422 Educators providing Learning courses in Manchester

International Brass Band Summer School

international brass band summer school


The IBBSS looks forward to giving our guests a warm welcome. The quality of the faculty virtually ensures a high-octane adventure for everyone involved. Located at University of Wales, Swansea, which overlooks the majestic panorama of Swansea Bay, all participants will be spoilt for choice both in the realm of music and holidaying options on offer. As in any learning situation, the bottom line rests with the quality of the faculty, and in this case, it is as good as it gets anywhere in the world. Each member of the faculty is internationally renowned, not only for their musical and performance expertise but also their social skills, a consequence of a regular diet of globe-trotting, performing and conducting master-classes to people of all ages and abilities. It was famously said of the Artistic Director, Dr. Nicholas Childs, that if he had played the cello rather than the euphonium, his name would have been Rostropovich. He is now perhaps more widely known as Artistic Director of the world-famous Black Dyke Band. Meanwhile, the instrumental tutors represent the cream of Britain’s incredibly talented core of brilliant instrumentalists: the incredible Tom Hutchinson from The Cory Band, Daniel Thomas, Richard Marshall and Brett Baker from Black Dyke, Freelance soloist Owen Farr and Gary Curtin from the Fodens Band. Under their expert tutelage you will be given the opportunity to explore new repertoire, meet new friends and generally have a fantastic time. For those applicants who possess an overwhelming desire to seriously improve their all-round playing skills and musical understanding, then, without doubt, they have chosen wisely, for the fixed intention is to provide them with a learning experience of a lifetime, whilst still allowing time and space for holiday fun. If the aim is to balance a general improvement in overall playing standards with making new like-minded friends, whilst enjoying a little more time in the sun amidst great surroundings, then look no further. In short, everyone enrolled in the summer course will be able to design a great banding holiday with precisely as much music making as is desired. The International Brass Band Summer School also caters for non-participating and non-residential visitors. For those who want to brush up on their brass band skills whilst their partners soak up the sun in a sublime environment, rest assured, this will resemble Christmas in the summer.

Manchester Montessori House

manchester montessori house


Manchester Montessori House is the first bilingual English- French kindergarten in Manchester, in the United Kingdom for children ages 3 to 6. Initially it had started as a Montessori group for Home Educating families in Greater Manchester in 2008. There was, and still is, a big demand for alternative education and Montessori is one of these options. Montessori methodology, well known worldwide, does offer holistic approach and supports all areas of children’s development. It places the child in the centre, where he/she can develop his/her full potential through carefully and purposefully offered ‘hands on’ activities. The highly qualify staff ( with a lot of teaching experiences), implement valuable principals of Montessori philosophy while educating young children in their formative years of grow. The staff aims are to provide Prepared Environment that enables children to express their full potential over the most important and crucial first six years of life, but also later on. Teachers are ‘to offer the child an environment rich in motives for activity, in which he/she can choose what he/she will take and use. In this choice he/she is free from any teacher’s control, or indeed from adult control in general’ (Montessori, 2007, p. 186). Children who attend to our setting are carefully observed and ‘scaffold’ by the experienced practitioners on the way to ‘Normalisation’ as Dr Montessori called this process and cited it as “the most important single result of our whole work” (Montessori, The Absorbent Mind, 1949). Children natural phenomena, potential and internal energy horme, – ‘this universal force is not physical, but is the force of life itself in the process of evolution’ (Polk Lillard, 1972, p.42), are directed on the most natural way of holistic development. All the little learners are treated with the respect, are given attention they deserve, are being looked after as a unique individuals. Peers in our setting are given opportunity to grow in consistency and harmony which helps them to progress in all areas of grow ‘to follow the child, adapting himself to the child’s rhythm and the psychological needs of his growth’ (Polk Lillard, 1972, p.39). It is important for us that children grow in calm, safe and beautiful environment and are learning to be creators of the world around them. They acquire how to develop self-discipline, motivation and love of work as a natural response to their internal needs. Educational materials in our kindergarten are purchased from the licensed manufacturers of Montessori materials and are the same, which are taught in all over the world. The furniture are comfortable and accessible for children. All the apparatus are made of wood or natural resources and comply with high safety requirements. We focus on each child individually to help him/ her evolve the curiosity to the nature and to the surrounding world. We promote individuals who grow free, are independent, be self-motivated and confident. They are empathic and tolerant, can recognize their own feelings but also, which is very important, can respond to the needs of others. We give children the opportunity to develop according to their respective capabilities and to easily adapt themselves in multicultural societies. The Montessori system of education provides an environment rich in activities for every area of learning. Montessori called her schools “Casa dei Bambini” or “the children’s home”. In their home from home the children find room full of mysteries, challenges and discoveries. Our Montessori approach is holistic and aims to develop the whole child when they have the greatest capacity to learn. Follow by Montessori we aim to: help children become confident, compassionate, happy, calm, purposeful, free and independent, empower them and be creative. Awaken children’s interest in all subjects and to encourage in them a love of learning. Give children an understanding of the world and respect for all they find in it. The Montessori Method is a dynamic and complete approach to the enrichment of young children and as such represents the very best that a parent can give during these formative years. ‘The child is in a continual state of growth and metamorphosis, where as the adult has reached the norm of the species’ (E.M. Standing, 1984, p. 106).

