78 Educators providing Kids courses in Manchester

Dovestone Coaching

dovestone coaching

Ashton Under Lyne

My name is Jo and I'm the owner of Dovestone Coaching.  I have been a coaching for five years and have been a fully qualified coach for three years.  I run webinars, workshops and conduct personal coaching sessions.   I work with people who are stuck due to unhelpful thoughts and feelings.  Using techniques based on Acceptance and Commitment Coaching and Training [http://dovestonecoaching-com.stackstaging.com/faq/] (ACT) I help them unhook from these unwanted thoughts. By creating some distance between them and their thoughts they can respond more flexibly, giving freedom from their inner critic. ACT is a well-evidenced psychological framework to help people move forward and reduce the struggle in their life. I don’t just coach clients on ACT – I use these techniques myself every single day.  I am a member of The Association Of Coaching as I believe in maintaining professional standards and continue to develop my skills through training and education.  I must admit, I don’t do extreme sports, go to huge music festivals, or explore exotic places. You won’t see photos of me hanging off rocks, in a Porsche, doing a triathlon or in the executive suite of a posh hotel drinking champagne, because that’s just not me. Instead, I value the everyday things. Things like date nights, a glass of wine with friends, relaxing with a favourite book or playing with the kids. There’s magic in the everyday, I’ve found. It’s being present in these little, day-to-day things – the people and places that really matter to me – that makes my life rich and fulfilling.

Sew Creative

sew creative


Hi I’m Kate, I set up Sew Creative in 2016, however a lot of my customers are often surprised to hear that I haven’t always loved sewing - in fact I even paid one of my friends to sew my Year 7 Textiles project for me, then ditched the subject as soon as I was allowed in the following year! I eventually learnt to sew when I made the decision to study Fashion Design in Manchester. After my degree I worked in the fashion industry in both London and New York, before heading back up North to train to be a Textiles teacher and settle in Altrincham. Whilst teaching, I started to advertise sewing classes - it was originally just a way to earn a little extra money. I started on a table in Hobbycraft with a couple of old machines and some bits and pieces from my personal fabric stash. I sat there for several weeks, with no customers or interest, and was about to give up when Sue (now a member of staff!), my first ever customer, approached me asking if I’d teach her how to make her own patterns - and Sew Creative was born! Alex MANAGER Alex joined the Sew Creative team having left teaching in February 2020, just two weeks before the first National Lockdown! When she was a teacher, she taught social science, so sewing was a bit of a change! Alex sews most of her own clothes and can usually be found wearing at least one me-made item in store during the week. Alex teaches our adult classes as well as our teenagers. She is also the shop’s manager, so if you need anything, she is always happy to help! You can find her on Instagram @sewalexfaye "My favourite thing about being able to sew is making things that fit me properly. I'm almost 6ft tall so finding ready to wear trousers and dresses the right length has always been a challenge.Now I just make them to fit my body rather than the other way around!" Dawn TUTOR Dawn has been with us at Sew Creative for two years now and has become the heart and soul of the shop. Dawn is our resident neat-freak so she keeps us all nice and ship-shape. Dawn has been sewing for years and regularly makes herself gorgeous dresses and coats. Dawn can be found teaching our adults on a Tuesday and our Saturday classes. She is warm of heart and always up for a good natter! Jayne TUTOR Jayne joined Sew Creative in September 2020, in the midst of a Global Pandemic has has taken the rollercoaster ride like a true pro. Jayne’s career has been in lingerie design and she has worked with some of the biggest names in the biz! Jayne sews her won clothes, and loves making tailored trousers, she is always the picture of sophistication! Jayne works most weekdays and every other Saturday, teaching our kids and adult classes. She also teaches our Monday night adult lesson! George CHIEF EXECUTIVE George is the newest and most adorable member of the Sew Creative team. He’s not old enough to sew yet, but can often be found in the shop sporting a mum-made outfit. You’ll also find his full modelling portfolio on Instagram, where you are guaranteed a regular dose of cuteness. He keeps Eric and Dotty very busy and despite being so small, is always the centre of attention! We’re all convinced he’ll be the next Patrick Grant! Eric HEAD OF SECURITY Hi, I’m Eric. I can often be found guarding the front door at Sew Creative. While I might look big, tough and scary, I am actually quite a lovely chap. I love treats, cuddles, any food that you might be eating, and more cuddles. Please feel free to pick me up and cuddle me, instead of doing any sewing. I look forward to meeting you soon. Thank you. Dotty THE DUCHESS Hi, I’m Dotty. I am pretty shy, but if you’re quiet and gentle I will come for some cuddles. I can often be found sleeping in my basket, or following my Mum around - just to make sure that she’s still there! Volunteers and Party Facilitators In addition to our part and full time members of staff, Sew Creative also has a team of amazing volunteers who help us out every week. Lisa, Sue , Catherine and Liz can be found lending a helping hand in our kids and adults classes, alongside some of our teen sewers who give up their precious weekends to work with us! If you book a party with us, you will almost certainly meet our lovely party facilitators. Evie and Daisy have been sewing with us for years and as they have grown up, have proven themselves to be very capable seamstresses. Both ladies are excellent with kids and adults alike!




