15220 Educators providing Learning courses

Cath Little

cath little


Cardiff Storyteller and Singer Cath Little has “rough magic” in her voice, and in her words “the gift of the story comes through.” She has a strong belief in the power of stories to connect us to one another, to the land, and to the people who once lived here. She tells traditional stories from her Irish English heritage and her Welsh homeland. Cath enjoys re-imagining and retelling stories from The Mabinogion. Cath helps run the Cardiff Storytelling Circle and curates their seasonal concerts, Tales for the Turning Year. She tells and listens to stories at Oasis, a Cardiff Charity which offers a warm Welsh welcome to refugees and asylum seekers. Cath keeps busy sharing stories in schools, libraries, museums, castles, cafes and fields. She has performed at festivals across Britain and Ireland and is the author of Glamorgan Folk Tales for Children. My father told me stories and my mother read me them. The family was, and is, full of wonderful storytellers. When I started teaching English in London Secondary Schools it came naturally to me to tell stories: I told stories to help the children into poetry, into Shakespeare, into their own creative imaginations. When I taught English in Italy and in Egypt I found that stories take away the stress of learning another language and give a real reason for listening. When I became a Steiner Waldorf Early Years Teacher I learnt more about the power of stories to nurture and to heal. And then one day I met a professional storyteller! Then I knew that’s what I had to be. Since then I’ve been on the path, following my bliss, and have worked as a professional storyteller since 2006.

Birmingham Women's Hospital

birmingham women's hospital


We are Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust – proud to bring together the expertise of Birmingham Children’s Hospital and Birmingham Women’s Hospital. Our Trust is the first of its type in the UK, formed in February 2017 to drive forward our commitment to providing the highest quality, world-class care that women, children and families want, and deserve. Uniting our hospitals means more seamless care; more investment to make greater advances in our specialist treatment and world-leading neo-natal and fetal work. Importantly, it also gives us a greater voice in shaping the future of family-centred care. We have a clear mission, vision and goal for what we want to achieve. Our mission is to provide outstanding care and treatment, to share and spread new knowledge and practice, and to always be at the forefront of what is possible. Our vision is to be a world-leading team, providing world-leading care. Our goal is to be the best place to work and be cared for, where research and innovation thrives, creating a global impact. With more than 641,000 visits from patients each year, we are a busy Trust and pride ourselves on the commitment of our 6,000 strong team, which works tirelessly to provide the very best treatment and support to our women, children and families. Every day our UK and globally-respected surgeons, doctors, nurses, midwives and allied healthcare professionals provide some of the most advanced treatments, complex surgical procedures and cutting-edge research, to improve care today and develop even better care for the future. Home to the country’s leading teaching centres, we’re passionate about nurturing and developing the skills of our present and future workforce, along with investing in the very best training and education to foster life-long learning.

Maren Weege Yoga & Massage

maren weege yoga & massage


TEACHING: A teacher to me is on the one hand an enabler, someone who assists skilfully in the learning of another without claiming to be anything more than a facilitator. I aim at empowering students to own their experience and process and find their inner teacher. On the other hand, a teacher is someone who through practice, experience and study reached a level of knowledge and understanding which when it is shared enriches someone else's experience. I enjoy sharing what I've learned and keep studying a variety of subjects, practising with my teachers and learning from my students. A central dimension of my teaching is space holding. Holding space is like externalising mindfulness into 3D: creating a space of presence, awareness, trust, clarity, empathy, curiosity, and non-judgment for a person or a group. YOGA: I believe in the power of a yoga practice because - both as practitioner and teacher - I have experienced and witnessed significant shifts in inner as well as outer state and the experience of being alive. Firstly, it is a system that is based on ethical principles. It offers multidimensional practices ranging from movement and postures to concentration, relaxation and meditation all of which promote awareness, healing and training of our physical body, our breathing, our energetic body, our senses, and our mind. There is something for everyone. To connect to ourselves, we need to spend some time with, get to know and begin to accept, respect and love ourselves for who we are. My intention is to teach in a mindful way putting awareness first. The main teaching focus are breath- and heart-centred practices with accompanying movement and postures - yoga from the inside out. There are various studies that prove the positive effects of conscious breathing on psychological and physiological healing and a calmer state of mind. The techniques become tools that serve your personal journey and enrich your life. A yoga class also offers the opportunity to connect with and support each other without words or touch but through sound and breathing. THE FEMALE BODY: Since my first pregnancy yoga teacher training, I have gone on a journey of discovery around topics specifically relevant to the female body experience. It is a fascinating, beautiful and sometimes intense field of work. The intensity comes from the fact that the changes pre- and postnatally on a physiological, mental-emotional, practical and spiritual level can be incredibly challenging yet the mainstream message is to 'just get on with it' and 'to get your body back'. My intention is to bring women together, to hold space for their experience and offer useful practices for their special state of health. To deepen my knowledge around birth and to be able to offer more support for women and supporting men, I took a doula training in 2016. The more I learned, studied and experienced in this field, I realised that there is a lack of awareness around the importance of a healthy pelvic floor for general wellbeing alongside with shame and lack of opportunity to talk about issues like incontinence, prolapse and pain. I am passionate about doing my bit to change this by offering pelvic floor workshops for women. Another reality in a female body is a menstrual cycle and menopause. There is beautiful wisdom to be had when these female life and monthly cycles are embraced. Living as if we didn't have a cycle leads to ongoing underlying stress and a plenitude of health issues. In the era of the #metoo campaign, it is more evident than ever that there is a lot of trauma in women's bodies and hearts. I hold women's circles and half day retreats based in yoga which are a safe place to be and share.

