2577 Educators providing Law courses delivered Online

Nacro Education Centre Sandwell

nacro education centre sandwell


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Daretogrow Uk

daretogrow uk

SEASONED SCALE COACH FOR BUSINESS OWNERS, WARM-HEARTED TRANSFORMATIONAL SPEAKER FOR ENTREPRENEURS Hi, and welcome. My name is Lisa Bean and I’m a Transformational Speaker & Scale Coach for online business owners. I specialise in helping business owners (typically scaling and six figure online entrepreneurs) build sophistication into their offers, their brand and their whole life strategy through deep Thought Leadership. You can work with me in two ways: (1) If you’re looking for motivation, and want to change something in your life, or be held accountable to a project you want to complete, check out my monthly membership Be The Person. It’s £24 a month to join. Think: Law of Attraction, Quantum Physics, building habits, releasing blocks. (2) If you’re looking for 121 support to get this work done, check out my 6 month ‘Thought Leadership’ coaching (£3,500 for 6 months) or my 121 year-long coaching & mentoring programme (£10,000 for 12 months). My job is to help you face the true of who you are, use the gifts you’ve been given and go all in on building a reputation that proceeds you and a successful business that scales. I’ll help you to reconnect with your true purpose, Be The Person™ who does the thing and build a business people recognise. And no, it’s not all ‘mindset’. I’ve built three multiple six figure businesses across recruitment, marketing and online training. I’m a specialist in online sales (7 figures in personal online sales to date, not including client sales) and I put a heavy focus on helping entrepreneurs to develop their unique Thought Leadership, build sophistication into their business and have an impact from a place of originality.

Animal Defenders International

animal defenders international


Cookies Our website uses cookies to make our site work. We would also like to set some additional cookies for analytics so we can improve our site. You can read more in our privacy policy. I am OK with these cookies Do not set these cookies Animal Defenders International Animals < ADI World» About us Take action Events Issues Publications Media Store» Click for top stories:Get your 2023 ADI Animal Rescue Calendar Award-winning Lion Ark now available to stream.Get your Stop Circus Suffering shirt TODAYSubscribe to our Wild Rescues online series!News from the ADI Wildlife Sanctuary, South Africa Show your support for ending the use of wild animals in circuses It’s time for the United States to take action and this t-shirt was designed so you can show your support at protests, in your community, and when meeting with your legislators. Get your shirt TODAY >> HUGE VICTORY FOR BIG CATS IN THE US! President Biden has signed the Big Cat Public Safety Act into law! No more breeding of big cats for cub petting, photo ops, backyard ‘zoos’, & the pet trade in the US! Let’s keep the momentum going; contact your legislators TODAY, & urge them to support the Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act. Take action here>>> Ruben’s first steps towards freedom 15-year-old Ruben, the lonely lion in Armenia, has been moved out of the zoo and into a temporary quarantine facility at in an Armenian sanctuary, so we can start the process of relocating him to the ADI Wildlife Sanctuary, South Africa. Please help Ruben go home to Africa

Conscious Womb Birthing School

conscious womb birthing school

Creator of KMRT® Kinaesthetic Listening. Kundalini Magnetic Resonance Therapy. An entrainment modality. Pioneering the language of the spirit to earth the conscious baby from a subatomic level manifested into the physical body. The modality is a translation of somatic expression and sound. Created from her experience in kundalini embodiment. Her conscious journey beginning as an Ayurvedic consultant specialising in fertility , pregnancy & birth led to the vision and growth of her school. The language of the spirit baby came to her through meditation accompanied by her soul hailing from ancient roots in the yoga’s of Ayurveda, Tantra, Nada & Stapathya Vedas merging her knowledge of Hermetic principles of light & vibration. Teaching the art of divination and the process of natural law. She is a specialist of Spirit Baby energy. The pulse of vibration coming into body through Bio Rhythms, Prenatal cognition with heart coherence. The Sexuality of Birth and the conscious baby. Nature has an intelligence and wisdom within its eco system just like the human body. Women are the source of this nature and the grounding foundation of the heart of nurturing her family and society. It is time to resource back to living through natures cyclical rhythms through the heart of human consciousness. We are a platform for natural birthing education through the Conscious Womb Birthing School and a growing resource pool for mothers and families. With anthropological insights straight from mothers/families, KMRT® practitioners themselves. Bringing health, body autonomy and the sacred rites of passage for women children and their families back to the root of Intuitive mothering and conscious living. It takes Consciousness Creation & Connection.




