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1365 Educators providing Influence courses

Pure Serenity

pure serenity


I'm in my local gym, setting up my weights for body pump and a "strange lady" approaches??? Right out of the blue she says "I've been watching you", "I've seen you working hard and I'm looking for ladies to join a ladies crew to row 3000 miles across the Atlantic ocean!". Can I ask you a question???....... Have you ever been approached with a proposal like this? Do you know what is involved in rowing the Atlantic Ocean? Fortunately, a few years earlier, my son returned home one day and announced he was rowing the Atlantic ocean - What????????? I quickly started to get as much information together to understand what was involved so I could support him as much as possible despite knowing the risks (eek!!). Unfortunately, my son's challenge did not happen as planned however, had he not brought the challenge to my attention and had I not researched it, I would not have had the foggiest idea about what was involved in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge (TWAC) and thought this lady was "crazy"!! Strangely enough, I was really excited that this "strange lady" had approached "me"! "I want to break the Guinness world record for the oldest crew of ladies ever to row and ocean" she said. "Wouldn't that be just amazing" I thought to myself?!?!? Now...being 53years old, very near to being able to take flexi retirement, I was frequently asked about when I was retiring like I was well past my sell by date!!! What is it about ladies of a certain age that people seem to think we are "passed it!" After a little thought (not much) I was in! I hadn't got a clue how we were going to raise a minimum of £100,000 plus charity funds to complete the challenge, I couldn't row, I despised the rowing machine in the gym, I disliked deep water because I like to see what's below the surface of the water (thank you very much), plus so many more reasons for not accepting the challenge! "If not you, then who? If not now, then when?" To cut a long story short - you can see from the picture - we did it!!! The details for the trip are being saved for a book, after all everyone has a book within them! What's the point of me sharing this story? Not a lot really?!? I'm a very ordinary person (Mum, Wife, Midwife, Life Coach and Ocean Rower!) who had the privilege of doing something really unusual. I cannot put into words how incredible the experience was. I follow the annual TWAC and am there with the crews in spirit, knowing how exhilarating and frightening it can be out there in a small ocean rowing boat on that amazing ocean. I believe ordinary people can achieve incredible things if they want it and if they really believe in themselves hence, my passion for life coaching. I want to help women achieve those things they only dream of, I want to help women believe in themselves and their body, to gain confidence and empower them to lead a fulfilled life. I want to help women be the best version of themselves and influence their children and their children's children. We only have one life - lets live it!

iStudy UK

istudy uk

We understand more than anyone how important it is for you to get the right qualifications at the right time. We also understand that when you have a lot to do, you might not always have the time free to go to a place of study. That is why we created this site, so you can take all the time you need to learn more about your chosen topics as well as be able to do the whole thing from home. We believe in empowering people by offering them opportunities to expand and extend their knowledge and skill set as well as giving them the support they need to achieve great things. With thousands of courses available and a team who will do just about anything to help you, it is safe to say that you will not find a better course provider on the internet and so we would love to work with you to make sure that you get the best experience and best results out of your education. WHAT WE DO Here at iStudy we provide a range of online training courses for those who want to gain new skills, and qualifications and update their knowledge. iStudy training courses are delivered entirely online through our sophisticated student learning portal. The student learning portal is an online learning management system that allows students to study for their courses online. This innovative technology means there is no need to attend any classes or take time off work to study. Professionally accredited courses All our courses are delivered in partnership with nationally recognised awarding bodies so be assured that what you learn with us matters when it comes to achieving your career goals. Study that suits you You do not have to give up your job or your life to get a new qualification, you can learn anytime, anywhere.

