15221 Educators providing Learning courses

Glen Park Primary School

glen park primary school


Glen Park Primary is a two-form entry school set in wonderful grounds in Plympton. We are very proud of our school and the achievement and attitudes of our pupils. On the 1st September 2016, Glen Park Primary converted to academy status, and we are a member of the Westcountry Schools Trust. This is a collaboration of 13 primary and 5 secondary schools. We are very excited about the opportunities that the Trust and collaboration between the schools offers and supports us in our own school development and sharing of best practice. For further information about the Westcountry Schools Trust and to visit the Trust's website please click here. Our aim is simple; to ensure the best possible outcomes in terms of progress and attainment for every pupil, by providing the highest quality teaching and learning possible. We are extremely fortunate to have a highly committed staff who share the common aim of wanting to give your child the best possible start in life. Not only do we strive to achieve the highest level in literacy, numeracy and all round education, but we also work hard to ensure your children are safe, happy and contribute to our excellent standards of behaviour. In May 2019 the school received a Section 8 Ofsted Inspection. This was a single day inspection as the school was previously judged to be ‘good’ during our last inspection in 2012. The purpose of a short Section 8 inspection is to determine whether the school continues to provide a good standard of education and whether safeguarding is effective. We were delighted that the school secured the highest possible outcome from the process. Ofsted have concluded that whilst the school continues to offer our children a ‘good’ level of provision, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that the school may be judged outstanding if it received a full Section 5 inspection now. This means Ofsted will return to the school within the next 12-24 months to carry out a full Section 5 inspection. The HMI who carried out the inspection judged the school to have made significant process in a number of key areas. A copy of the inspection letter can be accessed here. Our curriculum is rich and vibrant, and we understand that every child is unique and at Glen Park Primary we care very much about the all-round development of every individual. We believe strongly that the education of your child has to be a partnership between home and school where there is an established bond of trust and support. This is something that we work hard to achieve, and my door is always open to parents, staff, prospective parents and of course our children. I value what everyone has to say, no matter how small they are! If you are an existing member of our school community, I hope you enjoy looking at all our photos of the rich curriculum that we have to offer and finding up to date information about our school. If you are a visitor or a prospective parent, I hope you find our website useful. If you would like to find out more about the school, then please contact us to make an appointment to come and meet us.

Sunshine Sensory

sunshine sensory


My name is Tracy and I am the founder of Sunshine Sensory. Sunshine Sensory was not something I ever envisioned in my life, but I feel so blessed to have been given the opportunity and want to share my journey with you. I began my work career working as a teaching assistant with mainstream and SEN children while studying part-time for my degree. This allowed me the opportunity to work in a wide range of settings and develop a greater understanding for what was available and the different types of support. After qualifying as a teacher, I spent over 10 years specialising in EYFS and the development of children from birth to five. I loved working as a teacher and being able to reach children through a wide range of resources and approaches. In 2001, at one year old, my daughter was diagnosed with severe learning difficulties suddenly teaching became a lot harder and my life begin to change beyond my imagination. I spent huge amounts of time researching special needs resources, training and activities, only to find that at the time it was very limited, that had to change. So, in 2019, after a lot of soul searching, I left teaching and set up Sunshine Sensory. My aim with Sunshine Sensory is to provide parents / carers / teachers and anyone else interested with the skills to support their child, mainstream or SEN, with the appropriate sensory experiences to allow them to reach their potential. Every child is unique and the classes I have created reflect that, there is a structure but if you child chooses to explore the resources in a way different than I had planned that is fine. We have to appreciate that each child will have different tolerances to sensory resources, some children might like the light touch of feathers, some may dislike it and that is also fine. Through the whole session I provide support, reassurance and model ways for you to interact with your child in a variety of ways. Ultimately having fun and creating that special bond with your child. Just as the classes were getting going, I was contacted by several adult centres (SEN and care homes) asking if the sessions would be appropriate to their residents. With some adaption over the use of the stories and music we use I was able to create sessions that supported the adults. Supported by the use of a wide range of sensory materials and songs that would be familiar to them and encourage active participation in the activity. Leaving teaching was one of the hardest decisions I ever had to make but as I see the children supported meeting their sensory needs and the adults developing more confidence and understanding about the area of development it is worth it. Parents, carers and key workers have gained confidence from attending session and seeing just what they can continue to use at home on in their setting to support their child/adult’s development. This mean that although I may no longer educate in a school, I am now able to educate a wider range of adults and children, continuing to positively impact on the lives of children/adult’s that need support. It is amazing and I feel so privileged to be part of all these people’s lives and I want to thank everyone that has supported me in this journey so far. I hope you come and join us on our journey and enjoy the magic that is looking at the world through a sensory perspective.