Gorsefield Primary School

gorsefield primary school


Gorsefield Primary School is a large, urban community primary school, serving the area of Radcliffe (Bury, Manchester). The school was sponsored by Forward as One CE Academy Trust in April 2015. Gorsefield’s mission is to INSPIRE, CHALLENGE, EXCEL: to inspire and challenge all children and adults to excel in everything they do. The two-form entry school is situated in an area of very high deprivation, so children enter the school with very low socio-economic status and significant life challenges to be overcome. Mobility is extremely high. There are currently 23 different languages spoken at Gorsefield. The proportion of pupils who are disadvantaged is significantly higher than the national average, as is the proportion of pupils with an education, health and care plan (EHCP). The school is a UNICEF Rights Respecting (Silver) school. Gorsefield Primary School provides an environment in which all children and adults, including the community, are able to flourish socially, emotionally and academically. As a school, we make no assumptions when children enter our school. We just set the ambition.’ Thus setting all children up to succeed. At Gorsefield Primary School, we: Foster an ethos which is supportive of all members of the school community irrespective of ability, gender, ethnic or social background and which ensures that all feel valued, cared for and secure in order to inspire and challenge all children and adults to excel in everything they do. Promote collaboration with parents and the wider community to enable us to provide the best possible social, academic and cultural development for our learners. Whilst the curriculum has been built to meet the needs of the children, we also recognise that our community can be also be supported too. School staff work incredibly hard with the school community to ensure that there are positive outcomes for their children Develop and fully embrace school learning goals and the 3 strands of the curriculum, leading to high standards of interaction with and between adults and children. Including full respect for all religious, moral and cultural values including having regard to the wider community. ‘Gorsefield Primary School is a school at the heart of its community with the community at its heart.’

Adam Fidler Academy

adam fidler academy


Adam Fidler Academy, principal Adam Fidler, was founded in 2016 to provide high-quality education and learning for Personal Assistants, Executive Assistants and Business Support professionals. It is one of a handful of private colleges in the world that specialise in offering formal qualifications and training programmes to EAs, PAs and Business Support Managers. Courses are accredited by The University of Salford, Manchester - Executive Education (SPD), The Institute of Administrative Management (IAM), and the Executive & Personal Assistants Association (EPAA). Qualifications are regulated by SFJ Awards where the Academy has received ‘direct claim status’ meaning it can award qualifications at Level 3, Level 4 and Level 5 directly, without validation from the Awarding Body. The Academy is based in Manchester, UK and regularly attracts students from all over the UK as well international learners. Both part-time and full-time courses are offered which vary in duration from courses of two-days to full-time courses of up to three months, as well as qualification programmes where ‘day students’ attend several days over a fixed duration (usually 9 or 12 months). Online classes have been added for 2021, in light of the coronavirus pandemic. Our classes are kept small for personalised learning; a maximum of 8 students to one tutor and two classes can be run at the same time. We also offer a number of our most popular programmes in central London, UK such as ‘The Strategic Executive Assistant’ and ‘Get Ahead as an Executive PA’. With an emphasis on teaching practical skills and strategies to continuously improve business performance and effectiveness, Adam Fidler Academy is the first-choice training institution for PAs, EAs and Business Managers. To find out more about our unrivalled courses and how you can be part of a new breed of Executive Assistants, see our full suite of programmes by clicking here. We strongly recommend you look at our Executive Assistant newsletter which gives our fresh perspectives and new definition of contemporary business support. We look forward to supporting your professional growth as a new-style PA or EA.