Colchester Institute

colchester institute


Colchester Institute provides first class education, professional development and technical skills training to over 8,000 young people and adults every year. The College supports individuals to launch or develop their careers, and local businesses to access the skills and talent they need to thrive. The College has two main campuses in Colchester and Braintree.  Programmes include full and part time further education courses, degrees and Apprenticeships as well as short courses for industry. Vocational learning is an integral part of all of our courses, where the knowledge gained from practical activities with cutting edge, industry standard resources, work placements and theory provides students with strong knowledge and skills in their chosen field. Our ambition is to ensure that all students achieve the best possible results they can, giving them a competitive edge when entering employment or taking their studies to the next level. Colchester Institute is regionally recognised for its outstanding facilities, which are constantly being renewed and refreshed. In Colchester, we have recently added a fantastic new facility for training in Health and Social Care to our £10m development supporting STEM subjects, and we now have a great new fitness gym for use by all students. At Braintree we have just completed a whole campus transformation programme, providing outstanding learning environments for all subject areas, including some of the very best facilities in the country for Digital Media and Engineering. Recent developments have included a brand new STEM Innovation Centre at our Braintree campus, extensive new facilities for Creative and Digital Media in Colchester and Braintree and a welcoming library and study zones in Colchester. These developments complement our existing fantastic facilities for Hospitality and Food, Performing Arts and Art and Design and many well equipped classroom spaces. Our degree students, enrolled at University Centre Colchester enjoy their own building and facilities and study on a wide range of degrees and apprenticeships, which are also focused strongly on preparing them for work, or progression at work. University Centre Colchester has an excellent track record for its graduates gaining work or further study on leaving the University Centre.

Creeksea Place

creeksea place


Creeksae Place Manor House Wedding Venue in Burnham, Essex has a rich history and meticulously kept gardens. The ideal venue for your weeding or event. Arthur Harris built Creeksea Place during the reign of Elizabeth 1st in 1569. It remained in his family for five generations after which it passed to the Mildmay family when Arthur’s great grand-daughter married Lord Mildmay. The current owners are the Bertorelli family and they too, coincidentally, have had five generations of ownership of this lovely historic Manor House during the reign of another Queen Elizabeth. In the intervening four and a half centuries much has occurred including many changes of ownership and usage. Now it is the determined wish of the current owners to continue the task of restoring this picturesque House to the glory it once was and to open the house and grounds up to the public at large. Once government restrictions allow, we will be hosting a myriad of varying and exciting public events. Arthur Harrys, as he was known in 1569, came from Prittlewell near Southend and was an important figure in those times. He had pledged to his Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth, to raise a hundred men who would defend the monarchy if civil unrest ever occurred. His family flourished and has continued to do so today. There are literally thousands of Harris descendants around the world, particularly in the United States. Lord Mildmay who married his great grand-daughter, was also a man of importance. Charles I appointed him as ‘Keeper of the Crown Jewels’, a post equivalent to Chancellor of the Exchequer today. Lord Mildmay owned many other properties in England at this time and was a man of influence and power. So much so that he was one of the twelve men who signed the death warrant of his King. Upon the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 with Charles II, Lord Mildmay was also sentenced to death for regicide – the killing of the Monarch. He was fortunate though. Due, no doubt to his power and connections, his sentence was commuted but his power had waned. The next significant Creeksea moment occurred in the late 17th century. Due to the imposition of the Window Tax – tax on large houses with many windows; the North Wing was demolished. This was a wing that extended into what is now the car park. The footings of this part of the House was actually traced-out by an American Harris descendent in the last few years. There is also a story that the bricks from the North Wing were taken by barge to London where a street called Creeksea Lane was built. In a House with so much history, myths and legends remain abound. There are tales about secret tunnels from the House to the nearby River Crouch used for smuggling. However, what is true is the fact that there are no cellars in Creeksea Place, due no doubt to the relatively high water table. This would certainly prove a problem for tunnelers. Nevertheless, there is the remains of a gravity-fed fountain pipe that runs from the House to one of the lakes on the Estate and also evidence of two ten foot deep ice houses that would have been used for the preservation of vegetables and grain. There are many ghosts! The most prominent of which involves the marriage between Lord Mildmay and the great grand-daughter of Arthur Harris, who was not entirely happy with the union, and so the tragic bride is said to have committed suicide. Her ghost, known as ‘The Lady of the Lake’ has apparently been seen meandering her way across the Lawn, down to the lakes.