Shimmering Light

shimmering light

I am Felicia and I am the founder of Shimmering Light. I have learnt a few of holistic therapies, such as Reiki, crystal healing. As well as mediumship and psychic art. I have recently created an online Holistic shop, as part of Shimmering Light umbrella. I am pretty sure that this path found me more than once. But only until am i ready for this journey. Lessons learned? I don’t know, but what I do know is, is that I’m still learning. Just like you are. From when I was young, I was surrounded by the spirit world, essential oils, reiki and crystals. My Mum, learned Reiki and worked with essential oils. Both sides of my family have the intuitive gift, see Spirit and have a knowing. From a young age, it was noticed that had been gifted with mediumistic/psychic skills. In my late teens, I shut down my mediumship. The reason being because no one understood the world I saw. I couldn’t explain things I had already seen and how I knew things, that I couldn’t possibly know. I guess I wanted to be “normal”. But is only when you get older, you learn to accept yourself for who you are. Around 3 years ago (2015), when my Grandmother died; was the time my mediumship started opened back up. Bit by bit, therapies started to pop up. A few months after the funeral, I booked on to a Reiki course — level 1. Which opened my sense up more. The difference this time was I felt ready for it. I joined an open development circle. Went on to do Reiki level 2 and then I was invited into the closed development circle. On top of that, I started to learn spiritual healing. I wanted to know the difference between Reiki and Spiritual Healing. I continued to develop my mediumship and psychic art skills at the Arthur Findlay College, Stansted. My journey didn’t stop there! After Reiki 2, I created a business. Just like that, October, 2015 - Shimmering Light was born. Little did I know, the plans spirit had for me! After 6 months, of being a business I had signed up for my first exhibit at Olympia, April 2016. The one thing about being spiritual, and dealing with energy, is that you never have an idea when your vibration is going to change. In 2016, I was suffering with severe depression and anxiety. I was signed off work for a total of 6 months. I was lost in my own darkness. I focused on the darkness rather than the stars which was showing. Now, I reflect back on it, I find myself wondering if my depression was triggered because I found something I got satisfaction from but I didn’t own it. I felt tied to my Monday - Friday job. I stuck at it because I felt like I had to. Until June 2018, I took the leap of faith. I left that job, with nothing under me. I’m letting the universe catch me. Writing this has given me a little awakening. The more I fought against my soul’s desires the more I fell sick. The stronger my will came to follow what I really wanted to do, I became happier and hardly sick.

Step It Up Active

step it up active


I was convinced that I couldn't run, not even for a bus! However, I was persuaded to join a beginners running group and it turns out that I can. If I can, then anyone can! I particularly like trail running but spend as much time training on the roads. As part of the Rugby Core Team you can find me at parkrun most Saturdays as anything from Run Director to Tail Walker! UKA Coach in Running Fitness (Trail) UKA Leader in Running Fitness (LiRF) UKA Coaching Assistant BSc (Hons) Health Studies L3 Learning and Development L3 Forest School Leader Outdoor First Aid D B S Enhanced Certificated I began running about 4 years ago in a local running group and made the same ‘rookie’ mistakes that most people do, in that I wanted to sprint before I’d learned to run. However, I took onboard my errors and built up gradually, finishing some 5km and 10km runs in 2016/7, vowing never to want to reach a Half Marathon or beyond. Hmmm! Having had a nasty sprain injury in 2017, I had to take a back seat from running for over a year (much of which was down to my own reluctance to get help! Thank you Laura @ LMC Physio), but I’ve now regained most of my previous running fitness level and have since completed a couple of Half Marathons with at least one more long race booked in for 2019. I regularly volunteer at Rugby parkrun, invariably with a camera in my hands, which I thoroughly enjoy. Having this qualification will mean I can pass on my enthusiasm for running to others and start them on their own running journeys. UKA Leader in Running Fitness (LiRF) D B S Enhanced Certificated First Aid Course trained Vicky is a recent member of our coaching and leadership team. As a fully-qualified paramedic and avid Wolf Runner, she is a great addition to the group, assisting us with the new sector of trail running for Step It Up. Vicky is more than happy at events up to and including 10km UKA Leader in Running Fitness (LiRF) D B S Enhanced Certificated Paramedic Mel is our latest member of our coaching and leadership team. UKA Leader in Running Fitness (LiRF) D B S Enhanced Certificated It’s simple, I’m addicted to running, I certainly didn’t start out this way, in fact I used to say I didn’t have the build for running and actively avoided it. When my local gym had to close the pool to repair the roof, I needed to find another way to get my exercise in the morning, at the same time I convinced a friend to come and give park run a go with me. After that first run walk 5k, I was hooked. I got out a few times each week, doing 30 mins of run walk & soon developed the stamina for a full 5k I joined SIU because I saw that they did Adventure Runs which sounded like great fun and after my first session, I knew this was a club I’d enjoy being part of. At SIU everyone is encouraged to do their individual best but we stay together as a group, supporting one and other, no one is ever left behind, or made/allowed to feel that their best isn’t good enough. Hope you’ll join us on the trails soon, after all, what’s stopping you.

