2079 Educators providing Kids courses delivered Online

Dr Sue Palmer-Conn

dr sue palmer-conn


I'm willing to bet You're smart and strong and in control of most aspects of your life! You likely have incredible kids and work hard in your chosen career, whether that’s working outside the home, or staying home to raise your children. Everything might look good on the outside — perfect even — but, if you’re reading this, I’m guessing that you (like so many other women) are living with a secret stress and shame, the weight of which is starting to pull you under. YOU’RE MISERABLE IN YOUR MARRIAGE AND YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO. Your husband might tell you that you’re the problem, and you know there are things you could work on, but are you really the whole problem? Isn’t it supposed to be 50/50? Maybe you keep reading about narcissism and you secretly wonder if your husband might be a narcissist. But if he is, then what does that make you? How on earth did you get here? This is all so confusing! I'm Dr Sue Palmer-Conn, aka The Divorce Doctor. I've been working with hundreds of women like you, all over the world, for fifteen years. I've been in your shoes myself I divorced at the age of 50 after a 25-year marriage. My husband was controlling, not physically but emotionally, and borderline narcissistic personality disordered. I was the first of my family and friends to get divorced. I didn't know where to turn. After I divorced, I started a new, very successful, career and alongside that developed a busy practice working with mid-life women thinking about and going through divorce. I am a multi-award-winning divorce coach, whose accolades include 'Global Divorce Coach of the Year'. I now run my own Divorce Coaching Academy training the next generation of divorce coaches.




Squash Plus has a vision to raise the profile of the sport and make squash accessible to more people, specifically to children. Visibility is critical to success. Around the world there is the perception that many facilities are uninspiring places, often poorly maintained, and tucked away out of sight. This is changing slowly but until kids can see courts in public spaces - and play on them without expensive memberships - the sport cannot develop. ‍ During the pandemic, the sport’s reputation suffered further and what was recently thought of as one of the world’s healthiest sports became considered a high-risk activity simply because it is played indoors and in very enclosed spaces. Our challenge is to transform the image of squash courts and make them attractive in a post-pandemic era. ‍ We’re working on two complementary concepts: first, a lower-cost court with a steel and polycarbonate canopy which provides enough protection to ensure use in a variety of climates and weather conditions. We are continually refining the specification trialling numerous materials at our R&D court in Spain. Second, we have engaged HETA architects in London who are designing a series of elegant hi-tech pavilion structures for sites that demand a high level of architecture. ‍ For some years temporary glass courts have been put up for elite tournaments in landmark venues such as in front of the Pyramids of Giza or in Embarcadero Plaza, San Francisco. The time has now come for permanent courts to be built outside which will give the sport the exposure it really needs whilst delivering increased health benefits to players.

Linlithgow Museum

linlithgow museum


Learn about civic life in Linlithgow and celebrate the town's rich royal heritage. This gallery features our stunning Mary, Queen of Scots statue, which was the first life-size statue of her to be commissioned in Scotland. Discover our trades and industries including dyeing, explosives, pharmaceuticals and electronics. Kids (and adults) will love the hands on interactives which include make your own medicine, design your own banner, and even a smelling interactive. In this gallery visitors can learn about the Linlithgow Marches, sports and leisure, politics, education and so much more. Key objects include Tam Dalyell's typewriter, our Waldie digital interactive and the hugely impressive Scotch Brigade banners. Our flexible space for activities, talks and film screenings. Check out what’s on. The space is available for use by local groups and currently featuring a display of historic costumed dolls, and an exhibition celebrating 200 years of the Union Canal. Our dedicated team of volunteers have played a critical role in delivering an ambitious activity plan. Since moving to Tam Dalyell House, volunteers have contributed over 4,000 hours of their time. They have researched, documented, conserved and photographed the collection, conducted oral history interviews, taken part in archaeology digs, planned school sessions and developed activities for young people. We've run an animation project with St Josephs and Low Port Primary Schools. Bridgend Primary co-curated our first community exhibition. Springfield, Linlithgow and Linlithgow Bridge Primary Schools have delivered drama and song writing performances in the museum. We’ve delivered reminiscence, oral history programmes, community film showings and much, much more. There is always something to get involved with at Linlithgow Museum - find out more about volunteering here.

