15221 Educators providing Learning courses delivered Online

Peacock Mosaics

peacock mosaics

Joss Hughes is a self-taught mosaic artist working from her studio in a beautiful rural setting near Romsey, in Hampshire. When not working on commission, she creates mosaics for sale at local outlets or plans her next adult “Mosaic and Cake” workshop. She marvels at the natural creativity of children taking part in her “Make a Mosaic” parties or in after-school and holiday camp mosaic sessions. Mosaic creations in stained glass and mirror dominate her portfolio however, she also particularly enjoys working with beach-combed sea glass and driftwood. The latter are mainly sourced from her beloved South Cornwall. Other materials she occasionally uses include 'found' objects from the garden or beach, and the commercially available glass tiles and nuggets. After a crafty childhood Joss focused her mind to pursue a career in Paediatric Medicine. Six university years and a further seventeen, mainly working for NHS England, left little time or energy for creativity! Job rotations and RAF deployments (her husband) necessitated living at fourteen different addresses (in the UK and in Australia). Retrospectively she realises that the repetitive home-and-garden making was expressing a hidden natural creativity. Five years ago she made the life- changing decision to say 'goodbye' to Dr J Hughes, Neonatal Doctor, and to say 'hello' to Joss Hughes, mosaic artist. A birthday gift of a two day beginners’ course (Clare Goodall, Oxford) in 2009 had sown the seed of the addictive nature of mosaics. Following up on two chance sightings of the same incredible huge floating mosaic ball, she tracked down the artist and a second two day course (Sue Smith, Devon) in 2014 reignited Joss's passion and introduced her to the media of stained glass and mirror. There followed lots of trial and error at the kitchen table with glass shards flying everywhere before she finally produced a mosaic she felt able to show anyone! Slowly amassing the prerequisites of a basic studio she moved into her own working space and, in May 2017, she decided to officially launch her own business: Peacock Mosaics. In 2018 Joss attended a 5 day residential mosaic course at West Dean College of Arts and Conservation, learning from the fabulous Sonia King. The emphasis was on developing artistic expression. In 2019 Joss became the Editor (a voluntary role) for "GROUT", a thrice yearly publication by the British Association of Modern Mosaic for its members. This has been a superb networking and knowledge-boosting opportunity. She also attended the 2018 and 2019 BAMM Forums, in London and York respectively, furthering her contact with the UK mosaic community. She has had mosaics accepted for exhibition in Penzance, York and Andover during 2019. In 2020 Joss will attend a short course at the London School of Mosaic, with tutor Debra Collis, exploring further her preference for abstract design, and practicing colour studies and andamenti.

Stoke Park School

stoke park school


Stoke Park School was established in 1919 as a grammar school and although it has changed considerably in the last 100 years, our high expectations and academic curriculum remains the same. Through providing a quality education, alongside a range of exceptional experiences, our central aim is to enable all of our students to Build Brighter Futures. We recently celebrated our best ever GCSE and A level results and to this end, we are committed firmly to the pursuit of academic development at the highest level amongst our students. We unashamedly celebrate academic accomplishment, and we seek to nurture clear thinking and scholarly curiosity. We are committed to improving the life chances of all our students and we want to remove any barriers in order for our students to flourish academically. That said, we place a high emphasis on getting to know our students and ensuring they feel happy and well supported throughout their time with us. We foster a sense of belonging within school and the wider community. We welcome students into The Bridge, a custom designed area just for them, with both social and teaching spaces and a specialist team of teachers who are experts in transition from primary and Year 7 learning and progress. The Bridge offers very high academic expectations with Latin and Classics being part of the curriculum. Students have a personalised timetable, and the curriculum is carefully crafted to ensure breadth and depth. Additional small group lessons are offered so that every student can make rapid progress. Parents can find out more about The Bridge here. Our teachers are passionate about their subjects and have a rigorous in-depth knowledge of the curriculum. They are caring and driven, and they work incredibly hard to ensure all our students are successful at each stage of their seven year journey which culminates in Post 16, our popular sixth form. A bespoke Post-16 block awaits our students and offers a highly academic and enriching experience with links to the top universities. We aim to nurture student attributes such as confidence, resilience and perseverance – qualities that will equip them to thrive at school, at university and beyond, whatever the storms of life may throw at them. This is achieved partly through our bespoke tutoring programme and carefully structured pastoral teams, and partly through our expectation that all students participate fully in the life of the School. We have an exciting, diverse range of extra-curricular activities through which every student can pursue their interests and stretch themselves as they learn new skills and talents. Sport, Music, Drama and other co-curricular activities all play a major role in our school life and offer opportunities for everyone. These activities develop excellence, educate pupils to be open minded, independent and willing to take risks. Stoke Park is a remarkable school for remarkable students. I look forward to welcoming you.