Dog Training with Amy

dog training with amy

I believe that dog training is a vital part of caring for your dog, and something which is often overlooked. It is our way of communicating with our dog – imagine starting a new job, and your boss or colleagues didn’t tell you what was expected of you, but got frustrated when you got something wrong? Now imagine, this is where you lived and had no escape from these expectations. It is our responsibility as our dogs guardian to show them what we expect of them, and not set them up to fail. Training is not just about getting your dog to carry out tricks or walk at a perfect heel. I believe we should be celebrating our dogs character and working with our dogs to ensure that we reach our goals together. You will be amazed how different your walks can be when your dog learns to walk on a loose lead – much more relaxing for you and your dog. I have recently graduated as an SA Pro Trainer. This means that I completed Julie Naismiths Separation Anxiety Pro Trainer course, and passed all three assessments. I am also a proud member of the Pet Professional Guild which is a force free organisation. Who am I? I am Amy, and have been passionate about animals for as long as I can remember. Growing up, I had a wide variety of pets, from goldfish and hamsters, to dogs and cats, to snakes and bearded dragons. I have always been fascinated in animal behaviour and why animals act how they do. From a young age, I always felt a close connection with animals and was able to read their behaviour fairly early on. I currently live with my rottweiler, Coco who you will probably see make an appearance in many photos and videos, and a desert king snake called Shesha. So… why choose me as your dog trainer? I have over 10 years of experience working with animals. I find many of the core principles in dog training can be applied with any animal. Whilst at university I learnt how to train various animals even including meercats and a serval! I spent 6 years working with and training birds of prey, and was lucky enough to be heavily involved with training our Raven, Millie. I have lots of experience training dogs, and have learnt about them both practically, as well as learning the theory behind why they do what they do. To back up my experience, I have many qualifications listed to the left. I am regularly attending seminars and short courses to further my knowledge and ensure that I am following the most up to date best practices. I will never suggest or use aversive methods – this is something which causes your dog pain or discomfort. There are many trainers who still use these outdated methods for easy and fast results. I do not believe in taking short cuts when it comes to the welfare of your dog. Choke chains, slip leads, prong collars and e-collars have no place in the world of modern dog training. I will always be honest with you – if the behavioural problem your dog is presenting is something beyond my remit, I will let you know and be happy to advise you on where to look for further assistance. I am fully insured meet all regulations, so feel free to get in touch to find out how I can improve the relationship between you and your dog today.