WIMU is chosen to optimize sport performance, reduce the risk of injury and improve return top play processes. Certified by FIFA.1. OUR MISSION By implementing this Code in REALTRACK SYSTEMS, it is intended to promote the development of human excellence of our employees and collaborators, in addition to assuming authentic human values and turn them into a habit of conduct. Likewise, through this Code and its acceptance, our collaborators will be asked to be participants of it, as well as being honest and trustworthy at all times. If there are laws, practices or internal procedures applicable to natural and legal persons subject to this Code that are stricter than its provisions, those will enjoy pre-eminence. 2. BASIC PRINCIPLES OF BEHAVIOUR The business and professional behaviour of the entities and persons subject to this Code must comply with the following basic principles: 2.1. Respect for the law The activities of REALTRACK SYSTEMS will be developed in strict compliance with the applicable legislation. 2.2. Ethical integrity The business and professional activities of REALTRACK SYSTEMS and its employees will be based on the values of integrity, honesty, avoidance of all forms of corruption and respect for the circumstances and particular needs of all the subjects involved in them. REALTRACK SYSTEMS will promote among its employees the recognition and assessment of behaviors that are in accordance with the principles established in this Code. 2.3. Respect of human rigths All actions of REALTRACK SYSTEMS and its employees will respect scrupulously the Human Rights and Public Liberties included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These basic principles will be translated into compliance with the commitments that will be gathered below.




Academii Limited is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. This privacy notice describes how we collect and use personal information about you during and after your working relationship with us, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It applies to all workers and contractors. Academii Limited is a “data controller”. This means that we are responsible for deciding how we hold and use personal information about you. We are required under data protection legislation to notify you of the information contained in this privacy notice. This notice applies to workers and contractors. This notice does not form part of any contract of employment or other contract to provide services. We may update this notice at any time. It is important that you read this notice, together with any other privacy notice we may provide on specific occasions when we are collecting or processing personal information about you, so that you are aware of how and why we are using such information. Data Protection Principles We will comply with data protection law. This says that the personal information we hold about you must be: Used lawfully, fairly and in a transparent way. Collected only for valid purposes that we have clearly explained to you and not used in any way that is incompatible with those purposes. Relevant to the purposes we have told you about and limited only to those purposes. Accurate and kept up to date. Kept only as long as necessary for the purposes we have told you about. Kept securely. The kind of information we hold about you

Negotiation Workshop Ltd.

negotiation workshop ltd.


Based in Oxford, Negotiation Workshop has been delivering highly impactful negotiation skills training and consulting to blue chip organisations in U.K. and Europe since 2001. We stay close to the latest research and academic development in the field and incorporate what impresses us from this arena with methodology that we recognise is effective in our own negotiations. It is not possible to deliver this sort of skills-development and consulting effectively by reading a script. Issues arise, questions are asked and genuine examples and anecdotes are required. Trainers need to be negotiators who have had relevant and significant commercial experience and this is what you will get from Negotiation Workshop. Many other training companies simply don’t have this sort of person on their books. Lead consultant for many workshops is David Bryson who has negotiated hundreds of high-value and often complex deals in many different countries. In addition to his wealth of commercial experience, he is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply, has been extensively trained in the widely-used Harvard method at The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, and holds a BSc.(Hons) in Economics. He has delivered negotiation skills training for the executive education programs of Warwick Business School and Cass Business School and regularly contributes to conferences on negotiation around the globe. Negotiation Workshop comprises a small team of senior, well-respected professionals, all of whom have had deep commercial experience and who excel at communication in the training context. Precisely who delivers your training program is important and will be discussed with you and confirmed at an early stage.

