15223 Educators providing Learning courses

Finding Me

finding me


Our History Dear Families, My name is Matthew Bundy and I am the President of Indi-Kid, the parent corporation to Finding Me Now Learning Center. Thank you for your interest in Finding Me Now! We look forward to the opportunity to provide exceptional service to your family through the early years of your child’s life! Our corporation, Indi-Kid, has a long history of providing quality care for families throughout Indiana. The company was founded in 1972 by my grandfather Ray Bundy and led by my father, Michael, shortly after its inception. In 2004, we committed to expanding our mission to “Care for children in a manner that will please both the parents we serve and God” by carefully selecting our new name. “Finding” symbolizes the age of discovery in a young child. “Me” expresses the importance of the individual child. “Now” emphasizes the value of each child at this very moment. More than 40 years after our doors first opened, our traditional values of family, faith, and learning through play are always at the center of our operations. We have based our program on the traditional daycare tenets of love & play, while providing a modern learning program that has earned the highest quality rating the State of Indiana awards, as well as national accreditation from the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Technology-based assessment and planning tools provide our teachers with guidance to perpetually structure their lesson plans to the development needs of each child as well as the group. We are extremely pleased to feature The Creative Curriculum® by Teaching Strategies® as the framework of our childhood education program. Our experienced team uses this powerful tool to continuously assess your child’s development, tailoring immersive lesson plans to individualized needs. On a personal level, as I was considering the opportunity to join Finding Me Now, I was reminded by my older brother of a simple prayer that he heard me pray many nights as a young child. Growing up we were aware of the business that our father operated, thus my prayer was to “keep the kids safe at daddy’s centers.” That prayer remains true in my heart, but has grown to include a deeper ambition for the children’s development and for the advancement of our staff. We look forward to participating with you in the discovery and affirmation of your child’s God-given and unique possibilities!




Our parent company Brainnit was founded by a group of well-known academics, technocrats and creative wizards to provide quality education with the support of modern digital technology. We are a truly global company with a diverse workforce and offices in London, Dubai and India. This creative and academic fusion gave birth to Attaiin, a digital e-learning platform that combines world-class technology, academic learning and IGCSE assessment. Attaiin is a one-stop education solution with exciting video content, simulations, animations, lessons and assessments for all subjects. Our vision was to create a world-class digital teaching platform that would support and extend your child’s learning. Under the guidance of our expert academic team, who are natives of the UK, your child can confidently prepare for examinations to achieve their highest scores at IGCSE. Attaiin’s unique assessment module allows students to be assessed by expert teachers and IGCSE examiners. Attain covers all Key Stages of the British Curriculum from ages 5 to 18 This journey began because we wanted the best education for our children. We think your children deserve it too. We were tired of the education lottery where the quality of teaching could vary drastically within a school and mere luck decides if your child is placed with the best teachers. We were tired of The variable quality of teaching within schools A one-size-fits-all education model Students struggling with homework tasks Expensive private tuition Unimaginative and boring content Being unable to find native-English speaking tutors Our product works in harmony with your child. Today’s students are doing things differently from any previous generation. Did you know that most teenagers choose to study between 10.00 pm and midnight? The time when schools are closed and most of us have gone to bed. Students are choosing new ways to study and learn. They can watch Attaiin videos on their laptops or ipads at home or on their phones on the bus or walking to school. They can study their entire course through our content without even going to school. Whilst we are not replacing school, we do provide students with opportunities to learn that align with the up-to-date research on the teenage brain and lifestyle. Just because your son or daughter has double Chemistry at 8.00 am on a Monday morning, doesn’t mean to say they are in the right frame of mind to study ionic equations.

