15222 Educators providing Learning courses

Online Business English Courses

online business english courses

John’s Online English wants to work with you to make you more confident in business situations. We want you to be successful and get that next job that you want. We want you to be able to write what you want in business emails and reports. We want to take you to the next level in your Business English. How will we do this? It’s simple. Using our virtual classroom and working together with you, we will customize the one to one course of your choosing. We have English Presentations, Business English, English Job Interview, English Resume Writing, Business Correspondence, and English Writing courses. All you need to do is go to the registration page and sign up. The courses will be online using our Virtual Classroom, in which we will be able to use a whiteboard, share documents and files, watch videos, and review presentations in real time. The classroom has real time two way video and audio where we will be able to see and hear each other. The screen size of the video feed that we see can be adjusted at any time. The online classroom allows me to upload Microsoft Office files and You Tube videos that we can use, study, and watch during the class. These are things that cannot be done in online language teachings through Skype. In the virtual classroom we can do many of the things that can be done in a real classroom without leaving our homes or offices. To start with we will have a free first session where we will have a discussion between yourself and myself to determine what it is you want to learn. Also, you will get an explanation of how I propose to teach you. During this session we will also work on some of the English problem areas that you have identified and we will have a chance to discover other English weaknesses that you may have. As I pointed out at the start of the paragraph this session will not cost you anything, and it will last anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on your learning and course requirements. The main Business English courses that I offer are: English for Job Interviews, English for Presentations, English for Business Correspondence (writing emails), Resume Writing, Business English, English Writing, and a General English Course. These courses can be modified to meet your needs. They can also be combined into one course in different proportions. They can be flexible for the number of hours, the content, the scheduling, etc. The courses can also be flexible in regard to postponing a scheduled course. Taking an online Business English course with John’s Online English can be very flexible in various parameters. The main teacher will be myself, John. I have 10 years’ business English teaching experience, mostly from teaching in Taiwan at one of the top business English schools (the International Trade Institute). As well, I have over 20 years’ business experience in telecommunications and financial planning. My education includes a BA in History, and an MBA in which I focused on Finance and Marketing. So, I have the business background and the business English training to be offering to you Business English courses online. As you can see John’s Online English is for serious leaners of English. My philosophy is that I want to take you to the next level in your English and ensure that you are more comfortable in business situations. Also, that you are prepared for your next English job interview and that you are better able to write what you want to write for business purposes. If you are dedicated to improving your English, then together we can take your English to the next level. I hope to see you soon in my virtual classroom taking one of my Business English courses.

Oxford High School

oxford high school


elcome to our website and our history. Oxford High School (OHS) to its devotees is a place of scholarship and learning tempered by spirit, fun and community. Justifiably proud of its extraordinary academic outcomes, OHS is a place where young women are prepared for a world where they give back to others who have not had the same opportunities. A place where young women are prepared for the demands of the future, led by committed and dedicated staff absolutely devoted to their students’ wellbeing and achievement. The women who find their way here are curious, sparky and delight in challenge of any kind, whether it is joining the water polo club, singing opera for the first time or managing our very own hives of bees. Leadership opportunities abound and we are so proud that our students lead the school, put on world rivalling conferences, write to world leaders and enable opportunities for all those around us. We are also lucky enough to be in the heart of a city which thrives on curiosity and learning. That is reflected at OHS, where Academics come into school to demonstrate the accessibility of an academic career as well as share the excitement of challenging world constraints, whether forging ahead with a new vaccine (Dr Sarah Gilbert), working to ensure that everyone belongs in a diverse world (Aduke Onafowokan) or even managing a country in the middle of a pandemic (Jacinda Ardern). These are not leaders who speak to the school as requested by staff, but rather our students who are given the confidence and aspiration to put their dreams into action. Don’t make the mistake, however, of believing that OHS is purely academic; we, and the Girls’ Day School Trust, understand how high achieving women learn, thrive and flourish. The Trust enables our young people to access a network of over 25 other schools, conferences run by women for women across the country, and an astonishing alumnae network of over 70,000 former pupils who are extending a hand to help your daughter find her own place in the outside world. Our pastoral care nurtures our young women to ensure that they succeed at their pace. Despite being a bigger school, our staff are absolutely dedicated to the young women in their care, get to know them and their ways of learning and do all they can to support them. That does not mean we lower our expectations but rather extend the safety net to ensure they are lifted towards their dreams. Any website can only give you a flavour of what happens beyond the doors but I urge you to come in, meet me and our dedicated staff whether virtually or in ‘real life’, and, above all, enjoy the sparky, original, curious, lively young women who flourish and thrive here. I look forward to sharing with you the magic of opportunity, fun and spirit that pervades our school.

