143 Educators providing Lecturer courses delivered Online




As one of the Training Directors of MidasWorks, I give 100% to ensure clients' requirements are met. Previous to starting up MidasWorks with Dawn, I worked in Further Education for 18 years and, in that time, gained extensive experience as a lecturer, a trainer, an assessor, a verifier, a leader and a manager. I have worked all over Europe developing projects in soft skills and I am excited to now be working in partnership with Dawn delivering training courses to companies in Angus, Dundee, Aberdeen and further afield. I have a sincere passion in developing people and make it my priority to ensure that anyone signing up for a MidasWorks course will have a first class experience. Training will be fun. It will be engaging and it will leave you feeling excited and motivated to take your new skills and knowledge back to the workplace. Dawn and I are always happy to give advice and guidance on routes to help you achieve your goals and aspirations. With a wealth of experience behind us, we look forward to working with you. If you are still unsure, why not have a look at our testimonial page to read what others are saying about working with us. Please contact me if you have any questions. Training is a journey. Come and journey with us. You won’t be disappointed. mina@midasworks.co.uk MidasWorks-09.jpg Dawn Hayes As one of the Training Directors of MidasWorks, I am delighted to be working on our course portfolio to ensure that it meets customer requirements. I have worked in Further and Higher Education for 20 years and continue to work, in partnership with SQA, local colleges and universities. I have gained valuable experience in working with businesses in the delivery of commercial training and I am excited to now be offering this through our business MidasWorks. I strongly feel that before joining a training course you need to set yourself clear goals and objectives and I will make it my priority to ensure that the content of the training sessions will meet your needs. Training sessions must also have impact. Impact in the workplace and impact on your personal opportunities for a successful future. MidasWorks has impact and achievement of goals and objectives at the forefront of every training opportunity. Please contact me if you have any questions. I very much look forward to meeting you and working with you. Training is a journey. Come and journey with us. dawn@midasworks.co.uk

Cooking With Monisha

cooking with monisha


Chef Monisha Bharadwaj is an award winning author, food historian and a food writer based in London, UK. Monisha is a qualified chef from the Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, Mumbai. She started Cooking With Monisha, situated in West London, in 2004. Today it is a successful school that attracts not only the home cook but also chefs who wish to learn Chef Monisha’s brand of simple authentic Indian cooking. Monisha has also created and taught her popular courses at the Ashburton Cookery School in Devon, The Bertinet Kitchen in Bath, Seasoned Cookery School, south Derbyshire and at Divertimenti in Knightsbridge. She is often invited to judge food events and has been a judge at the Guild of Fine Food’s ‘Great Taste Awards’ for the past several years. Monisha also holds a BA in Indian History and in 2013, she was invited to be Guest Lecturer at SOAS, University of London, to give a series of talks on ‘The History of India through its Food’. In 2017, she worked with Kew Gardens giving talks on healing Indian ingredients, and with the British Council on ‘How The British Fell in Love With Curry – a historical perspective from 1200-2017’. In 2018, Monisha was invited by the Wellcome Collection, London, to talk about Ayurvedic nutrition as part of their exhibition, ‘Ayurveda Man’ and opened the South Asian Spice Box residency at Borough Market, London, with a cookery demonstration of south Indian food. In 2019, she was invited to be a Guest Speaker on Indian food on a Cookery Legends cruise around the British Isles. She was awarded ‘Cookery Writer of the Year’ in 2003 by the Guild of Food Writers and her many books have been shortlisted for and won several prestigious international awards. In 2020, her book ‘Indian in 7- recipes using 7 ingredients or fewer’ won the Gourmand World Cookbook Award 2020 for the Best Indian Cookbook in the World. Growing up in India, Monisha was brought up on an Ayurvedic inspired diet, where food brought happiness and physical well being. Today, she brings her experience of and passion for ancient Ayurvedic wisdom to all the classes she teaches.

