15221 Educators providing Learning courses

Michael Starkey

michael starkey


I’m Michael Starkey. I’m an experienced music tutor offering lessons for 5 string banjo and acoustic guitar in Edinburgh, Scotland. These are for individuals and groups of all ages and abilities who maybe don’t know how to get started with their playing; feel stuck with where their playing is at; or are looking to hone their skills further by developing specific playing techniques. I help musicians (and aspiring musicians): Get their playing off the ground by learning the basic skills needed to begin making music Appreciate their existing skills and build on these by offering advice and ways to move forward with their playing Gain confidence making music with other people Develop techniques specific to old time clawhammer banjo playing, fingerpicking folk and country-blues acoustic guitar and acoustic guitar accompaniment for traditional folk music My reasons for teaching: I believe that music has had a very positive impact on my life. I started playing as a young teenager and have always been in bands and going out to gigs and sessions since. For me, it’s a good way to spend time with other people but also with myself. I find that when I’m playing, I’m less likely to be worrying about other things. A bit later on, I came across clawhammer banjo and old time stringband music and got obsessed. I found that there weren’t that many people to play with or learn from where I live so I decided to take up banjo teaching. I like to travel in the US, learn from musicians there, pickup new tricks and tunes and then bring them back over here to share. My experience: I am a full time musician, teacher (and gardener). I had my first guitar student when I was a teenager. I work with individual students from my home in Leith and also teach group classes for the Scots Music Group in Edinburgh. In recent years as a community gardener I have worked in therapeutic horticulture with people struggling with their mental health and with individuals with Autism. I’ve also worked as a tree planter. I play in a number of different bands, have toured and gigged across the UK and have made a number of recordings. I also co-host a weekly old time music session in Edinburgh. Check out my personal website – michaelstarkeymusic.com to see and hear my latest projects. Get in touch….. If you are interested in banjo and/or guitar lessons then I’d like to hear from you. Please use the contact form or have a look at the other pages on the site to find out more about banjo lessons or guitar lessons. There is also a page with some field recordings and more information about old time music. I’ll leave you with this clip of fiddle player Jeri Foreman and myself playing the old-time tune, Five Miles of Ellum Wood.

The Seeds Of Change Uk

the seeds of change uk


To put it simply, we do it because we know that our methods genuinely work and can change lives. Our coaches find nothing more fulfilling than helping a learner to trust, learn and grow. We make BOLD claims about the work that we do at The Seeds of Change We make BOLD claims about the way that horses can help all of us to overcome challenges in life which limit our ability or potential in some way. We can do this, because we have almost 15 years of experience working with thousands of people and have seen the results for ourselves. We set ourselves a simple target to enable people to make a change in their life for good. To meet that objective, we are flexible, agile, experienced and totally focused on every individual who works with us - constantly refining and adapting our sessions to meet the present needs as they arise, but always focused on a longer-term objective as defined at the start. We are continuously learning and developing our work, and never cease stretching the potential of what can be achieved, whether that be in the real or virtual world. Every day we witness new and amazing ways our horses and clients interact with each other and this inspires the way we work. After all, the most important therapeutic tool is the connection between client and horse – we are just the facilitators! We work with adults, families and children. We are commissioned by Local Authorities, schools, support agencies, and parents, both as funded and private referrals. We have worked with more than 5000 clients, many of whom are children who are highly vulnerable or are experiencing socially debilitating conditions and present a vast array of behaviours when they are referred to us. Some of the stories of what they have achieved are simply amazing. View our case studies and testimonials to discover more… We can deliver sessions in person and virtual courses - more details of these can be found here. If you are looking for a fresh, non-judgemental, confidential, and effective way to move forwards in life, then consider The Seeds of Change. We cannot think of a better place to start to make a change for life than outside in the fresh air with a horse. Please get in touch to find out more about our approach and the way our sessions work. We offer sessions on a 1-1 basis which aim to overcome specific challenges. We offer supportive group sessions which can aid social development, help to build relationships, and encourage confidence and positive interactions in the wider social environment. We offer a range of academic courses which support educational development and transition into the workplace, including City and Guilds qualifications. We adhere to strict Safeguarding and Compliance documents and procedures to meet all Educational Standards. And most excitingly we can also now offer our work virtually to enable clients from further away to access our work too.



