15220 Educators providing Learning courses delivered Online

Stockton Sixth Form College

stockton sixth form college


Stockton Sixth Form College has built an exceptional reputation for academic achievement over many years and, as the only specialist sixth form college in Stockton on Tees, has over 40 years’ experience delivering A-level, BTEC and GCSE qualifications to students aged 16-19 from across the region. In 2016, we became the first sixth form college in 18 years to merge, when we formalised our working partnership with Prior Pursglove College. The merger helped safeguard sixth form college education in each respective borough and now enables us to move forward in a strong position to fulfil our vision of offering high quality education across a wide range of courses in a welcoming and inclusive environment. Ofsted judged Stockton Sixth Form to be a ‘Good’ college across all areas in its latest report, noting “high success rates across all levels of study” and “very effective support for students”. Inspectors commented on “lively and dynamic” learning facilitated by staff who “motivate students strongly to complete high quality work to fulfil their potential”. You can read the full report here. The college has a vibrant, diverse and friendly environment with around 600 students. We are committed to providing inspirational teaching led by staff who are specialists in their field. The small and inclusive nature of the college enables us to keep class sizes to a minimum – an average of 15 students per lesson – ensuring each student is given the individual support needed to excel. It is our focus on developing students into all-round individuals that enables students to secure their next step successfully. Ofsted recognised that the college “prepares students well for progression to their next steps” and that “all completing students had a positive destination to either further or higher education or employment”. Progression on to higher education from Stockton Sixth Form College bucks the national trend and we also offer a prestigious scholarship opportunity for students who achieve a place to study at Oxbridge.

Sholfins Swim School

sholfins swim school


Sholfins Swim School CIC is a not-for-profit company born from a passion and love for swimming. We are extremely passionate about our community. Our aim is to try and remove as many barriers as possible, preventing our community of Redditch from learning to swim. The team at Sholfins recognise that due to the pandemic there has been a huge impact on children having access to water in their early years. A number of primary/middle schools have also been unable to provide this life skill to their pupils prior to the pandemic for several different reasons, therefore, falling short of the national curriculum requirements, through no fault of their own. Swimming and water safety has been a statutory element of the national curriculum for physical education in England since 1994. This means that every 11-year-old child should leave primary/middle school with the skills to keep themselves safe. Swimming lessons provide all children with vital skills to help with survival and this is no different for children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). By 2025, over 780,000 children with SEND will be in the education system. However, inequalities in the ability of schools and teachers to offer high quality opportunities for them to participate in PE, School Sport or Physical Activity still exist, with disabled young people twice as likely to be physically inactive as non-disabled people. The focus on the new revised Ofsted inspection framework is also an area of consideration for schools to bare in mind. At Sholfins we believe everyone should have the opportunity to learn to swim. All of our instructors are Level 2, Swim England qualified and have RLSS Lifeguard, First Aid and Safeguarding Qualifications. The team are passionate about teaching and ensure that each child is given the support and encouragement to become water confident no matter what age. We are registered with Swim England and follow the learn to swim programme and the School Swimming and Water Safety charter.

Just Collaborate

just collaborate


Just Space is an informal alliance of around 80 community groups, campaigns and concerned independent organisations which was formed to act as a voice for Londoners at grass-roots level during the formulation of London’s major planning strategy, particularly the London Plan. Everyone is affected by planning but the planning process is technical and often daunting for the majority of people, even though the issues themselves are readily understood: housing, green space, jobs, transport, pollution, and so on. The aim of Just Space is to improve public participation in planning, to ensure that policy is fairer towards communities – in a system dominated by the interests of developers. The Just Space Network brings together a wide range of groups, some with a London-wide remit (such as the London Tenants Federation, the London Forum of Civic and Amenity Societies, Friends of the Earth), others locally based community groups (such as Latin Elephant and Ward’s Corner Community Coalition). The Network also has links with some of the Universities in London (e.g. UCL, CASS and LSE) whose staff and students provide research that the network presents alongside their own grass roots evidence at London Plan hearings or in other contexts. We work by supporting our member groups and spreading information further afield. Groups collaborate and coordinate in making representations to planning authorities, share learning, research and experience through workshops and publications. As a result of this engagement people have come to understand how political these planning documents are and how much they influence many of the key issues that groups are focused on such as health inequalities, targets for relevant housing, progress on environmental issues and pitches for gypsies and travellers. Members of Just Space continue to monitor and expose contradictions in the London Plan, and other planning policy. Just Space is developing further work with communities, including people who have not been much engaged before. To join Just Space and be part of the network, please email richardlee50(at)gmail.com and explain your interest.