Kathmandu University-School of Arts

kathmandu university-school of arts

Kathmandu University (KU) is an autonomous, not-for-profit, self-funding public institution established by an Act of Parliament in December 1991. It is an institution of higher learning dedicated to maintaining the standard of academic excellence in various classical and professional disciplines. The mission statement of the University is “to provide quality education for leadership”. The vision is “to become a world-class university devoted to bringing knowledge and technology to the service of mankind”. The University aspires to serve the nation by fulfilling the needs of the society through the motto of taking knowledge and skills “from the campus to the community.” The University’s broadly perceived signature features include autonomous administration, financial self-sustenance, regular maintenance of the academic calendar, sustained trust of the international academic community, optimum contact between faculties and students and student-friendly environment, among others. Similarly, the University’s graduates are widely known for attributes such as substantive exposure to the industry and the community, research competence, technological literacy, moderate to high-level communicative competence, teamwork and leadership spirit and global compatibility. The Senate is the apex body of the University. It comprises University authorities, dignified educationists, government secretaries, donors, mayors of local municipalities, teacher representatives, student representative, and representatives from affiliated institutions and industries. The Prime Minister, who is the Chancellor of the University, chairs the Senate. The Minister of Education is the Pro-Chancellor. The Executive Council and Academic Council develop internal policies and programs to run the University. The University’s Board of Trustees, which comprises renowned personalities including the founding fathers, is entrusted with the responsibilities of advising long-term plans and generating and managing of resources. The University operates through seven Schools: (i) School of Arts, (ii) School of Education, (iii) School of Engineering, (iv) School of Law, (v) School of Management, (vi) School of Medical Sciences and (vii) School of Science. At present, the University offers more than 200 long-term and short-term academic programs and courses from intermediate to Ph.D. levels. As of June 2022, the University has produced 38,339 graduates. Student fees cover 60% in KU’s financial management. The same percentage of student fees goes into salary and allowances. Other sources cover 40%, whereas the government support is 10%. A total of about 10% of the students studying in the University at various levels receive scholarships apart from educational loan facilities and other sponsoring schemes from different organizations. KU runs academic programs most of which are credited for being introduced for the first time in the country. Business Administration, Pharmacy, Environmental Science, Biotechnology, Human Biology, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Geomatics Engineering, Development Studies, Social Work, Technical Education, Media Studies, Civil Engineering with Specialization in Hydropower, Landscape Management and Heritage studies, Doctor of Medicine (DM) in Gastroenterology, DM in Neurology and MS by Research in Glaciology count among the pioneering programs in Nepal. The University marked the year 2016 as its Silver Jubilee Year. On the occasion of the Silver Jubilee celebrations, Prof. Dr. Ram Kantha Makaju Shrestha, the then Vice-Chancellor, brought forward a vision document, Silver Jubilee Initiatives – Vision 2030, which pledges thrust for quality, innovation, equity, identity, impact and global engagement. These initiatives, founded on the University’s key achievements for 25 years in quality education, will remain instrumental towards achieving the status of a world-class university.

The Abbey College

the abbey college

Abbey College Abbey College in Malvern is Number 1 for student progress out of 4470 Schools and Colleges in England (most recently published by the Department of Education). Abbey College offers a variety of high quality and flexible programmes, in the academic field, pre-university level and in the English language field. We are a boarding school with traditional values, and our diverse international student body gives us a very modern outlook. We offer a fully residential package with fees covering the majority of what students need from the moment of arrival to the moment of departure. Abbey College Mission Statement – To be a learning community of global citizens, helping individuals to achieve their potential and study at the university of their choice. Academic Courses Academic courses are any that last for eight or more weeks and occur during term time. Academic courses are divided in two main bodies. Our younger students concentrate on preparation for pre-IGCSE/IGCSE examinations. At the higher level, students work towards either the traditional AS and A Level qualifications or our specialist university foundation programmes, both of which lead directly to university entry. Abbey College in Malvern Academic Courses A Message From The Principal Welcome to Abbey College in Malvern Situated in the outstandingly beautiful Malvern Hills, near the stunning and culturally rich town of Great Malvern, Abbey College provides an internationally recognised education and pastoral care you can trust. Having developed our high quality education and boarding with a family atmosphere over more than half a century, today’s school welcomes students from around the world onto British academic courses as well as onto English language courses. Whether you join us to study IGCSEs and A levels or for a two-week summer course in English, you become part of the Abbey College family. We are an inclusive school where standards of achievement are high. Our academic courses lead to world-renowned British qualifications. Examination results have been outstanding in recent years. Our experienced teachers and boarding staff are professionals who go the extra mile to ensure that all students are offered the opportunity to fulfil their potential both in and beyond the classroom. The result is that, whether they are seeking places at top universities in Britain and around the world, or returning to continue their education in their home country, Abbey College students are well-equipped to take the next step in their education. We are equally proud of our excellent academic performance and of the extra-curricular opportunities for sport and the arts, community service, touristic visits and adventurous activity that are available at Abbey College in Malvern. We take seriously our responsibility to prepare young people to make their way in life as confident, caring and responsible citizens of the world. The health and well-being of our students remains a priority and despite the prevalence of the coronavirus (COVID-19) the College has implemented measures that aim to minimise the risk of infection for both students and staff. If you would like to find out whether Abbey College is the right school for you, we would be delighted to hear from you. Daniel Booker – Principal Local Enquiries You’re invited to contact us at any time to arrange a tour of the school. Activities on the day will include: School Tour Meeting the Teachers Hear from our Headmaster Learn More About our Scholarships

