist institutions and to develop a range of inclusive teaching, learning and assessment resources for the sector. I was then senior policy adviser at Action on Access, the national coordination team for widening participation. I’ve worked in a consultancy capacity and been a member of policy groups for a range of projects and organisations including, the Institute of Physics, the Higher Education Academy, the General Teaching Council for England, the Quality Assurance Agency, and a number of universities including York, Durham, Huddersfield, Middlesex and Cardiff Metropolitan. I was a member of the Board of Directors for the National Association of Disability Practitioners for a number of years and I’m now the CEO of the International Network of Inclusive Practice. I recently worked as a visiting lecturer at the Education University, Hong Kong and currently work as a lecturer at London South Bank University.

Yoga with Mairi

yoga with mairi


Bridge of Allan

After traveling seven seas, both geographically and professionally, Mairi started running Yoga with Mairi classes in central Scotland, in 2018, gradually growing a small but inclusive community of dedicated Hatha Yoga practitioners. Now getting close to 1000 of teaching hours delivered. Mairi started practicing Hatha Yoga 20 years ago, and had an honour to learn from many amazing teachers across the world. Her practice was, however, particularly influenced by the Bihar and Hridaya schools of Yoga, and this orientation led her to discover the Akasha Yoga Academy (Bali/Thailand), where she completed her 200hrs Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in 2017. Mairi also holds a First Class Certificate in Philosophy of Yoga, from Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies affiliated to the University of Oxford (2016). Besides that, and somewhat relevant to her teaching, Mairi holds a continental MD qualification from her first degree, and she is a Master of Science in social medicine from her second degree. She also holds a postgraduate qualification in Cultural and Gender Studies. Since her first qualification from the School of Medicine at the University of Belgrade (Serbia), and until recently, Mairi was an academic researcher in social medicine and medical sociology, and for some time, also a lecturer. She was specialising in qualitative research and understanding health and access to healthcare, with a particular interest in complexity theory, holistic health & integrative healthcare. You can find more about that body of work