JCI United Kingdom

jci united kingdom


JCI (Junior Chamber International) is a global, not-for-profit organisation for 18 to 40 year olds, run by its members for its members. JCI’s mission is to provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change. JCI members are from many different backgrounds, cultures and professions, but all share common values and passion to develop themselves and support and improve their communities. Through workshops, projects and organisational boards, members are able to gain practical experience not always available in their work environments. They can develop new skills outside their usual day-to-day experience, take on leadership positions years ahead of when they might be offered in the workplace and learn from people with different personalities, perspectives and experiences. JCI events offer a open and supportive environment, where members are encouraged to step out of their comfort zones, experiment and learn by doing. What does JCI give you? 1. A network of business contacts: We all come from different areas including finance, marketing, business development and startups businesses. We are here to help each other to succeed. 2. A chance to travel to international events: Junior Chamber International (JCI) is the biggest youth leadership development organization in the world and as a global network it unites 150,000 young people spread in 5,000 communities, 100 countries. Get in touch to learn about upcoming international conferences. 3. An opportunity to get involved in community projects: At JCI we meet on a regular basis for fun and friendship and we voluntarily run inspiring events and initiatives. See our events section what is coming next. 4. Trainings and workshops for your personal development: Public speaking, events management, project management, networking. At JCI we believe in learning by doing. We invest in our members personal development through training and workshops once a month or more. What do you do next? – Check out your nearest Local Organisation or drop us a mail for more info.

Ormiston Shelfield Community Academy

ormiston shelfield community academy


Our core drivers of Outcomes, Values and Choices are at the heart of our daily actions and interactions. Our aim is simple; by rigorously instilling our values, students achieve positive outcomes enabling them to make considered life choices which open doors to the opportunities they deserve.  Our team shares the vision. We all aspire to make a difference for our students every day. We pride ourselves on building strong relationships based on mutual respect, at all levels. Our relentless desire to deliver high quality teaching and pastoral support combined with an array of opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom, enables our students to develop the knowledge, skills and character to lead successful, fulfilling lives. We create a safe and happy environment where students are nurtured academically, socially, and emotionally so that they are ready to tackle academic challenges and have the values to become responsible members of our society.  Outcomes We educate our students to understand that 'outcomes' means academic attainment and progress, development of values and character and progression to their preferred destinations. We support our students to achieve academic qualifications that empower them to seize opportunities and advance to the next stage of their chosen educational journey. We empower our students to have the knowledge, skills, personal traits and experiences in order to seize career and life opportunities. Values We are ready, respectful and responsible.  We are honest. We do what we say we’ll do and do not make excuses. We are a team. Helping a member of our team is helping ourselves Choices We develop our students to have the strength of character and courage to do the right thing because it is the right thing to do. Our values support our students to make the life choices that will have a positive impact on their future and contribution to society. Being outcome focused and values driven, students take responsibility for their learning and actions which opens doors for them to have a breadth of choices when they leave school.

The Education Partnership (Uk)

the education partnership (uk)


Welcome to The Education Partnership. Please take a look around our website and see what we can offer you. Bill is chairman of The Education Partnership, which has for the past twenty years provided a truly comprehensive range of governance and compliance expertise to schools, colleges, and outdoor education activity centres. He was previously a Head Teacher of all-age boarding and day schools in the maintained and independent sectors, including those for children with complex learning and behavioural needs. Bill works with proprietors and Head Teachers in preparation for and following up inspections by Ofsted (Education and Social Care) and ISI (Regulatory Compliance and Education Quality). His expertise in this area covers NMS, RSS, dual registration, initial registration, final registration and material change. Bill also works with schools judged as “inadequate” by Ofsted or “unsatisfactory” by ISI, helping them to achieve “good”, “outstanding” and “excellent” Ofsted or ISI outcomes. Bill is approached by an increasing number of proprietors, chairs of trustees and headteachers, who find themselves in challenging circumstances. This includes schools that have received a warning notice from the Department for Education due to their failure to meet the Independent School Standards Regulations (ISSR) and/or the National Minimum Standards (NMS) for boarding and residential special schools. Consistently, these schools see improvements at subsequent inspections. Currently, Bill is undertaking a longitudinal study of independent proprietorial schools, examining the governance implications of compliance and external inspection outcomes. To this end, we are looking for proprietorial schools in England for whom we could undertake a free of charge one-day compliance health check in return for participating in a confidential semi-structured interview on this subject at the end of the day. If you would be interested in taking up this offer, or would like a PDF of the second edition of this research, please contact billbrown@edpa.org.uk