Helen's Driving School

helen's driving school

I founded Helen’s Driving School in 2009. Initially teaching on my own, I was joined by Jacqui in January 2020, due to the growing number of pupils on my books. Together we worked under the umbrella of Helen’s Driving School and strive to get all our pupils to pass first time. Since surviving all the challenges the pandemic brought, Jacqui and I decided 2022 was a good time to change the set up of the driving school into a partnership and create Top Hat Driving School. I am passionate and enthusiastic about safe and eco friendly driving, and enjoy sharing these skills with my pupils and I thoroughly enjoy meeting such a variety of people. Having lived in Bristol all my life, I have great local knowledge of both Bristol and surrounding areas, including the test areas. Lessons with me are always relaxed and friendly with a laugh or two along the way. I pride myself on my approach to teaching and I feel that with my style pupils learn quickly and successfully because they feel at ease. I have taught many nervous pupils over the years and have found the best way to overcome the fear and nerves experienced whilst learning to drive is simply to maintain a calm and relaxed atmosphere in the car at all times. It is normal to feel anxious and as I have much experience in dealing with pupils anxiety, and have many tools and techniques to help manage these feelings whilst driving. Over our lessons, I will help you build your confidence and develop your driving skills to enable you to become a safe and confident driver for life. Jacqui Barr I worked in the film and tv industry for many years, but in a complete right turn (pun intended!) decided to retrain as a driving instructor. I qualified in 2018, and absolutely love the job. Every day is different, and I look forward to spending time with my pupils who teach me just as much as I teach them. I met Helen in the Avonmouth Test Centre at the end of 2019 and thought she was brilliant. She asked whether I would be interested in driving for Helen’s Driving School and of course I lept at the chance. The pandemic hit almost immediately, and lessons ground to a halt. Weathering the storm has not been easy, but (in the main) we have come out the other side: Helen and I decided we wanted to reflect the changes we’ve been through, and so created Top Hat Driving School. In addition to becoming an instructor, in 2019 I took a further exam with the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) to become an Advanced Driver, putting a spotlight on driver safety and skills. I bring these advanced driving techniques to my teaching, as well as being assessed as a DVSA grade A instructor (Standards Check 2021). I am conscious of Climate Change and the impact driving has on the environment. Therefore I am commited to giving all my learners methods for driving in a more eco-friendly way, reducing our impact on the environment, and saving money too. I carbon offset all my annual mileage with Carbon Footprint, choose petrol over diesel, and in the not too distant future intend to go fully electric.

Wishing Wellness

wishing wellness


I offer a wide range of energy based natural complementary therapies in Scotland and Cumbria. Some of the different healing modalities are ground breaking and offer a broader perspective to understanding your health and wellbeing. Click here for a list of natural treatments Healing Focusing on clearing, healing and empowering yourself to have the strength and confidence in your body’s own healing ability and unique system. Many of us have forgotten how special we are, with unique gifts to offer others and how much potential we all have to heal ourselves. The focus of our sessions will be to put you back in the driving seat and to help you start living a more happy, peaceful and rewarding life. It is good to start with a cleansing treatment We can focus on reiki-symbol-newClearing and balancing the energy centres Raising your energy levels of awareness and self belief Understanding and reducing anxiety and stress Removing limiting beliefs and energy blockages Reclaiming your mind and focused thinking Techniques to help create the life you most desire Many of my clients explain they have come to a place in their lives where they feel powerless and are affected greatly by the circumstances around them. Some clients feel stressed and don’t know where to turn or feel they need to make changes in their lives and are not sure how. This changes when we realise that our realities are created within us and how we feel about ourselves and our life will greatly determine the outcome. Rather than taking a tablet to dull the symptoms of issues arising, Wishing Well Therapies is able to embrace every element of ourselves and to further understand and heal from within. The sessions allow a greater sense of freedom and empowerment that come from taking the reigns of your own experience of the world! I am based at Gretna Green covering Scotland and mobile to; Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dumfries & the Lockerbie area. Also working from the Wishing Wellness Centre at Morton Manor. Morton Manor is now a community centre after previously being a beautiful stately home surrounded by 4 acres of Chances Park gardens. It was presented as a gift to the people of the Carlisle in 1944 by Sir Robert Chance and is now a thriving community centre. The Manor, as it is fondly know, is a listed building and the interior still retains its original character dating back to 1780. The Wishing Wellness rooms are comfortable, warm rooms, suitable for therapies & training and can be found through the old billiard room cafe and half way up the main sweeping staircase. Home & Health visits Click here for details are available & taking into account the travel time & fuel it will cost a little more. I work with a combination of Universal energy, Pranic and Plasma Healing being channelled through me and I have been focused on these schools of learning for some years. My aim is to work with clients to help them feel a greater sense of calm, joy and self worth. Each session is entirely unique and my focus is to help each client individually to make sure they receive the treatment that is right for them at that present time. My clients have expressed feelings of increased energy, vitality and life changing moments in both mental and physical issues as well as increased levels of inner peace which is life enhancing. Being attuned to Reiki has had a huge benefit to my own personal health and I am very grateful to be able to share this healing with others.