Cie International Education Group

cie international education group

North Yorkshire

CIE International Education Group 23 CIE International Education Group CIE International Education Group Ltd was registered in the UK in 1995. During the past 20years, the CIE group has made great progress in the business of School and Higher education,establishing various centres in China and cooperative arrangements in the UK, along with thedelivery of short course programmes, such as teacher training staff development andsummer schools. It is also involved in TV / video production, property lettings, tradedelegation work, translation / interpretation, travel and tourism, advertising, andconsultancy services, in both the UK and China. In 1998, CIE linked up with Yantai University and established Yantai CIE International Business College. It has successfully adapted the advanced, modern British education system and employed all foreign teacher personnel. It soon became one of the most outstanding educational organisations in Shandong Province. It is now under the name of Yantai Laishan CIE Foreign Language Training School. In 2006, CIE has established Beijing Haidian CIE Foreign Language Training School, and concentrated on English teachers’ training inside and outside China. It has organised hundreds of English teachers from Bank of China, Southwest Jiaotong University, Yantai Education Bureau, Jining Education Bureau, etc. come to the UK to have professional English training programmes. It also published various books, includes “My Intellectual Journey to the UK”, “The Bells Rang from British Schools”. From 2008, CIE group has developed strong links with a number of Education Bureaus in China, and has delivered the teachers training programme every year, and provided various training aspects such as, English teaching methods, English language, British and American culture, staff development, etc. There were multi thousands of teachers from all over of China have been trained by CIE group. In 2015, Beijing Haidian CIE Foreign Language Training School has worked together with The Read School, Beijing Zhongguancun Foreign Language School, and established the International High School Course Programme. The students who have passed this course will be sent directly to CIE’s partner universities for further education. CIE group is also the official UK agent appointed by State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs of China. CIE group can also provide the following services: - Study abroad (UK, America, Canada, New Zealand): university selection, advisory - UK property investment and advisory - UK summer school and winter school programmes - Seeking and supplying professional teachers and experts to Chinese educational organisations Dr. Yuxian JIN is the Chairman of CIE International Education Group Ltd. He graduated from and lectured in the People’s University of China, was awarded a PhD by the University of Leeds, UK, then appointed by Trinity and All Saints College (University of Leeds) as a senior lecturer in 1992. Dr Jin set up CIE in order to contribute to the development of education and of China in general.

Institut fĆ¼r Gesundsein und Bewusstsein

institut fć¼r gesundsein und bewusstsein

You want to know about me and my work? That makes me happy. I have been a non-medical practitioner by vocation for 20 years, working as a lecturer and coach. I am by your side for physical problems and mental issues. I am your companion on your path to healing, inner growth and new life energy. Naturopathy Health Therapy Massages Tao Training Cupping Retreat In my work, I combine classic methods of naturopathy with nutritional medicine, spinal therapy according to Dorn, body work and energetic healing work to create a holistic approach. At the same time, I pass on my 20 years of experience in seminars and training courses. As the head and initiator, I have been leading the Institute for Health and Consciousness for 15 years. In addition to the diverse activities in my practice, I give seminars and fasting courses at home and abroad and train in various areas. My drive is: Allowing spaces for real healing devotion to man bring light into the dark Remembering what we really are. In my childhood and youth I was a competitive athlete in speed skating. Health problems, early contact with alternative medicine, martial arts, Eastern philosophies, spirituality and meditation and the early discovery of the healing abilities of my hands made me start training as a naturopath at the age of twenty. After successfully completing the alternative practitioner exam and numerous further training courses, I initially worked as a sales manager and trainer at an international wellness company. My inner call guided me to really live my calling as a naturopath, therapist and teacher. This is how the idea for the Institute for Health and Consciousness was born. I have been practicing meditation, qi gong, yoga and ways of conscious living for more than twenty-five years. As an expert in alternative medicine and energy work, I am always researching and teaching what I am from the bottom of my heart. As a father of 4 children and a self-employed entrepreneur, I have both feet on the ground and face the challenges of life. Being a naturopath by vocation and doing what I love. At your side with experience, competence, calmness, down-to-earthness and empathy. to bring light into the darkness. The subtle permeates the gross, matter follows the spirit and energy of our attention. As within, so without; as above, so below, as in large, so in small. I am at your side for physical complaints as well as for emotional, mental issues. I am your companion on your path to healing and a new zest for life. In my seminars and training courses, I share the experiences and knowledge that I have been able to gain. Through my numerous training and further education courses and through many years of practical experience with clients in the areas of nutrition, health, conscious lifestyle, body work and personal development, I support people in finding healing and developing their potential. "Let your light shine in the world!"