Everyone one of us has the potential to reach our goals. It’s just a matter of discovering what our goals are and bringing that side of ourselves to light, making it a significant part of who we are. How do you do that? You could do self-study and muddle your way through it, or you could take on the services of a personal coach to work with you on your development. Personal coaches can help you with a range of concerns. The most skilled of them will take your personality into account, understand what you want to achieve and tailor their guidance to suit your growth style. Finding a coach who gets you is already half the battle in your quest to live more meaningfully. A coach could be an invaluable asset to you in the following instances: Showcasing yourself as the best candidate for a position at work Learning to cope with and gradually move on from a loss Effectively marketing yourself and your business to expand your network Projecting yourself as a confident public speaker Finding a purpose in life, and more! Three people having a discussion outdor THE COACH Nahal Motahari NAHAL MOTAHARI My coaching method involves fostering an accurate and empathic understanding of your life journey as an individual who is willing to explore the meaning behind and the answers to questions like Who am I? What do I want to do? How should I overcome any challenges that stand in the way of my personal or professional development? In my quest to further improve upon my skills as a coach and my ability to guide you, I’ve taken and earned certifications in several courses that I apply holistically in my practice: Socratic Questioning in Psychotherapy & Counseling Working with Resisting Clients Choice Theory- Reality Therapy- Lead Management MBT (STEP-1) Workshop Mire Healthy Personality Workshop Nahal’s Coaching Method No coaching session of mine is the same — I adjust each encounter based on your needs and the progress you’ve made. To keep a little structure, however, I follow a certain flow to establish our direction and pace: First, you and I set up a session or two getting to know each other so the subsequent sessions will be open and relaxed. During this period, I will ask some questions to discern your needs and goals. The following session will then deal with the formalisation of the coaching agreement, wherein I will present the coaching strategy that I believe will benefit you most. As this is about your development, your input on my plan is very welcome. Together, we can fine-tune the map of your coaching journey. When that’s taken care of, you and I will embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery. I will be there to help you develop positive habits, attitudes and ways of interpreting situations so that you can eventually reach a point in life wherein you are comfortable and confident in your true self.

Stoke Park School

stoke park school


Stoke Park School was established in 1919 as a grammar school and although it has changed considerably in the last 100 years, our high expectations and academic curriculum remains the same. Through providing a quality education, alongside a range of exceptional experiences, our central aim is to enable all of our students to Build Brighter Futures. We recently celebrated our best ever GCSE and A level results and to this end, we are committed firmly to the pursuit of academic development at the highest level amongst our students. We unashamedly celebrate academic accomplishment, and we seek to nurture clear thinking and scholarly curiosity. We are committed to improving the life chances of all our students and we want to remove any barriers in order for our students to flourish academically. That said, we place a high emphasis on getting to know our students and ensuring they feel happy and well supported throughout their time with us. We foster a sense of belonging within school and the wider community. We welcome students into The Bridge, a custom designed area just for them, with both social and teaching spaces and a specialist team of teachers who are experts in transition from primary and Year 7 learning and progress. The Bridge offers very high academic expectations with Latin and Classics being part of the curriculum. Students have a personalised timetable, and the curriculum is carefully crafted to ensure breadth and depth. Additional small group lessons are offered so that every student can make rapid progress. Parents can find out more about The Bridge here. Our teachers are passionate about their subjects and have a rigorous in-depth knowledge of the curriculum. They are caring and driven, and they work incredibly hard to ensure all our students are successful at each stage of their seven year journey which culminates in Post 16, our popular sixth form. A bespoke Post-16 block awaits our students and offers a highly academic and enriching experience with links to the top universities. We aim to nurture student attributes such as confidence, resilience and perseverance – qualities that will equip them to thrive at school, at university and beyond, whatever the storms of life may throw at them. This is achieved partly through our bespoke tutoring programme and carefully structured pastoral teams, and partly through our expectation that all students participate fully in the life of the School. We have an exciting, diverse range of extra-curricular activities through which every student can pursue their interests and stretch themselves as they learn new skills and talents. Sport, Music, Drama and other co-curricular activities all play a major role in our school life and offer opportunities for everyone. These activities develop excellence, educate pupils to be open minded, independent and willing to take risks. Stoke Park is a remarkable school for remarkable students. I look forward to welcoming you.