Sheffield Contributing School

sheffield contributing school

Sheffield is a rural, contributing primary school with a decile rating of 9. The roll is stable, and has ranged from around 85 - 110 pupils over recent years. There are 5 classes, and the teachers are supported by support staff. The school is situated 60 kilometres west of Christchurch, nestled among the foothills of the Southern Alps. Lakes, rivers, ski-fields, national parks, Christchurch and countless other recreational activities are less than 30 minutes away. The school grounds are extensive. Ongoing landscaping and property initiatives have developed further native bush areas and places for the students to work and play. The school buildings comprise five traditional open plan classrooms. A library, an administration area, learning support room, an adventure playground, a sandpit, and a new resource building complete the permanent fixtures. The school is well resourced in all curriculum areas. Particular emphasis in recent times has been the development of high quality ICT equipment. Each classroom has access to a television, a large number of laptops and iPads and a learning management system. Special needs assistance has been built into the school budget. Teacher aides and part-time teachers work with individuals and groups of children for short blocks of time, sometimes withdrawing children, other times working within class programmes. A number of children have ongoing resourcing for individual special needs and have part-time teacher or teacher aide assistance funded by the Ministry. Teachers implement programmes which extend and challenge children of all abilities.Support services attend the school regularly. These include the Public Health Nurse, Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour, Speech Language Therapist and other specialists. The school P.E.A.K. values are at the heart of everything we do at Sheffield School. As a result, relationships between students, staff, board and parents are positive and the school enjoys fantastic support from the Sheffield community. The Board of Trustees and PTA are very proactive, supporting a wide range of initiatives which benefit the students. Parents are involved in many aspect of the programme including PTA, fundraising, sport, camps, transport, classroom programmes, library and options programmes. The children are a pleasure to teach. They are well supported from home and come to school keen to learn. There are very few behaviour problems in classrooms or in the playground and bullying is not tolerated. Children’s interests are broad and include athletics, swimming, tennis, cricket, netball, rugby, soccer, hockey and basketball. Keas, Scouts and Guides are operating in the area. There are many cultural activities available including a dance school, speech and drama clubs, gymnastics, art classes and various music tutors. Sheffield School maintains close ties with the other schools in the Malvern district, coming together regularly for sporting and cultural events. The school has recently participated in ICTPD project, as part of the Malvern cluster of schools. ICTPD (Information and Communication Technology) is a Ministry of Education funded initiative, which offers exceptional professional development opportunities to those involved.