Lisa Stone Careers And Coaching

lisa stone careers and coaching


I provide coaching and careers guidance. I work as a freelance consultant, based in Beckenham (in the London borough of Bromley). Here you can read more about me and how I work. For many years I worked for Kent, Surrey and Sussex Deanery, which in 2013 merged and became part of Health Education England. My work was focused on careers, training and education for the NHS. I became a careers adviser in 2009, gaining a PG Dip in Careers Education at the University of Warwick. During this period, I mainly worked with doctors, either on a 1:1 basis or in group sessions. I helped them choose their medical specialities, as well as supporting them through a competitive interview process. Since the summer of 2017 I have worked as a freelance coach and careers consultant. I provide business to business careers consultancy and also work with private clients. My private coaching clients are mainly adults, from college students to people that want to undergo a career change. I help with career choice, coaching and careers guidance to improve any aspect of work or work/life balance. I also work with people who need help and advice to set up their own businesses. How I work My philosophy is to work with clients using ‘unconditional positive regard’ as the foundation stone of my practice. Carl Rogers, a humanistic psychologist in the 1950s, first developed this as a concept. This means I work from a place of having utmost respect for my client. I work in a holistic way, which helps the client find their own learning and life and helps people who want to change. I may explore with the client: questions relating to life purpose, the quality of relationships (work and home), feelings, career and health. BPS qualified in the use of psychometric assessments, I am trained in the Type Dynamics Indicator. I am also on on the Careers Development Institute registered list of career development professionals.




We started in 2009, and we’ve been on an epic journey ever since. From our beginnings where we were solely focused on children’s football coaching to delivering our first ‘100% Active’ session in 2017, we’ve tried to stay true to our core beliefs. These are that all children should have the opportunity to develop through a variety of exciting activities that engage both body and brain, inspiring them to have a happy and healthy lifestyle. From the outset our focus has always been on children and their enjoyment of being active, learning new skills, improving their confidence and developing friendships. When we started in 2009 were running sessions for approximatley 40 children a month; this has now increased to almost 2000 children a month. We genuinely love being part of the children’s development and over the years we have had some amazing stories to tell. We find it fascinating to observe how individual children are in their handling of situations and how they get their characters across when integrating with new groups of children, even at the age of 18 months old. It is this kind of reward that keeps us focused on our goals, but we have a big challenge! Children of today are growing up in a world where they can lose hours during a day, day after day, week after week through being on electronic devices, during which time they have no interaction with other people. We have to acknowledge that we are living in a technology encompassing world now, but our vision is to create a balance between technology and being active. We want to offer variety and engagement through the sessions we offer to ensure children don’t lose the vital skills which will help them as they develop in life… things such as social skills, the ability to converse, the ability to handle situations, to adapt to changing environments, earn respect, be part of a team and how to win and lose.

Advance Change Ltd

advance change ltd

Actus the company was founded by Lucinda Carney, a Chartered Psychologist and former Head of Learning & Development at Siemens and at Pfizer before that. After years of experiencing first-hand the challenges of making Performance Management meaningful, she decided to set up Actus (then Advance Change) offering software that would overcome these challenges, supported by training and organisational development services to provide a comprehensive solution for culture change. Our ethos Since its inception, Actus has been one of the pioneers of performance management software in the UK. Our ultimate goal is to help build a better workplace for people and this goes beyond offering simple appraisal software. We are a small yet mighty (and very friendly!) team based in Redbourn, Hertfordshire and our software and services are highly comprehensive. We believe that to embed lasting, positive change, an organisation needs more than a very simple ‘off the shelf’ software that acts as a ‘tick box’ exercise. They need a system that will evolve with their needs as they grow and one that can be supported with the right training and consultancy options should they require them. What we offer Our Performance, Learning and Talent Suite is aimed at managing all your performance management needs in one place. That means one system and one source of truth. The beauty of Actus is that it eradicates the need for multiple complex HR systems, allowing the system to evolve with your organisations needs. To support you on your journey, we also offer a range of training and consultancy services to embed best practice. These include open and in-house training programmes to support remote/hybrid working and change initiatives, bespoke consultancy services, and a wide-range of free value-add thought leadership resources to support you on your journey. If you are interested in our products and services please get in touch below. Why we are different Our fully-comprehensive software eradicates the need for multiple complex HR systems, by providing customers with one fully-integrated solution that can be configured to their changing needs. We work in partnership with our customers. If you choose Actus you can directly influence the product roadmap. Our Performance Management Software offers more inclusive features than our competitor systems. In this rapidly changing environment, managers need all the help they can get to effectively motivate and manage people wherever they are located. We are passionate about helping people to build a better workplace, which is why we offer aligned training and consultancy services to support positive culture change in any organisation. We are constantly expanding and sharing knowledge with customers and the wider HR community through a wide range of initiatives including our free HR resources, popular monthly webinars and the top-ranking business podcast – The HR Uprising Podcast. Our Software Support Team is based at our UK-based Head Office, so if you have a problem or query you can call or email the helpdesk and receive a timely response from a real person. We have a strong history of integrating with other HR systems and working with clients to develop bespoke functionality. Awards and Accolades We are honoured to have achieved a number of industry awards, accolades and accreditations. They are a clear indication of our commitment to offering the very best to our customers and underpin our vision to be the UK Market Leader for Performance and Talent Management Software and Services. As a business, we are very proud of our achievements and recognition by our peers, customers and industry experts of our successes and the excellence of our products and services. We have chosen to align ourselves with the relevant quality benchmarks to ensure we are always using the best practice approaches to fulfil our promise to deliver the highest quality product and services to our customers. Association with all relevant business and industry bodies helps us to maintain our awareness of the latest thinking in HR, technology, what’s happening in the UK economic landscape and most importantly what issues our customers and prospects are facing that we can help resolve.