Wood Green School

wood green school


Wood Green is a true comprehensive school in the thriving town of Witney, 10 miles west of Oxford. Our motto, ‘Excellence for All’, means that we strive to create a school in which all students are motivated to learn, achieve highly and develop the wider skills and qualities necessary to be happy and successful. We are a school with strong values and everything we do - our curriculum, the wide range of enrichment opportunities and a focus on student achievement and welfare – are based on these values and contribute to ensuring there truly is excellence for all. Some features of Wood Green School include: Our GCSE results in 2018 were the best ever for attainment and progress, demonstrating year-on-year improvement. In February 2017 Wood Green and three other schools in Oxfordshire co-founded the Acer Multi-Academy Trust. This is typical of our desire to collaborate with like-minded schools and brings more opportunities for staff development and student enrichment. Our Sixth Form works in close partnership with Henry Box School and Abingdon and Witney College to ensure our students have the widest choices anywhere in Oxfordshire. Our curriculum and wider enrichment are organised into our Wood Green Baccalaureate, which ensures that every student from year 7 through to year 13 are recognised for their achievements and effort. As a lead school in the National Baccalaureate Trust, we are working with schools nationally to create the very best curriculum for all students. We develop creativity and confidence through our extra-curricular programme, including our specialist Arts provision. Wood Green is a designated provider of the Oxfordshire Excellent Musicians Programme, one of only three such schools in the county. Starting from our bespoke Academic Enrichment programme in year 7, through to our compulsory Extended Project Qualification in Year 12, and many opportunities to participate in public speaking competitions, throughout the school we develop the range of thinking, talking and writing skills to be successful life-long learners. Our excellent links with universities, including the University of Oxford, and businesses ensure that every student develops aspirations beyond school. We believe that wellbeing is vital to being successful. Wood Green was chosen in 2015 by Nuffield Health to be their partner school nationally. Some quotes from our most recent Ofsted report describe the school we are developing: Strong personal relationships between teachers and students contribute to students' learning. Students’ social, spiritual, moral and cultural development is promoted effectively across the school and strongly contributes to the school’s caring ethos All students have an equal opportunity to succeed Over their time at Wood Green School, students gain a broad range of skills and are consequently well prepared for the next stage in their education, employment or training. The more-able students achieve well. The proportion of students attaining A* and A grades is well above average in a range of subjects The conduct of sixth formers in all parts of the school is exemplary and they provide excellent role models for younger students.

Oasis Academy Enfield

oasis academy enfield


Everything within Oasis Community Learning is framed by our ethos. Our ethos is rooted in what we believe and who we are. Grounded in our story, it is an expression of our character; a set of values that inform and provide the lens on everything we do. A passion to include A desire to treat people equally respecting differences A commitment to healthy, open relationships A deep sense of hope that things can change and be transformed A sense of perseverance to keep going for the long haul It is these ethos values that we want to be known for and to live by. We are committed to a model of inclusion, equality, healthy relationships, hope, and perseverance throughout all the aspects of the life and culture of every Oasis Hub and academy community. We encourage every member of our family, be that staff or student, to align themselves to these ethos values. The values themselves are inspired by the life, message and example of Jesus but we make it clear that we will not impose on anyone, the beliefs that underpin our ethos values. We recognise and celebrate the richness that spiritual and cultural diversity brings to our community, respecting the beliefs and practices of other faiths in the hope that we will provide a welcoming environment for all. The Oasis 9 Habits The Oasis Ethos is aspirational, inspirational and something that we have to constantly work at. It is important to remember that every organisation is made up of its people, and people don’t always get things right. This means that there can sometimes be a dissonance between what we say we are, as stated in our ethos values, and what we actually do and experience. Recognising this is helpful because it reminds us that we each have things to work on; we have space to grow, develop and change to become the best version of ourselves. To help us in this process of personal growth and development we have the Oasis 9 Habits. It is our bespoke and unique approach to character development. We know that by living the way of the Habits, the Oasis Ethos will become second nature to us. We also believe that this process of continually developing our character and being transformed to become the best version of ourselves is really important for every student and staff member alike. Therefore, we actively promote and practice the Oasis 9 Habits which are an invitation to a way of life characterised by being compassionate, patient, humble, joyful, honest, hopeful, considerate, forgiving and self-controlled. We believe that by becoming people who live this way, by becoming the best version of ourselves, whether we are a staff member or students, we are transformed, and we are also able to play our part in bringing transformation locally, nationally and globally.