Squash Plus has a vision to raise the profile of the sport and make squash accessible to more people, specifically to children. Visibility is critical to success. Around the world there is the perception that many facilities are uninspiring places, often poorly maintained, and tucked away out of sight. This is changing slowly but until kids can see courts in public spaces - and play on them without expensive memberships - the sport cannot develop. ‍ During the pandemic, the sport’s reputation suffered further and what was recently thought of as one of the world’s healthiest sports became considered a high-risk activity simply because it is played indoors and in very enclosed spaces. Our challenge is to transform the image of squash courts and make them attractive in a post-pandemic era. ‍ We’re working on two complementary concepts: first, a lower-cost court with a steel and polycarbonate canopy which provides enough protection to ensure use in a variety of climates and weather conditions. We are continually refining the specification trialling numerous materials at our R&D court in Spain. Second, we have engaged HETA architects in London who are designing a series of elegant hi-tech pavilion structures for sites that demand a high level of architecture. ‍ For some years temporary glass courts have been put up for elite tournaments in landmark venues such as in front of the Pyramids of Giza or in Embarcadero Plaza, San Francisco. The time has now come for permanent courts to be built outside which will give the sport the exposure it really needs whilst delivering increased health benefits to players.

Clair Anderson

clair anderson


Hi 😊😊 I’m Clair. Founder of be your own kind of beautiful - community local well-being hub fb page of inspiration reiki training academy Also.. A human being - or rather a spiritual Being having a human experience 😊 A mum - of 3 beautiful ones A nannie- of 2 gorgeous little ones A wife of the less conventional kind… we don’t live together but we do life together as a team❤️ ( Dave lives above be your own kind of beautiful😊) A cat owner that is in fact totally owned by her cat🤪🤪 A daughter who’s parents have supported me so much through the years I am totally Blessed 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 A woman, with a mission to be my own kind of beautiful regardless of what society says I ‘should be’ Or should do. On a mission to inspire you to be your own kind of beautiful too. I’m Obsessed with self help self development self healing and reiki 😊🙏🏻 I have been an avid implementer of ‘do what you can with where you are at and with what you got’ I have many chronic physical health Conditions that slow me Down, but never hold Me Back. I’ve endured & overcome- Crippling anxiety & depression, PTSD x4!!! Agoraphobia A Mega negative mindset!! An emotionally abusive soul destroying marriage Thyroid cancer Chronic illness A decade of undiagnosed illness The Food banks & Pinch loo roll kinda poverty I could be an agony aunt lol !! I’m not. I’m a Reiki & Meditation Teacher. NLP Life Coach and my full time job is Uber ing my kids about 🤪 But all of this is what drives me to help others take their power back and help themselves to help themselves. Reiki allows me to live well despite my health issues. Infact being on a constant self healing and rising back mission - my health issues are the driving force behind everything I do! I am dedicated to my Path, I’m here to serve, so much so I actually Married the universe at crosby beach a couple Of years ago 😊🙏🏻 with my little people and a statue As my witnesses 😊😊 Be your own kind of beautiful, was a dream I had of ‘passionate about your well-being’ teachers and therapists all available In one place so that you can explore and experiment and find the well-being magic that works for you. Right on your doorstep. But also as a platform for new passionate teachers and therapists to find their feet. And get their magic out to the world. Supporting with a space to work from. advertising, marketing, and any advice I can help with in getting started in business. I teach Reiki in the studio- group classes and one2one training. This year imy first ever online Reiki Training adventure 😍 I’m in the therapy room Tuesdays for Reiki & Relaxation sessions and one2one training. You can join me for all things Reiki in my free fb group 👇👇👇 Be Reiki