Nick Constantine

nick constantine

Whitley Bay

I began my running coaching journey in 1976 when I ran in my green flash:) but kept on coaching, attending courses and qualifications/badges throughout my life. I also hold a post-grad degree in Physical Ed, with my first degree in Theoretical physics and Astrophysics. I have practised yoga for 25 years (recently qualified to teach in 2018). I also work in Adult Education as an associate lecturer with the Open University. After 12 years as a coach I decided to further integrate and develop my own running programmes and coaching with a much stronger focus on yoga knowledge and practice (attending professional development workshops from Leslie Kaminoff (https://www.yogaanatomy.org/) and Gary Carter (https://www.naturalbodies.co.uk/), A.G Mohan ( https://www.svastha.net/) ). We are all different, creating personalised programmes that allow runners to feel more relaxed, have a greater understanding of how they move and how they can improve their running form without an increase of injury. I have coached over 2000 runners, with a very mixed profile. From National runners to starting out and broken 'lost mojo' runners, all ages from 12-80! Running with awareness, running with ease, running with relaxation and stillness will set the conditions to allow you to run quicker, pain free and have a deeper sense of 'in the moment' focus when running or walking. I focus on developing a more mindful and holistic approach to movement (using much yoga training), allowing runners to recognise 'if it is somewhere it is everywhere' and 'don't think it, feel it'. We explore 'changing our relationship with gravity' allowing us to feel more relaxed and encourage a lighter and better feeling with the ground. For the BODY, for the MIND, for the BREATH The yoga practice complements and integrates into the running coaching, I don't teach a 'little bit of running' and a 'little bit of yoga'. They two disciplines connect and I hope folk get a sense of the power of combining the two practices. I have helped many people, from beginners to cross country runners to triathletes. Whether you are just beginning a running program or training for a marathon, race, triathlon, or general all-round fitness the soulinmotion running and yoga approach is one that builds a healthy body, instead of breaking it down from misuse or overuse. The background of runners vary from15min 5K female runners, 1h 3min half marathon runners to clients who could barely run/walk. Ages have varied between 12 to 85. I have coached yogi's, cross fit, martial arts, ultra runners, Ironmen and women, clubs, private groups.....jog scotland groups appear a lot as do some sport England. My own science, maths and sports background (BSc(Hons) Physics and Astrophysics, PGCE in Sport and Mathematics together with years of coaching means I always approach any idea with a critical and clinical eye. Find out more? Keep up to date with SoulinMotion via the Newsletter, subscribe here....or link to the Eventbrite site and follow my workshops/classes OR visit the soulinmotion FB page (https://www.facebook.com/soulsinmotion) and the list of events which gives all the free tasters and workshops in Scotland and the NE.

Spectacular Woman

spectacular woman

I am Victoria Griffith and I wanted to share my excitement about this forum for women and to also let you know a little bit about myself so that you realize that I understand where you are coming from. I am one of you. As a domestic violence survivor, I went through the mental and physical challenges that each of us go through and my struggle took me to the dark places. As a teenager, I felt that sense of disconnect and doubt but my journey led me to the other side where I was able to overcome and heal. My goal is to let you know that there is hope and through patience and focus, you can believe in yourself, let go of self-doubt and take charge of your life again. Working together, I will take your hand and walk you through the process of releasing the fears and insecurities and begin the discovery of awakening your confidence and passion again. I believe that you deserve to be empowered and I can show you the path that can take you there. I will not let you down in your faith and trust in me. I am a mother, transformational life skills strategist, author, consultant, inspirational speaker, survivor of domestic violence, school governor and founder and CEO of Spectacular Woman. My personal road has led me to that sense of well-being and I have found my purpose. Working with women within these realms, I have seen wonderful things happen. Many have escaped the barriers to become the incredible individuals that they were meant to be, achieving their dreams, moving forward with promotions, careers and love. I created Spectacular Woman as a combination safe place, with carefully crafted inspirational and empowering networks and programs. Our shared experiences have given me the chance to see that many have limited beliefs and lack self-worth and confidence. My mission is to unlock as well as unblock these limitations so that you become energized in your life and take the action steps that will give you the ability to fulfill your complete potential. As a result of the many relationships and successes, I established the Spectacular Woman Club. This is a shared place where everyone feels safe, secure, and supported as they make their personal journeys. Our club amplifies, transforms and equips each woman so that they feel empowered to make the changes they want in their lives to achieve their ultimate goals for every life aspect. I have devoted many years working as a lecturer of Social Policy in the secondary school and further education system areas. Having spent thirteen years in the Criminal Justice System, including the Youth Offending Team, I have a unique perspective as well as compassion. I was privileged to work with the Women’s Victim Support Unit, working closely with women who were victims of domestic violence. In my local community, I organized conferences on domestic violence and also facilitated parenting support for parents with challenging teenagers. This background allowed me to develop and deliver the Live Wise TeenDV SRE Preventative Program for Teenagers on the topic of healthy relationships in secondary schools and within my local community.