Roxcool - Day Classes

roxcool - day classes

ROXCOOL is a professional instructional business based in and around the North East of England but we are often found working in North Yorkshire, The Peak District, Scotland and our favourite place in the whole world The Lake District. We specialise in climbing and mountaineering courses but also offer opportunities for adventures through guided and fun activities using our team of professionals. We were established in January 2009 and since then the company has not only survived but has prospered. We are very proud of the fact that we are the only Mountain Training course provider in the North East of England, offering all of their climbing instructor and walking leadership courses. We pride ourselves on giving satisfaction and so far all our feedback on both Facebook and TripAdvisor has been 5 * and positive. We also offer technical self-improvement courses relating to safe systems used in climbing and mountaineering situations. So whether its learning to set up simple belay systems or the rudiments of navigation we have a course for you. Our guiding service is very popular for those with specific goals in mind, so you can enjoy and access some of the classic walks, climbs and scrambles of The Lake District and other mountainous areas of the UK or just have a grand day out. Our work with both local and national charities has gone from strength to strength over the past few years and makes up a high proportion of our annual delivery. We specialise in tailor made events and have become somewhat experts in abseiling from unusual buildings (just click on our ‘Charity Events’ tab above). Our charity walks are a great way to encourage lots of participants and a great way to raise money for a chosen charity close to your heart. Finally, we wanted to tell you about our Spanish Adventures and retreats based in Southern Spain. These adventures definitely fit with our company strap line 'for adventures of a lifetime'. Although we have had a connection and a place set aside in our heart with a little village called Murtas for over fifteen years, we have only recently, started to offer adventures there. These adventures are as far removed from life on the costa's as they could be and so far everyone who has visited has fallen in love with the areas we have taken them to. So if you are after some guaranteed sun, warm hospitality, a new cultural experience and possibly a little vino away from the tourists, we think we have the perfect experience for you. If you are involved or want to be involved in any hill walking, mountaineering, climbing or adventure based activity we hope we have a course for you, but just in case we have missed something please do not hesitate to contact us to arrange a ‘tailor made’ programme that meets your needs.

Williams Performance Coaching

williams performance coaching


Anita Williams has been coaching and developing people since 1993. Her extensive experience, gleaned from a comprehensive grounding in the banking sector, followed by a long stint in leadership in the house building sector, has resulted in a broad understanding of what it takes to motivate and encourage people to perform at their best. Her seventeen years as a Sales and Marketing Director have exposed her to the pressures of leadership and the handling of budget timetables and constraints. Feeling proud of her achievements, Anita is now quite philosophical about her encounters with the challenges of her career thus far: “Making the decision to set up in business on my own felt like disembarking a huge learning curve; I was inspired by it and all the better for having endured it. My skill set has been nourished with a mix of emotional roller coaster rides and thought provoking business decisions. If I had to go back to the start of my career and live it all over again, I doubt I would make many changes. I appreciate that to be successful, grounded and content at work is to engage with those around you, share experiences, learn from each other, respect each other and play to the strengths of a team. How you deal with objectives and grow from them determines your strength of character and general well-being. How you behave is all about the attitude you choose to adopt. During my time as a Director, I was empowered to steer my team and represent my area of expertise at board level. I believed in my decisions. I propelled a confidence which I was able to pass on to a dedicated team of hard working people who shone. Now that I have founded my own business, I am able to offer constructive, progressive and meaningful training for leaders and their workforce in an engaging way. I take pride in listening first. This is key to effective communication, and I work hard to practise what I preach! Through careful planning and a focus on growth potential we can make huge “inroads” into our strategic thinking. At Williams Performance Coaching, I am delighted to offer some very useful material on how to motivate and encourage your team to be successful, and I will be delighted to mould a specific course to suit your company targets and the needs of your particular team.” Williams Performance Coaching offers professional tailor-made training courses to suit your requirements. It is easy to get started. All it usually takes to identify your immediate need is a chat over coffee 🙂 Here are some useful examples of prompts, identifying elements you could incorporate, to get you started: Motivational training days Business planning Effective leadership training Professional customer service Efficient time management for senior managers Sales conferences The sales journey Back to basics: Selling skills Enhanced selling skills Effective communication Handling cultural change Recruitment assessment days Team building exercises