Warrington Russian Language School Solnyshko

warrington russian language school solnyshko


It all began in June 2012, when a team of parents-enthusiasts set up a Russian speaking parent and toddler group, called “Solnyshko" (loosely translated as “Sunshine”). The aim of this group was to create a Russian speaking environment for their young children and help them in learning the Russian language. The parent and toddler group is aimed at children from 1 to 3 years and operates all year around, excluding school holidays. The sessions include the staples of singing, dancing, nursery rhymes, puppet shows, crafts and sensory activities for the younger ones, as well as themed sessions aimed at expanding vocabulary of a particular topic of the week, basic numeracy and knowledge of the alphabet. Following growing demand and in response to a number of requests, the Committee decided to open a Saturday school for teaching Russian language to older children in more depth. Thus, in September 2013 Warrington Russian Language School “Solnyshko” opened its doors to older children. The opening ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Warrington and accompanying dignitaries. "Solnyshko" has been expanding ever since and currently offers classes to children aged from 3 and 16 years. Classes are organised according to age and knowledge of the Russian language. The curriculum includes lessons of Russian language and literature, expanding vocabulary and music, preparing for Russian language GCSE exam. Our goal - creation of friendly Russian-speaking environment for children, helping them to learn the language, make friends and have fun. We are truly an international school, we unite people from different backgrounds and ethnic groups. The school holds regular “open lessons” and special children performances involving the school’s pupils, where parents have the opportunity to observe the development and success of their children. The Committee and school staff are tirelessly working on creating a positive and welcoming atmosphere in the school, which is important not only for children, but also helps adults to develop and maintain social ties and support each other. The school has a system of seeking parents feedback - in addition to regular parent surveys through written questionnaires, parents are invited to write their comments and suggestions and drop them in the “suggestion box”, located next to the entrance. They are also encouraged to ask questions or make suggestions at any time. The Committee is always glad to welcome new volunteers, who wish to join the management of the school. All school staff are DBS is checked. School teachers have appropriate pedagogical education and experience of working with children. Classes are held each Saturday from 9.30 to 11:50. From 12:00 a selection of clubs start. "Solnyshko" is a not-for-profit organisation, registered with Warrington Borough Council. Families, who have two or more children attending "Solnyshko" are eligible to discounts. Anyone, who is struggling to pay school fees, is encouraged to talk to the school’s Committee, where arrangements could be considered. *** Given the momentum and public support Warrington Russian Language School has received during its temporary closure on 12th of March 2022, we work closely with Warrington Borough Council on two matters: 1. On preventing bullying of kids with links to Russia or Russian language at this difficult time. 2. Working together helping Ukrainian refugees to quickly and successfully integrate into the community by providing translation/interpreting, advice and free lessons in our language school (English, Russian and Ukrainian), as well as access to art/painting, craft, music band, football and other activities in Russian language (as you know, most people in Ukraine can speak Russian language). We have a small database of local people (as well as our own teachers) willing to give their free time to teach various subjects and translate as necessary for the Ukrainian refugees. We also work closely with the community and can propose and host "tea and advice" meet up events in various locations. The temporary closure of our classes on 12th of March was very tough for everyone at Russian Language School "Solnyshko" (parents, pupils, teachers). We were so glad, however, to receive such overwhelming support from local community and happy it's behind us now. We look forward to even closer links to the wider community, St Wilfrids Primary School and Warrington Borough Council.

