2577 Educators providing Law courses delivered Online

Bernadette Willems

bernadette willems


The Power of Mediation in Business and Relationships by Bernadette Willems “I’ve had enough….” “How do I leave my husband….” “They are just not listening….” “How can we stop this from getting ugly….” “It’ll be lonely this Christmas….” “We’ve tried everything, and nothing is working….” “I’ve had enough of life….”  These are just some comments I hear daily in my role as The Business Peacemaker and The Post-Divorce Specialist at Greater Manchester Mediation Limited.  With more than 25 years of experience as a Family Solicitor, Mediator, Trainer and Coach in the field of conflict resolution, I help people lead a better life and a brighter future free from debilitating disputes – thereby helping to create a better world for all of us. The key to this is ‘Mediation’. But what is it, and how does it work? As founder of Greater Manchester Mediation Limited, and as ‘The Business Peacemaker’ and ‘The Post-Divorce Specialist’, I show my clients primarily how to communicate with each other. This is vital, as it ensures that vulnerable or emotionally fragile clients feel heard and empowered, and it rebuilds bridges between estranged parties.  I am also there to support my clients in navigating the legal process, helping them understand the requirements of law and to find the best route to resolve their disputes. In addition, I ensure that they are not overwhelmed by all the information available and help them determine their best course of action.  Many disputes or problems between individuals, in personal or work relationships or within teams, are compounded or aggravated because clients do not understand each other’s way of thinking, together with the legal (and other) options available to them.  Crucially, with the benefit of this legal knowledge, together with the life and personal development tools and resources I share with my clients, they can identify ways of building or maintaining trust, despite the past. Mediated solutions work better, last longer and cost far less than solutions imposed by a tribunal or a court, and everyone involved buys into them. Moreover, they are less adversarial, and Mediation fosters mutual respect through improved communication. Mediation can mend and preserve frayed relationships, even when the parties are extremely angry.

The Brandon Centre

the brandon centre


Our VISION is to be Here For Young People. We believe that all young people should be able to access the highest quality mental health and wellbeing support in a safe and welcoming environment. Our MISSION is to maintain and develop accessible, flexible and specialist services. We aim to respond to the psychological and social needs and challenges of young people under 25 years old. Values Compassion: We provide a welcoming and non-judgemental environment for young people to access support that helps them live healthy and fulfilled lives. Inclusion: We strive to remove barriers to access, and to use our expertise to provide services that our young people can trust to be safe and to meet their individual needs. Respect: We serve our diverse community, and work with our partners, with a willingness to collaborate, adapt, and recognise the importance of choice. ——————————————————————— Based in the heart of our local community, Brandon Centre offers a comfortable, welcoming, and non-institutional setting for young people to access a range of mental health and wellbeing services. Our self-referral system means that all young people can access the confidential care and support provided by our friendly and highly skilled team. Our innovative approach applies psychotherapeutic principles to devise and implement mental health services, and we partner with schools, youth offending services and advice agencies to engage and reach out to high priority groups of young people. As well as individual therapeutic help for young people, we also offer effective intervention for families of young people in serious trouble with the law, and for parents struggling to bring up a teenager whose behaviour is out-of-control. Our approach combines leading-edge service delivery with audit, research, and the rigorous evaluation of outcomes. This has further enhanced our reputation as an accessible and collaborative provider of mental health and wellbeing support to young people under 25, helping them to overcome difficulties and become healthy and fulfilled young adults.

Sheltons Accountants

sheltons accountants


Ned Shelton has worked with internationally operating clients for some 25 years, whilst based in Australia and in Europe. Ned’s career has been focused on advising internationally operating clients. Historically his specialisation has been international tax, tax treaties and related areas, however in recent years Ned has invested most of his time in connection with the Australian (Sydney) office. Ned and his team in Australia work solely with non-Australian based clients – whether they be exporting to Australia, setting up operations in the form of a fully-fledged operating company or perhaps with just one part-time employee in Australia. Ned’s work these days covers a wide range of business, tax, legal, accounting and administrative advice and assistance to this specific target group. Under the banner of Sheltons-SITTI, Ned has organised and chaired many conferences and conducted numerous courses on international tax in various cities throughout the world. Ned has conducted courses on an in-house and open basis in 25 cities in Europe, as well as in Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mumbai, Delhi, Sydney, Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Mauritius and Curacao, often several times in each location. Among current in-house clients are the South Korean tax office (NTS), the Mexican tax office (SAT) and Shell (Royal Dutch Shell). Apart from the Sheltons-SITTI courses and conferences, Ned has spoken at more than 80 international tax conferences organised by other parties including universities, professional bodies, government bodies, accounting networks and private firms, in some 35 countries. Ned is continuously consulted by clients from all over the world on international tax matters, such clients ranging from individuals and funds to publicly-listed multinationals. Ned has written a 650-page book on The Application and Interpretation of Tax Treaties at the request of Butterworths Tolleys / Lexis Nexis UK, one of the world’s most highly regarded legal publishers. Ned qualified as a Chartered Accountant in Australia in 1983 and holds degrees in Commerce and in Law from the University of New South Wales, Sydney. He was a Tax Manager at Arthur Andersens in Sydney before moving to Europe. Before Arthur Andersens he was with Mann Judd (now HLB Mann Judd) in Sydney. The Sheltons office in Australia avails of Ned’s knowledge of the tax, legal and business circumstances of many countries. Sheltons is now in its 25th year of business – Ned having commenced Sheltons in the Netherlands in the 1990’s. Apart from his native English, Ned speaks Danish and reads Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish.

