148 Educators providing Insurance courses in London

Ifsa Uk

ifsa uk


The International Feng Shui Association (IFSA) of Singapore is pleased to announce the establishment of its UK Chapter in London on 20th October 2021. The IFSA is a non-profit organisation that was founded in Singapore on May 8th 2004 by a passionate community of Feng Shui masters, practitioner, academics, and other experts in Chinese metaphysics. Its aim is to assist the global cultivation, awareness and appreciation of traditional Chinese Feng Shui and to foster the highest standards of competence and practice within this industry. The IFSA also aims to assist all traditional Feng Shui Practitioners, by engaging in various events and educational activities designed to promote to traditional Chinese. The benefits of being a member include: a. Membership of a reliable organisation headed by no less than 4 Feng Shui Grandmasters (GM Tan Khoon Yong, GM Vincent Koh, GM Raymond Lo, GM Dr Stephen Skinner). b. Access to an online Facebook closed group that allows you to ask questions (at whatever level) and to receive answers from acknowledged Masters. c. Access to friendship and community, with other members with the same interests in Feng Shui, Bazi, Qi men dun jia, Yi Jing, XKDG, etc. d. Regular online catch ups/ F2F meets when Covid is no longer an issue. e. Availability of specialist classes (online and otherwise at additional fees) designed to enhance your existing feng shui skills. f. Reduced rates at the annual International Feng Shui Convention (this year to be held online on 6th-7th November, with specialist classes on 5th and 8th November) g. Discounted purchase of the first luopan that is accompanied by a manual giving full details of method of use for every ring, authored by GM Dr Stephen Skinner and Master Dr Jin Peh. And for those practicing feng shui as a business: h. Certification when certain levels of competence are reached, which can then be displayed in your office. i. Access to very inexpensive Professional Indemnity insurance, The membership base of the IFSA encompasses much of the globe with Chapters in Australia, Singapore, US, Japan, Poland, Mauritius, Romania, and now the UK, with many members in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Estonia, France, Greece, Mexico, Germany, Dubai, India, and Indonesia, making the IFSA a truly International Feng Shui Association. The pro-tem Committee of Management for IFSA UK includes Grand Master Dr Stephen Skinner, Master Tony Holdsworth, Master Richard Ashworth, Victoria Michaelides (aka Victoria Mohajerin),and Navaneeta Das, with Master Dr Jin Peh and Master Janene Laird as Honorary Committee. Members.Membership is divided into: Affiliate (students and enthusiasts) Associate with at least 1 year of practice, (and maybe posting feng shui articles or selling feng shui books/courses, etc.) Full Professional (at least 3 years of practice), and Corporate members (retail companies offering professional feng shui consultations, and maybe feng shui articles/books/courses, etc. Corporate fees will include 1 free ad on the IFSA-UK website and their Facebook page). If you wish to find out more about IFSA UK and its many benefits, then please visit our website at IFSA-UK.ORG. Or to join us today, at Associate or higher level, click on https://ifsa-uk.org/membership-join/?member_level=Associate.

E Clinic

e clinic


Every year as we approach the year end, I like to take stock of where we are and write a letter to clients. This is in part to thank you for your much valued business, but also to tell you how things are going here at e-clinic and let you know a little of what we have planned for the coming year. I hope you’ve all had a good 2015 and are looking forward to taking some time out over the festive period. The feedback we’re getting from clients is that the market in most sectors has improved this year and that whilst there is some way to go, things are certainly easier than they have been in the last few years. 2015 has been a good year for e-clinic, with healthy increases in both revenue and profit. Indeed, it’s fair to say that our company is in the strongest position it has ever been. I tell you this as hopefully it gives you reassurance that, having been around for a long time already, we intend to be around for a very long time to come, and that can only happen if our business is stable and profitable. Most of the increased revenue has, of course, gone back into improving the business, rather than into my guitar collection! Our team has almost doubled in size over the last year, which has enabled me to focus much more on development than in previous years. It has also enabled us to reduce support response times significantly. Our performance is independently monitored by ZenDesk and currently we sit in the world’s top 4% of software companies who use ZenDesk in terms of support team performance. I think this is something we can be very proud of and I know many of you have taken the time to comment on the quality of service you receive from Robin and his team. They have worked very hard this year and I am, as always, very much indebted to them. The development team has continued to work away behind the scenes on ideas for the next version of e-clinic. We recently completed the work on Healthcode integration for insurance invoicing, along with a full integration with Xero Accounts. Currently Dillip is looking at ways to better implement email marketing from within e-clinic, including the reporting of outcomes such as emails opened and clicked through directly within the patient record. Hannah is doing some very exciting stuff with web and Facebook and Joe is beavering away on some interface improvements to bring us more in line with current trends and to improve our mobile options. The growing sales and marketing team also continues to improve client communications and we have a number of plans in this regard for next year, particularly in terms of improving our web site for mobile users. I’ll be spending a little more time than usual at home with my family (and my guitars) over Christmas, but for those of you who have to work over the holidays, we will be providing support during business hours as we always do (more details lower down). I’d like to finish by thanking you all for your business over the past year. I hope you all have a wonderful time over Christmas and the New Year and return refreshed and excited for what will hopefully be an excellent year for us all in 2016.