Decolonise The Curriculum

decolonise the curriculum


Decolonizing the Curriculum Project (DCP) at UoK (funded by Teaching Enhancement Award and led by Dr Suhraiya Jivraj, Senior Lecturer in Law) Students are increasingly demanding a ‘liberated curriculum’ that represents their diversity as we see from #liberatemydegree, ‘Why is My Curriculum White?’ and other movements mentioned above as well as Kent Student Union campaign ‘Diversify My Curriculum’. Also at UoK law and politics students on the Race, Religion and Law module (convened by Dr Suhraiya Jivraj) have relished the opportunity both in workshops and through their assessment to explore both historical and contemporary issues that enable them to acquire ‘consciousness of their own position and struggle’ in society and education. The UoK EDI Project phase II strategy acknowledges this need in affirming that the ‘white curriculum acts as a barrier to inclusivity’ including because ‘it fails to legitimise contributions to knowledge from people of colour’. Phase II therefore seeks to ensure that ‘our curriculum reflects and addresses a range of perspectives’ and asks how this can be operationalised specifically at UoK. Modules like RRL and others in KLS are already operationalising a more inclusive curriculum requiring students to engage with key works from critical race/religion and decolonial studies which offer alternative perspectives to those heteronormative and euro-centric perspectives of white, able-bodied men dominating the western canon. This project will go one significant step further by placing students of colour as well as knowledge produced by people of colour at the centre. Being a student led project is crucial as it empowers them to become change actors and co-producers of knowledge, shaping the agenda and curriculum that seeks to include them. Moreover, it enables them to be ‘assets’ rather than see themselves represented as quantitative data in University diversity reports which does not capture the nuance and complexity of their lived realities. Empowerment for self-determination at the grassroots level is key as is apparent from student led movements that have already effected change in the curriculum. The desire for self and culturally intelligible knowledge is now well documented including in the University of Kent, Student Success (EDI) Project, Phase I:Report 2 ‘Theory and research on race and attainment in UK higher education’ by Hensby and Mitton (2017). This project seeks to operationalise this further and more broadly through the following three interlinked activities: 1) Focus groups: · Up to five stage 3 students will lead focus groups of five to ten BAME students from across the KLS UG programme. · The focus group leaders will form a research team and design the format and questions collaboratively, under the supervision of Dr Jivraj, using naturalistic methods and going through the KLS ethics approval process. 2) Publication of findings: · The data from the focus groups will be collated by the research team and will produce an accessible output such as a ‘manifesto of suggestions’ on making the curriculum more inclusive and a co-authored e-book. · The research team will also be supported in publishing findings via a blog and social media. 3) Student led conference · The workshop committee will organise a half day student led conference to discuss the findings and invite speakers from campaigns such as the NUS #liberatemydegree campaign; Why is My Curriculum White? (based at UCL); Decolonising our Minds SOAS; and the #Rhodesmustfall student movements and at least one academic speaker. Watch this space for further details.

Cultivating Learning and Nature CIC

cultivating learning and nature cic

We are passionate about enaging people of all ages in ecological issues, natural history and wildlife. We run Community Events such as Moth Breakfasts (opposite) and Community Mothing and have run courses for schools, youth groups, community organisations and home schoolers. We have a multitude of illustrated talks which have gone down a storm at local gardening clubs and Women’s Institutes. We even appeared as a guest lecturer at Birmingham University – examples are listed here The Nomadic Museum of Natural History is a combination of street theatre and education tool. Formulated out of an idea of a ‘Cabinet of Curiosity’ and the plethora of natural history items in our house it slowly became a 1m long transportable natural history museum. We have since taken in all over the country to festivals, events and private functions. For more detail click here Environmental Consultancy Our resident ecologist Tim has carried out a wide number of projects over the years. Primarily a botanist he has developed skills as an all round naturalist. He has been commissioned on work involving Newt and reptile relocation and survey work at Moredon Park, Swindon Bat monitoring on the Bats in Churches project, Herefordshire Meadow restoration projects in Peterchurch, Herefordshire Badger mitigation work at Snodhill Castle, Herefordshire A summary of his skills is available here Teaching Trees For over 20 years, Teaching Trees been connecting schools with local woodlands across England and Wales. We have been employed to run the programme for Herefordshire and Worcestershire which we have done since 2017. It is funded by the Royal Forestry Society and aims to connect children to woodlands and get them to understand the trees, wildlife and production of timber that are essential for all our health. For more details please visit their website. Traditional Crafts We can offer a range of traditional and modern crafts. However we are experts at introducing people to Wool craft and tour the country as the Woolly Circus. All aspects of wool are covered: wet felting, needle felting, weaving, spinning and preperarion of fleeces. We also offer Green Woodworking courses which include Whittling to make spoons and other items from greenwood with axe, knife and crook knife. We are adept at many crafts and in the past have run workshops in knotwork, origami, willow weaving, pewter smithing with cuttlefish, sewing, leatherwork, stone age craft, decoupage and home made toileteries. We are available to run craft activities at festivals, events, parties and groups. Past events we have run workshops at have been: Green Man Festival Folk by the Oak Festival Larmer Tree Frestival Lakefest Spring Greens Hellens Manor The Big Skill Community Christmas Wreath Making in Peterchurch Christmas Fairs and school events Stag and Hen dos Gardening We take a holistic view to gardening with looking and observing wildlife being key to what we do. ClaN have helped to deliver gardening in schools as well as offering advice and design Our resident ecologist, Tim, can help you run a bioblitz in your garden or grounds to see what unexpected creatures you can find We also offer evening moth surveys or moth breakfasts. This is a fantastic opportunity to discover some of the wonderful moths we have in this country….prepare to be amazed!