Mersey School of Anaesthesia

mersey school of anaesthesia


Established in 1997, The Mersey School of Anaesthesia (MSA) is principally concerned with preparing Trainee Anaesthetists facing their Primary & Final FRCA Examinations. Originally held within a Charitable Trust Accounts at Liverpool Heart & Chest and Aintree Hospitals, it was advised by the Trust Account Managers that it should be moved and run as an independent Charitable Company. In 2012 the MSA registered with the Charity Commission (Reg. No. 1149165). Income is invested back into the Courses that the MSA run and at the end of each Financial Year, any surplus income is donated to Research, Education and Patient Care charities, these mostly of an anaesthetic texture in the UK or used to support Volunteer Anaesthetists in various Charitable Ventures Abroad. Overall, by the end of March 2021, the MSA has donated a total of over £900,000 to such concerns, all of it by reason of candidates’ subscriptions to our courses and classes allied to the full support of those Anaesthetists, who contribute as Faculties to those Courses without expectation of recompense. Here is a collage of some of the Donations/Funding Grants that have been made in recent years: HERE Its Motto & Objectives The Motto of the MSA is “If you Feed the Children with a Spoon, they will never Learn how to Use the Chopsticks” If you are a Trainee planning on attending MSA Courses, it is important that you must appreciate before you attend that the MSA never claim to provide teaching or distribute teaching materials on its Courses. You must not attend expecting to be taught. The Courses are designed for Exam Preparation and include; – Exposure to Exam Style Questions – Opportunities to Practice in as close to Exam Conditions as we can muster – Learn & Fine Tune Exam Techniques – Peer Learning The advice to Trainees is that they should attend MSA Courses only when they consider themselves adequately Prepared, in terms of knowledge, for the Imminent Examinations. The MSA’s emphatic advice regarding all the FRCA Examinations is that trainees should only sit these examinations when they feel that they Deserve to Pass. It has to be courting Disappointment to enter for these exams Hoping to Pass We also fully appreciate our methods do not suit everyone’s learning style, therefore, you must feel assured before attending that it will help you in your Exam Preparation and subsequently embrace the ‘gameplay’ we offer. We are very conscious of Trainee’s valuable time and want to make sure you make the best use of it. Not everyone finds the same approach useful. We are happy to answer any questions that you may have, but also advise you to speak to Colleagues who have been to MSA Courses in the past to ask them the questions: ‘Why they would recommend?’ and ‘How did the Course help them?’. Supporting Lifebox… The MSA also contributes to Lifebox, an international charity concerned with the improvement of Anaesthetic Services in underprivileged parts of the world where the mortality from General Anaesthesia can be unacceptably high due to a lack of suitable equipment or adequately trained personnel. To date this specific donation is over £35,000. You can find our recent donations HERE Supporting AquAid… We at the Mersey School of Anaesthesia are aware that keeping our Candidates hydrated will aid them to perform at their very best throughout the work day. In 2016, conscious of plastic pollution, the MSA stopped distributing Bottled Water to Candidates at Registration to the Courses. Instead, we invested in a couple of AquAid Water Coolers to be used on the Courses and asked Candidates to bring their own refillable bottle. With each purchase of a Water Cooler Refill Bottle an automatic donation has been made to the Africa Trust. We are delighted to be informed that, as a result, these funds have helped to build an ‘Elephant Pump’ in Africa to provide a much needed source of clean & fresh drinking water for many in the community. Thank you to AquAid for providing an excellent service and for giving us the opportunity to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Please consider AquAid when looking for a ‘Water Solution’ in your business or offices; we would highly recommend! To date [2021] AquAid have donated in excess of £16 million and helped bring a life-time supply of clean, fresh drinking water to more than 3.2 million people.