County Guard Dogs Security And Training

county guard dogs security and training

County Guard Dogs Security and Training Ltd Canine Division is operated by a civilian with many years experience in both Security and Dog Handling. Richard has trained along side Police, R A F, Army and Civilian instructors. He is both a member and a qualified Dog Handler of NTIPDU & BIPDT, also an Instructor of the NTIPDU and a qualified BIPDT Tutor/Handler. Security Guarding Uniformed Security Officers trained for internal and external patrols. All officers have a basic understanding of the Law, including: - Theft, Robbery, Assault and Trespass. Control of access is vital to…. Dog Handling All patrol dogs are trained to pick up and indicate to its handler the presence of a person in its patrol area. They are also trained to accept other people in their environment and to only react if a threat is…. Detection Dogs This service has proven to be very effective in deterring the use of drugs and drug related incidents i.e. violence, absenteeism and insurance claims. It has also aided public houses and nightclubs…. Dogs For sale From time to time County Guard Dogs Security and Training ltd, have dogs for sale, please contact us for further information... More Information >> More Information >> More Information >> More Information >> County Guard Dogs Security and Training aim to provide its clients with a professional and cost effective service. After the initial training of all handlers we embark on a continuation training program which is carried out on site and at the training centre. This enables both Trainers and Officers to gain an in depth knowledge of their assignments It also gives both members of the partnership time to bond and create a professional team.

Herefordshire Council

herefordshire council


Herefordshire Council was established in April 1998 and took over the responsibilities of South Herefordshire District Council, Hereford City Council and Hereford-Worcester County Council and some of Leominster District Council and Malvern Hills District Council. Herefordshire Council's ambitions are set out in full in our county plan. They focus on the key areas of environment, community and economy and are to: Protect and enhance our environment and keep Herefordshire a great place to live Strengthen communities to ensure everyone lives well and safely together Support an economy which builds on the county's strengths and resources Herefordshire Council operates a leader and cabinet model of governance. The council's 53 members meet together as full Council to set the policy framework, agree the budget and spending plans, set the Council Tax, elect the leader of the council and make constitutional decisions. It is also a forum for debate on major issues affecting the council and the county. Once elected, the leader of the council appoints and chairs the cabinet, sometimes called the executive. Each cabinet member has a specific area of responsibility, called a portfolio. The different service areas or activities the council is responsible for are called functions and the law determines whether decisions about a function are the responsibility of full Council (or one of its committees), an individual officer, or of the executive. The council's employees, often called officers, are responsible for delivering the council's policies and for the day-to-day operation of the organisation. Officers have a duty to support the whole council, are not accountable to individual councillors or to the political group in control of the council and must remain politically neutral.



Child Protection Training for School Support StaffChildren are safer when everyone is Child Protection trained Before we started ChildSafeguarding.com, most child abuse prevention trainings in schools were written for English speaking, well-educated teachers. Those with more diverse learner profiles, specifically support staff such as security guards, cleaners, and bus drivers, did not have access to Child Protection training that met their needs. However, having all adults trained in Child Protection is critical to ensuring a school is Child Safe. In 2019, we came up with the idea to offer eLearning that met the needs of all learners while aligning to global Safeguarding standards. We built a proof of concept version of the course that we shared with international schools, Child Protection experts, law enforcement, accreditation agencies, and support staff working in schools. The overwhelming feedback we received was that schools worldwide needed this type of training. In 2020, we released ChildSafeguarding.com as the first universally accessible Child Protection training for all adults in schools. Our Child Protection Awareness Course and our bespoke eLearning platform are designed to be accessible and affordable to schools, school vendors, and other organizations that work with children. The course is web-based, designed for learners with any literacy level or educational background, available on-demand on any device, and is offered in multiple languages.