Pownall Hall School

pownall hall school


I am delighted that you are considering Pownall for this very important stage of your child’s education, and I hope that our website will introduce you to all the academic, sporting and co-curricular opportunities available here at Pownall Hall. As a preparatory school, we thoroughly prepare our pupils for the top performing independent schools in the North West. Our ‘up-levelled’ core curriculum allows pupils to aspire and achieve the results required to attend the very best academic schools in the region. This combined with a rich and diverse range of specialist taught subjects means that we provide the very best academic opportunities possible: science in our laboratory, art and design and design technology in our studio, music and drama in our very own Boddington theatre, three languages and extensive grounds, an astro and a sports hall for our specialist PE and Games lessons. Our co-curricular programme of wellbeing, mental health and growth mindset enables us to educate the whole child, developing them both socially and emotionally to become curious, hard-working, aspirational, inquisitive, kind and caring children. Many families aspire for their children to attend top performing schools for their senior phase, yet still wish for them to be at a co-educational, local school in their formative years. At Pownall, we are the very best of both and will provide your child with the strong academic foundations required for the demands of 11+ whilst remaining a small class size, nurturing and family based school. At Pownall Hall we are a family, a family of pupils, staff, parents, governors and friends, all working together to ensure an excellent academic outcome in a caring, safe environment. Our curriculum is creative, broad, active and diverse, wrapped in a caring ethos and all of this is underpinned by a no-compromise approach to the safeguarding of our children, ensuring a happy and safe place for your child to flourish. We are very fortunate to have over 8 acres of beautiful grounds allowing us to have outdoor classrooms, a wildlife pond and forest school provision within our woodland areas; all of which provides excellent learning opportunities for all ages, with free flow inside/outside learning in all our early years provision. Pastoral care is paramount at Pownall. Our staff really get to know your child and will always encourage them to talk if there is something on their mind; this of course will be shared with you, transparency is key. It is crucial that each family knows and understands their son or daughter in the same way that our teaching and support staff do. We will work together to ensure your child’s happiness. We also operate a buddy system between the children from the lower and upper parts of the school, further encouraging the importance of kindness. We have a whole child approach at Pownall. Your child’s social and emotional development is very important to us and has a direct correlation to their personal progress and success. As well as the bespoke areas, there is an essential focus on wellbeing and mindfulness that enables your child to develop a growth mindset that will ensure that they flourish. We believe that these values as well as mental health and wellbeing are just as important as the academic rigour we provide to achieving success in life. We want our children to see themselves as part of a bigger picture, we want them to see beyond themselves and how social values and the qualities of humility, kindness, compassion, discipline, and honesty, are such a very important part of who they will become and what they can be.

The Surrey School of Reflexology

the surrey school of reflexology


Classes are run at The Beeches Baptist Church. Hygeine is important and classes and the venues are Covid aware. Parking available. Please do call or email the school if we can help with any questions regarding courses, reflexology or indeed any other therapies. We are here to advise when we can. Taking registrations now for the next Reflexology Diploma course commencing Autumn 2023. CONGRATULATIONS to ALL our 2021-22 students who have just received their examination results. ALL students gained a Credit or Distinction in their Level 3 Anatomy & Physiology exams and ALL gained either a Credit or Distinction in their Diploma in Reflexology examinations. WELL DONE!! A year of very hard work and dedication, justly rewarded. The Surrey School of Reflexology offers the best in training for those wanting to become a Professional Reflexologist. The Surrey School of Reflexology is an affiliated school of the Professional Reflexology Association. All reflexology courses, including CPD, are accredited with the International Federation of Reflexologists. Previously known as the European School of Healing and Complementary Medicine, we relaunched ourselves twelve years ago and now offer much more of what we are best at – training Reflexologists and providing Postgraduate Workshops and short Courses. Referred to as CPD, these trainings are not only for Reflexologists but all Professionals of Complementary Therapy. Established in 1995, Reflexologists have graduated from our school with our recognised qualification for 27 years and are now working in many different establishments including the NHS, and also in countries around the world. Once qualified from this school you will be able to work as a professional reflexologist in any position offered and in any country where reflexology is legal. The school is run by Nina Pearson who is the Principal. She has been a qualified, practicing, Reflexologist for over 30 years and is a Fellow of the International Federation of Reflexologists, Member of the Professional Reflexology Association, and has been awarded Lifetime Membership to the Association of Reflexologists. All tutors are established practitioners with a wealth of knowledge and experience. Business studies are taught by a qualified Accountant. Our students are encouraged to attain the highest standards as therapists so that they can work with competence and integrity second to none. We also pride ourselves in being able to support the learning of those with Dyslexic tendencies. Our students are all ages and from all walks of life. The teaching of the courses has been designed with this consideration in mind, and so classes and workshop groups are kept small and informal to allow for individual attention and guidance. Learning with us is fun within a safe environment. The Surrey School of Reflexology is based in SUTTON Surrey on the borders with South London, 5 minutes walk from Carshalton Beeches BR station and 15 minutes walk from Sutton BR station. Direct trains from Victoria, London Bridge and Clapham Junction. There are a number of bus routes close by. Free parking easily available in local roads. We are a “NO FUSS” school – the important bit is the quality of teaching and producing confident well-educated therapists; our prospectus is not fancy and a majority of communication with students is done using email. This means that we can keep the costs of our courses and workshops down. NB………….Complementary Therapy is a HANDS-ON profession and it important that your training is also HANDS-ON. Coming to a class with other students not only provides support from your peer group but direct communication with your tutor and of course that all important guidance with practice of the routine and class discussions. After qualifying, your client will look to you for support and class experience then becomes invaluable.