Raise Up Business Club (Silke Thistlewood)

raise up business club (silke thistlewood)


I (Silke Thistlewood, that’s me on the left with my 2 girls) set up a local networking group for mums in early 2017 after returning from (self employed) maternity leave and feeling decidedly isolated. I had lost my business mojo, felt pretty lonely, and couldn’t make any of the existing networking meetings (no babies allowed, too early, too late etc) so I decided to start my own. I called it Tonbridge Mums in Business and its facebook group grew to 500 members within just a few weeks (it surpassed 1,000 quite some time ago now). We’ve been having regular meetings ever since and the facebook community has grown from strength to strength, with the Thursday promotional thread having become a thing of legend. You have to see it to believe the amount of local talent! And now RuBC_LogoFinal_White_Rose.png In early 2019 I felt is was time to raise the bar and level up - in my own businesses and for the group. I had for some time been wanting to add more value for members - more structure, support and resources (mailing lists for meeting reminders, access to talks members can’t attend, accountability, goal setting etc). With 2 other businesses to run and young kids to look after this was logistically and financially not possible on a voluntary basis (paying for the yearly website subscription alone made my eyes water…..) so I made the decision to introduce a membership structure and a charge for the meetings. I very much hope that the pricing structure I have decided on reflects the value current members have gained from the group and the meetings, and the fact that most of us are working with small margins and reduced working hours crammed around child care and other responsibilities. To set the group apart from other networking meetings in the area, which are confusingly similar in name, the group has been re-branded and has a new name that I feel embodies what the group and community are - supportive, encouraging, non judgemental, inclusive, friendly and quite frankly, magical. I am blown away at each and every meeting by the friendships and kindness that members show each other. What you can expect Community, support, encouragement, friendship, collaborations, inspiration, education - online and in real life across both communities. Weekly check-ins, accountability prompts in the membership community to keep you on track, inspired and safe in the knowledge that this group of women will always have your back. We also co-work in real life and on zoom, go on walks together, discuss books and have coaching sessions with the one and only Action Woman. A wider community of businesses in the free facebook group with the chance to promote your business each Thursday, as well as getting to know others and forming friendships and a basis for collaborations. Someone will always have an answer to any questions you might have - business or otherwise. Regular networking meetings with expert speakers, mingling and cake and/or wine - and not an elevator pitch in sight (so no need to feel nervous). Easy going networking, without the need to “work the room” or hand out business cards at super sonic speed. Our meetings are informal but effective. Low key but inspirational, educational and supportive. Some kind words from business women in the community “There is always a warm excited, inclusive buzz within the group, with many friendships that have been formed over time and I know that some of us have started either using each other’s products or services – or formed collaborations with each other. It’s like a girls night out every month in Tonbridge! SAM HOGWOOD, ESCAPE FROM THE CITY This group has been very welcoming from my first step into my first meeting. I have found everyone in the group to be friendly and supportive of each other and encouraging of the development of one another's businesses. The facebook group and meetings have allowed for shared knowledge and experience in developing each others businesses. I have made great business links and come into work through the group, both paid and through joint collaborations. I have also made some lovely friends through the group which has been a really lovely added bonus CLAIRE READER, CAPTURE ME HAPPY PHOTOGRAPHY I started my Virtual Assistant business in the middle of last year and I am a regular on the weekly Thursday updates. These updates are great as not only do people learn how your business is growing but you can support and find out about other local businesses on your doorstep. I have not made it to one of the networking events that Silke kindly arranges yet, but I will, and when I do, I am sure it will be even more beneficial to my start up business than the group has been so far. EMMA HAGGART, KENT VIRTUAL ASSISTANT Since setting up my hypnotherapy business in 2018, I've found the support of this talented and diverse group to be wonderful. It's great knowing I am not alone in being new to setting up a business, and coming up against many of the same issues as others in the group. This is so reassuring, and I have really benefited from the shared knowledge, passion and experience of everyone in the group. Meet ups are friendly and dynamic, and the topics very fitting. I've made some good contacts and will always recommend fellow business owners where I can. Thanks to Silke this group has really grown and developed and I look forward to further collaboration this year.