Ayming UK

ayming uk


We are business performance experts who combine highly specialised knowledge – across a range of fields – with hands-on collaboration, to enable our clients and their people to go further. We are a global team of 1,300 colleagues working across 15 countries in Europe, North America and Asia, and have a 30-year track record of providing leadership and sharing insight. By focusing on innovation, finance, operations and people we are proven to deliver a return on investment: R&D and Innovation New thinking, research and development is fundamental to staying competitive and keeping control of your business environment, but funding and tax in this field is complex and often under-exploited, as is the importance of company-wide engagement. We support some 15,000 R&D and innovation projects worldwide each year, generating €1bn in funding for our clients. Tax and Finance Controlling your growth costs is essential to develop your company over the long term and ensure its sustainability. You must guarantee the profitability of your investments, focus on growth-generating projects and allow them to be financed by equity or external financing. One lever to ensure recurring results is to identify and evaluate tax reductions by applying the current applicable law. We’re proud to have a 95% client retention rate. People By finding new ways to engage and motivate employees, we help companies reach their potential. Effort, risk, knowledge, morale, decision-making: every individual is a world of possibility. We’ve trained over 50,000 people, and we provide around €300m in HR savings annually for our clients. We base our work on a deep understanding of need and context: every business is unique, each situation is different, “off-the-shelf” is rarely sustainable. We deliver real results by executing and implementing projects alongside our clients, on the ground, and seeing them through until they make a genuine impact. Our work is carried out based on sharing highly specialised knowledge: we employ leaders in the fields of engineering, data science, tax, physics, chemistry, medicine and more – people who are able to talk to your experts on a peer-to-peer basis. Overall, we bring new energy to our clients by helping improve decision-making at all levels, increasing funding and decreasing costs, while building trust and a supportive environment of continual improvement. Ours is a collaborative, human approach mixed with digital efficiency. Through extraordinary relationships we have achieved extraordinary results, and our confidence in our work means we frequently offer to share risk and reward with our clients. Our relationships are built to last; many stretch back well over a decade.




Our mission: To protect the public by promoting excellence in chiropractic regulation through service to our member boards Our vision: The FCLB is the premier international resource for information and consolidated services for ensuring the safe, ethical practice of chiropractic Brief Overview The FCLB serves as a non-profit clearinghouse and forum for the discussion of important regulatory issues. The annual conference and district meetings provide an opportunity for a healthy exchange of ideas and viewpoints, as well as unified adoption of resolutions protecting the profession's examining regulatory standards and ultimately the consumer public. OUR SERVICES Query public records of board actions through CIN-BAD. Search for continuing education credits with PACE. Get information about our annual and district meetings. Research criteria for obtaining and maintaining a chiropractic license with our Official Directory. Check out our other resources including publications, resolutions, model codes, consumer information, notes for students, and ethics materials. WHO WE ARE The first meeting of the chiropractic licensing boards was held in 1919. The Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards became an organization officially in 1926, with different names over the years. Our purposes are detailed in the Certificate of Incorporation. In summary, these deal with maintaining high, uniform standards in areas related to chiropractic licensure, regulation, discipline, and education. The corporation is non-profit, deriving its income from member dues, directory sales, financial donations and conference fees. Dues are based on the number of active chiropractic licenses. The FCLB serves as a clearinghouse and forum for the discussion of important political issues. The annual conference and district meetings provide an opportunity for a healthy exchange of ideas and viewpoints, as well as unified adoption of resolutions protecting the profession's examining regulatory standards and ultimately the consumer public. The CIN-BAD system offers several informational databases to member boards and other subscribers. CIN-BAD's ever-expanding databases are increasingly significant to regulatory boards, chiropractic colleges, managed care providers, law enforcement, and the public. Eligible members of the FCLB include boards having jurisdiction to license or regulate the practice of chiropractic in the states, provinces, commonwealths or territories of the United States of America, Canada, Australia, Mexico, and other countries. Current board members, as well as those who have served on a board within the last five years, may participate as Fellows in FCLB activities, including holding office or serving on standing committees. Those who have ever served on a chiropractic regulatory board are Honorary Fellows, privileged to attend the annual business meeting. Other organizations with an interest in chiropractic licensure are also active with the Federation. WHAT WE DO

Stop Hurt at Work (part of Conduct Change)

stop hurt at work (part of conduct change)

Stop Hurt at Work is the campaign through which Conduct Change upholds its clear commitment to its social purpose. Our mission is to end workplace bullying through the development of meaningful prevention activities for organisations and the implementation of effective routes to redress for individuals.C Campaign for change [https://www.conductchange.co.uk/stophurtatwork-legislation] We are campaigning for formal recognition of workplace bullying as a problem that injures individuals and damages organisations. The law does not provide sufficient protection or redress for people whose employers let bullying go unchecked, making the process of seeking legal remedy in these cases unduly complex and arduous. We are working with lawyers and legislators to identify and close the gaps in legislation. Awareness raising [https://www.conductchange.co.uk/webinars-podcasts] From a foundation of research into new approaches and awareness raising, we are creating proposals for change to both workplace approaches and to legislation. We share and showcase news and progress through newsletters, webinars [https://www.conductchange.co.uk/webinars-podcasts], podcasts [https://www.conductchange.co.uk/webinars-podcasts], events and social media. Research [https://www.conductchange.co.uk/research] We select topics for research which concern any type of harassment and also bullying.  Our research ultimately focuses on workplace effects and is concerned with adults. We are willing to use a variety of methods - case studies, questionnaires and interviews, for example. We expect all our research to be of international standard and publishable.  However we are willing to undertake confidential research which may not be published.  We also partner with Speak Out Revolution who collect anonymous data on workplace bullying globally.  You can add your experience here [https://www.stophurtatwork.org/speakout]