The Old School Day Nursery & Pre-school

the old school day nursery & pre-school


The Old School Day Nursery in Nuneaton is part of the award-winning Tommies Childcare group. Enquire now for more information and availability.We stand with parents in raising well-balanced, happy and self-assured young people by investing time, care and resources in their well-being and development. 2. NURTURE A CREATIVE ENVIRONMENT We allow young minds the freedom to explore and discover in a safe, stable and nurturing environment, creating resourceful adults able to reason, respond to and influence their world. Recognise and celebrate individuality, where each child is valued for their uniqueness and distinctive strengths and taught to value and respect differences and diversity in others. 3. SUPPORT YOUR CHILD’S INDIVIDUALITY AND CONFIDENCE Foster a sense of self-worth from an early age, developing confidence and resilience in children that will enable them to withstand and overcome challenges as they grow. Encourage positive interaction and communication, building children’s’ understanding of friendship, co-operation and respect for others in wider society and promoting a sense of belonging. Boost independence, giving children the tools to become self-sufficient citizens in their community. 4. GUARANTEE OUR EMPLOYEES ARE THE BEST OF THE BEST We offer peace of mind that your child is in the best hands, providing the personal attention and nurturing environment of home underpinned by professional expertise and a genuine passion for inspiring children. We provide the best mentors and guides for your children, investing in staff who understand this is more than a job and are excited to help shape our next generation. OUR STORY… In 1998, Tommies owner/CEO, Caroline, had twin daughters who were attending a local pre-school. It was struggling financially and due to close as a result, but she was on the parents’ forum and became aware of the situation. Not wanting to see the pre-school that her family attended and loved, fail, she made an offer to buy the business. Caroline was able to save it and make it sustainable again. Since then Tommies has grown and developed considerably. We currently have eight day nurseries located across the West Midlands, Warwickshire, and Derby. At Tommies, our ethos has moved towards having a strong focus on the wellbeing of our staff as well as the children in our care. We’re extremely proud that Tommies has its own personality and its own way of doing things. It makes us unique, trusted, and the #1 choice for so many families. AWARD-WINNING PROVISION For three consecutive years, Tommies Childcare has received an award for being a Top 20 Most Recommended Mid-Size Nursery Provider in the UK, as reviewed by parents on daynurseries.co.uk. “Tommies Childcare has shown that it delivers excellent early education throughout its nurseries and we’d like to congratulate them on being a top nursery group, as rated by parents. We feel it is a real achievement to be recognised for being in the Top 20 nursery groups by the families and carers of the children.” Davina Ludlow, Director of daynurseries.co.uk In 2019, Tommies Childcare has received the 3 Star Best Companies Accreditation and was listed in the Best Companies to Work For lists. Tommies have also successfully maintained their 3 Star Best Companies Accreditation and place in the lists every year since 2019. “I would like to congratulate Tommies Childcare on your achievement. Best Companies have been producing the accreditation standard since 2006 to acknowledge excellence in the workplace. Organisations like Tommies Childcare have continued to focus on their employees and have been rewarded with an engaged workforce who tell us that this is a best company to work for.” Jonathan Austin, CEO & Founder of Best Companies

Institute Of School Business Leadership

institute of school business leadership


The Institute can trace its origins to informal gatherings amongst the earlier pioneers of state school business leadership over 40 years ago. As our education system has evolved, the education workforce has had to adapt. As schools continue to be afforded more local autonomy, and with it more direct accountability, the need for well-trained, qualified and competent school business professionals (SBPs) has become increasingly important in all school leadership structures. Between 2001 and 2012, the National College led a government-sponsored programme to develop thousands of SBPs. The coalition government favoured a move towards a sector-led, self-improving system, which signalled the end of National College SBP sponsored programmes. To continue the important SBP workforce professionalisation work initiated by the National College, in 2017 ISBL became a nationally recognised professional body by being granted the prestigious status of institute. Our role in the education system ISBL’s principal function is to provide all education stakeholders with confidence in the capability of school business professionals. In order to adequately serve our education system, this workforce needs to consist of technically competent, highly skilled and experienced practitioners. Here at ISBL, we set the benchmark for effective practice through sector-endorsed professional standards and provide development opportunities for our professional community and their institutions through a portfolio of quality-assured qualifications, training, resources, research and events. Helping secure a brighter future for our children: A blueprint for school business leadership practice This is a statement of ISBL’s intent, with effective school resource management at its core. It sets out our vision and commitment to supporting the ongoing development of a critical, fit-for-purpose workforce, along with the necessary steps towards equipping a cadre of professionals ready and able to support other school and trust leaders in responding to the complex challenges of our evolving education system. Download a copy of the ISBL blueprint here. How we influence policy ISBL aims to remain politically neutral. Using a non-partisan approach, we provide the Government with feedback from our community and a technical steer in areas of policy relevant to our expertise. In essence, we act as the conduit between policy and practice. We support all school business professionals We recognise the professional diversity that exists within the SBP community. In a mixed-economy education system, it is inevitable that there will be a variety of operating models – some very large and some much smaller. The structures that support these organisations will differ, as will levels of responsibility, accountability and complexity. It is therefore unsurprising that there are many versions of the SBP role. As an institute, it is our aim to develop and support practitioners at every stage of their career journey, whether they are an aspiring SBP, a practitioner in a standalone setting or indeed operating at an executive level across a number of schools.

