543 Educators providing Information Security (IS) courses in London





ClayKilnCraft is an independent educational and training pottery set in the heart of Crystal Palace, South East London. Started in 2014 by ceramic artist Aliya Rashid giving wheel lessons in her studio for beginners, the company has evolved into a thriving creative space teaching people of all abilities to throw, handbuild and explore their inner artist while improving and building on their skills. After graduating in Ceramics at Camberwell College of Art with a first class honours degree, Aliya fell into teaching by accident after she was recommended by a friend to teach pottery at a centre 
for special needs adults in London. ‘It was a very challenging, but rewarding experience. I came away from that summer project completely humbled. I knew I wanted to do more. ‘It started small, with monthly lessons. When my students wanted more I found space in a basement converted toilet! And yes, it was as grim as it sounds. When it rained the smell was… very pungent! ‘I was thrilled to find the shop I’m in now. It’s taken a lot of hard work to get it to this stage. It’s all been done with sheer hard work, doing two jobs to finance everything. This is an independent studio and I’m determined it should stay that way. The atmosphere is relaxed, fun and supportive whatever my students aims are. The studio is looking fantastic and the facilities improve on a weekly basis. ‘As well as core courses and classes for beginners and intermediates, we now offer open access to people of all abilities. The studio helps people to develop at their own pace to make what interests them whether they are hobby potters and just want to relax after a hard days work or they are serious potters looking to sell or exhibit their work. We work with the individual’

The Redesign Coaching

the redesign coaching


I’VE BEEN IN YOUR SHOES…. ..and ever since I’ve been on a crusade to support successful but unfulfilled mid-life professionals to find a way out of what it is they think they SHOULD be sticking with to finding a new working life chapter that fills them with joy. I spent over 20 years working in senior PR and Communication corporate roles working with some of the most famous luxury brands in the world. For many years and for the most part I loved it - I got to travel the world, meet interesting people, work on exciting projects and felt like I was ‘lucky’ to work with such companies. I moved into my forties, had my second child and as I moved into a different ‘phase’ of my life the landscape just didn't look the same any more. Don’t get me wrong there were still parts that I loved (which makes it even harder to make a change, I know and understand this…) but the corporate landscape just didn't work for me anymore. I worked long hours and travelled, hardly seeing my children except for weekends. The juggle between family life and a busy career started to take its toll (that feeling of not feeling like you are doing anything well) and of course I never had any time to take care of myself, that was definitely last on the list. Finally deep down I knew I wanted to do something different, which if you are reading this is likely to be where you are now. It was not an easy decision to make, I know that it can also feel like you are leaving a life and part of you behind. However with the help of a coach I knew it was time for a change and a new challenge that gave me the flexibility and autonomy that I craved. I retrained with The Coaching Academy the UK’s leading coaching organisation which is ICF accredited. I now work as a Career and Personal Performance Coach and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Practitioner. I am a graduate in Psychology, a member of the British Psychological Society and a licensed Firework Career Coach.