Action4Youth is an ambitious, proactive charity focused on driving forward the crucial youth agenda to transform lives for the better. Every child should have the opportunity to be heard, to be safe and to succeed. Collaborative We believe change is most impactful when delivered in collaboration with other youth agencies and key partners. We build partnerships across sectors so that we can share resources and expertise to secure the best possible outcomes for young people and their communities in Buckinghamshire and beyond. Empowering We listen and engage with our young people to give them a voice in developing our work and agenda. Our Youth Board and groups have a fundamental role in ensuring our programmes meet the needs of young participants across a wide spectrum of differing backgrounds including young people from the most deprived areas of society, those with disabilities and additional needs, and those who need support and inspiration to reach their goals and surpass limitations. Everything we do engages the rising generation of our community to work together in helping not only themselves but each other. For us it’s about inspiring young people to become Inspiring Young People. What we do As a charity, we rely on the generosity of grant-giving organisations and individuals to enable us to deliver the following: Policy and Change We are leaders within the youth sector and we are actively engaged with local government, the police, and other stakeholders to shape policy across Bucks. Our annual conference is a crucial opportunity for key representatives from the wider charity and statutory sectors to come together to discuss and share ideas on how we can make an impact on the lives of young people. Intervention and Inspiration We deliver a wide range of programmes including holistic support for vulnerable and disadvantaged young people, employability and enrichment programmes such as The Inspiration Programme, leadership and life skills initiatives, as well as delivering national programmes such as National Citizen Service and The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Many participants are signposted to other Action4Youth programmes on a pathway to opportunities they did not believe were possible through disadvantage or disability. Leadership and Training We provide valuable leadership and training to our membership organisations: around 70 local voluntary youth groups so that they can operate effectively to safeguard the young people of their communities. Courses include safeguarding, diversity and inclusion, health and safety and others. Outdoor Learning Additionally, we operate an outstanding outdoor learning centre, Caldecotte Xperience, in Milton Keynes which offers a range of adventure learning activities that deliver measurable improvements in educational attainment, as well as building teamwork, bonding and trust. It is the leading centre in the region for young people with complex needs, with SEND trained staff and specialist equipment that enable those with disabilities to learn new skills in a safe and supportive environment.

The Specialist Academy

the specialist academy


The Specialist Academy is a leading provider of online learning and has become known for its unique approach. Not only do we provide a range of courses across a number of different professions, but we do so in a unique manner that makes our student experience truly unique. Our emphasis is to provide training with the following unique method: Specialist tutors: when committing to a course, it is essential to have access to a tutor that is a specialist in the field. Online learning is very flexible and convenient, however it is no substitute for being able to have direct interaction with a tutor. With The Specialist Academy, we combine the best of both worlds by offering a convenient platform for online learning, plus the ability to ask questions to a tutor who is both a specialist in the field and has extensive and relevant experience. Accredited courses: how do you know that the course you intend to embark upon will be recognised by other organisations? How would you feel if the effort that you put in to complete your course, all goes to waste? This is why we ensure that all of our courses are accredited by the relevant bodies in the field, such that when you complete you course, it will be recognised and can be used to improve your future prospects. 24/7 support: completing a course online may be a new experience, hence having unlimited support is essential. This support is both for accessing the course as well as any course specific support required from the specialist tutors. Our support can be accessed via email or telephone and you will get a response 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Lifetime access: most courses completed online have a time-limit within which the course needs to be completed. With or modern hectic lifestyles, this can be very stressful. We are unique in that we do not require our courses to be completed within any timeframe, hence you will have unlimited access to both the course material and the end of course exam. It’s one less thing to worry about. Career coaching: what do you plan to do once you have completed your course? Would you like to speak to an individual who has already worked in your chosen field? Our specialist tutors can provide you just the support that you need to be able to be successful in your field and this is provided across all of our courses. Pre-approved insurance: if your chosen course requires insurance for you to be able to practice, the good news is that we have partnered up with the International Institute for Complementary Therapists and arranged this for you. You will get a discounted joining fee which will mean that you can get started straight away. See http://www.iict.co.uk/specialistacademy for more details.