HD Beauty & Business Academy

hd beauty & business academy


I thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself; My Name is Hannah and I am the face behind the academy.  I come from a normal hard working family orientated family. I have dyslexia, dyspraxia, and irlen syndrome (learning difficulties) & undiagnosed ASD/ADHD. I finished school with 5C's 5D's and a E - I failed maths and English and I was told I'd never accomplish anything. I am a mum & career, I have to two happy, healthy, very chalk and cheese, strong-minded boys who both have they're own challenges but I wouldn't change it for the world I am a salon owner - HD Beauty and Aesthetics I've been in the industry now for nearly 8 years working my way though the industry, paying for my first course and working to pay for my next and so on. I started with body waxing 8 years ago and I'm still learning and adding to my knowledge.  I started in the back room of a local hairdressers & opened my own salon 5 years ago, recently moving to even bigger premises! I LOVE my job! I love making people feel good about themselves again, giving them confidence in their body. I am a business mentor - I have a passion for teaching and mentoring others coming into the beauty and aesthetics industry whether it's own salon goals or working within a salon, everyone needs support and guidance. It's a daunting and bitchy industry to be in and you should never feel like your alone. I support clients in various ways to smash their business and goals and help them achieve anything they want on a 1-1 bases!  I am a beauty training academy owner - pulling my passion for teaching and lashing together to offer the opportunity to others to build their very own career in the beauty industry. Beauty has changed mine and my families life. It's given me the flexibility to work around my kids, watch them grow up and attend the important events while feeling like I have something for me and bring in my own money. I have alot more exciting things planned with this - I can not wait to share it!  This is me! I have so much planned for each of my businesses , working everyday to achieve my goals.  The most important thing I have learnt is to never give up.. don't let your past shadow your future.  You can achieve ANYTHING you want and I love supporting others to do the same.

Bike For Good Glasgow West

bike for good glasgow west


Bike for Good is a charity and social enterprise which started in July 2010 in a small stall in Glasgow’s Barras market. With a few donated bikes, a cobbled-together tool kit and a team of volunteers with a huge amount of passion and drive, Bike for Good (then known as Glasgow Bike Shed) was born! We now have three thriving Community Hubs in Glasgow and an amazing team of 42 staff members and 50 + volunteers who are changing thousands of lives through cycling. We have a West Hub, a South Hub and a hub on Civic Street which you can read more about here. You can learn more about the members of our amazing team. Many of our wonderful volunteers have shared their experiences of working with Bike for Good through our online case studies. Bike for Good provides access to low cost but good quality bikes whilst diverting tonnes of waste from landfill. These bikes are kindly donated by members of the public and are then refurbished and sold in our two Community Hubs. Find out more about how to donate your bike. On average, our team of mechanics refurbish over 1000 bikes per year, diverting tonnes of waste from landfill while also providing access to affordable bikes to the public. Find out more about how to buy a refurbished bike. As well as the environmental impact of this work, the income from bike sales helps to fund our work in the community. To keep your bike in tip-top condition, our expert mechanics offer a comprehensive bike maintenance and repair service. The aim is to keep you cycling all year round. In addition, we offer a comprehensive programme of inclusive projects which promote, support and encourage greater levels of cycling. Cycling has a multitude of benefits for society, from environmental improvements to health promotion and financial savings. We have created a series of projects and services which seek to highlight this to the public and fill a gap in current provision. Our work is structured under three impact themes: Active Travel – promotes cycling as a sustainable form of transport through the delivery of: Refurbished bike sales and bike servicing Bike and e-bike loans Community Dr Bikes (pop up bike maintenance sessions) Maintenance classes Bike Buddies programme Weekly cycle training sessions E-cargo bike loans Confidence building led rides Extensive film and speaker event programme Skills and Development – improves the life chances of young people and adults who are not engaged in full time education or employment through the delivery of: Maintenance classes City and Guilds qualifications Build your own bike courses Fix your own bike sessions, including ones for young people Govanhill Gears Kids Club (led ride and learn to ride activities) Bespoke volunteering and development programme Women and non-binary specific maintenance programme Health and Wellbeing – improves the mental and physical wellbeing of people with long-term health conditions through the delivery of: 1:1 cycle confidence building sessions Weekly group rides Supporting partner organisations and participants to create their own cycling groups/hubs Providing an affordable transport option to those on a low income via reduced price Nextbike memberships Weekly women and non-binary specific cycle training sessions You can find out more about these services and how to access them through the Get a Bike, Repair a Bike, Get Cycling and Develop Your Skills pages. Recently we launched a subsidiary organisation (in partnership with Vélogik) called Motion Forward which provides business to business service and fleet maintenance. A share of the income from Motion Forward will help deliver our charitable work. vision, mission and values Our projects and services are all designed to help achieve our vision and mission: vision A healthy and inclusive environment where everyone in the community benefits from more people cycling. mission We enable people to ride a bike. We believe that cycling is the most effective and sustainable form of transport; we believe it enhances our chances for a healthy life and environment. values Passionate – We are passionate about cycling as a tool for positive change. Supportive – We work at the heart of communities, empowering people and building partnerships. To make this happen, we nurture a collaborative work environment. Environmentally aware – We protect and preserve the environment for the benefit of all. Expertise – We continuously develop our skills and share them with our volunteers and staff, and throughout the community.