Advance Change Ltd

advance change ltd

Actus the company was founded by Lucinda Carney, a Chartered Psychologist and former Head of Learning & Development at Siemens and at Pfizer before that. After years of experiencing first-hand the challenges of making Performance Management meaningful, she decided to set up Actus (then Advance Change) offering software that would overcome these challenges, supported by training and organisational development services to provide a comprehensive solution for culture change. Our ethos Since its inception, Actus has been one of the pioneers of performance management software in the UK. Our ultimate goal is to help build a better workplace for people and this goes beyond offering simple appraisal software. We are a small yet mighty (and very friendly!) team based in Redbourn, Hertfordshire and our software and services are highly comprehensive. We believe that to embed lasting, positive change, an organisation needs more than a very simple ‘off the shelf’ software that acts as a ‘tick box’ exercise. They need a system that will evolve with their needs as they grow and one that can be supported with the right training and consultancy options should they require them. What we offer Our Performance, Learning and Talent Suite is aimed at managing all your performance management needs in one place. That means one system and one source of truth. The beauty of Actus is that it eradicates the need for multiple complex HR systems, allowing the system to evolve with your organisations needs. To support you on your journey, we also offer a range of training and consultancy services to embed best practice. These include open and in-house training programmes to support remote/hybrid working and change initiatives, bespoke consultancy services, and a wide-range of free value-add thought leadership resources to support you on your journey. If you are interested in our products and services please get in touch below. Why we are different Our fully-comprehensive software eradicates the need for multiple complex HR systems, by providing customers with one fully-integrated solution that can be configured to their changing needs. We work in partnership with our customers. If you choose Actus you can directly influence the product roadmap. Our Performance Management Software offers more inclusive features than our competitor systems. In this rapidly changing environment, managers need all the help they can get to effectively motivate and manage people wherever they are located. We are passionate about helping people to build a better workplace, which is why we offer aligned training and consultancy services to support positive culture change in any organisation. We are constantly expanding and sharing knowledge with customers and the wider HR community through a wide range of initiatives including our free HR resources, popular monthly webinars and the top-ranking business podcast – The HR Uprising Podcast. Our Software Support Team is based at our UK-based Head Office, so if you have a problem or query you can call or email the helpdesk and receive a timely response from a real person. We have a strong history of integrating with other HR systems and working with clients to develop bespoke functionality. Awards and Accolades We are honoured to have achieved a number of industry awards, accolades and accreditations. They are a clear indication of our commitment to offering the very best to our customers and underpin our vision to be the UK Market Leader for Performance and Talent Management Software and Services. As a business, we are very proud of our achievements and recognition by our peers, customers and industry experts of our successes and the excellence of our products and services. We have chosen to align ourselves with the relevant quality benchmarks to ensure we are always using the best practice approaches to fulfil our promise to deliver the highest quality product and services to our customers. Association with all relevant business and industry bodies helps us to maintain our awareness of the latest thinking in HR, technology, what’s happening in the UK economic landscape and most importantly what issues our customers and prospects are facing that we can help resolve.