Nur Academy

nur academy


Mr. Hamidi was born in Morocco, spent a part of his childhood in France and has been a Florida resident since 1998. He graduated with a dual M.S. degree in Biomedical Engineering & Engineering Management from the University of South Florida, and a dual B.S. degree in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering from University of Florida. Throughout his education and work experience, Mr. Hamidi has gained valuable experience in the field of leadership, research, education & management. He also has taught in Private and Charter Schools (K-12) including Nur Academy in 2019-2020. Brother Karim is very happy to be back and look forward to a great year ahead inshallah. Amel Abosamek Amel Abosamek is a homeroom teacher at Nur Academy. She was born in Alexandria, Egypt and earned her BS in Chemical Engineering from Alexandria University. Sister Amel has completed several professional development and educator training programs. She has 17 years of experience teaching Math and Science for all levels up to 8th grade. Jamila Ali Mrs. Ali. will be our Kindergarten/First grade teacher during the 2022-2023 academic year. She was born and raised in Sarasota, Florida and have been here for 30 years! Mrs. Ali grew up within the Muslim ISSB community and she is so honored to finally be giving back to the community by teaching our young Muslim children and much more. She graduated as an Education major from University of South Florida. She loves to read, cook, and spend time with her family in her spare time. Rana Elshamy Rana Elshamy received her B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of South Florida. After graduation, she realized that she was a teacher at heart, so she decided to pursue a career in teaching. Sister Rana has more than 12 years of experience at teaching. She has taught in different Islamic schools as well as at some public/charter schools. She is very excited to be part of Nur Acade Dina Gadelhaq Dina Gadelhaq teaches Quran and Arabic at Nur Academy. She was born and raised in Egypt and earned her BS in Accounting from Cairo University. She is a certified Nuraniyah teacher and has taught Quran and Arabic at Nur Academy for the past 4 years. Dina’s favorite quote is “teach your kids Quran and Quran will teach them everything.” ABOUT NUR ACADEMY Nur Academy is an independent, nonprofit, private Islamic school located in Sarasota, Florida. We serve students in grades K-5 in Sarasota and Manatee counties. Nur Academy offers one of the finest Islamic & Academic programs in the nation. Nur Academy is a Sunni institution and follows the teachings and tenets of Ahl-us-Sunnah wa-l-Jamaa’ah. Our education philosophy is based on the understanding that all children are individuals with their own strengths, needs, likes and learning styles. Our classrooms are filled with specially designed materials and a prepared environment promoting hands on learning. Instruction is differentiated according to the ability and learning style of each child.

Piano Lessons North London

piano lessons north london

My name is Pippa King and I have been teaching piano ever since I was 16 (I’m now the wrong side of 40). I studied piano to Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) Grade 8 standard and also have ABRSM Grade 7 Musicianship, the highest Musicianship Grade at the time I sat it. I also have Grade 7 Recorder, Grade 5 Oboe both ABRSM qualifications and A Level Music. I have recently made the move from sunny Hull in Yorkshire to North London. (I am now based in N6, in between Crouch End and Highgate Village, very different to Hull and very nice too). I left some great pupils behind but am very much looking forward to teaching in London and already have a timetable that is filling up with equally great students, some being adults but mostly school students – there is never a wrong age and always a right age to start playing the piano! My emphasis is absolutely that learning music and piano should be fun, enjoyable and rewarding. Students learn at their own speed and are able to explore areas of music that interest them as well as learning a sound grounding in past and modern popular piano music and good rudiments. I worked for Hull Music Service teaching piano and keyboard where I also supported Music GCSE students from 2002 to 2007, when I left to concentrate on my private teaching practice. I have a very high success rate with practical, theory and musicianship exams though sitting exams is not compulsory. See FAQs for more info. I am a registered teacher with the ABRSM, a member of the Musicians Union and have an Enhanced Certificate to work with children from the Disclosure and Barring Service (formerly known as CRB check, now a DBS check). I also played keyboard for Hessle Ceilidh Band for over 10 years who were based in East Yorkshire – moving to London makes this now just about impossible (!) – and I worked in a Hull high school from 2016-2018, teaching piano/keyboard to support the V-Cert course there. Previously I have directed a recorder group entering music festivals, I played oboe with the Sheffield Philharmonic Orchestra and I have accompanied instrumental exams and music festivals. I teach on Mondays to Fridays from 3.30pm until about 7pm and on a Saturday. I charge £15 for half and hour/£30 for an hour… See FAQS for more info. I can truly say I love passing on my passion for music. I want my pupils to be musically curious, inspired, interested and eager – to enjoy music, to be musicians and accomplished pianists. As with anything regular practice is essential but let’s make learning fun! Everyone learns at a different speed and in a different way, enjoying different aspects of music – this is what makes my job so very interesting.