2740 Educators providing Learning courses in London

Intelligent Yoga Teacher Training (IYTT)

intelligent yoga teacher training (iytt)



Intelligent Yoga Teacher Training (IYTT) is unique amongst teacher training courses.  We offer an incisive, thoughtful and intelligent approach to yoga teacher training, driven by the most current scientific developments in anatomy and movement research. Delivered by an elite group of senior yoga teachers at the top of their field, IYTT offers a spacious, immersive modular structure which provides time and space for profound learning, integration and growth.  Each of the teaching team draws on decades of practical experience of yoga, including particularly the work of Vanda Scaravelli and somatic, embodied practices. Described by some as radical and provocative, this approach to practice demands a fundamental shift in our practice and teaching. > "The IYTT programme has radically liberated my movement practice and expanded > the way I hold space for others. The programme encourages deep attention to > the realities of our bodies - to better support our ability to find freedom > and facilitate our students to do the same. The course offers a sophisticated > approach to study, rooted in sensorial atunement, philosophical discourse and > the most up to date research in anatomy. It is a life changing experience, > highly relevant for its insights into Yoga’s past and in its commitment to > foster dynamic, curious teachers for the future." > > Ben Wright > Choreographer/Movement Artist/Teacher > Artistic Co-Director at Candoco Dance Company (2017-2020) > Lecturer in Dance Northern School of Contemporary Dance

Strength And Conditioning Academy

strength and conditioning academy


We have spent over a decade supporting the growth and development of coaches and practitioners within organisations and more recently with small groups and individuals. We recognise excellent content is a cornerstone in all our development. However, it is the transforming of this content into our personal context which is most impactful. Many learning opportunities will simply provide content. Learning is the acquiring of knowledge and insights and its application. Strength and Conditioning Academy utilises our diverse experiences in coaching and coach development to provide learning opportunities which place you and your context at the centre. Our focus is to ensure relevant content is related back to your context, allowing you to take practical steps in your world. Strength and Conditioning Academy provides frameworks and processes which allow you to seamlessly take the relevant content to your context and help you identify the steps to apply your solutions. Strength and Conditioning Academy wants to provide accessible learning opportunities which allow you to better problem-solve around strength and conditioning to better support those you work with. We want to democratise our diverse knowledge and experiences in strength and conditioning so we can all can benefit from these. We want to provide learning opportunities which actually make a difference in the real world and can be applied across all our contexts. We want our opportunities to truly put you at the centre of the learning process so you can direct your learning where you want it to go. This inspires us to create and offer learning opportunities which uniquely focuses on you and your world and positively impacting what matter most to you. “The problem-solving course was led by outstanding and industry leading experts who designed easily digestible and impactful content spanning key domains of physical preparation.”