International Federation Of Surgical Colleges

international federation of surgical colleges


The International Federation of Surgical Colleges (IFSC) was founded in 1958 in Stockholm, Sweden, with the objective of speaking with a single voice for world surgery on problems of common interest. Founding members consisted of traditional colleges of surgery and surgical societies from the European continent. Official relations with the WHO started in 1960 and since then the IFSC has been a recognised non-state actor (NSA) in formal relations with the WHO. It is also in consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) where it is in a position to advise the UN on surgical matters. The IFSC remains the only organisation representing surgeons that is in special relations with both the UN and the WHO. Over the years the IFSC regularly changed its goals and operational methods as surgical care delivery, education and training changed in world surgery. In 1992 the constitution was changed to focus primarily in supporting surgical expertise in low income countries and in 2003 the constitution was again revised to state the federation’s goal as “the advancement of surgery in developing [sic] countries, especially Africa, promoting education and training, and help with examinations”. In 2007 a Memorandum of Agreement was signed with the College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA) to support specific educational projects. Similar support has been extended in different formats to the West Africa College of Surgeons (WACS), basic surgical training in Sri Lanka and the Egyptian Surgical Society. About what we Did From 2010 to 2015, under the leadership of Mr Bob Lane, the IFSC has supported the design, ratification and delivery of courses in basic surgical skills, anastomosis workshops, management of surgical emergencies, surgical critical care and in research methodology to a few hundred surgical trainees, other junior doctors, nurses who work in surgery and associate clinicians, predominantly in sub-Saharan Africa, but also in Sri Lanka. Such courses were always developed and delivered on request from affiliated regional or local surgical organisations, and in consultation with ministries of health about local need. In order to easier manage the business of course delivery the IFSC was registered as a charity in England and Wales in 2011. Included in all training courses was Training of Trainers which was essential in order to create sustainability in surgical learning. Large numbers of senior surgeons joined in the teaching of trainees on our courses and were able to continue running courses independently thereafter, which is still happening in certain centres to this day. To support this process teaching material was handed over to local centres or made available electronically. In 2019 and 2021 online courses in research methodology were developed for surgical and anaesthesia trainees in COSECSA and the College of Anaesthetists of East, Central and Southern Africa (CANECSA) respectively, with guidance and support from the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland (RCSI), a founding member of IFSC. About us, the WHO and Surgical Learning Over the years IFSC worked hard with likeminded groups to support WHO projects in emergency and essential surgery, such as contributing to the book Surgical Care at the District Hospital, the Alliance on Patient Safety, the Global Initiative for Emergency and Essential Surgical Care (GIEESC) and resolution 68.15 at WHA68 in 2015 on “Strengthening Emergency and Essential Surgical Care and Anaesthesia as a Component of Universal Health Coverage”. In 2020-2021 the IFSC contributed to the development of the Learning Strategy of the new WHO Academy with specific focus on improved global preparedness for health emergencies. Members of the IFSC’s executive board continue to play important roles in the Technical Experts Working Group for advising SADC countries on the implementation of National Surgery, Obstetrics and Anaesthesia Plans as part of Universal Health Coverage. In this process the IFSC actively contributes to implementing the WHO’s “3 Billion” Pillars of work for universal health coverage, better protection from health emergencies and people enjoying better health and wellbeing. The IFSC’s focus in delivering these goals remain in advocacy for global surgery, in supporting education and training in especially essential surgery in first level hospitals and in supporting research skills acquisition by all surgeons in especially low and middle income countries (LMICs). In this way IFSC is trying to contribute to the decolonisation of surgical education and research, and to stop the unethical flow of research data from the Global South to rich countries in the North. It has also become clear that the time for designing surgical training courses in rich Western countries (or any HICs) for delivery in LMICs has come to an end. There remains a vast learning need in surgery in the Global South but such learning is directed from surgical educational institutions and experts in LMICs. The IFSC’s role in supporting such learning needs is increasingly to provide and support individual experts from its member organisations who can help deliver or advise on such learning projects. The SARS-CoV 2 pandemic has made it possible to deliver much of such support virtually, saving the expenses and climate impact of frequent air travel. About our Vision As incoming president of IFSC I have therefore stated three goals: To make IFSC more open and democratic, and more representative of surgeons in LMICs. It means reviewing the constitution, re-introducing a president’s council, changing membership criteria, and nomination and voting processes. To give this momentum, at the AGM a new Secretary-General and a new Chair of the Education and Research Committee were elected from Southern Africa institutions. The majority of surgeons in the world are not trained through traditional surgical colleges and IFSC membership should reflect this. Proposals for changes to IFSC structure and processes will be discussed by the Executive Board (EB) in 2022 and presented at the 2022 AGM for a vote. To play our role in decolonising surgical education, training, research and care. It means discouraging the flow of teaching and training material developed in HICs to be taught in LMICs, and stopping the flow of research data and intellectual property from the Global South to rich institutions in the Global North. IFSC will, however, strongly support surgical learning programmes developed in LMICs, as requested, and continue to support our research methodology courses for trainees in COSECSA, CANECSA and elsewhere to help young surgeons and anaesthetists in LMICs have control of their own research data. To support planetary health. Human, animal, plant and climate health are all interlinked. As IFSC helps with training, ongoing learning and support for essential surgery, it is important that such progress does not come at an unnecessary cost to planetary health. This also means being aware of and speaking out about unnecessary planetary health costs of luxury surgical care in high income environments. For this goal IFSC depends on advice from experts outside our organisation. All the above mean that IFSC needs to work differently to support the role of surgeons and surgery in the world, and encourage members not to think in surgical silos, but consider how we can work with other organisations in global surgery and related groups in e.g. anaesthesia, gynaecology and with other expertise, in order to advance surgical care for patients who are most in need. Although membership of IFSC is through surgical colleges and societies, we hope that those colleagues who read this piece will be encouraged to support the work of IFSC through their respective surgical organisations.