Wilbe | Home for Scientist Leaders

wilbe | home for scientist leaders


We are operators, scientists and founders with a shared mission. WhatsApp Image 2022-02-11 at 12.52.54.jpeg Ale CEO at Wilbe. Former corporate solicitor in London focused on tech, medical devices and spinouts. Ale left practice in 2015 to advise founders of early stage tech companies. Supported over 40 founders, and in 2017 set up Wilbe Ventures, acting as interim COO to AI and Blockchain ventures on an equitable basis. He built an investor-backed portfolio and a stellar team and in 2019 together with Dee started building a new model for commercialising science at scale with Wilbe.com. Guest lecturer within the Faculty of Engineering at Imperial College London. Academically specialised in environmental law, drafting policy including for COP15 in Copenhagen. He completed his LLB (Hons) from the University of Kent. A bowman when sailing, once injured his neck head-banging at a RATM tribute gig. Grey LinkedIn Icon Grey Twitter Icon IMG-20210830-WA0008_2_edited.jpg Thejas Talent & Ventures Associate, Thejas received his PhD from University of Wisconsin-Madison in cancer biology and carried out his post-doctoral studies at the Institute for Molecular Biotechnology at the Vienna Biocenter. Over the course of his scientific career, he has published in prestigious journals such as PNAS and Nature. He recently pivoted from making discoveries to talking discoveries with scientists. Before joining Wilbe, he worked with CEBINA, a biotech accelerator. Enjoys reading books on restructuring democracies and cooking fusion dishes. Hakan Bagci Hakan Academic Partner helping the team visualise the impact of the life sciences research that we wish to commercialise. Hakan brings his expertise as a life sciences and healthcare consultant and inside the lab as a senior molecular and cellular biologist at Imperial College London. He is also Founder of the Imperial Postdocs and Fellows Enterprise Network. Hakan’s research. Alec Thomas_edited.jpg Alec Originally from Colorado, Alec completed his PhD in the development of a bio-mimetic material to package therapeutics for targeted delivery. As a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Oxford, he led a clinical project within the Institute of Biomedical Engineering. He has recently stepped into the entrepreneurial world at a London-based start-up in stealth. WhatsApp Image 2022-10-05 at 4.51.34 PM.jpeg Nithin Course Director at Wilbe Skills, Nithin is currently laser-focused on the upcoming launch of a new course, to bridge the gap between non-science investors and world class founders. As an early stage deeptech angel, Nithin curates a portfolio of impactful investments in science-based founders tackling the world's largest, most complex problems. A seasoned operator in the Investment Banking, Energy and Medtech sectors, when Nithin is not with his family, he is a supporter of Charlton Athletic and hip-hop aficionado. Devika Thapar Devika COO at Wilbe. Former head of new product development at IBM Watson in New York. Dee spent five years commercialising artificial intelligence solutions for large enterprises across USA and Europe in product, sales and chief of staff roles. Her interest in frontier technologies began whilst working with Yale's Tech Transfer Office on spinout evaluations during her MBA. She started her career as a management consultant with Accenture India. An angel investor in early stage ventures. Devika serves on the Board of Collette, a world leading travel company. Professionally trained dancer now keeping up, she is on the Board of STEM from Dance aimed at empowering girls of colour to pursue STEM education through dance. A BA in economics from St. Stephen's College India.