830 Educators providing Leadership courses in London




How dirty are your thoughts?Richard Tyler Chief Possibility Architect of BTFI Ltd, Bestselling Author, International Speaker, Coach and Provocateur. Richard’s mission is simple: enabling people to live happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives. We’re drowning in gurus who promise the world, but fail to deliver. They take people to the edge and leave them hanging. Richard is here to disrupt the personal development industry by provoking people into fresh and creative thought patterns – so instead of looking outside of yourself for the solutions, you’ll start to look within. He can help you with the biggest obstacle of all: getting out of your own way. Once you do, you open up the potential to live your best life and create a positive footprint on the planet. After a decade playing lead roles in West End theatre productions like The Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables, and singing in concert halls across the globe, Richard sees human potential through the artful lens of performance. Coupled with his professional training in Barrett Values CTT, Harrison Psychometric Assessment, Constellation Coaching and ongoing studies in Cognitive Hypnotherapy, Psychosynthesis, CBT, NLP and Emotional Intelligence, this allows him to offer a creative and insightful way for people to learn and fully emerge in their talents. He has worked with businesses on every continent, creating a ruckus and planting the seeds for his audience to build their own extraordinary culture and send it viral. CEOs, boards and senior leadership teams seek him out to coach, speak and facilitate workshops to shake up their habitual thinking, release obstacles, stay present, and start building new stories for their businesses.

Dream Fields Sports

dream fields sports


Our Mission Building sustainable communities around sport facilities, connecting visionary actors in sport, development, politics and business to community needs and opportunities.Dream Fields was created by former colleagues from international football who wanted to use their experience in sport for the good of communities around the world. In their daily work, Colin, David, Emilia and Stuart had witnessed the power of sport first hand, be it in the incredible stories of women who fought against all odds just to get the chance to play the beautiful game, or in the children kicking a makeshift ball in a slum where the game seemed to wipe off their worries and create the brightest of smiles on their faces. Dream Fields was born out of the hope to spread this joy and grow it into sustainability livelihoods for communities where everyone has the right to play. The Dream Fields concept was born from this search for not merely ‘sport for good’ but ‘sport for sustainable and prosperous communities’. In 2021, co-founder Stuart decided to embark on a journey to better understand the real issues around sport and sustainability. As part of a course with the Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership, he presented a general concept of how a sports facility could become the focal point of driving a local economy with a heavy focus on environmental sustainability, ultimately hoping to reach the level of interdependence seen in various symbiosis projects globally. After completing the programme, Stuart shared the concept with former colleagues Colin, David and Emilia. As the concept grew wings, Samy joined the team to bring in his operations and engineering expertise. - Dream Fields was born.

Contender Charlie

contender charlie


A school system which is the most inspirational and supportive environment possible for the physical, emotional, psychological and intellectual development of young people. OUR MISSION To support young people in the exploration of their emotional development and creative potential. To support those who mentor, teach or lead students in the promotion of inspiring, effective and ethical practice. WHAT IS MYTHODRAMA? The purpose of playing is to hold the mirror up to nature. William Shakespeare – Hamlet Mythodrama is a unique form of experiential learning that allows participants to “act in” desired behaviours and attributes. We employ a powerful combination of theatre practice, psychology, mythology and organisational development. It provides inspiration and learning for lasting change. So much is at stake and so much depends on the psychological constitution of modern man. Does the individual know that s/he is the make weight that tips the scales? Carl Jung The psychological aspect broadens perspective and unleashes new possibilities in individuals and organisations. It creates a context to find greater meaning in our work. The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins Remorse from power William Shakespeare – Julius Caesar Shakespeare’s genius provides timeless insights into the human nature of leadership, at all levels. Each of his plays contains a great mythology on the human condition. We can project our own issues on to these mythologies, to gain deeper insight into the nature of the challenges we face in our own lives and work. All this is done in a practical, relevant and down-to-earth manner and is designed to engage even those who would normally feel out of their comfort zone with a theatrical metaphor. Mythological symbols touch and exhilarate centres of life beyond the reach of vocabularies of reason and coercion Joseph Campbell Mythodrama extends the range of participants’ thinking, behaviour and action.

The Slynn Foundation

the slynn foundation


Created in 1998 on the initiative of His Hon George Dobry CBE QC to fulfil a growing need for support, advice and training to young lawyers from countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Foundation was named after Lord Slynn of Hadley, formerly the British judge at the European Court of Justice and then a law lord, in recognition of his contribution to the development of the principles and practice of European Law in its broadest sense. Between 1999 and 2004, under the leadership of Lord Slynn, the Foundation organised two-day or three-day workshops, mainly in the ten states which were to join the European Union in 2004. These workshops were mostly concerned with EU law and practice, but some of them touched on human rights law. There were also mutual exchange visits, funded by the former British Association for Central and Eastern Europe, between senior judges and senior court administrators in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria and their counterparts in this country. In addition the Foundation organised a prestigious annual lecture on a Europe-related topic, and brought one young lawyer each year to London for nine months for a mix of experience gained from attending academic lectures, working in City solicitors’ firms and barristers’ chambers and meeting senior members of the judiciary. Because public funding for these activities dried up after 2004 and the Foundation was unable to secure alternative sources of funds, its activities were steadily reduced between 2004 and 2009 (the year when Lord Slynn died).However since 2009, the Foundation has widened its purpose, and is steadily reasserting its influence as the principal exporter of British judicial know how to an international audience.

Accord Consult

accord consult


WHAT WE DO! We are not a franchisor who demands you to deposit thousands before training you to run a location of their business. It is important to remember that not every business should be franchised. Not every business is successful, nor is every business person. We empower you to own your company, trademarks, and products. We train you to evaluate and understand the role and responsibilities that you will be undertaking as a business owner. As a consultant and trainer we will be taking what works and what has worked in care business and formalizing these systems and procedures so that they may be taught to and implemented by your own business. As such, our services will include: Start Up of New Business or Reinvigorate Exisiting Business: Our start up service is designed for organisations or individuals looking for a new start up for domicilliary care or supported accomodation. Our primary responsibilities to reinvigorate exisiting business will relate to establishing a marketing foundation focused on promoting your brand, legally protecting your trademarks and establishing quality standards for your products and/or services. You will be required to establish and maintain performance standards respecting the guidance and standards set by regulatory body to deliver quality of care. Leadership: Don't ever forget that you can be your own boss. It's up to you to set examples of the type of working environment and mentality you want in your staff and business. How it gets steered is up to you. Brand Building: Your brand is what makes you stand out. Employee Training: We have training sessions for management to take back ownership. Our full package courses, can be an invaluable help. Providing On-going Support: Support includes technical and day-to-day operating advice. Part of our responsibility helps to oversee the entire operations of your network.