Urban Botanical

urban botanical


Urban Botanical is a Botanical Design Service based in Dundee. Our bespoke service offers beautiful, romantic, naturally styled botanicals for your wedding or event. I established in 2016 Urban Botanical, my intention was to approach floristry from a fresh perspective, one not bound by rules or code. My background is in Fine Art having graduated with a BA Hons in Fine Art from Duncan of Jordanstone then continuing on to gain a Master’s degree in Art History from St Andrews University. After University I worked as a freelance Arts Educator running workshops in DCA and McManus Galleries for a few years prior to working in floristry. By 2015 I was working in a local florist, my second florist job but my urge to push the forbidden boundaries and explore the ‘frowned’ upon often caused disagreement. My background in Fine Art influences my approach to floristry, often problem-solving in a different manner from the ‘old fashioned’ or ‘traditional methods’ of floristry. The floristry that excited me was different, it was modern..… arty.. I decided then I had to find my own group of like-minded artist type florists. Through ‘The Glasgow Flower School’ I came to meet Jay Archer – Multi-award-winning florist Jay is known for championing British-grown, sustainable and seasonal flowers, and is widely respected within the wedding and floral industry. Jay talked about largely being self-taught, her work was beautiful, I was in love.. I finally found the definition of ‘floristry’ that I fitted into. My confidence started to grow and I started to really believe in myself but also I realised that just like Art, Floristry is subjective and not everyone will like what I like. During my final year at Art School, we learned the basics of being a ‘self-employed’ artist, learning things like how to quote and price a particular job based on materials, design, and execution which has obviously helped me a lot, also things like Brand Identity, bookkeeping, and accounts. Brand identity or brand ethos for me is something of a journey, constantly defining the things that are important to me, for what I want Urban Botanical to look like, what it represents. Whilst Urban Botanical is my career it is also my lifestyle. Country forage walks with my children is just normal for us, as is collecting ‘pretty weeds’ and wildflowers. Throughout the spring and summer, my ethos is to mainly use locally grown flowers, greenery, and herbs some of which produce the most delicate flowers as well as scent which is an important factor in my bridal work. Scent can evoke memories which is where my love for flowers started as a little girl picking flowers in my parent’s garden, making perfume, and potions. Do I like my job? YES – I love my job, working with nature, and the seasons is something I never realised I would love so much.

Srk Shi Kon Tai Chi

srk shi kon tai chi


We also hold two competitions each year: an open tournament in Spring around April and in Winter in November. We also have a squad of students who regularly compete both here in the UK and overseas at national and international levels. Social events are held throughout the year where students and families from different locations can meet and get to know one another. Our club has an ‘open door’ policy, so if you are affiliated with another style, club or association, you are welcome to come and train with us and there will be no pressure to join. We hold classes for children (aged 5 – 12yrs), teens & adults, and mixed age group classes where the whole family can train together as well as specialist senior grade classes and private one-to-one tuition. Karate is a proven system of self-protection. It is NOT an aerobic class. It is NOT intended to better a person’s confidence or self-esteem. However, if you practice karate do properly and correctly, you will develop improved confidence, gain muscle tone and strength, lose weight, and more. Keep this in mind and you will gain more from your training than you could ever expect. Kinesiology is the scientific study of the principles of body mechanics and anatomy in relation to movement. With that understanding in mind, Karate is the scientific study of body mechanics and anatomy in relation to health and self-protection. Seitou Ryu Karate® is a great way to get into shape. On top of that, you will learn other skills while you tone muscle and feel better about yourself. Unlike aerobic classes or gyms, you will never feel out of place in our karate classes. Our karate classes are taught from an understanding of human anatomy and physiology, psychology and an intricate knowledge of the art itself. Seitou Ryu Karate® is a great distraction from everyday stress and strain. More medical problems today are being associated with or directly caused by mental and physical stress. Your classes will serve as mini vacations 2 to 4 times per week. Not only will you feel more relaxed but you will actually notice increased productivity in your daily life. Today’s society puts a great deal of importance on self-dependence. Nothing takes the place of feeling secure in your daily life. A successful career can be a determining factor for financial security. Our classes help build physical and psychological security through building confidence in the student’s abilities. What you learn in our classes could save you or a loved one’s life. Our life-protection techniques and principles are practical and our training, though conducted under safe learning conditions, allows for the most realism possible. Seitou Ryu Karate® is not based on competition-play karate. You will learn techniques that are “up close and personal”. Our classes are fun. You will be mentally and physically challenged in a relaxed atmosphere. It has been proven that people learn faster and retain more when they are having fun.