Yapton Free Church

yapton free church

West Wittering

Yapton Free Church is an all age community living in a revelation of who God is and what his Son did on the Cross. We are located in the six villages area of West Sussex, with a heart for this area and for the nation of England. There is always something going on at Yapton Free Church: prayer, kids, youth, etc and many international adventures. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us. Our Vision We desire to be a church that seeks to worship God the Father through Jesus Christ the Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit, seeking to know him better through worship, praise, prayer, and the word. We desire to fulfil Luke 10:27, to: "Love the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our strength and with all our mind" and "Love our neighbours as our self." We recognise that there is only one true church consisting of all born again believers - regardless of denomination - and we seek to work and pray with other local, national and international Christians and churches. We are here as a body of believers to fulfill our part in the Great Commission with local, national and international evangelism - "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you". Matthew 28:19-20. We desire to be a church praying and preparing for world revival recognising that: The Bible is crucial to our personal growth: "All scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Baby Swimmers & Swimmers Academy - Swimming Lessons

baby swimmers & swimmers academy - swimming lessons


Baby Swimmers was founded in Yorkshire in 2004 by Tracy Margo after attending similar classes with her first baby. She found them so beneficial and enjoyable that she was inspired to set up her own classes to teach little ones water safety skills, and their parents the enjoyment of bonding with their baby in the water. From just one small class, today we teach over 500 children every week across North & West Yorkshire through our team of incredibly talented and passionate swim teachers. And in 2019, we were thrilled to be crowned winners of the What’s On 4 Kids ‘Most Loved Sport or Physical Activity award’. There are lots of reasons why baby swimming is good for your baby (and you, too!). You can read more about the benefits of baby swimming, and why it’s important to get them happy and confident in the water as soon as possible. Here at Baby Swimmers, we understand that children develop differently, which is why all our lessons are child-led to ensure little ones are taught and developed at their own pace. Once your child is older and confident in the water they’ll progress to our Swimmers Academy, where we’ll focus on improving their stroke technique, stamina and survival skills, including lifesaving awards. Our mission is to get children in the water and confident as soon as possible, so whatever your child’s age or ability, we’ve a class that’s just right for them. Sing and play through our structured awards programme, and see your little one progress to a confident swimmer! Find your nearest class 5.0 / 5.0 100 Customer Reviews Baby Swimmers About Classes Shop Contact For members My account My orders Messages Login Other Franchise Awards Terms & privacy Cookies Baby Swimmers Yorkshire Tel: 0333 3355388 info@babyswimmers.co.uk Feedback copyright © 2009 - 2023 babyswimmers.co.uk, swimmersacademy.co.uk Miro Perdoch Web Design