The City Of Edinburgh Music School

the city of edinburgh music school


One year ago today, we were not sure how we would be delivering educational experiences for our students. Two years ago, the situation was even worse as we were not sure whether we would be able to offer anything meaningful at all in person. The relative normality of this year’s first day of school brings reassurance and joy. So far it seems that everyone has grown over the summer, and our returners look more confident and poised than they did six weeks ago. No doubt they have many stories to share, much better in person than through the various social media platforms that they have been inhabiting. Our new S1 students are excited about starting this new phase in their lives. A few have had to ask for directions to classes, but good for them that they have the confidence to do so. They will bring much to the future of our school and in the blink of an eye they will be in S6 preparing for the next phase. Being Part of the Community The vast majority of our students are showing their pride in being part of the Broughton High School community by wearing school uniform and dress code. That is part of their contribution to their school, and is most welcome. I would emphasise that although school uniform is much less expensive than the designer clothing that teenagers might choose to wear, we are keen to support families who are struggling with the cost of clothing. The best way to access this is via our guidance team, through either a direct phone call or an email to school reception. Academic Success More detailed information will be forthcoming, but I am absolutely delighted to share that the attainment gained by our S4-S6 students last year was outstanding. Despite the many challenges that they had to face, they contributed to the best set of SQA results that the school has ever seen. Better than the exam-free years of 2020 and 2021. Better than any year since statistics have been recorded in the current format. This is particularly remarkable, given that the national pass rates have actually declined this year. This level of academic success is not just down to ability but comes as a result of many factors: hard work and resilience; support from parents and carers; and untiring high quality teaching and regard from staff are some. A massive well done from me and the whole school staff to those young people. Senior Staffing News We welcome Mrs Lisa Evans to our school senior leadership team. Mrs Evans has been a curriculum leader in another Edinburgh school for the past eight years, and was previously an English teacher at Broughton. I am delighted that Mrs Evans is back in the Broughton HS family and we look forward to great things. Recently we also welcomed Mr Steven Frew back to Broughton HS after a few years as a curriculum leader in East Lothian. Mr Frew joined us just before the end of the summer term in the role of Senior Development Officer. One of his key roles is to explore the diversity in our school community and make the most of the opportunities that this provides. This will be fascinating and will provide further impetus to cohesion and success in our school. Mr Frew was also previously with us as a Business Education teacher. It speaks volumes for Broughton HS that staff who have progressed in their career are keen to re-join us further down the line. I am pleased to inform you that Mrs Shona Wallace, Depute Headteacher, has been appointed on an acting basis to the Headship of Craigroyston Community High School. Mrs Wallace will work hard – as she always does – to support the community at Craigroyston. We wish her well, and look forward to her return in the latter part of the academic year. Finally, I would like to thank our parental community for the support you give to our school. We will keep trying together to make things as good as possible for our young people. Most of the time we get it right, and long may that continue. John J Wilson Headteacher *********** Broughton High School aspires to be a learning community known for its excellent learning and teaching. We maximise student achievement; provide support, welfare and inspiration. We are committed to continual improvement. Our students will be confident, successful and able to contribute effectively and responsibly to society. They should foster an interest in life long learning. We are a consistently improving organisation. Our core values are the same - respect, inclusion and integrity in all that we do. Tolerance and a willingness to learn about other cultures have been at the heart of Scottish education for centuries. By embracing the Scottish tradition and developing through a curriculum for excellence we hope to develop as truly global citizens. Broughton High School is developing as a centre of excellence in the wider community with our business partners and neighbours utilising the building during and beyond the school day. The development of partnership working is important to us and we actively pursue their development. In school, it goes without saying that we provide a secure and healthy environment, but we aim for much more. We aspire to personal excellence at all times. In every classroom, on the playing fields, through every note played in the Music School we aim for the highest standards. These can only be achieved if the whole school community works in partnership.