TLC Powertalk

tlc powertalk

EXPERTISE IN COMMUNICATIONS TRAINING & EVENT ENTERTAINMENT TLC Powertalk delivers services Online, in Milton Keynes, London & Glasgow UK Terry Neason TERRY NEASON COMMUNICATION COACH, SPEAKER & AWARD WINNING PERFORMER Affectionately known as 'The Communication Diva', Communication Coach, Terry Neason, is highly praised by Leaders and Management for her expertise and rated as a top class service provider. Terry enables those who work with her to achieve excellence in Communication Skills, Public Speaking and Personal Impact. As well as providing Personal Development & Communications Training, Terry is an acclaimed Singer and Entertainer. Terry's eclectic business career spans over 30 years. Having run a business, presented her own television series and toured shows around the world, she knows what it takes to command an audience and Walk the Talk. TERRY'S STORY In the beginning, sticks and stones... Terry Neason is Scottish and spent her childhood in a raunchy housing estate in Glasgow. Terry says, "I always used humour to steer clear of sticky situations. I shot from the lip, as opposed to the hip" Learning the hard way At 16, she turned her back on the street fights, left home and ventured to London for the first time, where she added to her life experience by working in New Horizon, a centre dealing with drug abuse and homeless youths. Then going on to work with ex-prisoners in R.A.P. Radical Alternatives to Prison, dealing with re-homing and employment issues. Stage & Screen One of her biggest dreams was to sing, write and act. However, previously, music had been disallowed as a specialist subject in school. Undeterred, Terry went on to develop her talent and performing style. With no formal training, Terry began her singing and acting career with two of Scotland's top companies; 7:84 Theatre Co. and Wildcat Stage Productions. Both companies being known for their innovative shows, which tackled social and political issues of the time. She hosted her own 6 part television series of chat/music/comedy, for STV, called The Terry Neason Show. She also achieved artistic success touring her shows internationally and picked up the Herald Angel Award at the Edinburgh Fringe. Producing, Selling & Negotiating Her professional journey took her into the business of managing her own company, Wee One Productions, for 15 years; leading a team which produced highly acclaimed shows for Corporate Events and Theatre. It was at this time Terry learned a lot about selling and negotiating, when dealing with Theatres and International Festivals. The performances captivated audiences from Europe to Canada and Singapore. NLP Master, Facilitator & Entertainer A great believer in professional and personal development, Terry has motivated herself to achieve high standards throughout her career. It is the wealth of street-wise experience in life and business, combined with her warmth and humour, which gives Terry a down to earth and entertaining style as a Communication Coach. MC & Entertainer.

Michael Starkey

michael starkey


I’m Michael Starkey. I’m an experienced music tutor offering lessons for 5 string banjo and acoustic guitar in Edinburgh, Scotland. These are for individuals and groups of all ages and abilities who maybe don’t know how to get started with their playing; feel stuck with where their playing is at; or are looking to hone their skills further by developing specific playing techniques. I help musicians (and aspiring musicians): Get their playing off the ground by learning the basic skills needed to begin making music Appreciate their existing skills and build on these by offering advice and ways to move forward with their playing Gain confidence making music with other people Develop techniques specific to old time clawhammer banjo playing, fingerpicking folk and country-blues acoustic guitar and acoustic guitar accompaniment for traditional folk music My reasons for teaching: I believe that music has had a very positive impact on my life. I started playing as a young teenager and have always been in bands and going out to gigs and sessions since. For me, it’s a good way to spend time with other people but also with myself. I find that when I’m playing, I’m less likely to be worrying about other things. A bit later on, I came across clawhammer banjo and old time stringband music and got obsessed. I found that there weren’t that many people to play with or learn from where I live so I decided to take up banjo teaching. I like to travel in the US, learn from musicians there, pickup new tricks and tunes and then bring them back over here to share. My experience: I am a full time musician, teacher (and gardener). I had my first guitar student when I was a teenager. I work with individual students from my home in Leith and also teach group classes for the Scots Music Group in Edinburgh. In recent years as a community gardener I have worked in therapeutic horticulture with people struggling with their mental health and with individuals with Autism. I’ve also worked as a tree planter. I play in a number of different bands, have toured and gigged across the UK and have made a number of recordings. I also co-host a weekly old time music session in Edinburgh. Check out my personal website – michaelstarkeymusic.com to see and hear my latest projects. Get in touch….. If you are interested in banjo and/or guitar lessons then I’d like to hear from you. Please use the contact form or have a look at the other pages on the site to find out more about banjo lessons or guitar lessons. There is also a page with some field recordings and more information about old time music. I’ll leave you with this clip of fiddle player Jeri Foreman and myself playing the old-time tune, Five Miles of Ellum Wood.



