186 Educators providing Learning courses in Sheffield

P E Office

p e office


The new PE Office Virtual Learning Environment is a knowledge bank of unique and essential resources for PE departments, coaches, sports leaders and anyone involved in Sports. Our virtual platform includes a comprehensive assessment framework: Video and performance analysis software A virtual classroom Content library Resource building facilities Alongside this, there is the old side to the PE Office where our unique portal has merged together to allow you one-off purchases or unlimited access to all our new and updated schemes of work, lesson plans, theory lesson plans, evaluation sheets, assessment portal, exam platform and quizzes all in one place for your department, staff, performers and students. PE Office now delivers a high-quality provision to PE Teachers, departments, students, coaches and learners both practically and theoretically. PE Office constantly evolves. It has the following main elements: 1. Practical Planning and resources Provides the ultimate resource bank of: Schemes of Work Lesson plans Assessments Evaluation Sheets 2. Theoretical plans and resources You have access via the platform to a comprehensive range of e-learning lesson plans, quizzes, puzzles and games with extensive tracking and assessment for: GCSE Cambridge Nationals BTEC iGCSE 3. Analysis Our unique and purpose-built PE software now enables you to have a unique tool to video, analyse, evaluate and question individual performers, groups of teammates or whole squads on scenarios that happen in lessons and games. The students view these lessons, skills and drills by accessing the portal and then answer the questions aim directly at them whilst every aspect is broken down, tracked and recorded. This portal is great for: GCSE and BTEC Sport Analysis Teaching and Coaching Officiating Sports performance for school teams and academies 4. Exams and Revision Within the learning environment, you can also create PE Secure locked down exams Mock exams Baseline tests Timed revision sessions Revision and games 5. Extra Curricular portal You can use the platform to create and arrange sport Fixtures Leagues Friendlies Tours Arrange these with friends or any relevant ability group in a radius of your choice

Forest Schools Education

forest schools education



Forest Schools are nature-based communities where trained practitioners nurture learner-led exploration and discovery, nurturing meaningful experiences for positive lifelong impacts. Wellbeing is the foundation of our practice and through recognising the social, emotional and physical needs of participants we provide the guidance and facilitation for our time in nature. Through creating learner inspired experiences based on exploration and discovery, we recognise opportunities to mentor holistic growth over the course of long-term programmes. In developing the community, we nurture a culture based on collaboration and of embracing challenge so that we can allow, over time, for the blossoming of character, resilience and empathy, and for a greater sense of connection, with nature and for our shared future. What are the Benefits of Forest Schools? Improves Confidence Improves Resilience Improves Physical Wellbeing Improves Empathy Gives an Insight into the Natural World Learner-led Learning Improves Physical Wellbeing & Motor Development Long-term Observation & Guidance from Leaders A Typical Day in a Forest School Meeting outside the woodland, excitement is in the air. The birds are chirping, the gentle wind rolls across the hills while wellington boots search for puddles. The woodland has been checked and the equipment is ready to be taken with us, our focus in on the wellbeing, physical and emotional, of each person within our community. Gathering together, we check in on how each person is feeling and what they wish to explore during their time in nature. We introduce new ideas and invite them to engage our help when they wish to. The woodland space is a blank canvas, full of textures and materials to enrich the senses and stimulate the learning journeys that we will all undertake. As leaders we have both an idea for the direction of the day should learners need us to provide this for them, but also understand the importance of encouraging them to decide their own direction. During this time of exploration and discovery, our role as a leader is to provide the nurturing they need whilst also encouraging them to stay with challenge and to make sense of the experiences they have. Through review and reflection their voices are heard, and their emotions are recognised.

Association Of Education Business Professionals

association of education business professionals


Shouting about the collective impact of employers’ engagement through EBP brokerage for improvement of future prospects for all young people in the UK Sharing the vision and thought leadership of the network of EBPs nationally Impressing the value and intelligence of brokerage between employers and education sector by EBPs nationally Building on the lasting networks and share ‘practice excellence’ for the greater benefit of young people, brokers and employers nationally The AEBP is a network of experienced brokerage organisations nationwide; Education Business Partnership organisations who are specialist brokers building sustainable links with employers. Shaping and delivering practical and insightful engagements with business professionals; professionally managed encounters to impress the current and future realities of industry in young people. Collectively working to shape the next generation for employment. Picture5 The collective impact of independent, EBP brokerage, prior to the governments sweeping educational cuts, in just one academic year amounted to over; Over 127,000 work experience placements researched and secured Over 161,000 secondary school and college students participating in work related learning activities and enterprise skills development Over 55,500 primary pupils working with employers to develop work related skills Over 74,000 young people attending careers events, CV preparation and interview skills events brokered by EBPs Over 35,300 business professionals engaging with young people to share insight into the workplace, practices and skills development Over 191,000 employers actively engaging with EBPs across the UK Over £1.2m invested by employers directly for EBPs to broker work related learning activities to improve young peoples’ preparation for employment

Enable (Sheffield)

enable (sheffield)


We offer support and encouragement in living, social and practical skills to enable people with learning and physical disabilities to enjoy independent lifestyles. Who We Are Enable (Sheffield) is a charity based training organisation for people with disabilities. Our aim is to offer a quality care and training opportunities to meet their individual needs. Our training areas deliver themed subjects and topics relevant to suit our learner’s abilities and skills. First opening for business in 1994, with the intention to make a difference to the lives of people with disabilities in Sheffield. From the offset we have always involved our learners in the decision making process, and this is, we believe, the key to our success. Enable (Sheffield) has grown to become a well established and renown training provider for disabled adults in Sheffield, but began life in very humble beginnings. Founder Alan Finchett rented a room in a local school, for disabled adults from the area to use, initially repairing and recycling toys and bikes but gradually more activities were added to the schedules. Within a year, with more learners attending, space was getting tight so it was soon time to move to bigger premises. Skip along 8 years and demand was so great for places that work started on our purpose built building. Exactly 10 years after starting, Enable was ready to move into their new home. The centre has been designed specifically to meet the demands of disabled people, offering a bright, spacious learning place for all.