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Bike For Good Glasgow West

bike for good glasgow west


Bike for Good is a charity and social enterprise which started in July 2010 in a small stall in Glasgow’s Barras market. With a few donated bikes, a cobbled-together tool kit and a team of volunteers with a huge amount of passion and drive, Bike for Good (then known as Glasgow Bike Shed) was born! We now have three thriving Community Hubs in Glasgow and an amazing team of 42 staff members and 50 + volunteers who are changing thousands of lives through cycling. We have a West Hub, a South Hub and a hub on Civic Street which you can read more about here. You can learn more about the members of our amazing team. Many of our wonderful volunteers have shared their experiences of working with Bike for Good through our online case studies. Bike for Good provides access to low cost but good quality bikes whilst diverting tonnes of waste from landfill. These bikes are kindly donated by members of the public and are then refurbished and sold in our two Community Hubs. Find out more about how to donate your bike. On average, our team of mechanics refurbish over 1000 bikes per year, diverting tonnes of waste from landfill while also providing access to affordable bikes to the public. Find out more about how to buy a refurbished bike. As well as the environmental impact of this work, the income from bike sales helps to fund our work in the community. To keep your bike in tip-top condition, our expert mechanics offer a comprehensive bike maintenance and repair service. The aim is to keep you cycling all year round. In addition, we offer a comprehensive programme of inclusive projects which promote, support and encourage greater levels of cycling. Cycling has a multitude of benefits for society, from environmental improvements to health promotion and financial savings. We have created a series of projects and services which seek to highlight this to the public and fill a gap in current provision. Our work is structured under three impact themes: Active Travel – promotes cycling as a sustainable form of transport through the delivery of: Refurbished bike sales and bike servicing Bike and e-bike loans Community Dr Bikes (pop up bike maintenance sessions) Maintenance classes Bike Buddies programme Weekly cycle training sessions E-cargo bike loans Confidence building led rides Extensive film and speaker event programme Skills and Development – improves the life chances of young people and adults who are not engaged in full time education or employment through the delivery of: Maintenance classes City and Guilds qualifications Build your own bike courses Fix your own bike sessions, including ones for young people Govanhill Gears Kids Club (led ride and learn to ride activities) Bespoke volunteering and development programme Women and non-binary specific maintenance programme Health and Wellbeing – improves the mental and physical wellbeing of people with long-term health conditions through the delivery of: 1:1 cycle confidence building sessions Weekly group rides Supporting partner organisations and participants to create their own cycling groups/hubs Providing an affordable transport option to those on a low income via reduced price Nextbike memberships Weekly women and non-binary specific cycle training sessions You can find out more about these services and how to access them through the Get a Bike, Repair a Bike, Get Cycling and Develop Your Skills pages. Recently we launched a subsidiary organisation (in partnership with Vélogik) called Motion Forward which provides business to business service and fleet maintenance. A share of the income from Motion Forward will help deliver our charitable work. vision, mission and values Our projects and services are all designed to help achieve our vision and mission: vision A healthy and inclusive environment where everyone in the community benefits from more people cycling. mission We enable people to ride a bike. We believe that cycling is the most effective and sustainable form of transport; we believe it enhances our chances for a healthy life and environment. values Passionate – We are passionate about cycling as a tool for positive change. Supportive – We work at the heart of communities, empowering people and building partnerships. To make this happen, we nurture a collaborative work environment. Environmentally aware – We protect and preserve the environment for the benefit of all. Expertise – We continuously develop our skills and share them with our volunteers and staff, and throughout the community.

Beeleaf Institute For Contemporary Psychotherapy

beeleaf institute for contemporary psychotherapy



Cutting edge training methods that are focussed on the learning process of the trainee, supporting the individual’s unique journey of exploration and adaptation, are a great part in what has caused BeeLeaf’s reputation and popularity to spread so far, so quickly. BeeLeaf is a Training and Accrediting Member of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy. We enjoy the attendance of international delegates, from a wide range of cultural, social and professional backgrounds, who all contribute to what makes the BeeLeaf experience so special. BeeLeaf is a not-for-profit Organisation and was established in 1993 by Hypno-Psychotherapist and Trainer, Pamela Gawler-Wright, to establish a unifying identity for her therapy and teaching work. Pamela has designed and delivered seminars, workshops and training courses since 1986 for many local authorities and established Training Organisations, across the length and breadth of the British Isles. BeeLeaf is a response to the request of many of her clients, trainees and supervisees. People hungered for creative, practical and challenging Psychotherapy training in a learning environment that honoured in practice the presuppositions of Erickson, Satir, Perls, Bateson and Systemic NLP. Therefore, an independent training organisation was created, that grounded its work in the ethical and therapeutic application of Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy and Ericksonian Hypno- Psychotherapy. This approach has since blossomed into the modality of Contemporary Psychotherapy. Over the years, BeeLeaf has become a team of talented professionals with decades of collective experience in provision of psychotherapy and training, who have joined Pamela in this successful endeavour. Gill Turner, psychologist and Consultant, joined BeeLeaf in 1997 and assisted in forming the Foundation Certificate in Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy. The expansion of activity required the input of a new Managing Director and in 1999 Mandy-Jane Herring, an experienced Educationalist and Manager led BeeLeaf in another evolutionary leap. Not long after this Julia Lloyd, Graphic Designer joined as a Non-Executive Director. BeeLeaf’s team has since grown and is complemented by several other experienced and talented professionals in the field, all of whom bring something very special to the whole training experience.