Everyone one of us has the potential to reach our goals. It’s just a matter of discovering what our goals are and bringing that side of ourselves to light, making it a significant part of who we are. How do you do that? You could do self-study and muddle your way through it, or you could take on the services of a personal coach to work with you on your development. Personal coaches can help you with a range of concerns. The most skilled of them will take your personality into account, understand what you want to achieve and tailor their guidance to suit your growth style. Finding a coach who gets you is already half the battle in your quest to live more meaningfully. A coach could be an invaluable asset to you in the following instances: Showcasing yourself as the best candidate for a position at work Learning to cope with and gradually move on from a loss Effectively marketing yourself and your business to expand your network Projecting yourself as a confident public speaker Finding a purpose in life, and more! Three people having a discussion outdor THE COACH Nahal Motahari NAHAL MOTAHARI My coaching method involves fostering an accurate and empathic understanding of your life journey as an individual who is willing to explore the meaning behind and the answers to questions like Who am I? What do I want to do? How should I overcome any challenges that stand in the way of my personal or professional development? In my quest to further improve upon my skills as a coach and my ability to guide you, I’ve taken and earned certifications in several courses that I apply holistically in my practice: Socratic Questioning in Psychotherapy & Counseling Working with Resisting Clients Choice Theory- Reality Therapy- Lead Management MBT (STEP-1) Workshop Mire Healthy Personality Workshop Nahal’s Coaching Method No coaching session of mine is the same — I adjust each encounter based on your needs and the progress you’ve made. To keep a little structure, however, I follow a certain flow to establish our direction and pace: First, you and I set up a session or two getting to know each other so the subsequent sessions will be open and relaxed. During this period, I will ask some questions to discern your needs and goals. The following session will then deal with the formalisation of the coaching agreement, wherein I will present the coaching strategy that I believe will benefit you most. As this is about your development, your input on my plan is very welcome. Together, we can fine-tune the map of your coaching journey. When that’s taken care of, you and I will embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery. I will be there to help you develop positive habits, attitudes and ways of interpreting situations so that you can eventually reach a point in life wherein you are comfortable and confident in your true self.

The Seeds Of Change Uk

the seeds of change uk


To put it simply, we do it because we know that our methods genuinely work and can change lives. Our coaches find nothing more fulfilling than helping a learner to trust, learn and grow. We make BOLD claims about the work that we do at The Seeds of Change We make BOLD claims about the way that horses can help all of us to overcome challenges in life which limit our ability or potential in some way. We can do this, because we have almost 15 years of experience working with thousands of people and have seen the results for ourselves. We set ourselves a simple target to enable people to make a change in their life for good. To meet that objective, we are flexible, agile, experienced and totally focused on every individual who works with us - constantly refining and adapting our sessions to meet the present needs as they arise, but always focused on a longer-term objective as defined at the start. We are continuously learning and developing our work, and never cease stretching the potential of what can be achieved, whether that be in the real or virtual world. Every day we witness new and amazing ways our horses and clients interact with each other and this inspires the way we work. After all, the most important therapeutic tool is the connection between client and horse – we are just the facilitators! We work with adults, families and children. We are commissioned by Local Authorities, schools, support agencies, and parents, both as funded and private referrals. We have worked with more than 5000 clients, many of whom are children who are highly vulnerable or are experiencing socially debilitating conditions and present a vast array of behaviours when they are referred to us. Some of the stories of what they have achieved are simply amazing. View our case studies and testimonials to discover more… We can deliver sessions in person and virtual courses - more details of these can be found here. If you are looking for a fresh, non-judgemental, confidential, and effective way to move forwards in life, then consider The Seeds of Change. We cannot think of a better place to start to make a change for life than outside in the fresh air with a horse. Please get in touch to find out more about our approach and the way our sessions work. We offer sessions on a 1-1 basis which aim to overcome specific challenges. We offer supportive group sessions which can aid social development, help to build relationships, and encourage confidence and positive interactions in the wider social environment. We offer a range of academic courses which support educational development and transition into the workplace, including City and Guilds qualifications. We adhere to strict Safeguarding and Compliance documents and procedures to meet all Educational Standards. And most excitingly we can also now offer our work virtually to enable clients from further away to access our work too.