Courses matching "Kids"

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By Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Delivered in London or UK Wide or OnlineFlexible Dates

Language courses for kids in Abu Dhabi

By Time Master Skill Development Center

Improve your child’s linguistic skills with Time Master skill development center’s Language courses for kids in Abu Dhabi.Our language courses include english,french,tamil,malayalam and many more.We have a team of highly qualified teachers  that  help your child learn the language in a quick and easy manner.Our courses are designed in a fun and interactive way for the overall improvement of your child’s linguistic abilities. Call us:02 6739171 Mail us, at  info@timemaster.ae     Learn more:https://timemaster.ae/language-courses Address:112576, ADCP Tower B,Office 404, Behind City Seasons, Electra Street,Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates

Language courses for kids in Abu Dhabi
Delivered In-PersonFlexible Dates

Online Quran Classes For Kids and Adults

By Quran Assistant

Learn Quran Online at your convince time

Online Quran Classes For Kids and Adults
Delivered in person or OnlineFlexible Dates

Skill Development Courses For Kids in Abu Dhabi

By Time Master Skill Development Center

Nurture your child’ s skills  with Time Master Skills Development Centre’s Skill Development Courses For Kids in Abu Dhabi.We provide a wide range of skill development courses such as personality development,chess,robotics coding and many more.With our child development courses improve your child’s life skills to make he/her a better person in the future. Call us:02 6739171 Mail :  info@timemaster.ae     Learn more:https://timemaster.ae/skill-development-courses Address:112576, ADCP Tower B,Office 404, Behind City Seasons, Electra Street,Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates

Skill Development Courses For Kids in Abu Dhabi
Delivered In-PersonFlexible Dates

Essential Bluetooth


By Systems & Network Training

Essential Bluetooth
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates



By Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Delivered in London or UK Wide or OnlineFlexible Dates

UCAS Points Booster Course - 32 Points


By Comply Sense

16-19 Courses to boost UCAS applications. Why not boost your chances of getting on to the courses you have applied for or are dreaming of by taking a series of regulated training courses which give you 32 UCAS points in total. Based in Crawley West Sussex, we can come to you or your school to get these valuable boosts booked in to help increase your chances with our compliance company Comply Sense

UCAS Points Booster Course - 32 Points
Delivered Online & In-Person in Manchester + 1 moreWed, Oct 2308:00 + more

Halloween Theme Screen Printing -( age 6 yrs upwards )


By Phoenix Pottery and Art Studio

A screen printing workshop for children. Phoenix pottery and art studio offer regular pottery, craft and art classes. Situated close to Warrington, Wigan, St Helen’s, Cheshire. Easily accessible from Both Manchester and Liverpool.

Halloween Theme Screen Printing -( age 6 yrs upwards )
Delivered In-Person in WarringtonTue, Oct 2210:00 + more

Baby & Child First Aid - Private Class

By Mini First Aid North Nottinghamshire, Grantham & Sleaford

The 2-hour Baby & Child First Aid class covers CPR, Choking, Bumps, Burns, Breaks, Bleeding, Febrile Seizures and Meningitis & Sepsis Awareness and will give everyone who attends the peace of mind they deserve.

Baby & Child First Aid - Private Class
Delivered In-PersonFlexible Dates
£20 to £125

Our *NEW* Mini First Aid Baby Proofing class is our second class, designed for parents and carers of babies and children over 3 months. It can be taken after our 2 hour Baby and Child First Aid class, or in isolation for those parents who are starting their weaning journey, or have a baby on the move!

Baby Proofing - Private Class
Delivered In-PersonFlexible Dates
£20 to £125