Wood Green School

wood green school


Wood Green is a true comprehensive school in the thriving town of Witney, 10 miles west of Oxford. Our motto, ‘Excellence for All’, means that we strive to create a school in which all students are motivated to learn, achieve highly and develop the wider skills and qualities necessary to be happy and successful. We are a school with strong values and everything we do - our curriculum, the wide range of enrichment opportunities and a focus on student achievement and welfare – are based on these values and contribute to ensuring there truly is excellence for all. Some features of Wood Green School include: Our GCSE results in 2018 were the best ever for attainment and progress, demonstrating year-on-year improvement. In February 2017 Wood Green and three other schools in Oxfordshire co-founded the Acer Multi-Academy Trust. This is typical of our desire to collaborate with like-minded schools and brings more opportunities for staff development and student enrichment. Our Sixth Form works in close partnership with Henry Box School and Abingdon and Witney College to ensure our students have the widest choices anywhere in Oxfordshire. Our curriculum and wider enrichment are organised into our Wood Green Baccalaureate, which ensures that every student from year 7 through to year 13 are recognised for their achievements and effort. As a lead school in the National Baccalaureate Trust, we are working with schools nationally to create the very best curriculum for all students. We develop creativity and confidence through our extra-curricular programme, including our specialist Arts provision. Wood Green is a designated provider of the Oxfordshire Excellent Musicians Programme, one of only three such schools in the county. Starting from our bespoke Academic Enrichment programme in year 7, through to our compulsory Extended Project Qualification in Year 12, and many opportunities to participate in public speaking competitions, throughout the school we develop the range of thinking, talking and writing skills to be successful life-long learners. Our excellent links with universities, including the University of Oxford, and businesses ensure that every student develops aspirations beyond school. We believe that wellbeing is vital to being successful. Wood Green was chosen in 2015 by Nuffield Health to be their partner school nationally. Some quotes from our most recent Ofsted report describe the school we are developing: Strong personal relationships between teachers and students contribute to students' learning. Students’ social, spiritual, moral and cultural development is promoted effectively across the school and strongly contributes to the school’s caring ethos All students have an equal opportunity to succeed Over their time at Wood Green School, students gain a broad range of skills and are consequently well prepared for the next stage in their education, employment or training. The more-able students achieve well. The proportion of students attaining A* and A grades is well above average in a range of subjects The conduct of sixth formers in all parts of the school is exemplary and they provide excellent role models for younger students.

Srk Shi Kon Tai Chi

srk shi kon tai chi


We also hold two competitions each year: an open tournament in Spring around April and in Winter in November. We also have a squad of students who regularly compete both here in the UK and overseas at national and international levels. Social events are held throughout the year where students and families from different locations can meet and get to know one another. Our club has an ‘open door’ policy, so if you are affiliated with another style, club or association, you are welcome to come and train with us and there will be no pressure to join. We hold classes for children (aged 5 – 12yrs), teens & adults, and mixed age group classes where the whole family can train together as well as specialist senior grade classes and private one-to-one tuition. Karate is a proven system of self-protection. It is NOT an aerobic class. It is NOT intended to better a person’s confidence or self-esteem. However, if you practice karate do properly and correctly, you will develop improved confidence, gain muscle tone and strength, lose weight, and more. Keep this in mind and you will gain more from your training than you could ever expect. Kinesiology is the scientific study of the principles of body mechanics and anatomy in relation to movement. With that understanding in mind, Karate is the scientific study of body mechanics and anatomy in relation to health and self-protection. Seitou Ryu Karate® is a great way to get into shape. On top of that, you will learn other skills while you tone muscle and feel better about yourself. Unlike aerobic classes or gyms, you will never feel out of place in our karate classes. Our karate classes are taught from an understanding of human anatomy and physiology, psychology and an intricate knowledge of the art itself. Seitou Ryu Karate® is a great distraction from everyday stress and strain. More medical problems today are being associated with or directly caused by mental and physical stress. Your classes will serve as mini vacations 2 to 4 times per week. Not only will you feel more relaxed but you will actually notice increased productivity in your daily life. Today’s society puts a great deal of importance on self-dependence. Nothing takes the place of feeling secure in your daily life. A successful career can be a determining factor for financial security. Our classes help build physical and psychological security through building confidence in the student’s abilities. What you learn in our classes could save you or a loved one’s life. Our life-protection techniques and principles are practical and our training, though conducted under safe learning conditions, allows for the most realism possible. Seitou Ryu Karate® is not based on competition-play karate. You will learn techniques that are “up close and personal”. Our classes are fun. You will be mentally and physically challenged in a relaxed atmosphere. It has been proven that people learn faster and retain more when they are having fun.

Alison Burchert.

alison burchert.


Encouraged as a small child by an artistic mother, I always sketched family members and pets, being able to capture a good likeness. From school through to college, my ability to draw became apparent and was recognised throughout my home town of Colchester in Essex. I had taken to pastels after years of painting in watercolour. The transition happened when working on a portrait….. "With watercolours I couldn't keep the smooth texture of the skin and the more I worked at it, the rougher the 'skin' got. Frustrated, I picked up a box of pastels that I'd had from college and almost closed my eyes as I chalked over the face I'd been working on for hours, cringing with the fear of having to throw the whole picture in the bin…. I smudged it over with my finger. The result was amazingly smooth and definitely 'skin' like. I put away the watercolours and invested in many shades of quality pastels". In 1997 and keen to enter into the art world, I offered my services to organisations to produce promotional portraits which came with good media coverage and helped my business catapult within its first year. I was introduced to various artists and teachers and was offered a place to work alongside Royal portrait artist Richard Stone who had admired my work through the local press. In 2003 I took up teaching art within local clubs and private classes, holding exhibitions and encouraging 11 to 16 year olds to develop their artistic talents with workshops using different mediums. From 2008, I had the immense pleasure of working with Colchester Zoo in Essex when I became their Artist in Residence. From holding art classes in the Zoo and working with children during the school holidays to portray their favourite animals, one of my greatest adventures was to work closely with the Zoo's great managerial team on their 'Stand Tall' project for their 50th anniversary. This saw many local artists give up their time to design and create personal works of art on 2.5m giraffe sculptures. These were then displayed around Colchester and even took a tour to London's South Bank before they came back to the Zoo for auction. It was with much excitement to see one of my giraffes (Big Catrina) sell to the highest bidder at £6800. Developing very unique drawing skills, I have helped students from all over the world with many varying art abilities to accomplish their artistic dreams. With a limited palette of chalks, and a vast experience in pastel application, my teaching took me to places I hadn't even dreamed of. Constantly moving forward and learning new ways to pass on my skills, I would say that teaching students of all ages is in my blood now. It has become a passion to show others the beauty of this versatile medium.

Sheffield Yoga for You & Thai Yoga Massage

sheffield yoga for you & thai yoga massage


I discovered the joys of yoga during my first pregnancy in 1997. The practices have supported me through two pregnancies, birth and motherhood. I have continued to study and deepen my practice and after completing a British Wheel of Yoga foundation course in 2005, I travelled to India to experience ashram life. My love for yoga continues to grow and I feel passionately about passing on the teachings so others can enjoy its many benefits. I also practice Vipassana Meditation and have participated and helped serve on several silent meditation retreats. After qualifying as a teacher with Yoga Alliance I went on to complete a three year teacher training in Bihar School of Yoga (Satyananda Yoga), accredited by the British Wheel of Yoga, the leading governing body for yoga teaching standards. Satyananda Yoga is an authentic, holistic and systematic approach to unlocking human potential with emphasis on combining breath and movement, helping body and mind to find stillness. The training is thorough and based on practical experience, and the teachers are renowned for good quality teaching. I continue to study attending monthly Yoga days when I can and I practice daily, I am committed to making my life a living yoga practice. Since qualifying to teach I have also trained in the practice of Thai Yoga Massage., I have taken a Six month training in meditation techniques with Swami Pragyamurti. Also attended several retreats and two day workshops and more recently (2016) I untertook a six month Module in Yoga for Mental Health with Sn Amarajyoti. I occasionally run courses in Yogic Tools to Improve Mental Health - Short Courses I have seen many people, including myself, benefit from a mindful yoga practice that helps us to work with our fluctuating energies to bring about a state of steadiness and balance. In 2018 I took a training course in the 'Vashita Method of Pranayama' which is a simple and effective way to develop the breathing practices and improve our health and well being. I then continued with another course spread over 8 months " Progressive stages of pranayama" with Maarten Vermasse. I am deeply grateful for all my Yoga Teachers, who continue to inspire me, and to all the students who keep on teaching me. I have experience of teaching all ages from pre-school, teenagers, to the elderly, and from large groups to one to one sessions. I also teach a class for 10 -16 year olds with a wide range of Special Needs and a class for people with learning difficulties. Based on my experience as a carer for a wheelchair user I have devised a class for people with limited mobilities called Chair Yoga. I feel that yoga can offer many tools for supporting day to day life for people with disabilities, limited mobility and other special needs. I am passionate about what yoga has to offer and teach from my heart.